CWV 101 Gospel Essentials Essay PDF

Title CWV 101 Gospel Essentials Essay
Author DeVonna Upshaw
Course Christian Worldview
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 6
File Size 87.3 KB
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1 DeVonna Upshaw CWV-101 May 5, 2018 Prof. Matthew Hampton

Benchmark - Gospel Essentials Christianity and the Christian worldview have always evoked religious debates and discussions amongst people for generations. Even amongst Christians, many have different beliefs and ideologies on what is “good” Christian behavior and living. The entire foundation and tone of their loves are based on what they believe wholeheartedly about this worldview. Of the many varying views, one does remain consistent. Salvation, the redemption of sin, and a chance at eternal life all comes from relationship with God because of Jesus’s selfless sacrifice of dying on the cross to ransom us. Also consistent is the idea that everyone has the opportunity to experience God’s love because of this sacrifice. God’s love and unmerited favor has been granted to us through belief in Jesus. Christians believe that Jesus is the way. The Christian worldview opens an array of question on God, humanity, Jesus, and restoration and what it means to the individuals who believe it. God “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:1-3, KJV). God has existed from the beginning. There is no record of His creation nor is there any reference or evidence that His dominion will ever end. He is the creator of the world and everything in it. God is known from the beginning for His

2 unwavering love and strict commandments to mankind. We can see this narrative played out from the beginning between Adam and Eve, Lot and his wife, and even the children of Israel enslaved in Egypt. In the beginning of His creation, God formed Adam from the dust and Eve from Adam’s rib. He made mankind in His image and likeness. God created the Garden of Eden for them to dwell and prosper in. Eden was known for its beauty and the presence of God that dwelled there. God gave Adam and Eve Eden because of His love for His creation and the favor He wanted to give them there. They were just given one commandment by God, do not eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Even with everything else they had been given, Adam and Eve still disobeyed God and were punished indefinitely for it. This shows some of God’s characteristics. He is loving yet stern. Giving, yet correcting. God can also be characterized as eternal, omnipresent, and having all power. Humanity Humanity or human nature is the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind. According to the Christian worldview, we were all created in God’s image and likeness. God created all mankind to resemble Him, not just the physical, but to also resemble Him in spirit and heart. He created us this way that we may live our lives full of joy, love, and obedience to Him; praising and worshipping Him as we live the abundant life here on earth. On the contrary, one of the biggest conflicting issues with humanity is that we were all born into sin (Psalms 51:5) and given free will to make our own choices. This sin entered the world through Adam and Eve disobeying God in the beginning. “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned” (Romans 5:13, ESV). Because of this humanity, even Christians struggle daily to live a

3 blameless sinless life. It is in our nature to stray. Fortunately, there is assistance through relationship with Jesus. Everyone falls short, but not everyone falls down. Jesus Jesus’s entrance on the scene in Christianity marked a shifting of the times. Hs arrival was prophesied about for centuries before Him. Jesus Christ was the physical human personification of God in the earth. He was fully human and fully divine. Jesus lived the human experience being tempted by all things known to man. During His time in the earth He performed many miracles and spread the “good news”, which was the word of God through teachings. His style was very unorthodox and unpredictable. He reached the lost and thrown astray at any cost. Jesus gathered many followers during His time on earth. He also made several enemies because of what and who He claimed to be. Jesus came into the earth for one reason, to die for our sins. His life ended with the ultimate sacrifice of Him dying on the cross; ransoming his life for us. This showcased the biggest act of love in history; dying for all of mankind. Through this act, we can all experience a relationship with God. Restoration The only solution for restoration is salvation through Jesus Christ. Christians believe human issues can be solved spiritually. Grace, faith, and mercy play a major role in Christian salvation. Restoration through salvation is achieved through believing in Jesus, that he died for us, and having faith in who He is. A Christian must have faith, without it it is impossible to please God. True transformation takes place through developing a relationship with God. Through this relationship with God. Through this relationship, purpose is found. Analysis

4 The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:1-3, KJV). God has existed from the beginning. There is no record of His creation nor is there any reference or evidence that His dominion will ever end. He is the creator of the world and everything in it. God is known from the beginning for His unwavering love and strict commandments to mankind. We can see this narrative played out from the beginning between Adam and Eve, Lot and his wife, and even the children of Israel enslaved in Egypt. In the beginning of His creation, God formed Adam from the dust and Eve from Adam’s rib. He made mankind in His image and likeness. God created the Garden of Eden for them to dwell and prosper in. Eden was known for its beauty and the presence of God that dwelled there. God gave Adam and Eve Eden because of His love for His creation and the favor He wanted to give them there. They were just given one commandment by God, do not eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Even with everything else they had been given, Adam and Eve still disobeyed God and were punished indefinitely for it. This shows some of God’s characteristics. He is loving yet stern. Giving, yet correcting. God can also be characterized as eternal, omnipresent, and having all power. Reflection The only solution for restoration is salvation through Jesus Christ. Christians believe human issues can be solved spiritually. Grace, faith, and mercy play a major role in Christian salvation. Restoration through salvation is achieved through believing in Jesus, that he died for us, and having faith in who He is. A Christian must have faith, without it it is impossible to please God. True transformation takes place through developing a relationship with God. Through this relationship with God. Through this relationship, purpose is found. Conclusion

5 Christianity has a vast number of topics that could be covered in detail. All of them being very important. Every individual will have their own opinion on what is required to live a true Christian lifestyle as well as an opinion on who God is. The Christian worldview will continue to prompt questions and cause individuals to rethink their beliefs.

6 References Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of article. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. Retrieved from url/permalink with hyperlink removed...

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