Cultural Diversity and The Group Therapy Process PDF

Title Cultural Diversity and The Group Therapy Process
Author Susanna Smith
Course Childhood and Adolescent Trauma
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
File Size 81.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Therese M. Harris July 24, 2021 PCN-162 Julie Petersen

Cultural Diversity and The Group Therapy Process.

What makes one individual unique from another individual? Maybe what makes them different is that they come from another part of the world, they may learn at different paces and some even speak a different language. Some people grow up in homes consisting of two mothers or two fathers. What also could make one individual different from others is the shade of their skin or the religious beliefs that they have. We live in a diverse society, and to provide counseling ethically and viably, it is significant that we are aware of how diversity and distinction sway on our patients, our profession, our own lives and the remedial connections we structure with patients. This agreement assists us with exploring and working with the difficulties and the advantages which definitely exist inside a diverse society. Diversity is frequently perceived to allude to the presence of specific contrasts between people in a group of individuals or a general public. The most noticeably perceived sorts of distinction are: Age, Gender, Race, Religion, disability and/or ability (physical as well as mental), Sexuality, Socio-economic Class. In the group treatment setting, there are numerous cultures that are available among the group individuals. Cultural diversity is the distinctive social and ethnic groups in the public eye. Culture depends on somebody's "sexual orientation, race, identity, nationality, and other individual attributes of their individuals" (Barrett-Power, n.d.) In group therapy treatment, these cultures are meeting up in one setting, and not every one of them have similar perspectives on various points. Various considerations and sentiments about specific circumstances are intended to cooperate as one, that is the thing that group treatment is about and what makes it so effective. Having different cultures can carry positive and negative viewpoints to the group. The ultimate objective is to have all people feel like the group treatment has been fruitful, and they are prepared for what the world has to bring to the table.

During the group therapy meetings, cultural diversity impacts the group cycle. With having a diverse group, cohesion can occur over the long run. Inside the group therapy cohesion alludes to the "appreciation for the group, fulfillment with different individuals, and the idea of social association among group individuals" (Ni. C, 2017). This can carry a sense to the group individuals that they are a piece of a local area that they have consistently felt like they required during this troublesome time in their lives. For the group individuals, who are in comparative circumstances, this can cause them to feel like they are in good company during this cycle, particularly if their way of life isn't completely accepting towards counseling. Likewise, social diversity can carry innovativeness to the group that is expected to make the group strong. During the group meeting "People with assorted social foundations can give thoughts according to unmistakable viewpoints; their encounters will make it simpler to motivate inventiveness, and will likewise advance a group execution" (Ni. C, 2017). Group therapy is an extremely powerful time in somebody's life when seeking treatment, it can bring a feeling of having a place and acknowledgment an individual may have been looking for. Having a socially diverse group can make this experience all that much more satisfying and imaginative then one might have envisioned. With regards to working with diverse populaces, there are some social hindrances that might be experienced. Correspondence is a tremendous piece of the group therapy cycle, and some may not communicate in or comprehend the language that somebody might be talking. For instance, in case somebody is Native American, they may not comprehend slang that somebody, who is Caucasian, may utilize. If so in a group "incapable correspondence brought about by social diversity can prompt struggles and influence group execution" (Ni. C, 2017). In various cultures there are diverse conviction frameworks and feelings about specific subjects, and various circumstances ought to be dealt with. For instance, somebody's brought up in the conviction framework that there is a Higher Power however that Higher Power isn't God, and in case somebody is a Christian, this can cause pressure particularly in the event that one offers their assessment on other conviction frameworks. In the event that somebody feels like they are being judged for what they have confidence in, it might make them become reserved and keep to themselves. Additionally, a patient may feel an absence of confidence in the counselor and the group due to "past encounters with mistreatment" frustrating the "advancement of a confiding in relationship." (Barriers to Cross-Cultural Counseling - IResearchNet, 2016). This is the reason it

is significant as an advisor to have the information on various diverse populaces they might be working with, and have the legitimate preparing on the most proficient method to manage social clash. Collectively, the principal objective is to have union with each other, which can be frustrated by cultural differences, however can in any case be a fruitful group therapy if the assemble works and works together around each other's disparities. In the Juvenile Justice System, the in-danger youth that are in this framework, are needing somebody to pay attention to them, and assist with clarifying what they are feeling within. This time in an adolescent's life has an impact on their adult life in many ways and what they will turn into. The young that are in this framework "70% of adolescents have a diagnosable emotional well-being issue" (Intersection between Mental Health and the Juvenile Justice System,2017). Right now, they might be confused about their sentiments and feelings, and fail to see the proper behavior of them. This is the reason to have advocates as a piece of their program that the adolescents go through. As an advisor, giving the adolescent the abilities, they need to comprehend their feelings, and assist with preparing how they are feeling in specific times. Giving them the devices, they need on what a high-hazard circumstance is and how to overcome that time in case they are ever in that kind of circumstance. Many turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with the trauma they have experienced or abuse at home. More often than not these adolescents are in treatment due to their childhood. The vast majority of them don't have the best home experiences. As an advisor being that individual for them, and to simply pay attention to them, can assist with making the changes they need now so it has a less effect on their adult life. Social diversity isn't something uncommon with regards to group treatment. This can make an unexpected group in comparison to what the advocate was arranging. The various cultures carry various sentiments and thoughts to the table. Cohesion is significant for the group, and having a diverse group therapy group can form that.


Barrett-Power, J. (n.d.). The effects of diversity on small work group processes and performance. Retrieved from Barriers to Cross-Cultural Counseling - IResearchNet. (2016, October 5). Retrieved from ers-to-cross-cultural-counseling/ Intersection between Mental Health and the Juvenile Justice System. (2017, July). Retrieved from Ni, C. (2017, October 6). What Is the Impact of Cultural Diversity on Team Performance? Retrieved from y-on-team-performance-b5ea4a50d1bb...

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