Critique Sample Update June18 PDF

Title Critique Sample Update June18
Author Geoff Fl
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Example of a Journal Article Critique NOTE: This critique example is double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12-point font, oneinch margins all around, embedded header, references, citations, paraphrasing, etc. This is required APA formatting. You are strongly advised to read the Article below,Using paired reading to enhance the

fluency skills of less-skilled readers, by Sandra L. Nes so that you can follow it in context. Your critique and research paper must not include any information (direct quote or paraphrase) from the Abstract – all information must be obtained from the body of the paper.




Article: Using Paired Reading to Enhance the Fluency Skills of Less-Skilled Readers By Sandra L. Nes Alan Basca (student) AU ID 7654321 PSYC 290 Journal Article Critique 1 Dr. Bill Simpson (tutor) November 7, 2013

1 Start all the bylines at this level on the title page—five spaces below header—as per the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010). The title and bylines are in the top half of the title page, but starting on the fifth line.

Commented [MOU1]: Please pay attention to the footnotes as they provide details about how to write the journal critiques successfully.



Using Paired Reading to Enhance the Fluency Skills of Less-Skilled Readers 1. Research Question or Problem The problem was clearly stated indicating that inefficient reading skills are more likely going to lead to academic difficulties. The purpose of the study was2 to determine or re-affirm those skills necessary for reading and learning and to determine the optimum strategy or strategies for advancing these skills (Nes, 2003, pp. 179-1803). 2. Introduction The introduction indicates4 the importance of fluency in reading and in school success. Seven sources were cited in the introduction. The ability to effortlessly recognize and understand a sequence of words seems to be a precursor to understand what you are reading and reading enjoyment (Nathan & Stanovich, 19915, as cited in Nes, 20036, p. 180). 3. Methodology

2 When you write a paper, make sure it is done in past tense, not present tense. For e.g., “are” is present tense and “were” is past tense. For e.g., “is” is present tense and “was” is past tense. 3 Where the article has page numbers, the citation reads as a page number, e.g., (p. 5). Where the article has no page numbers, as you might find in some online articles, then the citation reads as a paragraph number, e.g., (para. 9) (APA, 2010). 4 Anthropomorphisms such as “The study reviewed…” or “The article describes…” or “The introduction states/discusses …” or “The results indicate…” are incorrect; an inanimate object cannot perform this action. For example, “An experiment cannot attempt to demonstrate, control unwanted variables, or interpret findings, nor can tables or figures compare. These can, however, show or indicate. Use a pronoun (authors) or an appropriate noun as the subject of these verbs. In other words, start the sentence with the authors names. Section 3.09 Precision and Clarity (APA, 2010, p. 69). Despite how common this style of writing is found it is not grammatically correct. An alternative to the opening sentence would be: Nes (2003) indicates …. 5 In Nes' paper, Nathan & Stanovich is an original primary source and is both cited and referenced. However, in this critique example, Nes is our original primary source and Nathan & Stanovich is an interpreted primary source and, therefore, Nathan & Stanovich is cited but not referenced. Only original primary sources are both cited and referenced. 6 The author publishing date is only provided the first time within a given paragraph and again the first time within any new paragraph (APA, 2010).

Commented [MOU2]: Additions and deletions are made in the text or via track changes.



The three boys and one girl in the single-subject study were students from Grades 4, 5, and 6 who were reading at least one year below grade level and were reading below the minimum fluency rate for that grade level (Nes, 20037, p. 181). Nes8 met with each student individually “in the school library” for “30 to 40 minutes” each day for the intervention sessions (p. 181). Nes collected data regarding reading rate and accuracy and included 39 phases: baseline, intervention, and maintenance (p. 183). Nes read a passage to each student as s/he followed along. The student, in turn, read the same passage to the author10 while she noted errors. Data was gathered each day in the areas of fluency rates (words per minute), reading accuracy, and comprehension (p. 183). 4. Results The results tied back directly to the purpose of the study showing that fluency (via mean reading rates), accuracy (via mean accuracy percentages), and comprehension improved for each student (Nes, 2003, pp. 184-185). The boys had a 93% and the girl 100% increased reading comprehension and 95.5% to 97.8% increased reading fluency11. Graphs were present to illustrate the growth during the 11-week period (Nes, pp. 189-192). 5. Discussion/Conclusions


The author publishing date is cited here as it is the first time in a new paragraph (see comments above). 8 The APA states that the first time in a paragraph it is best to use the author’s names and not just call them the authors, the researchers or the writers. In Section 3.09 [Precision and Clarity], of the APA (2010, p. 68) it indicates, for third person attribution, “use a personal pronoun rather than the third person. For example, what you have, “the author…” or “the researcher…” is incorrect. Use the actual names of the author(s) the first time in a paragraph or section. 9 In scholarly writing, according to the APA (2010), numbers 1-9 are to be written out in full as are numbers that begin the sentence. When describing a range (e.g., 3 to 5) then they are written as illustrated with a hyphen between them. Journals use a shortened version due to space limitations for publishing. 10 This should remain. 11 Where possible give some examples of statistics to indicate how the intervention worked.



Nes (2003) concluded that the paired reading model had a positive impact on the four participants. According to Vygotsky (1978), it was important to “scaffold” students “within their zone of proximal development” (as cited in Nes, p. 185). The assistance of a skilled adult or peer was instrumental in helping students move the ZPD to a higher level (Nes, p. 185). The author referenced the value of goal setting and attainment (Stipek, 1993; Bandura, 1986, as cited in Nes, p. 186). The process of recording data and graphing the data seemed to be highly motivational showing that students were making progress, which resulted in greater self-worth (Ames, 1990; Clark, 1995, as cited in Nes, 2003, p. 186). Nes recommended further research to have a model reader paired with the less skilled reader (p. 187). Questions also arise based on economics about the use of paraprofessionals rather than an experienced teacher (Wasik & Slavin, 1993, as cited in Nes, p. 187). 6. List of References The format used in listing references was consistent, and all references given were cited in the article. Nes (2003) cited a variety of sources, although she mostly used mostly recent sources due to the recent emergence of the topic. 7. Personal Reaction The study by Nes (2003)12 was relatable to personal experiences observed in children who demonstrated a lack of fluency. A strength of the intervention employed by Nes was that the methodology was easy to understand, simple to implement, and could be cost-effective in terms


The APA states that the first time in a paragraph it is best to use the author’s names and not just call them the authors, the researchers or the writers. In Section 3.09 [Precision and Clarity], of the APA (2010, p. 68) it indicates, for third person attribution, “use a personal pronoun rather than the third person. For example, what you have, “the author…” or “the researcher…” is incorrect. Use the actual names of the author(s) the first time in a paragraph or section.



of using a paraprofessional. Another strength is that Nes used a theory to guide the framework for this study demonstrating that scaffolding using paired reading was an effective intervention. However, a limitation is that the paired reading only occurred in the classroom. What happens at home after school and on weekends to reinforce these reading skills, especially for those families where English is not a first language? This also applies to summer or other extended times when the students are not in class and where the reading skills might be lost or diminished. Further research might include providing summer reading programs [voluntary vs. mandatory]. Another limitation was that a single-subject design was used, and external validity is lower with these designs. Nes, to her credit did recommend replication to this work. Nes made no other recommendations. Questions arise from this study. What is the most cost-effective time frame needed to bring about success? What are the long-term effects of such a program? What could classroom teachers do to improve reading fluency?13


Insert the required page break here as per APA (2010). Note: Per APA (2010), you should not refer to yourself in the first person.



Reference 14 Nes, S. L. (2003). Using paired reading to enhance the fluency skills of less-skilledreaders.

Reading Improvement, 40(4), 179-192. Retrieved15 from 871259&site=eds-live

14 The second and succeeding lines of the reference are indented (shown here). In most cases, APA does not require that the journal issue number be included. However, including the issue number is a good model for students to follow, as it is becoming more standard practice, and makes it easier for another person to locate the article. Be sure to include all issue numbers for the references for your article critiques and research paper assignments. You must also include the 'doi' or, if not available, the URL. See the APA tutorial for more information. 15 Must include the ‘doi’ or URL retrieval information if the ‘doi’ is not applicable. See APA tutorial....

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