CWV 101 301 RS T2Origins PDF

Title CWV 101 301 RS T2Origins
Course Christian Worldview
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Name: Course: CWV-101 Date: November 30, 2020 Instructor:

Origins Christian Beliefs

Christian’s believe that the origins of the universe are centered around God. We know from the Bible that the Earth had no structure and was nothing. (Gen. 1:2) By His will and speaking he meticulously created the universe. Each day of the creation he spoke order, existence, light, and the heavens into existence. He knew that his creations were good. The only thing He deemed as not good was that Adam had to be alone, so he created Eve. (Gen. 1:3-31) Genesis 1 and 2 illustrate an existence that was good in the eyes of God. There is much debate on how long the act of creation lasted. Young Earth Creationism holds that the universe and every living thing it holds was created in six 24-hour periods we refer to as days. This view illustrates that the Earth and Adam were created already having aged and holds that the Earth is 6,000 to 10,000 years old. Old Age Creationism believes that this was a long event and uses the measurement called epochs to describe the periods of time. This sect believes that the Earth is billions of years old and that life appeared in stages as God willed it. Evolutionary Creationism believes that God created the inner workings of evolution and directed it to empower His creation. This view believes that the Earth is billions of years old. (Grand Canyon University, 2020, CWV-101 Topic 2 Overview Section 3, para. 5-7). God has divulged Himself through two © 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

different kinds of revelation: special and general. He reveals himself through special revelation through Jesus Christ, the discernment of the Holy Spirit, and through the Bible. He uses general revelation to reveal himself through analysis, philosophy, and studying the past. (Grand Canyon University, 2020, CWV-101 Topic 2 Overview Section 3, para. 1).

Current Understanding

I believe that the universe and life contained in it were created by God and that he meticulously orchestrated the designs. He spoke a word and the null and void were structured to support life. Each day, as illustrated in Genesis, were used to created different aspects of the Universe and Earth. (Gen. 1:3-31) The Bible states that the Creation took place over a six-day span and on the seventh day God rested. I hold on to the belief that it took six days for God to create our universe and that he created it with age. The length of time of these days are ultimately up to God. I believe that a human construct such as time holds little importance to our God. Even to humans time is relative. Could it also be that time is relative to the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite, incomprehensible, eternal, and sovereign God? (Grand Canyon University, 2020, CWV-101 Topic 2 Overview Section 2, para. 2). I know that the Bible states that the Earth and everything in it was created in six days but, when I get to Heaven, I plan on listening all about it! (Gen. 1:3-31) I believe that evolution is a tool that God uses to update His handiwork and I know that He alone controls it. I do not believe in the evolution of one species into another species, rather I believe that evolution happens within a species according to their kind. (Genesis 1:12–24) For example, I was born with no buds for wisdom teeth. I feel as if I am a good

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example of evolution within my kind. The Bible states that when God created all living things, they were good. (Gen. 1:3-31)

Impact of Current Understanding

I believe that since God created us in His image that we were put here for a purpose. (Genesis 1:27) We were made to worship him. We can worship Him by loving one another, respecting His creations, and practicing the lessons that He has placed in the Bible. In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve were given dominion over God’s creations and since we are created in His image, we must represent Him in doing so. (Genesis 2:15) I mention this because it has greatly affected my worldview. Of all the astonishing creations that God made, He chose us to be made in His image. This comes with great responsibility and it may not mean that we look like Him. Personally, I believe that we were made in His image because we contain a soul that has the capacity to know right and wrong. Therefore, we must love one another and the Earth that God created for us. Everything we do must, in turn, exalt and glorify God. I believe that God is powerful, benevolent, and infinite. I am humbled that he has given me a chance to come to this Earth and I will exalt Him in all that I do. God wants humans to grow, flourish and love one another. Everything that He has created is meant to do just that. When humans chose to learn God’s word and listen to the lessons that He has there we will be led to our true purpose. When we love one another, lift one another up, respect God’s creations we are fulfilling the task that he set upon Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 1:27) (Diffey, 2020, Wisdom In the Beginning Section 8, para. 1)

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Dan Diffey (2020). Wisdom in the Beginning. In Grand Canyon University (Ed.), The beginning of wisdom: An introduction to Christian thought and life (3rd ed.).

Grand Canyon University. (2020b). CWV-101 topic 2 overview [Class document]. LoudCloud.

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