CWV 101 RS T7 Ethical Dilemma Essay PDF

Title CWV 101 RS T7 Ethical Dilemma Essay
Author Yamamah Rashid
Course Christian World View
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 6
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Topic 7 Ethical Dilemma Essay...


1 Instructor: Matthew Hampton

Benchmark - Ethical Dilemmas: Abortion Since the beginning of time, mankind has been faced with numerous ethical dilemmas. People are placed in unprecedented circumstances where they are forced to make a choice between what is right and what is wrong. One must face these dilemmas by reflecting on their worldview to help make the moral and ethical decision for positive outcomes. This essay will highlight the ethical dilemma of abortion; while showcasing the Christian core beliefs, a resolution, and an evaluation while comparing the ethical dilemma to a Hindu’s worldview. Ethical Dilemma After many years of trying to conceive, Susan has finally received the blessed news of her pregnancy. To her agony, her genetic test results had come back with an indication that her fetus has down syndrome in which the doctor suggested to abort the fetus. Susan is tormented with the idea of aborting this baby that she has longed for and keeping the dynamics of her family and life as normal as possible. She reaches out to a friend who is an evolutionary biology professor for advice. He advised her to abort this child since he believes this world is supposed to be happy with no suffering. Susan is faced with two options with one being to keep a special needs child with the different and new adaptabilities or to abort this child and save it from a life of suffering while keeping her agitations away.

Core Beliefs According to the Christian worldview and a scientific perspective, life begins instantly at fertilization. Psalm 139:13-14 states “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in

2 my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” This verse indicates that all His creations belong to Him and that we are the pinnacle creation created in His image to be treated with respect and significance. One must understand that God has ordained everything for His purpose, and He ultimately governs all. “God is the cause and power of all that is and God governs all natural processes. This lends the fundamentalist great support in the absolutism of the stance against abortion” (Simmons, 1981, para. 24). Christians also believe that “God indeed has a purpose for his people. You can read in Romans 8:28, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" (GCU, 2017, para 2). His governing is also stated in the Ten Commandments with “thou shall not murder” which is affirmed throughput the whole Gospel. Aborting a fetus at any stage is considered murder and God will “demand an accounting from anyone who takes the life of his fellow man” (Genesis 9:5). Therefore, if Susan choose to terminate her pregnancy, her choice would be considered immoral to the Christian worldview. Resolution Based on the information provided above, Susan should not abort her fetus regardless of its special needs to protect herself from committing a sin that goes against Christianity. She should put her worldly comforts to the side to seek the support she needs for her mental health and pursue to educate herself on how to give this child a comfortable life according to the child’s needs. Susan has a successful and a well-paying career which should take adoption out of this equation completely. Therapy, support groups and or counseling would be the best course of action as a Christian.

3 Therapy can help the mother make the right decisions leading up to the birth of her child giving her mental stability for a healthy pregnancy and for postpartum care. Doing so, will keep the mother better equipped to deal with the responsibilities of a parent to a special needs child. Another course of action would be finding the appropriate support group that is faith based to help you get through this dilemma. Having the constant reminder of God will keep a positive perspective on what is happening now and what is yet to come. Support groups will also develop and maintain an optimistic environment, which is important when facing these new challenge successfully. Lastly, counseling can help you and your family set the best interventions for your special needs child. These interventions will encourage the growth and development of the child as well as the family. Suggested services will also be given to ensure the child hits all of his or her milestones to give the family the comfort and positivity that is needed. God has provided us all with the wisdom and resources to get through any situation. These courses of actions are a form of His guidance to His creation to utilize. Evaluation An unintended consequence of the resolution that was recommended above could lead to poor quality of life, lack of resources due to shortage of income for the family and or change the relationship of family members to worse. This would lead some to believe that an abortion has its benefits. Alternatively, however, the growing demand for Down Syndrome advocacy encourages employment equality as well as inclusive education for a great quality of life as an adult with Down Syndrome. Many organizations such as National Down Syndrome Society advocates for their rights. “NDSS has a network of more than 375 affiliates. In addition to having

4 support group meetings, most affiliates offer a wide range of programs and services for individuals with Down syndrome and their families”(NDSS, 2020, para. 5). The NDSS will also help families connect with other organizations for financial help. These facilities are designed to support those individuals who are raising Down’s children for related expenses and resources. Lastly, these organizations have helped rebuild many relationships within their own families for those who are dealing with the effects of having a special needs child. They offer “sibling workshops, expert-speaker presentations, early intervention programs, social activities and events” (NDSS, 2020, para. 5) to support families in need.

Comparison With all the different religions in the world, not everyone is going to have a Christian worldview to resolve their dilemmas. Each solution will look slightly different depending on your faith and upbringing. When it comes to Hinduism, dealing with a situation like abortion, you may find similarities and differences compared to a Christian’s worldview. The medical ethics of a Hinduism stem from nonviolent principles. They believe in choosing the proper actions with the least amount of harm to all parties involved. So, generally speaking, Hinduism is opposed to abortion unless the mother’s life is at risk. In some Hindus text, they believe that abortion is compared to “killing of a priest. Another text considers abortion a worse sin than killing one's parents. Another text says that a woman who aborts her child will lose her caste” (BBC, 2009, para. 4). However, in some places like India, abortion practices are only allowed due to the cultural preference of a male offspring. This does not negate their actions of abortion.

5 Therefore, the Hindu worldview will most likely agree with the Christian worldview when it comes to Susan’s dilemma of aborting her special needs child. Conclusion In conclusion, with the dilemma of abortion, Susan has many choices that will drastically change her decision. If she chooses to abort a child she has been longing for, it may lead to sad and regretful memories. If she chooses to keep her special needs child, she may struggle but ultimately find happiness within her hardships. The Christian worldview would eliminate the pain and suffering of an unborn child along with Susan’s suffering from her choices. Susan has the means to give this child a somewhat normal life with no deprivations and or large obstructions. Seeking alternative solutions like therapy, church support groups and family counseling would give all the encouragement she needs to have a healthy and happy future with a special needs child. After comparing two different worldviews, abortion is looked down upon even with special circumstances. Children in many cultures are a blessing from God. Aborting a child would mean going against God word and committing murder.

6 References National Down Syndrome Society, (2020) Retrieved form Religions - Hinduism: Abortion. (2009, August 25). Retrieved August 30, 2020, from Simmons, Paul D. “A Theological Response to Fundamentalism on the Abortion Issue.” Church & Society, vol. 71, no. 4, Mar. 1981, pp. 22–35. EBSCOhost, direct=true&db=rfh&AN=ATLA0000784149&site=eds-live&scope=site. Topic 7 Overview. (2017). CWV-101: Christian Worldview. Phoenix, AZ: Grand Canyon University....

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