copypasta very funi lol! 0 PDF

Title copypasta very funi lol! 0
Author Jean Franco Fernandez Calderon
Course arte guay
Institution Berufsakademie Sachsen Staatliche Studienakademie Glauchau
Pages 1
File Size 48.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 7
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Ever since I got my dream hoodie woman wont stop fucking me and it's becoming a problem Ever since I got my dream hoodie woman wont stop fucking me, and it's becoming a problem. Now some hyper virgin like you that doesnt own a dream hoodie may not understand the problem, but let me tell you there is just too many bitches on my lap. Every day on my walk to school woman I pass will strip down and engage in spontaneous orgies purely because of my dream hoodie. As I'm in class the floor are soaked with pussy juices from all the girls being so damn wet over my dream hoodie. This has caused 68,000 dollars in water damage and I have to pay for it because I'm directly responsible. My fat cock is red and overworked, the dream hoodie may have increased it's size by 5 inches but that just means more surface area for it to rash from the constant hot orgies I'm having. My own mother refuses to look at me over fear. I've even had some femboy bussy thanks to this damn dream hoodie. My town of San Antonio Texas is having a population crisis now because of all the baby making that I single handedly have preformed, the pure testosterone energy of the dream hoodie has made me 7ft tall and with muscles wide as a desk. I have trouble fitting in doorways now thanks to this dream hoodie. The other day whist I was fucking your mother I gave a trust so hard that time broke and impregnated her years ago making you. I put hentai protagonists to shame with how many bitches jump onto my cock and immediately orgasm so hard they pass out, which is such an annoyance, have you ever tried to get a sleeping chick off your 4 inch wide cock? Not easy. This damn dream hoodie making me feel like a creep. The final straw was yesterday, I was doing my daily speedrun to see how fast I could fuck 25 widows and all of a sudden the dream hoodie teleported me to the divine realm of mara, where mara herself demanded I fuck every man and woman on tamriel before dusk, by the end of it I had so much bosmer bussy, argonian cloaca, elf tits, and nord dudes being the straightest whilest fucking other Nord dudes that I collapsed on the spot in front of mara before she sent me back to my home realm of San Antonio. I have decided I'm going to destroy this hoodie tomorrow, I'll climb up the tallest mountain and shove my massive dick right through it's peak until I reach the core of the earth, then I shall bury the dream hoodie right there and cover it over with all the materials of said mountain. That sight will be guarded by 500 land mines hooked up to nukes so if any man dare step within 10 miles of the burial sight they shall create a nuclear winter leading the the extermination of our society. This is where I shall spend the rest of my days, meditating every waking hour and training for the day that damned hoodie will rise again. I'll never let another human see that hoodie...

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