Course Outline SE Fall 2021 PDF

Title Course Outline SE Fall 2021
Author Hamza Shahid
Course Political Communication
Institution University of Northern Iowa
Pages 6
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University of Management and Technology Faculty of Computer Science

Course Title: Software Engineering Study Program: BSCS Fall 2021 Semester: 5 Section V4. 8 Pre-Req: Data Structures and Algorithms Course Code/Title: CC2101 Credit Hours: Resource Person:

3 SAIRA LATIF [email protected]

Sessions per week: 2 Timings & Room #: 3:30-4:45 (Mon,Thurs) 1. Course Introduction Software engineering is concerned with providing practical, cost-effective solutions to computing and information processing problems, by applying scientific knowledge, and developing software systems in the service of mankind. This course covers the fundamentals of software engineering, including understanding system requirements, applying effective methods of analysis, design, and testing, and the application of engineering tools. The course will combine a strong technical focus with a project providing the opportunity to practice engineering knowledge, skills, and practices in a realistic development setting with a real client.


Learning Objectives

The Learning objectives of this course is to: LO1: Enable the students to apply, software engineering practices and knowledge within the software development environment. LO2: Teach various software development models and phases of software development life cycle. LO3: Provide understanding of good software development practices for requirements elicitation, specification documentation, plans and UML based principle analysis and design artifacts. LO4: Provide concepts of project management, change control, quality assurance and software testing techniques.



At the successful completion of this course students should be able to: 1. To elicit, analyze and specify software requirements, creating analysis and design and testing artifacts along with a functional prototype of a hands-on Team Projects. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the SDLC and proper contents of project management plans, SRS, technical and user manual etc. 3. Use significant tools such as visual paradigm, Visioetctocreate , UMLdiagrams such as use case model, class diagram, and sequence diagrams 4. Use project management skills along with an ability to function effectively on teams.


4-Course Structure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Lecture slides about the course . Class Activities (case studies using theoretical and practical tools and techniques) and homework assignment, Midterm EXAM Assignments Quiz Final Exam

Course Duration This course will be held twice a week of 1 hour and 15 minutes class duration.


Course style The course will be delivered in an online environment.


Additional Course Requirement In addition to the objectives of this course, students are expected to gain skills to model and verify the real time case studies of the concurrent systems using automatic model checking tools.


Text and Other Resources 8.1


Ian Sommerville. Software Engineering, Addison-Wesley,(9th edition)


Reference material Software Engineering: A Practioner's Approach, Roger Pressman, McGraw-Hill, 7th Edition. Software tools : Visual Paradigm, IBM Rational Rose, MS Project, MS Visio


Course Outline The lecturers are supposed to complete the following topics/sub-topics before the mid/final term examination as prescribed in the course outline below:

Week 1

Lecture 1 2

2 1

2 3 1


4 1 2 5 1


6 1

2 7 1


Topics, sub topics Introduction What is software engineering, Frequently questions asked about software engineering, reasons for software failure, Software engineering diversity Applications types, software engineering fundamentals, Software Processes software engineering ethics, Software process introduction, process descriptions, plan driven and agile processes overview, software process models overview, waterfall model, incremental development, reuse oriented software engineering, Software Processes , Agile Software Development Process activities requirement engineering activities, design activity, software validation Testing, stages of testing, software evolution, coping with change, software prototype, incremental delivery and development, RUP model , Agile methods, principle of agile methods, agile methods applicability, , agile methods problems, technical, human, organizational issues, Extreme programming introduction, Quiz 01 Agile Software Development XP and agile principles, XP release cycle, Extreme programming practices, Requirements scenarios XP and change, refactoring, test first development, pair programming,, Agile project management, Scrum, scaling up and scaling out agile methods Requirement Engineering Requirement Engineering introduction, types of requirements, user and system requirements, functional and nonfunctional requirements, requirement completeness and consistency, Nonfunctional requirements classification, goals and requirements, usability requirements, metrics for nonfunctional requirements, domain requirements Assignment 01 Requirements Engineering Requirement engineering document, agile methods and requirements, the structure of requirement document, requirement specification, ways of writing requirement specification, Quiz 02 Natural Language specification, guidelines for writing requirements, problem with natural language specification, structured specification, Requirements Engineering/ System Modeling form based specification, tabular specification, requirement and design, Requirement engineering process, requirement elicitation and analysis, requirement discovery, interviewing, scenarios, use cases Assignment 02 Ethnography, requirement validation


Mid Term Exam


System Modeling



10 1

2 11 1 2

12 1

2 13 1

2 14 1

2 15 1 2 16 17


System modeling introduction, types of system perspectives, context model system boundaries, process perspective, interaction model, use case modeling, Sequence diagrams, structural models, class diagram, UML classes and association, generalization, aggregation, Behavioral models, data driven modeling, activity model, event driven modeling, state machine models, model driven engineering Quiz 03, Assignment 03 Architectural Design Software architecture, architectural design, architectural abstractions, architectural design decisions, architectural reuse, architecture and nonfunctional requirements Architectural views, 4+1 view, Architectural patterns, MVC pattern, layered architecture, repository architecture, Assignment 04 Architectural Design client server architecture, pipe and filter architecture, Introduction to Application architecture Application architecture, use of application architecture, transaction processing systems, information system architecture, language processing systemsAssignment 05 Software Testing Program testing, program testing goals, validation and verification, defects testing, inspection, software testing process, stages of testingQuiz 04 Development testing, unit testing, component testing, system testing, automated testing Software Testing System testing, testing policies, test driven development process, benefits of test-driven development, regression testing, release testing, requirements based testing, performance testing User testing, Alpha testing, beta testing, acceptance testing, stages in acceptance testing, agile method and acceptance testingAssignment 06 Software Evolution Software change, importance of evolution, evolution and servicing, Evolution processes, emergency change requests, Agile methods and evolution, handover problemsQuiz 05 Maintenance types, maintenance effort distribution, maintenance costs, maintenance cost factors,Assignment 07 Project Management Project management, success criteria for projects, management activities, risk management, Assignment 08 Risk management process, managing people, software pricing, factors effecting software pricing, Quiz 06 Project Management project scheduling process, tasks dependencies, staff allocation Final term exam

Assessment Criteria No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Assessment Mid Exam Final Exam Quiz Assignments Total

Percentage 15% 35% 25% 25% 100%


Attendance Requirements You are expected to attend all lectures, seminars, tutorials, or any other activity. Where you fail to attend classes, you cannot expect the lecturer to brief you on what you have missed. You are responsible for your attendance, and failure to attend the class will be taken into account.


Submission and Collection of Assignment All assignments should be handed in at the beginning of the class sessions when they are due..


General Information Students are required to be familiar with the university code conduct, and to abide by its terms and conditions.


Copying of Copyright Material by Student

A condition of acceptance as a student is the obligation to abide by the University’s policy on the copying of copyright material. This obligation covers photocopying of any material using the University’s photocopying machines, and the recording off air, and making subsequent copies, of radio or television broadcasts, and photocopying textbooks. Students who flagrantly disregard University policy and copyright requirements will be liable to disciplinary action under the Code of Conduct.


Academic Misconduct

Please refer to the Code of Conduct for definitions and penalties for Academic Misconduct, plagiarism, collusion, and other specific acts of academic dishonesty. Academic honesty is crucial to a student's credibility and self-esteem, and ultimately reflects the values and morals of the University as a whole. A student may work together with one or a group of students discussing assignment content, identifying relevant references, and debating issues relevant to the subject. Academic investigation is not limited to the views and opinions of one individual, but is built by forming opinion based on past and present work in the field. It is legitimate and appropriate to synthesize the work of others, provided that such work is clearly and accurately referenced. Plagiarism occurs when the work (including such things as text, figures, ideas, or conceptual structure, whether verbatim or not) created by another person or persons is used and presented as one’s own creation, unless the source of each quotation or piece of borrowed material is acknowledged with an appropriate citation. Encouraging or assisting another person to commit plagiarism is a form of improper collusion and may attract the same penalties. To prevent Academic Misconduct occurring, students are expected to familiarize themselves with the University policy, the Subject Outline statements, and specific assignment guidelines. Students should also seek advice from Subject Leaders on acceptable academic conduct.


Guidelines to Avoid Plagiarism

Whenever you copy more than a few words from any source, you must acknowledge that source by putting the quote in quotation marks and providing the name of the author. Full details must be provided in your bibliography. If you copy a diagram, statistical table, map, etc., you must acknowledge the source. The recommended way is to show this under the diagram. If you quote any statistics in your text, the source should be acknowledged. Again full details must be provided in your bibliography. Whenever you use the ideas of any other author you should acknowledge those, using the APA (American Psychological Association) style of referencing. Students are encouraged to co-operate, but collusion is a form of cheating. Students may use any sources (acknowledged of course) other than the assignments of fellow students. Unless your Subject Leader informs you otherwise, the following guideline should be used: Students may work together in obtaining references, discussing the content of the references and discussing the assignment, but when they write, they must write alone.


Referencing For Written Work

Referencing is necessary to acknowledge others' ideas, avoid plagiarism, and allow readers to access those others’ ideas. Referencing should: 1. Acknowledge others' ideas 2. Allow readers to find the source 3. Be consistent in format and

4. Acknowledge the source of the referencing format To attain these qualities, the school recommends use of either the Harvard or American Psychological Association style of referencing, both of which use the author/date.


Referencing Standards APA style referencing


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