Self Assessment of personal goal PDF

Title Self Assessment of personal goal
Author Al Cedeno
Course Leadership
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 3
File Size 37.9 KB
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SMART goal with personal report from Gallup CliftonStrengths. It is quite unique to me but it will help you guiding you of what it needs be done....


The CliftonStrengths is a self-assessment test that tries to highlight the most prominent personal and professional qualities while classifying them into traits that are related to me. This self-assessment revealed that having close relationships is one of my biggest strengths and this would explain why I appreciate sharing my knowledge with others. In every job I've ever had, I've been asked to train new employees. The CliftonStrength assessment defines people with this quality as relators. My other four strengths in order of prominence are harmony, consistency, activator, and significance As someone who possesses the attribute of harmony, I respect practical and straightforward thinking, and I endeavor to treat everyone fairly and equally at my work place. This is related to my next characteristic of consistency since I prefer predictable routines and easy-to-follow norms that can be followed by everyone. I'm also thought of as an activator, someone who makes things happen by transforming thoughts and ideas into reality. I'd rather be proactive acting now and at least create a plan for the task at hand. Significance is my final of the five traits, which I wish was my number one trait. I prefer working alone and prioritizing projects based on their importance and deadlines. I wish I was more capable of managing my own destiny without relying on others. After examining the CliftonStrength self-assessment findings, I can confidently say that this test has given me a better understanding of my strengths and how I approach personal and professional challenges. SMART Goal One specific goal I'd like to achieve is to increase my capacity to speak with others more effectively and confidently. Good leaders, in my opinion, lead by

example and communicate well with others. I am usually misinterpreted for being too casual in my professional communication because English is not my native language and since I am a relator according to my CliftonStrengths ratings and per the report I “know that this kind of closeness implies a certain amount of risk – you might be taken advantage of – but you are willing to accept that risk” (GALLUP CliftonStrengths Report). While I may be comfortable with my communication style, having a professional and clear communication style will help with personal relationships, not just at home but at my workplace as well. For the next four weeks, I've requested my manager and coworkers to pay attention to my written communications and how I deliver virtual meetings. Every written communication, including emails, slack messages, and meeting notes, will be carefully considered. I'll pay great attention to what I say and how I communicate with others during virtual meetings. I'll pay special attention to my body language and try to avoid repeating myself merely to prove a point. Because I will receive feedback from my manager and coworkers at the end of the fourth week, I will use that feedback to develop myself. I recognize that increasing communication skills is a lifelong and continuing effort, but because I have a trait of consistency and operation, I am confident that once I begin working on this goal, I will be able to maintain it and progress over time. As previously stated, I possess the trait of significance, and I will prioritize this goal prior to posting a comment, email, or stating anything significant during a virtual meeting. These five characteristics, I believe, will help me reach my SMART objective, or at the very least, improve my communication approach.

Resources: Clifton, Don. GALLUP CliftonStrengths Report, 1271669984 (Alister Cedeno), 23 Apr. 2021,

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