CST110 Midterm Study Slides PDF

Title CST110 Midterm Study Slides
Institution Northern Virginia Community College
Pages 42
File Size 2.7 MB
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This PowerPoint was used a study guide for our midterm....


Communication Myths • • • • •

Everyone is an adept communicator Communication can solve any problem There is only one type of communication Any communication is good communication More communication will ultimately make people agree with you

Why we Communicate • To Fulfill: – – – – –

Physical needs Instrumental and task needs Relational needs Identity needs Spiritual needs

Competent Communicators • • • • •

Are self-aware Are responsive and adaptable Use person-centered messages Are cognitively complex Are ethical and civil


The process of giving meaning to the things we notice in the world around us “The lens through which we see the world.”

Influence on Perception

Self Concept The image we have of who we believe we are.

Characteristics of Self Concept

Johari Window Joseph Luft & Harrington Ingham


A structured system of signs, sounds, gestures, or marks that is used and understood to express ideas and feelings among people within a community, nation, or geographic area or cultural

Classification of Language

•-Denotative = dictionary meaning •-Connotative = personal meaning


Cat got your tongue Think outside the box Time heals all wounds Kick the bucket

Slang Netflix and Chill Bet Tea Brick Extra


Prejudice Language Racist – Asian Nurse, they Sexist – Male Nurse, honey Ageist – Elderly Nurse, cute

How Can You Improve?

Nonverbal Communication

The elements of communication that do not involve words but nevertheless transmit messages.

Types of Nonverbal Communication

Body Movement/Facial Expressions – Kinesics Eye Contact – Oculesics Space - Proxemics Touch – Haptics Time - Chronemics Smell - Olfactics Vocal Cues – Vocalics Artifacts

Kinesics Nonverbal behavior related to the movement of the body Gestures Posture Facial Expressions

Oculesics The use of eye contact to send messages

Proxemics How we use space to convey information

Haptics The study of how touch expresses meaning

Chronemics How people treat, value, react to, and structure time

Olfactics Nonverbal communication related to smell

Vocalics Those things that contribute to the maintenance or sound in your

Artifacts Objects used to communicate information

Listening the active process of receiving and interpreting spoken and/or nonverbal messages.

How Do You Become a Good Listener • Stop talking • Limit physical and mental distractions • Pay attention to key ideas • Listen to nonverbals • Be aware of your biases (defensiveness)

Interpersonal Conflict An expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from others in achieving their goals

• Avoiding – Choosing not to express a conflict • Accommodating – You give in to other person • Competing – win at all cost • Compromising – both sides sacrifice • Collaboration – Win-Win!

Conflict Management Techniques

Conflict Resolution Tips “Hold your fire” Take a break if emotions are too high Use “I” statements not “You” statements Watch for facts vs. interpretations Ask questions to clarify understanding

Facts VS. Interpretation • She is so stupid. • You never listen to me. • New York City is scary. • He is always early. • 66 stinks. • NVCC - Manassas is a big campus

“I am so stressed out, I just lost my job”

What NOT to Say • I know how you feel. • Maybe you shouldn’t have been late so many times. • Oh come on, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself . • You know what you need to do…….. • It’s going to get better, I promise. • I can’t believe you are stressed out about that.

“I am so stressed out, I just lost my job”

What TO Say • I’m so sorry. I am sure you are stressed. • What happened? • I’m here for you. I care about you. • I know this must be hard for you. • SHHHHHH – DON’T SAY ANYTHING...

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