Criminal Psychology - Articles PDF

Title Criminal Psychology - Articles
Course Criminal law 1
Institution Christ (Deemed To Be University)
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Criminal Psychology Eashwar B K Christ University, Bangalore

IntroductionPsychology is a human and animal behavior, a scientific study designed to describe, explain, predict and control behavior. As a subject, psychology involves scientific study of behavior. Psychology has broadened the horizon with the new paradigms. The law and criminal conduct have also been affected. This has led to the birth of criminal psychology as an autonomous field. Today the field of criminal psychology is growing and has enormous scope. As it aims to investigate scientifically behavior, psychology has undergone great changes and diversification. Diversification is urgently needed to understand the use and theory of specific aspects. At the same time, we cannot ignore the need for a holistic approach so that we see that eclectic and multicultural approaches are considered more practical. It is exemplary. With the increasing crime rate, increasing focus on improving legal services has become essential and important for government agencies. The reasons for crime, the psychology of criminal people are also essential and interventions are necessary to improve social conditions on an individual and social level. The presence of activities that are marked as organized crime structures cannot be ignored today. Where can you find a little child, women, adults or an elderly person who participates in crime . Crime can be smaller than stolen, robbed, murdered and mass murdered. We see a lot of things every day that are criminal intention, and they do not matter what country or country it is. In many recent rape cases, women were raped and attacked beyond the imagination of the human being. This leads us to wonder how an ordinary person who you'll probably just cross on a market or public transport can stretch to such extremes and forget humanity and not even be afraid of legal action.

The term "crime" and "criminal" is very contextual in nature. And it may be better understood and used in reference to a particular state, country or province's legal and judicial systems. It is necessary to note that this term must be used with great caution, as what a culture could be regarded as a crime in another culture might not be seen as a crime. In the same state, culture,

province or legal system, however, an act may be regarded as a crime but it can also be considered a disease that is a reflection of cultures that have been enlightened. 1

Theories in Criminal PsychologyOne must be aware of the three main theories in examining psychological theories of crime. First, psychodynamic theory, which focuses on the idea that a person is likely to commit crimes in the future with an early childhood experience. The second is the theory of conduct. The work of Gabriel Tarde has been expanded by conduct theorists through behavior modelling and social education. The third principle, cognitive theory, is that a person's perception of and manifestation has an influence on his or her crime potential. Now in this article the main point of focus is on the Psychodynamic Theory. Psychodynamic theory promoters suggest that the personality of an individual is controlled by unconscious early childhood mental processes. Sigmund Freud (1856–1939), the founder of psychoanalysis, was responsible for this theory. Three elements or structures forming the human personality are imperative to this theory: (1) id, (2), ego, and (3) super-go. The id is the primitive part of the mental structure of a person present at birth. Freud (1933) believed the id to be the unconscious biological drive for food, sex and other needs throughout life. The most important thing is the idea that the id is about instant enjoyment or gratification without taking into account concern for others. This is known as the principle of pleasure and it is often essential to talk about criminal conduct. Too often, you see news stories and studies of criminals who don't care about anyone but themselves. Can such offenders be moved by instant gratification? Is it possible? The second element of the personality of a person is the ego that is meant to develop in the early life of a person. The ego depends on the principle of reality. The third element of personality, the superego, develops as a human being and integrates the ethical standards and values of the community, parents and others, like friends and clergy. Morality is the centre of the superego. The superego is used to judge individuals' behavior and actions (Freud, 1933). Between the desire of the id for immediate gratification and the strict moralness of the superego the ego mediates. You can presumably understand right from the wrong for young adults as well as adults.

1 Girard, James E. (2008). Criminalistics: Forensic science and crime . Boston: Jones and Bartlett.

In conclusion, psychodynamic theory indicates the frustration and worsening of criminal offender. They are constantly drawn to past early childhood events. A criminal offender has a weak (or absent) ego, most often because it is negligent, disgraceful or miserable childhood that is characterized by a lack of love and/or care. Research suggests, most importantly, that a weak self is linked to poor or lack of social etiquette and immaturity. Research suggests more likely to engage in drug abuse in individuals with weak egoes.

ApplicationsIn the history of crime, many cases left unanswered questions which can only be explained by understanding human conduct. Psychology is so diverse and applied that at all levels it explains the behavior: i) Individual level: it aims at individual comprehension of cause of behavior. Environmental, biological, physiological, cognitive and psychological factors which affect or motivate people to conduct themselves in some way. ii) Group level: this aims to understand the social factors that can explain people's behavior in a group. It seeks to understand how others' presence influences an individual's behavior. Psychology also involves and includes a lot of research being a scientific study. Competence research gives scientific insights into crime, criminal purposes and criminal conduct to the psychologist and legal authorities. It is not surprising that theories based on psychological research have been drawn a lot later, are still valuable for explaining criminal behavior, are added to the literature on criminal psychology, and it does so with a number of theories explaining criminal behavior. Many actions to control crime have been taken. For example, children's correction homes is an initiative to improve children's behavior found guilty. Many other interventions based on research are aimed at improving criminals' conditions and wellbeing to enable them to live healthily. The overall psychology and crime are linked because crime is an individual's actions; and psychology as a science allows us to understand crime, behavior and intentions. In addition to controlling this type of behavior, and modifying behavior with the use of intervention, it is also more viable to answer questions relating to the explanation of criminal

behavior, when psychology 2and law integrate the two disciplines. As an amalgamation, criminal psychology has a broader application.

Purpose of Criminal PsychologyCriminal psychology's purpose is to understand and control and modify criminal behavior. A criminal psychologist must help police and lawyers investigate a case by developing frequent offender psychological profiles and examining the causes of such behavior. Not only the offenders but the police who are involved in the case are to be understood. Human errors and restrictions as often as possible restrict or delay staff access to case-related information. A criminal psychologist should also create instructions and improve investigators' knowledge to help them deal with crimes involving mental illness. The aim of criminal psychology is also to investigate ways to deal with investigators, criminals and victims who arise during the case investigation process. It aims to develop and develop effective intervention to preserve and improve professionals' mental health and also to offer offenders and victims counselling.

ConclusionCriminal psychology is a specialist area, and the role of criminal psychologists is to understand whether schools and colleges engage students in work that improves their psychological wellbeing and prevents them from engaging in violence. In schools and schools which have demonstrated different behavior and how such offenders can be reintegrated into society, it is important to understand the mental status of the young people. Criminal psychology addresses problems relating to children's custody and the resolution of conflicts in marital and family cases and helps resolve them. It is also important to note that criminal psychologists must also check and verify the criminal mental illness certificate. And to offer interventions and advice to improve their condition. The field of Criminal Psychology in India is growing and its purpose is a sign of its fundamental need in society today. Criminal Psychology Criminal psychologists must take the hour to interfere in the legal system. 2 Ramsland, Katherine. (2002). The criminal mind: A writer’s guide to forensic psychology . Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest....

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