ENTR100 Fall 2021 Course Outline - Waterloo PDF

Title ENTR100 Fall 2021 Course Outline - Waterloo
Course Intro. to Entrepreneurship
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Pages 15
File Size 438.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 57
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ENTR Course outline for the year, Prof...



Brandon Van Dam


[email protected]

Office Hours:

Mondays after synchronous class or by appointment via Zoom

Faculty Assistant:

Section: A

Indera Singh ([email protected])

Course Objectives: By the end of this course (ENTR100), students should be able to: 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Develop the foundational knowledge to understand how businesses work and be able to communicate using a basic business vocabulary. Summarize the different functional areas of a business and describe how decisions in those areas are interrelated and must be made in the context of the external environment of the business. Apply your knowledge of functional areas of a business in an experiential simulation of a startup business Develop essential skills that are necessary for success in business Understand the fundamental knowledge and skills that are needed to succeed in the ENTR suite of courses


Course Materials: • Pride, W. M., Hughes, R. J., Kapoor, J. R., Althouse, N. R., Allan, L. A.. (2020). Business (1st Canadian Edition). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education Ltd. o This text is offered through the Digital Textbook Access Program. Be sure to read your @mylaurier emails for important information about the digital program, how to use it with maximum functionality and opting out instructions/deadlines. An interactive learning tool called MindTap is included with the e-text. • Entrepreneur Interpretive Simulation o Access Codes for this simulation must be purchased from the Laurier Bookstore. Instructions for registering your access code by September 24th, 2021 as outlined in the simulation assignment instructions. • iClicker o An iClicker REEF subscription can be purchased from the Laurier Bookstore or directly from the iClicker website. Instructions for registering and using an iClicker are posted on MyLearningSpace (MyLS).

Course Covenant: As instructor for this course, you can expect that I will: • work hard to make this course interesting and a valuable learning experience • be respectful of your time both in and outside of class • be available and willing to help you in the course and to find your path to entrepreneurial success • give constructive and timely feedback • listen to and act on your feedback In return, as a student in this course, I expect you will: • • • • • •

come to class on time and prepared, and stay engaged in class contribute fully and equitably in group assignments ask if you need clarification or assistance turn in assignments on time give both me and your teammates constructive feedback NOT engage in academic misconduct


Course Methodology: In ENTR100 we will be using four approaches to learning: 1. Readings – The assigned text chapters, are designed to provide you with the base knowledge needed to understand the ‘threshold’ concepts and terminology required for the course. You will be quizzed and tested on these concepts, and they are needed to understand the richer classroom material. It will be expected that you have done the readings prior to completing the weekly quiz and prior to attending our synchronous class. 2. Pre-Lecture Videos – The pre-lecture videos posted on MyLearningSpace each week cover content that you need to review before lecture each week. The pre-lecture videos are a way for you to engage with content at your own pace to gain an understanding of the course concepts. These concepts will be tested on the examinations and to ensure you are keeping up with them, you may be asked to complete pre-lecture quizzes and/or answer questions during our synchronous lectures via iClicker. 3. Synchronous Lectures – The synchronous lecture will be focused on deeper and more advanced discussion of the base material. A variety of classroom engagement techniques will be used including iClicker questions (worth 5 marks in the course), break out groups and full class discussions. Power Point slides for the asynchronous material as well as the synchronous material will be available ahead of time on MyLS. The slides are also not a substitute for attending class; they are provided simply to give you a base upon which to take complete and organized notes. Our scheduled lecture time on Mondays at 7:00PM EST will include: • A synchronous (live) lecture delivered through our class Zoom link (found on the Zoom Meetings tab on MyLS) for approximately 2 hours • Office Hours for the remaining time 4. Simulation – Much of what you will learn about entrepreneurship will be because of your experiences and applying the principles and fundamentals you are learning to those experiences. It is difficult to truly understand how the decisions in a business are interrelated by just reading and talking about them. As a result, you will be engaged (in teams) in an exercise to simulate two years of decisions in a startup business and see how successful you can be. THERE ARE NO PHYSICAL ON-CAMPUS CLASSES OR ACTIVITIES FOR THIS COURSE. ANY GROUP WORK SHOULD BE COMPLETED VIRTUALLY, WITHOUT PHYSICAL MEETINGS. With that said, your engagement in team activities is important for both the team’s success and your own development. Being in a virtual environment does not mean that you can disengage; instead, it means that you need to make an even greater effort to engage. Your team members will be assessing your engagement in all team activities, as you will be assessing theirs. 3

Assessments/Grading: Your mark will be calculated based on the different assessment tools outlined below. It is your responsibility to ensure that work is of good quality, appropriately referenced, and submitted on time. Work handed in late will face grade penalties of 20% for each 24-hour period that your submission exceeds the deadline. Plan accordingly.

75 marks – Individual Assignments/Assessments: § 10 marks – MyLearningSpace Chapter and Pre-Lecture Video Quizzes • 5 marks – iClickers § The iClicker response system will be used to make our class time more engaging and assess understanding of course material § The lowest two session scores will be dropped at the end of the semester • 5 marks – Pitch § You will be doing a 1-minute video pitch on an idea for a new product/service § Pitch Video DUE Friday, October 8th @ 4PM • 25 marks – Midterm Exam § Monday, October 25th @ 7:00PM-9:00PM • 30 marks – Final Exam § Date determined by the registrar’s office

25 marks – Team Project: • 25 marks – Entrepreneur Interpretive Simulation – in groups of 4 § The simulation will run through October and November § Your grade will be based on: § Team Project Plan = 1 mark § DUE October 29th § Startup Decisions, Logo, & Quarter Start Decisions = 2 marks § DUE November 1st § Decision Rationale for Quarterly Decisions = 7 marks § Completed within website through simulation § DUE November 4th, November 8th, November 11th, November 15th, November 18th, November 22nd, and November 25th § Group Final Report = 10 marks § DUE December 3rd § Group Simulation Performance = 5 marks 4

Accessible Learning Students with disabilities or special needs are advised to contact Laurier’s Accessible Learning Centre for information regarding its services and resources. Students are encouraged to review the Calendar for information regarding all services available on campus. If you are unsure what resources are appropriate for you or require any assistance with any type of academic issues, contact the Central Academic Advising Office at www.wlu.ca/academicadvising. If you are registered with the Accessible Learning Centre to receive additional time for online assessments like quizzes, midterms or final exams, you can check that your time has been adjusted by following these steps: • In your course in MyLS, navigate to the ‘Quizzes’ tool • Click on the upcoming online assessment • On this page, check the ‘Time Allowed’. This should reflect the total time allowed for this assessment plus your additional time. Please note that times accommodations are updated throughout the term and will not always be in place immediately for assessments happening later. If the time note is incorrect less than 48 hours before your upcoming assessment, please contact [email protected] for assistance.

Student Wellness Resources Laurier’s Student Wellness Centre is the home of all physical, emotional and mental health services for students. Their multidisciplinary team offers comprehensive, collaborative service to help students get the best support in the most seamless and coordinated manner possible. All students have access to these services through their OHIP and extended health plans. The Centre welcomes and supports diverse communities. Please refer to this website for more information: https://students.wlu.ca/wellness-and-recreation/health-and-wellness/index.html

Remote Learning Student Support Hub Laurier recognizes that the current remote learning environment has its challenges and wants to ensure you are setup for success. The Support Hub provides students with links to academic support, mental health support, and ways to stay connected to the Laurier community. For more information visit the website at: https://students.wlu.ca/academics/support-and-advising/study-skills-and-coursesupport/assets/resources/remote-learning-student-support-hub.html?ref=remote-learning

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING PROCEDURES AND EXPECTATIONS Course Materials The educational materials developed for this course, including, but not limited to, lecture notes and slides, pre-lecture videos, handout materials, examinations and assignments, and any materials posted to MyLearningSpace, are the intellectual property of the course instructor. These materials have been developed for student use only and they are not intended for wider dissemination and/or communication outside of a given course. Posting or providing 5

unauthorized audio, video, or textual material of lecture content to third-party websites violates an instructor’s intellectual property rights, and the Canadian Copyright Act. Recording lectures in any way is prohibited in this course unless specific permission has been granted by the instructor. Failure to follow these instructions may be in contravention of the university’s Code of Student Conduct and/or Code of Academic Conduct, and will result in appropriate penalties. Participation in this course constitutes an agreement by all parties to abide by the relevant University Policies, and to respect the intellectual property of others during and after their association with Wilfrid Laurier University.

Academic Misconduct §

The university and the instructors of this course have strict policies regarding academic misconduct. University expectations are outlined in the university calendar. Pay particular attention to the discussion of plagiarism, and learn how to properly give credit to the work of others (see the Laurier Writing Centre for assistance if needed). It is your responsibility to become familiar with and adhere to university and course expectations regarding academic integrity. Lack of knowledge will not be accepted as an adequate defense for any violations committed.


All work submitted for marking must be submitted electronically to MyLS by the due date AND time. Any student who is determined to have engaged in academic misconduct will receive a mark of 0 on the relevant assignment, and potentially an F grade in the course, as well as having the incident noted on his/her permanent academic record at the University.

Exams §

There is NO deferred midterm. In the case of conflicts, you must discuss this with your Instructor ahead of time. Any students coming forward with conflicts in the week of the exam, that should have been evident earlier, may not be accommodated. In the case of conflict due to religious observances, see the policy under separate heading below. In the case of illness or extenuating circumstances, you will need to fill out a selfdeclaration form at (web.wlu.ca/illness), as well as send an e-mail to your Professor. This self-declaration and e-mail to the Professor must be completed on the day before or the day of the exam. Those students not writing the regular midterm exam (and who have provided sufficient documentation) will be required to write a final exam worth 55 percent of their overall mark which will be cumulative in terms of course content.


Midterm and final exams will be taking place on MyLearningSpace using Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor software. A detailed guide has been prepared and posted on MyLearningSpace (under the Exams folder) that outlines what you need to do to write your midterm and final exam using this software. If you have any technology issues (ie. do not have a webcam, microphone) then you need to let your Professor know via e-mail within the first two weeks of the start of term. Specific details in the 6

guide are also provided on what constitutes academic misconduct during the midterm exam and what will invalidate your exam (ie. give you a zero). You are expected to read through the guide in its entirety. Failure to have read the guide and claim lack of knowledge will not be accepted as an adequate defence for any violations committed.

Option to Elect an Assessment without Respondus Monitor: §


As mentioned the midterm and final exam in this course makes use of Respondus Monitor, an AI-driven remote proctoring software. AI-driven remote proctoring solutions include software which virtually monitors test-takers through video and audio observation and recording. This term you have the option of being assessed without the use of Respondus Monitor using a pre-selected alternative assessment method.

There are three things you need to know: 1. You must complete the online form between September 16 and 29 to elect to receive an alternative assessment. 2. By not completing the online form during the designated Option Period, you acknowledge and accept the use of Respondus Monitor in this course’s designated assessment(s). The form closes on September 29 at 11:59 p.m. and subsequent submissions are not permitted. 3. The assessment time and date may be subject to change based on the alternative mode(s) of assessment selected. Alternative assessment option for this course §

The alternative assessment method for this course was selected from a list of institutionally supported choices. The alternative assessment method for this course is 1:1 remote human proctoring using Zoom or on-site proctored assessment as public health and safety protocols permit.

Religious Observances As per university policy effective January 2020, developing accommodations for religious observances is a shared responsibility between students and their instructors. To request accommodations to midterms, quizzes, assignments, labs or other course work due to spiritual or religious observance, students must alert the instructor within two weeks of the start of term of any scheduling conflicts by submitting the Student Request for Accommodation for Religious Observances form located here: https://students.wlu.ca/academics/calendars-and-policies/petitions-andappeals/accommodations-for-religious-observances.html,


Teamwork The ability to work in teams is a critical skill for life and especially in entrepreneurial activities. Along with reinforcing your learning, team projects and activities develop skills in cooperation, collaboration, managing team processes and leadership - all essential skills for success. It is therefore expected that all students will actively seek meaningful engagement in team-based activities. If you are not prepared to make an equitable contribution to team projects, you should not be taking this course. Please refer to the guidance provided on effective team management on MyLS. Peer evaluations will be completed on the simulation website as per the assignment instructions. Grades for the group work will be assigned on a group basis and then adjusted individually based on the peer evaluations.

Student Privacy One important goal of this course is to offer a positive educational experience for every student. During the course, it may be necessary to divulge students’ names, ID numbers, or other personal information to other members of the class. Every reasonable effort will be made to keep the personal information of the student private and secure. The following measures have been put in place to balance the requirements of the course with the need to protect personal information: 1. Marks will only be released through MyLearningSpace. They will only be discussed virtually with the student, after valid identification has been provided. 2. Each Zoom session will be recorded for teaching, grading, misconduct investigations and other administrative and academic purposes; however, these recordings will not be made available unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students, instructors, and program administrators may have access to view the recordings. The red light in “Record” on the Zoom toolbar is notice to you that the class is being recorded. Zoom sessions will be stored in the cloud for up to one year and then will be deleted. 3. The individual circumstances or performance of a student will not be discussed before, during or after class. A student wishing to review their performance or discuss personal circumstances affecting their performance should make an appointment to speak to the Instructor via a Zoom meeting. 4. Teamwork is a necessary component of this course. This will involve disclosure of some personal information to other class members in order to assign topics, arrange teams, submit, evaluate and return work. Enrolment in the course is deemed to be consent to such necessary disclosure. 5. Class engagement is a vital component of this course. This may involve the use of class lists, names displayed on Zoom, in class discussion etc. If a student is uncomfortable with their name being disclosed in these formats, they should bring this matter to the attention of the instructor during the first week of class so that alternate arrangements can be made. 8

6. To ensure that e-mails are from the student identified, student email will only be responded to if it is from that student’s WLU account. Students should not contact the Instructor from any other email including MyLearningSpace. 7. The record of the student’s progress throughout the course will be maintained by the Instructorfor a period of one year after completion of the course. If a student is concerned or needs to make special arrangements to accommodate specific privacy issues, he or she must bring these matters to the attention of the Professor within the first week of classes so that reasonable accommodations can be made or an alternate course can be selected by the student.


Weekly Schedule The topics, related readings and videos, as well as course work due for each week are listed below as well as in MyLS under a Weekly Checklist. You are expected to have read the indicated readings, watched the pre-lecture videos, and completed the qeekly quiz prior to attending class.

Week 1 – September 13th – September 19th Lecture Topics: Course Introduction Integrative Framework of a Successful Business Critical Success Factors for Business Introduction to Entrepreneurship Readings: Review Course Outline – put all the critical dates on your schedule! Read text, Part 1, Lesson 1-1 to 1-6 only – Exploring the World of Business and Economics Read text, Part 2, Lesson 5-3 to 5-8 only – Considering Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Franchises Course Work to Complete: Complete MyLearningSpace Quiz #1 before Friday, September 17th @ 4:00PM – this will be based on the Understanding Plagiarism Video as posted on MyLearningSpace. Complete MyLearningSpace Quiz #2 before Friday, September 17th @ 4:00PM – thi...

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