Cultural Assessment Paper PDF

Title Cultural Assessment Paper
Author Mohammed Shoaib
Course Care Management
Institution Keiser University
Pages 5
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Cultural Assessment

NUR 3411 Care Management III

Cultural Assessment . 4 Key elements addressed in the interview are the family structure, culture/ethnicity, health practices, and spirituality/belief practices. These will be discussed and will be compared with a literature review to identify similarities and differences with the dominant culture. It is

2 important to gain cultural competence as a nurse to appropriately create a plan of care for a patient and their family. Understanding an individual’s culture gives the nurse insight and assists in providing culturally competent, sensitive, and appropriate care. “In this interview yada yada” ---- something like that add your extra stuff

Paragraph 1: Family Structure

The interviewee is Barbara Peters, a __ year old that identifies as female. The interviewee is a pediatric nurse practitioner and is currently a professor at Keiser University. Peters is married to her husband, with whom she shares a home with. Family dynamics are constantly evolving due to the processes of family life and the developmental stages of the family members (Henry, et al., 2016). The interviewee identifies her family structure as a nuclear family, consisting of herself and her husband. A nuclear family is defined as children that live with both biological parents and no other relatives or persons (London, et al., 2017). The most common family structure in the U.S. is ____. When looking at Duvall’s eight stages of family life cycle professor Peters and her family are experiencing stage VII. This stage is described as middle-aged parents who are experiencing empty nest through retirement (London, et al.,2017). The interviewee is in Stage VII life stage cycle since her children are no longer living in her home and have started families of their own. Family structures are important and unique to the individual because they can act as a strong support system during times of need. -Maybe say something like how a family structure can affect patient care-

Paragraph 2: Cultural Traits

Culture is defined as the combination of a body of knowledge, a body of belief, and a body of behaviors (London, et al.,2017). Culture can consist of language, religious practices, etc (cite).

3 The interviewee identifies with African American culture which according to the census of 2019 makes up 13.7% of the U.S. population (. It’s important to understand that individuals who identify with African American culture may have many different backgrounds and ethnicities. The interviewee identifies her ethnicity and race as African American. This ethnic and racial group combines individuals from many different backgrounds therefore there are many differences within the African American community. The interviewee’s family identifies as African American but her husband also has ethnic ties to Carribean/Trinidad heritage. Understanding cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds of an individual is highly important in nursing because certain groups of people may be at higher risk for health disparities or medical conditions than other groups. Identifying these differences can assist in providing proper health promotion and illness prevention teachings. For example : (mention a source here talking about certain health disparities and health problems that black people have/go through and cite, compare to her). The interviewee’s language is English and this is what is spoken within the home. Language is often a barrier in health care (cite something about how English is the dominant language in the U.S.) and can cause ineffective health care management. Speaking the dominant language increases effectiveness and ease of care. It is important to understand that although individuals may share a cultural group and share similarities, they also are unique individuals with significant differences.

Paragraph 3: Spirituality and Religion Define spirituality vs. religion. Explain why spirituality and religion are important for a nurse to understand about a patient and how it can positively and negatively affect care. Explain that understanding someone’s spirituality/religious practices can help you better understand them and create a plan of care that follows their beliefs. The interviewee believes in God, Jesus Christ, and the teachings of the Christian Bible. The interviewee attends a Baptist church weekly but does not necessarily identify with that denomination.(Source about what religion that most

4 black people practice in the United States). Write something about do not stereotype this racial group and assume what religion they practice. The interviewee’s son actually practices Islam which further supports that you should not assume someone’s religious practices based on the cultural, ethnic, or racial group they are a part of.

Paragraph 4: Health Practices

Health practices and behaviors can be influential factors on an individual or cultural group’s health. Healthcare practices are influenced by education levels and cultural backgrounds. The interviewee is a healthcare worker who can be beneficial in being educated about health care decisions and can positively influence her family members. The interviewee seeks a physical exam yearly while her husband does so biannually. There is a strong focus on health-conscious behavior and the interviewee participates in healthy eating and drinking plenty of water. This is important in illness prevention and the interviewee states that no one in her household has visited the emergency room in the past year. (get a sentence about how practicing healthy eating choices and drinking water/exercise and seeking yearly health care visits is beneficial for health promotion and illness prevention). She also seeks biannual dentist visits. Cultural practices can also inhibit health care practices like immunizations or blood transfusions. The interviewee does not have any religious or cultural concerns that would exclude certain health care interventions to be provided.




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