Current issues in medical ed lecture notes 4 PDF

Title Current issues in medical ed lecture notes 4
Author caleb hallum
Course Current Issues in Medical Education
Institution University of Iowa
Pages 8
File Size 36.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 85
Total Views 136


Current issues in medical ed lecture notes 4...


heed attention

squint to adjust the amount of light entering your eye by moving eyelids closely

snippet small piece of info or news

vicinity presence

meager very small in number or amount

thumb through look through

nostalgia pleasure and sadness triggered by the happy memories

profound deep (in meaning)

crutches sticks used to support, and spread body weight

grumble complain, moan

strenous requiring energy or effort

to parse to study something by looking at parts closely

a buff a person who has a strong, special interest in something

to mock to ridicule

to enhance to increase or improve

deemed reckoned

mitigation making less sever, harmful or painful, allevation

libel the act of publishing false statement about someone, slander

to refute to prove something is not true, rebut

cessation stopping some action

to induce to provoke

the contrary the opposite

inferior lower rank or quality

to muster to gather or assamble

equiped supplied with

proceeds moves on

alas unfortynately

dirigable capable of being steered

serious blow big shock

succesor someone after other person

predecessor someone before other person

to press home something to make something clear, understandable

warfare military fighting

intoxicated affected strongly (mostly by alcholo)

domestic of, relating to, or made in the country

priority something more important than others

alliance union between people, groups, countries, etc.

prospect hope for something

dissemination the act of spreading

expenditure amount of money spent

to mitigate to make less sever, harmful, or painful

tillage proces of prepairing land for growing crops

contour planting planting along equal heights of the terain

conservation preservation

resilience flexibility

to combat to try to stop, fight against

perception way of thinking or understanding

disinterested not interested

stakeholder person investing money into something

engagement official promise

feasibility possibility of doing

minute very small

to commission to order or request something to be done

advocate person working for a cause or group

citing mentioning

to ascertain to learn or find out in order to prove yourself

to perceive to think of as being something or someone

distrustful of having no trust

elite wealthy and of a higher status

monies amounts of money

magnate person of great wealth and power in particular business or industry

thinktank group of people who come up with new ideas and give advice in a particular subject

cost-effective producing good results without costing lot of money

shrubs small bushes

emerging atitudes new way of thinking or convincing

climate remediation technology to counteract changing environment

electric range stove with an electric heating device to cook and bake

a meter an instrument used for measuring

vacant not lived in

insulation material which prevents heat change

incandescent bulb bulb with a heated glowing fillament

strain pressure, stress

gasket piece of rubber that is used to make a tight seal between two parts that are joined together

power strip device with multiple outlets

to caulk to fill holes, cracks

weather stripping strip of material used around the edges of door/window...

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