Dawn vocabulary PDF

Title Dawn vocabulary
Author Kashif Ali
Course English 
Institution University of Sindh
Pages 34
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Vocabulary Complete Month May 2021

With Synonyms And Antonyms

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Word: inexplicable ‫ناقابلتشریح‬ Meaning : (Adjective) incapable of being explained or accounted for Synonyms: baffling, enigmatic, incomprehensible, indecipherable, indescribable Antonyms: explainable, understandable

Word: pathetic ‫دلپراثرکرنے وال‬

Meaning: (Adjective) inspiring mixed contempt and pity Synonyms: affecting, commiserable, crummy, deplorable, distressing, feebl Antonyms: comical

Word: introspection ‫معائنہنفس‬ Meaning : (Noun) the contemplation of your own thou Synonyms: brooding, contemplation, deep thoug

and desires and conduct

goism, heart -searching

Antonyms: vacancy, vacuity

Word: extensively ‫کشادگی‬ Meaning: (Adverb) in a w Synonyms: abundant Antonyms: illib


read way ceptably, adequately, appropriately, bountifully

y, inadequately, insufficiently, meagerly, sparingly

solution ‫قرار داد‬

Meaning: (Noun) statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem Synonyms: aim, boldness, constancy, courage, dauntlessness, decidedness Antonyms: half-heartedness, irresolution

Word: ambassador ‫سی ر‬

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Synonyms: abbreviate, boil down, chop, clip, contract, cramp, cut, cut back, cut short Antonyms: expand, extend, increase, lengthen, prolong

Word: ravaging ‫پامالکیا‬ Meaning : (Noun) usually plural) a destructive action Synonyms: annihilate, break up, capture, consume, cream, crush, damage, demolish

Antonyms: agreement, armistice, concord, peace, truce

Word: convenient ‫آسان‬ Meaning: (Adjective) easy to reach Synonyms: acceptable, accommodating, adaptable, adapted, Antonyms: inappropriate, inconvenient, ineffectual, tro

ntageous, agreeable ome, unadaptable

Word: assuaging ‫تسلی دینا‬ Meaning: (Verb) provide physical relie Synonyms: allay, alleviate, appea Antonyms: aggravate, exace

Word: indispensa Meaning: ( Synony

from pain

lm, compose, conciliate, cool, ease, fill, lessen , intensify, upset


ive) not to be dispensed with essential basal, basic, cardinal, crucial, essential, fundamental, imperative, key

Antonyms: dispensable, nonessential

Word: arbitration ‫ثالث‬ Meaning: (Noun) the act of deciding as an arbiter giving authoritative judgment Synonyms: adjudication, adjustment, agreement, arbitrament, compromise

Antonyms: disagreement, dissension For More Updates visit our website or Contact WhatsApp 03410280618


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Word: altered ‫تبدی ل‬ Meaning : (Verb) cause to change make different cause a transformation Synonyms: adapt, adjust, amend, change, convert, cook, develop, dial back, diversify Antonyms: continue, keep, let stand, maintain, preserve, retain

Word: guaranteed ‫ضمانت‬ Meaning: (Verb) give surety or assume responsibility Synonyms: agreement, assurance, attestation, bail, bargain, bond, certa Antonyms: deny, disapprove, reject

Word: established ‫قائم‬ Meaning: ( Verb) build or establish something abs Synonyms: authorize, base, build, constitute Antonyms: abrogate, disestablish, erad

te, decree, domiciliate, enact, endow invalidate, unsettle

Word: acquire ‫حاصلکرنا‬ Meaning: (Verb) gain t Synonyms: access Antonyms: f

gh experience

ieve, amass, annex, attain, bring in, buy, catch, collect, cop, corral

, give away, lose, relinquish, sell, surrender

Word: farcical ‫رضی‬ Meaning: (Adjective) broadly or extravagantly humorous resembling farce Synonyms: amusing, camp, campy, comic, comical, derisory, diverting, droll Antonyms: deep, grave, serious, tragic

Word: substantive ‫پختہ‬ For More Updates visit our website or Contact WhatsApp 03410280618


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Meaning : (Adjective) having a firm basis in reality and being therefore important, meaningful, or considerable Synonyms: absolute, authentic, categorical, certain, concrete, confirmed, definite Antonyms: counterfeit, false, fictitious, imaginary, nonexistent, pretended, unreal

Word: credibility ‫قابلیقین‬ Meaning: (Noun) the quality of being believable or trustworthy Synonyms: believability, chance, integrity, likelihood, plausibility, possibility


Antonyms: implausibility, incredibility, incredibleness, questionability

Word: tediousness ‫نگ‬ Meaning : (Noun) dullness owing to length or slowness Synonyms: apathy, detachment, disgust, distaste, do

Antonyms: enthrallment, excitement, fascinat

ms, dullness, ennui


Word: ambassador ‫سیر‬ Meaning: (Noun) diplomat of Synonyms: agent, consul Antonyms: employ

Word: d

ighest rank accredited uty, diplomat, emissary, envoy, minister, plenipotentiary


y ‫خوف زدہ‬

Meaning: (Noun) fear resulting from the awareness of danger Synonyms: agitation, alarm, anxiety, apprehension, blue funk, blues, bummer Antonyms: assurance, confidence, mettle, resolution, spirit

Word: deplorable ‫شرمناک‬

Meaning: (Adjective) of very poor quality or condition

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Synonyms: afflictive, awful, blameworthy, bummer, calamitous, dire, dirty, disastrous Antonyms: acceptable, agreeable, cheerful, happy, pleasing

Word: constraint ‫قابو‬ Meaning : (Noun) the act of constraining the threat or use of force to control the thoughts or behavior of others Synonyms: coercion, compulsion, driving, duress, force, goad, hang-up, impelling Antonyms: free will

Word: exacerbated ‫مشتعل‬ Meaning: (Verb) Make worse Synonyms: aggravate, annoy, egg on, embitter, enrage, e Antonyms: appease, assuage, calm, ease, mitigate,

om, exasperate, excite

fy, pacify, placate, soften, soothe

Word: havoc ‫تباہ‬ Meaning: (Noun) violent and needl Synonyms: calamity, cataclys


tastrophe, chaos, confusion, damage, desolation

Antonyms: peace

Word: depriv Meaning


rb) keep from having, keeping, or obtaining

Synonyms: bankrupt, bare, bereave, cold turkey, denudate, denude, despoil Antonyms: appropriate, endow, give, offer, present, provide, supply

Word: alarming ‫خطرناک‬ Meaning: (Adjective) causing alarm or fear

Synonyms: alarming, astounding, awful, bad, bummer, daunting, dire, disheartening

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Antonyms: agreeable, comforting, encouraging, pleasing, wonderful

Word: exacerbate ‫مشتعل‬ Meaning: (Verb) make worse Synonyms: aggravate, annoy, egg on, embitter, enrage, envenom, exa sperate Antonyms: appease, assuage, calm, ease, mitigate, mollify, pacify, placate, soften

Word: teasing ‫اذیت‬ Meaning : (Noun) the act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously

ecially by

ridicule) provoking someone with persistent annoyances Synonyms: aggravate, annoy, badger, bait, banter, be at, bedev Antonyms: appease, calm, gladden, humor, make happy,

eleaguer, bother, bug

ify, pacify

Word: undoubtedly ‫غیریقین‬ Meaning: (Adjective) Without doubt. Synonyms: assuredly,without-doub


Word: consequences ‫ج‬ Meaning: (Noun) h Synonyms: af Antonym

important effects or influence

ect, aftermath, bottom line, chain reaction, effect, end tecedent, cause, source

Word: controversial ‫متنازعہ‬ Meaning: (Adjective) marked by or capable of arousing controversy Synonyms: arguable, argumentative, contended, contentious, contestable, controvertible Antonyms: agreeable, indisputable, undisputed, undoubted, unequivocal, unquestionable

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Word: intentions ‫ارادے‬ Meaning: (Noun) an act of intending a volition that you intend to ca rry out Synonyms: ambition, aspiration, course, desideratum, design, desire, direction, end Antonyms: aimlessness, avoidance, neglect, purposelessness, thoughtlessness

Word: acrimonious ‫تند مزاج‬

Meaning : (Adjective) marked by strong resentment or cynicism Synonyms: acerbic, acid, angry, astringent, belligerent, biting, bitter, caustic


Antonyms: civil, kind, kindly, peaceable, sweet

Word: persistent ‫قائم‬ Meaning: (Adjective) retained not shed Synonyms: assiduous, bound, bulldogged, constan

ntinual, continuous, dogged

Antonyms: irresolute

Word: proverbial ‫محاورہ‬ Meaning: (Adjective) of or r Synonyms: accepted, a Antonyms: dubio


g to or resembling or expressed in a proverb

wledged, archetypal, axiomatic, co nventional, current question, misunderstood, questionable, uncertain

it ‫خسارہ‬

Meaning: (Noun) the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required Synonyms: arrears, dead horse, defalcation, default, deficiency, due bill, dues, in hock Antonyms: enough, excess, plenty, surplus

Word: irrelevant ‫متعلقہ‬ ‫غیر‬

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Meaning : (Adjective) having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue Synonyms: extraneous, foreign, garbage, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable Antonyms: relevant

Word: revenues ‫مدنی‬ Meaning: (Noun) the entire amount of income before any deductions are made

Synonyms: acquirement, annuity, bottom line, cash flow, comings in, credit, cush


Antonyms: expenditure

Word: curbing ‫روک‬ Meaning : (Noun) an edge between a sidewalk and a roadway

sisting of a line of

curbstones (usually forming part of a gutter) Synonyms: annoyance, bitter pill, blocking, blow, b

er, chagrin, circumvention

Antonyms: encouragement

Word: debt ‫قر ض‬ Meaning: (Noun) an obligatio Synonyms: IOU, albatro Antonyms: asset, c

Word: co

ay or do something

rearage, arrears, bad news, baggage, bill, bite, capital, check rofit

versy ‫تنازعہ‬

Meaning: (Noun) contentious speech act a dispute where there is strong disagreement Synonyms: altercation, argument, beef, bickering, brush, contention, difference Antonyms: agreement, unanimity

Word: perception ‫احساس‬

Meaning: (Noun) becoming aware of something via the senses

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Antonyms: flourish, thrive

g, apprehension, approach, attention, attitude, awareness

Word: worse ‫زیادہ خرابکرنا‬ness, ignorance, inability, ineptness, naivete, stupidity Meaning : (Verb) grow worse Synonyms: aggravate, corrode, damage, decay, decline, degenerate, depress, descend Antonyms: improve, increase ngs into intimate and usually incriminating connection Synonyms: aid, altruist, angel, assistant, backer, contributor, fairy godmother Synonyms: association, assumption, conclusion, connection, connotation, entangleme Antonyms: antagonist, opposer Word: adequate ‫ مناسب‬ment Meaning: (Adjective) (sometimes followed by to) meeting the requirements

ially of a

Word: hurdle ‫رکاوٹ‬ Word: incarceration ‫حبس‬ Synonyms: able, acceptable, all right, capable, comfortable, comme ate Meaning: (Noun) the state of being imprisoned nfit, unsatisfactory, Antonyms: inadequate, inferior, insufficient, intolerable, lacki Synonyms: accommodation collar, apprehension, appropria ag, booby trap, bust, unsuitable, useless Antonyms: opening, passage Antonyms: discharge, freeing, liberation, release Word: exacerbate ‫بڑھانا‬ Word: dramatically ‫ڈرامائی طورپر‬ Meaning : (Verb) make worse Meaning : (Adjective) suitable to or chara Synonyms: Synonyms: Antonyms: Antonyms:

aggravate, corrode, dama affecting, breathtaking improve, increase blah, normal, pro

stic of drama

ecay, decline, degenerate, depress, descend actic, comic, effective, electrifying, emotional

ndramatic, unexciting, unmoving


Antonyms: indefinitely Word: reverses ‫لٹنا‬ Word: eviction ‫ہ‬ ‫قانو‬ ning in the opposite direction Meaning: (Nou he expulsion of someone (such as a tenant) from the possession of land by Meaning: (N

Synonyms Meanin Antony : Synonyms: Antonyms: Antonyms:

ut-face, antipode, antipole, antithesis, back, bottom out, contra, contradiction un) contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business front, recto rush, clearance, dislodgement, dispossession, ejection acknowledgment, adjustment, admission, allowance, assent, authorization admission denial, difference, disputation, fighting, protest, refusal

Word: semblance ‫مشابہت‬ Meaning: (Noun) picture consisting of a graphic image of a person or thing Word: languished ‫کمزور ون‬ Synonyms: affinity, air, alikeness, analogy, appearance, aspect, bearing, comparison Meaning: (Verb) become feeble Antonyms: dissimilar yance, bothering, brickbat, casus belli, cause, challenge, dar e Synonyms: be disregarded, be neglected, become dull, brood, burn out, conk out Antonyms: appeasement, compliment, flattery, pleasantry For More Updates visit our website or Contact WhatsApp 03410280618


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Word: invasion ‫حملہ‬ Meaning: (Noun) the act of invading the act of an army that invades for conquest or plunder Synonyms: aggression, assault, breach, encroachment, entrenchment, foray, forced Antonyms: retreat, withdrawal

Word: troops ‫فوج‬

Meaning : (Noun) group of soldiers Synonyms: armed forces, army, assemblage, assembly, band, body, bunch, c


Antonyms: individual, one

Word: precious ‫قی می‬ Meaning: (Adjective) high worth or cost Synonyms: adored, beloved, blue- eyed, cherished

ing, dear, dearest, fair-haired

Antonyms: cheap, worthless

Word: influence ‫اثر‬ Meaning: (Noun) causing so Synonyms: access, age consequence Antonyms: de

ing without any direct or apparent effort

ascendancy, character, clout, command, connections,

xtinguish, impede, stop

Word: legislation ‫قانونسازی‬ Meaning: (Noun) the act of making or enacting laws Synonyms: act, bill, charter, codification, constitution, enactment, lawmaking, measure Antonyms: minions

Word: assault ‫حمل‬

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Meaning : (Noun) close fighting during the culmination of a military attack Synonyms: advance, aggression, charge, incursion, invasion, offensive, onset, onslaught Antonyms: defence

Word: composite ‫جڑا‬ Meaning: (Noun) of or relating to or belonging to the plant family Compositae

Synonyms: blended, complex, compound, conglomerate, mixed, synthesized Antonyms: segregated, separated, unblended, uncombined, unmixed

Word: pretext ‫بہانہ‬ Meaning : (Noun) something serving to conceal plans a fictit

eason that is concocted in

order to conceal the real reason Synonyms: affectation, alibi, appearance, bluff, cle

cloak, color, coloring, copout

Antonyms: honesty, reality, truth

Word: utterly ‫بالکل‬ Meaning: (Adverb) completel Synonyms: absolutely, a Antonyms: incomp

Word: p

without qualification used informally as intensifiers

ogether, entirely, exactly, extremely, fully, in toto, just , uncertain

ded ‫اگےبڑھانا‬

Meaning: (Verb) follow a certain course Synonyms: advance, continue, fare, get, get going, go ahead, go on, hie, journey Antonyms: stop

Word: procurement ‫میسرکربا‬

Meaning: (Noun) the act of getting possession of something

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Synonyms: accretion, achievement, acquirement, acquiring, addition, attainment Antonyms: giving

Word: argued ‫ثابتکرن‬ Meaning: (Verb) present reasons and arguments, give evidence of Synonyms: altercate, bandy, battle, bicker, buck, bump heads, contend, cross, cross


Antonyms: agree, assent, concur, harmonize

Word: reform ‫اصالح‬ Meaning: (Noun) a change for the better as a result of correctin Synonyms: ameliorate, amend, better, clean up, convert, c


t, cure, emend, go straight

Antonyms: Worsen

Word: consensus ‫موافقت‬ Meaning : (Noun) agreement in the j Synonyms: accord, concord, co Antonyms: disagreement,

Word: substan

ent or opinion reached by a group as a whole ence, consent, harmony, unanimity, unison, unity

ord, dissension


ective) defining rights and duties as opposed to giving the rules by which Meaning: rights uties are established Synonyms: absolute, authentic, categorical, certain, concrete, confirmed, definite Antonyms: counterfeit, false, fictitious, imaginary, nonexistent, pretended, unreal

Word: rigorous ‫مشکل‬،‫کٹھن‬ Meaning: (Adjective) demanding strict attention to rules and procedures Synonyms: accurate, ascetic, austere, bitter, brutal, burdensome, correct, definite For More Updates visit our website or Contact WhatsApp 03410280618


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Antonyms: lax, slapdash

Word: massacres ‫قتل عام‬ Meaning: (Noun) the savage and excessive killing of many people Synonyms: annihilation, assassination, bloodbath, bloodshed, butchery, carnage Antonyms: help, preserve, save

Word: atrocity ‫مظالم‬ Meaning : (Noun) an act of atrocious cruelty Synonyms: atrociousness, barbarity, barbarousness, enormity, fien

ness, heinousness

Antonyms: good deed, kindness

Word: ferocity ‫خونخواری‬ Meaning: (Noun) the property of being wild Synonyms: atrocity, barbarism, barbari Antonyms: caring, gentility, huma


oodthirstiness, brutishness ss, kindness

Word: destructi...

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