CWV-101-T1 Personal Commitments Assessment PDF

Title CWV-101-T1 Personal Commitments Assessment
Author Caitlin Parkinson
Course cwv
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
File Size 105.9 KB
File Type PDF
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personal commitments...


Personal Commitments Assessment Name: Caitlin Parkinson Course: CWV 101 Date: February 6, 2020 Instructor: Matthew Hampton Be sure you answer both Part 1 and Part 2 of this assignment before submitting.

Part 1 After reading Chapter 2 in the textbook and the topic overview for this topic, write a two- to three-sentence answer to each of the six questions that form the basic components or personal commitments for your worldview. Answer the questions about your own beliefs in your own words, not what you think the Christian worldview believes. Keep this worksheet intact and only add your answers under each question. 1. What is your belief about ultimate reality? I personally believe that based on the definition of “ultimate reality” that God is the absolute. This makes God being the ultimate reality. Since, in Christianity, God is the foundation and the creator of all, he is the true embodiment of ultimate reality. 2. What is your belief about the nature of the universe? God created the universe for a reason, and everything that God spoke into creation had its’ own purpose. Each person brought into this world is a child of God and God created all of his children to carry out his work and live in his image. The nature of the universe revolves around the way that our creator made the world and to bring about his glory. 3. What is your belief about human nature and the afterlife? I believe that human nature is learned and that an afterlife is something you long for. I personally do not know if there truly is an afterlife, but you have to put faith in something, and I chose to believe that if someone believes there is an afterlife, then when they die they will experience what they perceive to be afterlife. 4. What is your belief about knowledge? I belief that knowledge can change the entire outlook someone has on the world. The basic principles we live by, still have to be taught since when we are born, we do not just “know” anything. Everything we experience, we see, brings us information that shapes the way we understand the world. That is knowledge. © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

5. What is your basis of ethics? A basis of ethics, is theonomic, meaning it is determined by God’s law. Ethics are moral principles that help an individual decide how to act or behave. Each person’s base of ethics should come from their respective “Gods.” Certain situations cause ethical dilemmas for individuals who do may be stuck deciding what is ultimately right or wrong. 6. What is your purpose? My purpose was given to me, it existed before I came into this world. The way a person goes through life, helps them find their purpose for being on this Earth. It is bestowed upon them from the Creator and it’s a great privilege to be able to carry out my purpose.

Part 2 Answer the following two questions with a 250-550-word response for each. 1. Your answers to the questions in Part 1 form the basis of your worldview. Now that you have articulated your worldview, evaluate it according to the practical test described in Chapter 2 of the textbook and the topic overview. Can you live your worldview out in the world as we know it? Why or why not? Everyone has their own set of beliefs that are made up from experiences, judgements and decisions and this is what can be defined as their own personal worldview. I think everyone should be able to live out their worldview in the world that we live in today, because everyone sees the world so differently. The practical test examines the practicality of a worldview in terms of the way people life today. Is what you believe practical? I would not believe certain things, if it didn’t have to do with something that relates to my life personally. The knowledge I have, my purpose on this Earth and human nature makes up the way I see the world. I personally have different views from my mother or my brother, because we have grown up differently and have different goals and purposes on this Earth. God gave us all our own purpose to carry out and fulfill whilst we are here. Even though people have different religious beliefs, or morals, or ethics, they can have a similar worldview and ultimately lead similar lives. 2. Reflect on your current understanding of the Christian faith. In other words, what is the essence of the Christian worldview? How does one become a Christian? The essence of the “Christian Worldview” is a such a controversial topic in today’s world. The basis for Christianity is love of all God’s children, guidance, and justification of faith through a belief in Jesus Christ, son of God, and that God will forgive all who have sinned. A true Christian chooses to live by The Bible. The Bible, which consists of the Christian scriptures, a combination of the Old and New testaments helps to uplift our creator and guides Christians through their lives. Christians choose to live with Jesus’ love flowing through them, as well as spreading God’s love to all of those around them. In order to theoretically “become a Christian”, a person must be open to the ideals that a 2

Christian believes. One of these, is that Jesus died on the cross to repent for our sins. As you pray, you learn to dedicate life to spreading the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ and accept his undying love for you. You cannot become a Christian without putting in the work, even though, if you do not put in the work, Jesus will still love and forgive you regardless. It is our job as disciples of God, to spread his word and show his love to everyone. Christians are known by their love for all people, this is the way they spread God’s love to all. If you truly wish to become a Christian to the fullest extend of the world, then we spread the word, keep faith in your heart, and live life with love.


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