CWV 101 301 RS T5Benchmark Gospel Essentials Template PDF

Title CWV 101 301 RS T5Benchmark Gospel Essentials Template
Author Josue De Aquino
Course Christian Worldview
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 7
File Size 94.3 KB
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Christian worldview template for benchmark of gospel essentials....



Benchmark—Gospel Essentials

Josue A De Aquino Grand Canyon University CWV-101: Christian Worldview Armen Oganessian September 5, 2021

2 Benchmark—Gospel Essentials The number of worldviews that are currently practiced around the world today are plentiful, each with their own beliefs and points of view. It is interesting to think about how they all came to be and how they influenced people which led the world to become the way it is today. In this essay I will discuss the important points of the Christian worldview. How important are the essential elements of the Christian worldview and what does; God, Humanity, Jesus, and restoration mean to those who choose to follow it? Gospel Essential Beliefs Nature of God What is God really like? Is there any proof that someone has physically seen or met Him? Is there a person that can provide solid physical evidence of Him or the things He has done? The Bible is the only proof that we have that gives us some insight as to what He is like. There are Christians today who express that they know without a doubt what God is like. Some say it is because of what they have been taught or read in the bible or even through personal experiences. We do not really know who He is except for what the Bible says. Psalms 116:5 tells us “The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.” This is a few of the ways that God is characterized by Christians. His creations surround us, everywhere we go and in everything we do, as stated by the Christian worldview. All things on this earth were created by God, to include man, animals, and plants. He placed all of these things in the Garden of Eden, it was here in this garden that God gave the breath of life into Adam and then created Eve to accompany Adam so he would not be alone in this garden that God created. “So, the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs

3 and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.” (Genesis 2:21-22). Nature of Humanity Human beings are a very complicated creature. To understand what we are truly made of would encompass many different aspects. Human nature effects how we react to things that happen in our lives as well as how we act towards certain events. A question that emerges from this thought is Are we just physical bodies, or is there more to us like a soul? Could it be a combination of both? (Hines, Smith). The Christian worldview belief is that everyone was put on earth for different reasons. Although God created all, He did not destine each person to fill a specific role. Everyone has a say in who they become because God granted humans free will. The purpose is to follow a righteous path lead by God. He does not force humanity to act or think a specific way but He does have a plan in mind. God intended humanity be loving, kind, and to help others who are in need. Many or possibly all of the problems we face stem from not having enough faith in God and believing His word. We were not meant to live in sin or carry hatred towards our fellow man. People will tend to shift the blame of their sins onto other factors such as genetics, the people around them, or things out of their control. This is merely an excuse, everyone is responsible for themselves and how they react to all of the events and situations in their lives, weather good or bad. Nature of Jesus What about Jesus? Is he God? The Christian worldview answer to that question is, Jesus is the son of God. During the days when Jesus walked the earth humans were falling further away from God. Sending Jesus to humanity was part of God’s plan to restore humanity to the way He intended them to be. Jesus was given as a sacrifice for our sins, he died on the cross, and

4 rose again after three days. Jesus gave His life so that humanity could be saved from sin and find a way to salvation through Him. Romans 6:6 tells us about this sacrifice. “For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.” The Christian worldview holds the work of Jesus near and dear to their hearts. A reason He is held so highly is because of the reason He came to man. He was sent by God with the purpose teaching the expectations of God then dying for the sins on man. The self-sacrificing behavior of Jesus helps to shape the Christian worldview. (Owuor, 2020) With Jesus’ death and resurrection, He gave humanity the message that no matter the nature of your sin redemption is possible. Repentance of your sins is required along with changing your ways. It provides an explanation that every human can earn the redemption of God and reach salvation. Restoration The Christian worldview explains that the solution to humanity’s problems is Jesus. He died for the sins of humanity and saved everyone from sin and eternal damnation. Humanity needs to return to the teachings of God. God is the only one who is able to see and control everything at all times. By returning to Him, it will help solve humanity’s problems. Many misfortunate events encountered by humanity in daily life are the results of their own decisions and actions. God does not want death or damnation for His creation, He loves mankind so much that He sent His son to die so that everyone would be redeemed from their sins. People are so consumed by selfish desires that it distracts them from the path of righteusness. God is always there waiting for humanity to return to Him. Society plays an impactful role in everyone’s daily life, in an article in Christianity Today, Mark Galli says “They see many lazy and lethargic Christians failing to strive for the holiness the Bible tells us to seek. They want people to realize

5 —meaning, making it real in their lives—what we are saved for: "to be holy and blameless before him in love" (Eph. 1:4, NRSV).” (Mark Galli,2014) Many Christians become so concerned in what is going on in society around them that they lose sight of the bigger picture, and what purpose they have in life. “God brought redemption into human history culminating in the life, death, and resurrection of his son Jesus Christ.” (Topic 5 Overview). Christian Foundations The Christian worldview sets its foundation on the Holy Bible. This sacred book carries the stories and teachings of the gospel and God’s words. The Bible is important in following the word of God and living a life in a righteous light. The bible demonstrates the nature of God, humanity, and the key in the restoration of the soul of mankind. Because of the Bible, Christians are disposed and balanced to the moral and non-moral things in God’s eyes. These concepts of beliefs are essential to the Christian worldview and how the followers live because it explains the reason for the existence of humanity. It explains God’s purpose for mankind and what Jesus’ purpose for was. God is viewed as all powerful, loving, merciful, and perfect. Jesus is God and died for the freedom of humanity. These concepts also explain the restoration of mankind. Everyone has the ability to be forgiven of their sins and be born again in the eyes of the God. These are basic foundations for a Christian to thrive and live a life worthy of the mercy and grace of God. Analysis of the Implications of the Christian Worldview A strength of the Christian worldview is that it creates promise in everyone through obeying God’s teachings. Christian worldview believes that mankind was created in image of God. Humanity was created to be good but it is through sin that mankind falls away from that goodness. Christian worldview views God as full of grace and loves everyone so He is will save

6 everyone who turns to Him. Christians understand that the only way to salvation is through Jesus. All mankind has done is sinned be been selfish, but God has still chosen to save us. God works on us through our hearts. We may not see anything but at times feel it inside. Faith is a vital aspect because it helps understand what God is all about by trusting Him even though you may not see Him. Christian worldview believes that we only have one life to live and after death we will live forever in the kingdom of God provided the life you lived grants you that privilege. Spending eternity after death with Him is only possible if humanity follows His teaching. The other outcome would be to spend eternity in hell. The faith that Christians have towards God is what creates the balance of how they behave and how they act towards other people. Christians believe that following this God-centered way of life will please the Lord and hopefully grant acceptance into heaven. Conclusion We have discussed some gospel essentials of the Christian worldview. The nature of God explains how mankind behaves vs how we were meant to be. The nature of Jesus shows what humanity were put on this earth for and understand how humanity can be restored to the expectations God had when He created the earth. “For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) Every person has the chance at entering the kingdom of heaven so long that they live a life that follows the teachings of Jesus and earns the grace of God.

7 References Diffey, D. (2020). Wisdom in the Beginning. In Grand Canyon University (Ed.), The beginning of wisdom: An introduction to Christian thought and life (3rd ed.). Galli, M. (2014). Real Transformation Happens When? Christianity Today. Retrieved from URL Grand Canyon University. (2020b). CWV-101 topic 5 overview [Class document]. LoudCloud. Owuor, V. (2020). How Jesus Shapes Our Worldview. The Gospel Coalition retrieved from URL The Holy Bible, New International Version. (2011). Bible Gateway

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