Cultural Interview Questions- Amanda MIsh PDF

Title Cultural Interview Questions- Amanda MIsh
Author Amanda Mish
Course Living And Communicating In A Diverse Society
Institution Auburn University
Pages 3
File Size 88.8 KB
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Interview Questions about Diversity and Culture C. Buchannon Updated 1/17/17

Here is a list of questions that can be used when interviewing an individual or small group about their culture. You do not have to use all of the questions. You should choose at least 8-10 questions to ask prior to the interview. 1. How do you identify among categories of diversity (race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, and physical ability)? 2. What is your definition of “culture?” 3. How do you define “family?” 4. Who holds the most “status” in your family? Why? 5. How do you definae success? 6. Do you consider your parents to be successful? 7. How important is education in your family? 8. Is punctuality important to you? Why or why not? 9. What is the most important meal of the day? 10. Do you eat foods that are indigenous to your culture? Why or why not? If you answered yes, name some of the foods that you eat. If you answered no, what types of foods do you eat? 11. Did you ever live with your grandparents or extended family? 12. Do you actively participate in an organized religion? 13. How important is religion in your family? Why? 14. If religion is important in your family, do you plan to pass this on to your children? Why or why not? 15. Are the roles of men and women specifically defined in your family? If so, what are they?

16. Do you have any eating habits/rituals that are specific to your culture? (Which culture/aspect of culture? Be specific.) 17. Define and describe the most important (or most celebrated) holiday of your culture.


18. If you are from a culture that speaks English as a second language, do you speak your native language? If not, why? If so, will you teach your native language to any children you have? 19. How is physical contact viewed in your culture? 20. What is considered most disrespectful in your culture? 21. What is considered most respectful in your culture? 22. What would you say is, from your perspective, the most commonly held misconception about people of your culture?

23. Have you ever felt excluded based on your race, gender, class, or other aspects of your culture? 24. Do you remember excluding others based on aspects of your culture? 25. Have you or your family or friends experienced prejudice, discrimination, and/or racism (or had negative experiences based on treatment) due to your cultural/ethnic group? (Ask for examples.) 26. What can be done about prejudice and racism, in your opinion?

27. How much a part of American culture or society do you feel? 28. What is the best thing about living in the U.S.? What is the worst thing about living in the U.S.? 29. Were there or are there difficulties in participating in mainstream American culture? 30. What are the 3 most important values of your culture (of origin)? 31. How do people express these values? What would you see someone in your culture do that would let you know that these are their values? How are people taught these values? How were you taught your values? 32. How are your culture’s values different from “American” cultural values? Has this caused any problems for you or people you know? (Ask for examples.) How do you/did you deal with this? 33. Are these cultural values that are the same or similar to American cultural values or values that help you “fit” or succeed in American culture?


34. What do you think are the most positive things about being a member of your culture/ethnic group? Are there any negative things? 35. How much do you feel a part of your culture of origin? Do you participate in your cultural community? How? 36. What do you think are the most important needs of your cultural/ethnic community? 37. Is there anything you would like me/others to know that we have not included here about you or your culture? Is there anything else you would like to share?

38. What is your disability? 39. How did you become disabled, by birth or accident? You could ask for more details if appropriate. 40. If you are employed, where do you work? What do you do there? 41. If there are problems, what are the problems you face in your daily life as a disable/differently able person? 42. Have you experienced discrimination or negative experiences based on treatment due to your disability? (Examples). Other aspects of your culture (race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, etc.)? (Examples). 43. What would you say is, from your perspective, the most commonly held misconception about people with disabilities? 44. What do you think of the term “differently-abled” versus “disabled”? Do you have a preference? 45. What would you say to anyone who thinks people with disabilities can't live a "normal" life and engage in "normal" activities? First, how do you define normal?

46. How do you think the combination of your identities affect your life? (Be specific about which identities.) 47. How do you think being a (insert both identities) put you at an advantage or disadvantage over (insert both of your identities)?


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