CWV 101 301 RS T1Personal Commitments Assessment PDF

Title CWV 101 301 RS T1Personal Commitments Assessment
Author Danell Ramirez
Course Christian Worldview
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
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Personal Commitments Assessment Name: Danell Ramirez Course: CWV Date: 1/14/18 Instructor:

Be sure you answer both Part 1 and Part 2 of this assignment before submitting.

Part 1 After reading Chapter 2 in the textbook and the lecture for this topic, write a two- to threesentence answer to each of the six questions that form the basic components or personal commitments for your worldview. Answer the questions about your own beliefs in your own words, not what you think the Christian worldview believes. Keep this worksheet intact and only add your answers under each question. 1. What is your belief about ultimate reality? I believe there is a relational all powerful sovereign God who exist everywhere but is separate from the physical world he created. I do consider myself a Christian, I have recently reacquainted myself with faith after a tragic experience. I do believe in one God and that he is a loving God. Although I have room to learn and grow in my faith because I still have many questions. 2. What is your belief about the nature of the universe? My belief on the nature of the universe is it is chaotic, God gives us free will, but I feel like we have all abused it in different ways. We are sinners. Many people do not know the love of god, even I sometimes question How can god love someone like me that has made so many mistakes. 3. What is your belief about human nature and the afterlife? I believe in a heaven and a hell. I believe if you accept Jesus Christ as your savior and ask forgiveness of your sins, you will have eternal life in heaven. Although I wonder under what circumstances will you go to hell? 4. What is your belief about knowledge? I think there is worldly knowledge that can help to shape you and influence a person but it isn’t always for the better. I believe with all my heart the answers are in the bible and god © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

will show them to you. Personally, when I worship is when I feel closest to the lord and feel like he is giving me the answers, you have to pay attention to the little signs, his word is absolute truth. 5. What is your basis of ethics? My basis of ethics has been influenced by the bible and the world. I hold equality, kindness, forgiveness and trust as my core values. I can determine right from wrong fairly easily even though doing the right thing can be difficult at times. 6. What is your purpose? Honestly this is still something that weighs on me and I am still praying about. I know my heart is calling me to help people but God hasn’t revealed how yet.

Part 2 Answer the following two questions with a 250-550-word response for each. 1. Your answers to the questions in Part 1 form the basis of your worldview. Now that you have articulated your worldview, evaluate it according to the practical test described in Chapter 2 of the textbook and the lecture. Can you live your worldview out in the world as we know it? Why or why not? My worldview as a Christian can be lived out but it is a challenge. Many people view Christians as judgmental and hypocritical. When I came to GCU I loved it because I learned so many things and was reborn into a loving family of Christians, but when I shared the news with family and friends back home they respond “why, what is god going to do for you? What is the point?” I didn’t understand why I was being criticized for my beliefs, I became embarrassed but then I spent time alone with god and knew I had nothing to be ashamed of. Now I always proclaim in Jesus name. I will be completely honest I still struggle with the influence of the world, I have made some bad choices, but God is working on me. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for the past couple years, but the light is in my daily life now. I can not begin to explain the grin on my face in saying Jesus is my hope and I am in love. 2. Reflect on your current understanding of the Christian faith. In other words, what is the essence of the Christian worldview? How does one become a Christian? My current understanding of the Christian faith is a loving god that wants a personal relationship with you. He created us in his reflection. As Christians we are living our lives for him. All god asks from us is love and to accept his as our savior. Truthfully once you do that you are a Christian, a follower of Christ. You can read the bible and meditate on his word. Joining a church would be helpful to learn about Christianity too. Although, I grew up in church for a while when I was younger, but I don’t think that ever made me a Christian because I never enjoyed it. Now that I am an adult and have the choice, I choose to truly follow God. He has never let me down yet. I also want to mention even when I wasn’t close to god I must admit I know he was always there, he provided so many things in my life when 2

I needed it. He has brought people in my life to help me find him again. We were made for so much more than ordinary life,


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