Curation 1 PDF

Title Curation 1
Author Hailey Fox
Course Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life
Institution Temple University
Pages 9
File Size 266.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Hailey Fox Curation 1.1 IH 0851_015 Module Module 1.2



Problems/Questions: What,

Problems/Questions: What,

How, and Why GenEd? &

How, and Why GenEd? &



Text: IH Quotebook

Text: IH Quotebook

Title: Seminar 1.2

Title: Seminar 1.2: Analyzing

Synopsis: No Description

the Text of the IH Quotebook Synopsis: In this voicethread I picked three separate quotes from the IH quotebook to analyze. I share one of the quotes I chose with my analysis in this voicethread.

Module 2.2

Problems/Questions: Does

Problems/Questions: Does

the film operate as a parable

the film, The Matrix, operate

about the nature of reality?

as a parable about the nature

Text: The Matrix

of reality? How is the Matrix comparable to our reality?

Title: Seminar 2.2: The Matrix as a Parable of Our Reality Synopsis: In this voicethread

Text: The Matrix Title: Seminar 2.2: The Matrix as a Parable of Our

I discuss my views on the scene where Neo is offered two pills with two different options about his future, and how it connects to our reality.

Reality Synopsis: In this voicethread I discuss my views on the film Matrix operating as a parable to our reality. I build an argument for my voice thread on a well known scene in The Matrix where Neo is offered oblivion or knowledge in the form of a red and blue pill.

Module 3.2

Problems/Questions: What

Problems/Questions: What

do we fear more: To die or to

do we fear more: To die or to

be forgotten?

be forgotten?

Text: Gilgamesh

Text: Gilgamesh

Title: Seminar 3.2

Title: Seminar 3.2:

Synopsis: what do we fear more- to die or be forgotten? I

Existential Meditation of Life & Death in Gilgamesh

personally think people

Synopsis: In this

currently are more fearful of

voicethread I discuss my

being forgotten due to the fact views on what people fear that we all know death is

more in regards to dying

inevitable. I feel gilgamesh

and being forgotten. The

was more fearful of dying

stories of Gilgamesh help

originally because he thought

make an argument for this

he could avoid death due the

voice thread. I believe

fact he was part god.

people currently are more fearful of being forgotten due to the fact that we all now know death is inevitable. Gilgamesh was fearful of dying because he thought he could cheat death.

Module 4.2

Problems/Questions: Why

Problems/Questions: Why

end the story in such an

end the story in such an

undramatic way? What

undramatic way? What

purpose and logic does this

purpose and logic does this



Text: Gilgamesh

Text: Gilgamesh

Title: Seminar 4.2:

Title: Seminar 4.2:

Gilgamesh & the ending

Interpreting the Simple End

Synopsis: This voice thread

of Gilgamesh

is about the ambiguous and

Synopsis: In this voice

simple ending of Gilgamesh

thread I answer the

and what it all means.

question of why the ending of Gilgamesh was written so ambiguously. I share the way I took the ending and what it meant for me.

Module 5.2

Problems/Questions: “Using

Problems/Questions: “Using

our analytic templates from

our analytic templates from

Gilgamesh, how would you

Gilgamesh, how would you

analyze Things Fall Apart?

analyze Things Fall Apart?

What claims would you

What claims would you

make, what arguments would

make, what arguments would

you posit, what conclusions

you posit, what conclusions

would you draw?”

would you draw?”

Text: Gilgamesh, Things Fall

Text: Things Fall Apart,



Title: Gilgamesh & Things

Title: Comparing Gilgamesh

Fall Apart

and Things Fall Apart

Synopsis: In this voice thread

Synopsis: In this

I talk about the similarities

voicethread Gilgamesh and

and differences between

Things Fall Apart are

gilgamesh and things fall

compared. The similarities

apart. I feel personally as if

and differences are

the differences are much

discussed, although I felt

bigger than similarities.

that the differences outweigh the similarities in the end.

Module 6.2

Problems/Questions: How

Problems/Questions: How

does Socrates subvert a

does Socrates subvert a

standard court scene?

standard court scene?

Text: Plato, Euthyphro &

Text: Plato, Euthyphro &



Title: Laws, Morals &

Title: Seminar 6.2: Laws Morals & Impiety in Plato,


Euthyphro & Apology

Synopsis: In this voice thread

Synopsis: In this voice

I answer prompt #6 and talk

thread I answer prompt six.

about how Socrates' case with

I discuss how Socrates' case

Euthyphro is different than

with Euthyphro is different

modern day law/ trial. He is

from modern day law and

questioning moral beliefs and

trial. Moral beliefs is the

their own logistical reasoning

most prevalent theme in this

for their actions and said

voice thread. Socrates is


questioning moral beliefs and the logics of their law system in regards to gods and religion.

Module 7.2

Problems/Questions: In

Problems/Questions: In

reference to Crito trying to

reference to Crito trying to

convince Socrates to sneak

convince Socrates to sneak

out of prison, would you take

out of prison, would you take

Socrates or Crito’s side?

Socrates or Crito’s side?

Text: Plato, Crito and

Text: Plato, Crito and



Title: Seminar 7.2: Crito &

Title: Seminar 7.2:


Synopsis: In this voice

Synopsis: In this voice thread

thread I share my own take

i talk about my personal

on prompt number three,

opinion on critos attempt to

which asks if choosing sides,

help socrates escape, and if

would you choose Critos or

socrates actions/ beliefs for

Socrates side? (In reference

staying were justifiable.

to Critos attempt to help Socrates escape.) I discussed my decision to take Critos' side and my reasoning behind it.

Module 8.2

Problems/Questions: Look

Problems/Questions: Look

at the four main scenes from

at the four main scenes from

Angela Davis story and

Angela Davis story and

compare it to the Platonic

compare it to the Platonic

Dialogues. In reference to

Dialogues. In reference to

philosophical and political

philosophical and political

stories in both, how are they

stories in both, how are they

similar or different?

similar or different?

Text: Angela Davis’s Story

Text: Angela Davis’s Story

Title: seminar 8.2:

Title: Seminar 8.2:

Democracy on Trial

Democracy on Trial

Synopsis: Scene 2 in Angela

Synopsis: In this

Davis is comparable to crito

voicethread I chose to

and Socrates when crito tries

compare scene number two

to convince socrates he

in Angela Davis’s story to

should not stay imprisoned.

the Platonic Dialogues scene where Crito tries to convince Socrates to leave prison.

Module 9.2



Feminist Genesis, How are

Feminist Genesis, How are

Sarahs actions held to a

Sarahs actions held to a

double standard?

double standard?

Text: Genesis

Text: Genesis

Title: Seminar 9.2: Is Sarah

Title: Seminar 9.2: Misogyny

the Hero?

& Heroism in Genesis

Synopsis: In this voice thread Synopsis: In this I cover some of the reasons

voicethread I share my

why Sarah is the blatant hero

views on the double

and why/how she is held to

standards and misogyny

such a double standard.

that is prevalent throughout the story, and how it played a part in the hero of the story going unrecognized. Sarah was never treated as an equal, but did more to benefit and help everyone than anyone else.

Module 10.2

Problems/Questions: Can

Problems/Questions: Can

we read against the grain and

we read against the grain and

make an argument for sex and make an argument for sex and spirituality which does not

spirituality which does not

otherize women and privilege

otherize women and privilege



Text: Genesis

Text: Genesis

Title: Seminar 10.2: Genesis,

Title: Seminar 10.2: Without the Concept of Marriage, Sex

Module 11.2

Sex & Spirtuality

is Not a Sin

Synopsis: In this voice thread

Synopsis: In this

I share my thoughts on why

voicethread I share my

sex once held such a negative

thoughts on the progress

connotation and how it has

and changes of the

formed and changed into

connotation of sex over

something positive over time.




Critique Monotheism in

Critique Monotheism in

regards to Race, Gender or

regards to Race, Gender or

Sexuality including

Sexuality including

Anazaldua argument

Anazaldua argument

Text: Anzaldúa, Borderland

Text: Anzaldúa, Borderland

Title: Seminar 11.2: Gender

Title: Seminar 11.2:

in Monotheism

Monotheism is Built on

Synopsis: In this voice thread


I evaluate monotheism in

Synopsis: In this voice

regards to gender taking into

thread I evaluate

account Anzadula's argument

monotheism in regards to

and views.

gender. Anzadula’s views and opinions play a large role in my evaluation, especially since she was an avid Cathloic.

Module 12.2

Problems/Questions: After

Problems/Questions: After

reading about the society in

reading about the society in

The Left Hand of Darkness, If The Left Hand of Darkness, If we could somehow take

we could somehow take

gender/sexuality out of the

gender/sexuality out of the

picture would we be a more

picture would we be a more

peaceful and harmonious

peaceful and harmonious



Text: The Left Hand of

Text: The Left Hand of



Title: Seminar 12.2

Title: Seminar 12.2: Why

Transhumanizing Gender &

You Should Want a Gethianan



Synopsis: In this voice thread

Synopsis: In this

I share my opinion on how

voicethread I share my

our society would be affected

opinion on the impact of

if gender and sexuality were

gender and sexuality in our

no longer a thing.

society and how our society would change without them after reading about the Gethens. The Gethens lived a much simpler life without gender and sexuality. Their society was more peaceful and there was less inequality....

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