Delmo Jen Aldwayne-Research Paper Review 1 PDF

Title Delmo Jen Aldwayne-Research Paper Review 1
Author Jen Aldwayne Banaag-Delmo
Course Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Institution AMA Computer University
Pages 9
File Size 123.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Download Delmo Jen Aldwayne-Research Paper Review 1 PDF


Full Bibliographic Reference Amrit, Chintan Amrit, Maia Daneva, and Daniela. Damian. 2014. "Human Factors in Software Development: On its underlying theories and the value of learning from related disciplines. A Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue." Information and Software Technology 56 (12): pp. 1537-1542.

Introduction The article assigned to our group that’s entitled “Human Factors in Software Development: On its underlying theories and the value of learning from related disciplines. A Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue” stands on its purpose; proving that human interaction certainly affects the process in software development. This article’s main focus is on how different theories, studies, and researches help support the assumption that Human Engineering and Knowledge Management should have a part in Software Engineering. The intended audience for this article may include students and working adults. This article has been written well enough for everyone (including people who are unfamiliar with the topic areas) to understand what goals it aims to achieve. But to have a better grasp of this journal article, the readers should at least have a background or be knowledgeable on any or related researches of the following: Software Engineering, Information Systems, and Social Psychology. With the journal having the title of “Information and Software Technology”, it is appropriate enough for it to contain an article tackling aspects about Software Development as it is very much related to each other. With this paper having a healthy mix of borrowed & supporting books, theories, methodological issues, and researches, plus comprehensive evidences using statistical methods, we can come to a conclusion that this is article is an empirical one.

Very Brief Summary It has been proven that human factors, in general, have been overlooked by many researchers on the software development areas even though many investigations serve as evidence that human factors influence software development greatly. With this in mind, the authors wanted to identify what and how to do human factors exactly affect the software development, and so the authors looked for systematic reviews and several citations that are all related to either software development, software engineering or human factors that affect software development in order for them to be able to formulate their very own theory that would highlight the research needs and may possibly improve the software engineering research. The authors have found out the top twenty most cited researches, but then half of these are established theories and seven of those are belonging to the software engineering field. Therefore the authors have concluded that it is worth the while and is recommended for software engineering researchers to seek help from time to time from the social and behavioral sciences that include human factors.

Results In the examination of the impact of the human factors in software development, the authors have conducted a citation analysis for systematic reviews related to the topic. However, the authors have their researches lacking in results, therefore, they adjusted their search expressions and came up with more output. Comparing the percentage of papers connected to human factors in software development among the decade, it shows that there is an increasing percentage in which the authors are not surprised for the reason that more and more people are

beginning to be interested in software developments. Then the authors made their research about theories related to software development and they found out that there are five classifications of theories and more than they have seen that among twenty top cited works, half of this are only theories with well-defined entities and 70% of those ten theories belong to the software engineering field. Therefore the authors can conclude that it is possible for engineering researchers to borrow from social sciences studies that tackle human factor

Contributions •The main issues in software development because the quality and innovation of its product and services depend on the knowledge, ability, and talent applied throughout the software development process is identified as the human. (César Álvarez Pérez, 2017) •The smaller degree, developers were another focus of software engineering research. In the highlighted above the other abstractions found you can found the productivity metrics defined for developers appeared second. It is a fact, that those human factors have achieved greater importance in the software engineering research field. (Edson Oliveira) •Given this indicator (included in the Learning and Growth Perspective)it is important because it provides evidence about the meaning of human factors in software development. (Maria Angeles Andreu-Andres, 2018)

Foundation The article’s research foundation was entitled The Future of Empirical Methods in Software Engineering Research (Dag I.K Sjoberg, 2007) states that they presented that the use of empirical methods could contribute to improved Software Engineering research and practice. Some challenges are acknowledged, i.e ., more empirical studies of higher quality and relevance and as they focus on more research synthesize and buildings theory. As both article and the foundation they related to the journal entitled Human Factors in Software Development by (Pirzadeh, 2010) stated that even though the humans have impacts on the software development process and its rate of success, failure and performance, there has not been enough study that focus in the area.

Synthesis with Class Materials In the article, certain search terms were used in reviews for primary studies to further locate related factors on Human Factors in Software Development. One of the key search terms includes, “Software Engineering” which resulted in various researches delivering support on the article’s theories. Software Engineering (Rouse 2016) may be defined as the application of engineering principles to the process of software development. This certain topic in the article is relevant enough to be included in this synthesis as it was also one of our program courses that have similar discussions like in the article. To further discuss, Software Engineering usually deals with the management of software systems, meaning there are people in the process of developing software. Since management is involved in Software Engineering, which is also a major part of this article where the authors analyzed everything that relates to Human Factors Affecting Software Development, this literally means that teamwork exists in Software Engineering. So, we can introduce another subject of ours that can be included in the synthesis, which is Project Management (paymo Academy 2018). Project Management is all about determining your goals, how you’re going to achieve them, what resources you will need in the process, and how long it will take to reach the end of the line. Thus, this topic area is also related to the article as Human Factors also have a major impact on Project Management. Management means there should be a manager, and projects do really need people as they help make outputs deployed successfully. Without them, there would be no movement, discipline, or progress at all. The same goes for

Software Engineering. But, is there a way to merge the methods of both together in order to have much efficient progress? This is where Engineering Management steps in. We previously mentioned that both Software Engineering and Project Management play their roles respectively when it comes on acquiring human factors, Engineering Management almost has the same exact goal and is also one of our enrolled program courses. Unlike Software Engineering where the methods from engineering are applied to Software Development, and Project Management deals with finishing and delivering outputs, Engineering Management combines the technical practices & problem-solving skills from engineering with management techniques, this is also related because it involves major external interactions. The article’s focus is human intervention with developing software which includes the Information Technology that we used nowadays. In the introduction to the system, analysis discussed what is an information technology which is defined as a combination of hardware and software that companies use to manage, access, communicate and share information. Impact of information technology and internet in businesses (Berisha-Shaqiri, 2015) wherein information technology is used as a tool for companies to improved their ability when the risk of failure is increasing. The idea of contributing to the optimization of enterprise resources and enhancing business performance. In the article, the Agile Method is always used since the article focuses on software development. Agile method is a kind of SDLC that is vastly used in terms of software development and it always involves software. Agile Software Development Methodology (Charles Edeki, 2015) states that the Agile Method is being widely accepted in terms of software development. It provides benefits far from the previously used which is the waterfall model. With the Agile method, it will show the developer the difference between their estimated production time and actual time.

Analysis and Additional Analysis In reviewing this article the authors emphasized those research involving Human Factors in the field of System Engineering. In addition, to support the main idea, they provided citation analysis and review each one of them. On the first part, they reviewed the pieces of evidence on the importance of research involving human factors. That review provides a literature review that supports the first objective of the journal. The second part provides a citation analysis to strengthen also the main idea. On identifying the main theory it is shown in authors comparison, they compared those cited articles and books to prove or to justify the main theories on this field. According to Sandra Jamieson 1999 (Jamieson 1999), “Making comparisons helps student writers make decisions and judgments, both in planning other papers and in the forming theses and interpretations of data and ideas.” So, in comparing such information help to empower the review. They set two standards to identify what theories can be used in their review and analyzation. Those articles provide references on helping them to analyze the essence of the theories. Those cited articles and theories are still applied in this journal as they adopted Sjoberg definition of theory as a basis. As stated here in the journal, all in the books/articles in table 2 are related to Project Management in software development. As we think of it, Project Management plays important roles in those articles. They used Table 3 on analyzing their works that’s why they identify the native and imported theories as well as the type of the theories. This way is more convenient for analyzing data. Effective data presentation used graphs and tables for us to have an easy understanding and essential for the paper’s readability. Reader’s have concluded that references can help to contribute and support the main topic.

General Critique Upon reviewing this journal, this one is a good journal because they presented this in a good arrangement, from an interesting title to introduction to acknowledgment and references that a good reviewing journal has. They presented graphs and tables that show the comparison to indicate the topic that helps the reader also the journal itself to support the foundation of the topic. Effective data presentation used graphs and tables for us to have an easy understanding and essential for the paper’s readability. The author's style of citation is good and they manage it well they also discussed each of their gathered references though there are so many citation and good that they used a citation analysis tool to help them out. Furthermore, the Human Factor in the article is too broad to discuss and the author should have limit the sub-field citations they review.

Further Critique of an Empirical Article The data and graphs provided in the article (Fig. 1. The total number of Software Engineering and Human Factors in SD articles published between 2000 and 2014 & Fig. 2. The change in the percentage of papers published on Human Factors in SD over the last decade.) shows the number of papers produces which focuses on the human factors in Software Development and Software Engineering. The empirical evidence provided shows the exact number of Software Engineering and Human in Factors in SD. According to Dewayne E. Perry, Adam A. Porter, Lawrence G. Votta (Dewayne E. Perry 2000), software Engineering has fully matured over the last 10-20 years thus resulting in having a greater number of researches about Software Engineering rather than Human Factors in SD. The empirical studies where base on the main theories in Human Factors in Software Development. Explanations are provided through different theories cited by the author in the article. These theories greatly prove the empirical studies in the article. The empirical study is carried through the plotting of data. Through computations and analyzation, the researchers were able to get the percentage of Human Factors in SD. Empirical researches are very important for researchers. It leads them to see the importance of addressing the issues of Human Factors in Software Development. Measures used in the study were adequately described in the article. The provided measurements were provided using extracted references. Data were then shown using tables (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3). The analysis was conducted manually and properly. The authors did their analysis separately in order to ensure their validity. Then they compared and argue on their findings. The authors supported the empirical data until the conclusions. The conclusion was mainly based on empirical data written in the article. The authors suggest hypotheses that may help future empirical SE researchers. Several citations were provided thus proving that the authors were fair and not bias.

Issues (listed by the author) 1.

The author search for key words in searching for relevant studies that they want to include in their review. They did what Pirzadeh did by using base search terms to find articles/books related to Human Factors in System Development on Web of Science(ISA) but it only returned fewer articles. This issue needs to be resolved as this is needed when doing an article for getting the right references needed in the topic. The author broadened their search and add other search terms in addition to terms used by Pizardeh and while did this not get all articles related to Human Factor they managed to get the most popular articles/books related to Human Factor.


The authors have a difficulty in the process of gathering citations. The authors even used HistCite a citation analysis tool but it there are still some references not added in total. This is important as gathering datas should be accurate to prove that your research is a fact not just assumptions. Especially in this article where the authors are trying to prove the top citations books/articles related to human factors. This issue was resolved by the authors by sorting the references by name and adding the references in total manually. By doing this manually they managed to only include those works that explicitly mentioned human factors and exclude those who do not explicitly deal with human factors.

Issues (in your opinion) 1. What is the whole scope of “human factors”? Human factors include a lot like behaviour, abilities and etc. It is hard to know whether this one “factor” is still considered as a “human factor” and would possibly confuse the readers. The article did not specify what human factors were covered. I suggest that it would specify what the whole “human factor” covers to avoid confusions and misunderstandings. 2. Are the 7 out of 10 theories from 20 cited works accurate? It is important to have an accurate output to become a reliable source and citation to other researchers. They did not filter the theories from the other cited works. I suggest separating the cited theories from all the other cited works before getting the percentage of the native theories in order to be more accurate.

Impact §

Software Project Managers' Perceptions of Productivity Factors: Findings from a Qualitative Study This article focused on the developers’ productivity and it plays an important role on software development organizations. They cited this article as a base that software developers are essential contributors in SD projects and that stated that software development is essentially a human activity. It also states that this article supports the growing importance of human factors in SE. The impact of the article is that it shows clearly what are the clear differences in the human factors of software development compare to the software engineering backup by the studies and also by citing others people research about this topic


Change Readiness Model for Sustainable Software Engineering This article is about the improving of ICT devices and reducing the waste to reduce the harm to the environment. It is allocated to the readiness of the on the change of the software engineers environment. The impact of the article is that from the article states that human factor is a factor of the software development, this article focused on the change of the environment of the software development and to decrease the dissatisfaction of the SD. They use the article as the base of even The current Researches Is sustainable, it is still not enough. The article is used to the connection or link of the ICT to their work as stated on the article.

Questions 1. After reading the article how can you define theory and explain how to make a good theory? 2. Why do you think there are many project management as sub-fields on table 2 in the top 20 most cited articles/books that are related to Human Factors in System Development in the last decade?...

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