Descriptive Analysis OF Molly MAID\'S Management ( Group 7) PDF

Title Descriptive Analysis OF Molly MAID\'S Management ( Group 7)
Author ABhishek Dangre
Course Management Essentials
Institution Douglas College
Pages 27
File Size 1.1 MB
File Type PDF
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Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………… 3 1. VMOSA.……………………………………………………………………………..3 2. PERFOMANCE EXCELLENCE………………………………………………….7 3. MANAGEMENT VIEWS. …………………………………………………………8 4. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND ISSUES……………………………….10 5. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.......................................................................13 6. DECISION MAKING..……………………………………………………………..14 7. ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN……………………………………………………15 8. COMMUNICATION………………………………………………………………..15 9. HR PLANNING……………………………………………………………………..16 10. COMPANY ANALYSIS…………………………………………………………...19 References……...………………………………………………………………………23 Appendix….……………………………………………………………………………23



“Management is an art of getting things done through and with the people in formally organized groups” (Koontz, Harold). Management is useful for organizations in various ways which include achieving goals through teamwork, proper utilization of resources, reducing costs through proper planning and establishing equilibrium. This project report aims to describe various management related terms and concepts of a Canadian Company called Molly Maid through its manager’s perception. VMOSA VMOSA stands for Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategy and Action Plans. It is a planning tool which helps an organization to transform dreams to actions keeping in mind the betterment of the community. VMOSA can be used when you are starting a new organization, a new project or an older project which has lost its momentum. VISION The Vision is basically the dream of an organization. The Organization’s vision statement makes the beliefs and principles clear to the community as well as to its staff, volunteers as well as participants. The Vision statement should be easy to communicate, share and understood by the people. It should motivate and inspire community members. Molly Maid is constantly striving hard to be the most respected and sought after professional cleaning service in the United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Japan and Portugal. MISSION After developing a vision, the next important task for an organization is to develop a Mission Statement. The mission statement is more concrete and action-oriented than a vision statement. The Mission statement should explain the organization’ s objectives in a concise manner. Molly



maid’s mission is to provide a trustworthy dependable cleaning service from fully trained, bonded and insured professionals with a 100 % guaranteed customer satisfaction. Its internal online management system ensures that the company follows the management functions like: Planning: Defining goals and using a flexible approach in order to develop sub-plans and coordinate multiple activities. Organizing: Determining what needs to be done by whom and by using which resources and procedures. Leading: Directing, guiding, motivating and providing on-site training to employees. Controlling: Ensuring that the tasks are executed as planned and evaluating it. OBJECTIVES: Once an organization’s mission is determined, the next step is to develop the specific objectives focusing on achieving that mission. The three basic types of objectives are 1. Behavioral objectives: These aims to change the behavior of people and the result of their behavior. 2. Community-level outcome objectives: These are more focused on the community level as compared to an individual level. 3. Process objectives: These are the objectives which are necessary and implemented to achieve other objectives. Molly maid’s key objective is to deliver a world-class cleaning and professional customer service, meeting or exceeding management, employees and client expectations and 4


maintain their total quality maintenance system through the innovative integrated management system.

STRATEGIES: The next step in the VMOSA process is to develop strategies in order to reach the objectives. Five types of strategies which can guide most interventions are offering skills training, enhancing support, modifying barriers and opportunities, changing effort consequences, modifying policies. Molly maid use strategies like sharing stories, showcasing values, leveraging business community, using data to target advertisements, demonstrating expertise and providing incentivize referrals.

ACTION PLANS: Finally, action plans determine how strategies will be implemented to accomplish the objectives .The actions plan includes the necessary changes that are needed to be made and steps in order to bring out the change. Molly maid prepares action steps for each task such as what will happen, who will do the task, the time to complete the assigned task, what resources are required and which are available, the possible barriers and plans to overcome them, who else should know the plan.



VALUES: Values help companies to determine that they are following the right path. It also helps the people to compare the standards or ideals which indirectly guide them to distinguish between right or wrong. Molly maid’s values include transparency, integrity, teamwork, speed, innovation and diversity.



These graphs and diagrams explain employee’s feedback over Molly Maid’s VMOSA tool.

PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE: EFFECTIVENESS: Effectiveness means “doing the right things.”It is the degree to which the objectives are completed and the extent to which targeted problems are solved. EFFICIENCY: Efficiency means “doing the things right.”It is the comparison of what is actually produced and what can be achieved with the same consumption of resources. ADAPTABILITY: Adaptability is an ability of an organization to alter itself or its responses to the changed environment or circumstances. PERFORMANCE = (EFFECTIVENESS)*(EFFICIENCY)*(ADAPTABILITY). According to Molly Maid’s Branch Manager, adaptability is more important as compared to effectiveness and efficiency due to constant changing work environment and conditions. Due to 7


the constant evolution, today’s successful variables might be outdated in the future. She also believes that leadership will remain an art in complex adaptive systems and adaptability requires some degree of resiliency i.e. ability to absorb surprising changes without failure.

MANAGEMENT VIEWS: The two different types of view towards managers are symbolic and omnipotent. The symbolic view of management states that the managers are alone not responsible for an organizational success or failure and they have limited control over its purpose, functions and operations. The quality of the company is not determined by the quality of its managers. The omnipotent view of management states that the manager has an unlimited effect on organizational outcomes and they alone are responsible for the company’s success or failure. The quality of the company is determined by the quality of its managers. Molly Maid follows the symbolic view of management towards its managers since external factors such as the economy, customers, government policies, industry conditions are variables which influence company’s performance and it would be unfair and unprofessional to held managers alone responsible for company’s success or failure. ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA: As per the research, Social media has been found to be more effective than traditional ways of communication in influencing the purchase behavior of the consumers. It is considered as one of the important strategic tools used by the organizations. Social media creates new opportunities for the interaction between the organization and the public. 8


Molly Maid’s Burnaby Branch Manager Lenea considers that the effective use of social media technology has a greater impact on organizational performance. Molly maid uses both web-based and mobile technologies because of the changing trends of the consumers. Realizing the importance of social media, Molly Maid has created a social media presence by participating in platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook in order to succeed in an online environment. To conclude, Molly maid uses Social media for the purposes like branding, information sharing, advertising and promotion, conducting market research, reaching new customers, getting referrals, developing customer relations and receiving customer feedback.

ROLE OF INNOVATION: Managers view innovation as a source of organizational change, growth and effectiveness. Organizations consider innovation cost as a critical component in order to increase effective organizational performance. The Innovation cost is inversely proportional to the innovation adoption. When the cost of innovation is considered to be less, innovation is more likely to be accepted. Innovation complexity should be kept to a minimum so that it should be easy to understand and implement.

Molly maid keeps up to date information about various upcoming techniques in the cleaning industry.



Molly maid believes in trying out new techniques and procedures which will make them different from their competitors. They invest in people, product and processes in order to increase productivity and performance. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND ISSUES: Organizational culture represents the company’s overall lifestyle and involves a variety of elements like working methods and values of the company, teamwork, level of social engagement, the quality of customer service and the working environment. Major challenges companies face is to maintain a healthy organizational culture. Maintaining this can increase the level of employee engagement. Involvement of all team members can also be considered as a challenge to an organizational culture since everyone should be moving in the same direction and if this doesn’t happen it will lead to lower organizational performance. Lenea considers facing different employees with different approaches due to different cultural background and diversity is a major challenge to her companies’ culture. Due to the multicultural organizational structure, language can be considered as a communication barrier between managers and employees. Sometimes social tension can occur as a result of cultural and linguistic difference. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: Molly maid is a multinational company which has offices in countries like the United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Japan and Portugal. Considering fewer investments and risk, Molly maid went international by process of Franchising.



WORKPLACE DIVERSITY: Workplace diversity aims to bring out harmony, profitability, creativity to organizations. Workplace diversity includes differences like management versus union, functional level, classification and proximity or distance to the corporate headquarters. Other differences include personality and work style. The increase in workplace diversity has led to increasing challenges for organizations seeking to maintain a diverse workforce. The



of diversity include





Molly maid considers diversity management as a solution to the issues of workplace diversity. This includes identification, implementation and maintenance stage. They also consider developing diversity programs and diverse culture, conducting diversity audits, hiring diversity consultants, retaining diverse employees and providing diversity training can be useful in maintaining diversity management.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: The present-day CSR (also called corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, responsible business and corporate social opportunity) is a concept whereby business organizations consider the interest of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees. CSR simply refers to strategies corporations or firms conduct their business in a way that is ethical and society friendly. CSR can involve a range of activities such as working in partnership with local communities, socially sensitive investment, developing relationships with employees, customers and their families, and involving in activities for environmental conservation and sustainability. The success of CSR is determined by both 11


internal and external factors. Internal factors are economic considerations, the culture of the firm including the CEO and employees, and ethical influences; while external factors are compliance with legal requirements and technological influences as well as national culture (Bichta, 2003). Social responsibility is very important to Molly maid as a corporate and domestic franchise. Molly maid is involved locally by supporting food banks, Salvation Army coat drive as well as sponsoring local sports teams and school fundraisers. Molly maid implements green housekeeping cleaning programs which include the use of eco-friendly products, use of reusable bottles to reduce carbon footprint, use of non-toxic, a non-reactive and non-corrosive product with zero ozone depleting potential, use of renewable and plant-based products. SOCIAL RESPONSIBLE MANAGER: In order to be socially responsive, Lenea feels manager needs to establish realistic goals, educate employees, organize in-house social responsibility team, directly contribute, encourage volunteering, implement ethical labor practices and collaborate with compatible organizations. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE: Organizational change includes: 1. Organization-wide change: Large scale transformation which affects the whole company. 2. Transformational change: Targets organizational strategy. 3. Personnel change: Implementation of mass hiring or layoff. 4. Unplanned change: Necessary actions following the unexpected event. Last summer, Molly Maid went through Personnel change by mass hiring of employees since the demand for cleaning service is quite high due to high sales in summer. 12


ROLES & RESPONSIBILITY: Being a Manager for the local franchisee of Molly Maid, Lenae acts as a middle manager. This makes her responsible for managing the work of all the employees who have non-managerial duties directly or indirectly working under her leadership. She is directly responsible for all the leg work done by the employees under her leadership. She has to make sure that things are running on time, the work done is of the utmost quality keeping in line with the company’s mission of providing trustworthy and dependable cleaning services leading to total customer satisfaction. Lenae is also responsible for the 4 functions of management. Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling. She is particularly going to be majorly concerned with the Leading and controlling functions of management. EFFECTIVE DECISION MAKING: According to Lenae, staying calm in critical situation proves to be beneficial for making a decision. The Manager should think about the long term plan, the beneficial solution in every situation, taking the long road and perceiving all viewpoints. Lenae uses 7 step decision- making procedure which includes: 1. Identifying the decision: Realization of what you need. 2. Gather relevant information: External and Internal research. 3. Identity the alternatives: List all possible and desirable alternatives. 4. Choose among alternatives: Select the alternative which is best and viable. 5. Take action: Implement the alternative. 6. Review action and recommendations: Consider results and evaluate.



STRATEGIC PLANNING: Most of the strategy for the company is made by the top managers; those would be the owners of the franchise for which Lenae works. These top managers implement strategies in consultation with Lenae and ask her to implement the franchise wide strategy within a given a timeframe. Lenae’s job revolves around making sure that the work done is going to be in highly efficient and effective manner by reducing resource wastage. STRATEGIC ISSUES: According to Lenae, the company is currently facing some issue in their management. The issue they are facing is related to the Human Resource element of the company. Human resource planning is an important process for the company. The company and the HR team of the company are looking at various ways to hire good, hardworking staff and also look for various ways to keep them at the company. In terms of financial planning, the company is trying to keep their account receivables low, which is to ensure that the local business doesn’t bleed money and can stay in business and keep serving their customers. ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN: Molly maid uses a more contemporary design structure. It is a Franchisee and basically uses the name of another company and uses the operating methods made by the franchisees across the country. The design structure is based on a Team Structure basis, where the entire company is made up of work groups. This makes employees more involved and empowered. On the flip side,



a clear chain of command could be missing. It also creates pressure on individual teams to perform as per standards set. ROLE OF COMMUNICATION: Good communication is the key to success for all organizations. Communication is considered a vital part of Molly Maid’s success. Without strong communicational skills within the management of Molly Maid running of the business successfully would be very difficult. The communication at the level of employees and lower level non – managerial employees is deeply essential as they are the driving force behind the success of the company. HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING: The process of Human Resource planning is the process by which the managers ensure that the company has the right amount of people, the right kind of people and the right people at the right places. Human Resource Planning can be largely condensed into two steps: 

Assessing the current and future HR needs.

The HR planning needs is in conjecture with the general manager needs to achieve the goals set forth for the organization. Molly Maid’s HR needs are looked after by the HR department. Their HR department recruits workers through various different avenues. Each of these methods has their advantages and disadvantages. The majority of the company’s recruitment happens through referrals of current and past employees. This source provides strong candidates which the company needs right now. The disadvantage of this source of recruitment though is that it may not increase the diversity of the employees. They also recruit through the internet and the company website, both of which 15


reach a larger group of people, but also generates many unqualified candidates. This in turn, increases the workload of the HR department to find the perfect fits for the company. TRAINING: Molly Maid uses on the job continuous training. This is important as the company strives for perfection and living up to its mission and vision each day. They ...

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