Despro thesis for pre-oral PDF

Title Despro thesis for pre-oral
Author Kenny Roa
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College of Engineering and Industrial Technology

RIZAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY LABORATORY HIGH SCHOOL AUTOMATED STUDENT ENTRANCE AND EXIT MONITORING SYSTEM (RTU - LHS Auto-SEEMS) USING RFID AND SMS A Student-Faculty Collaborative Project Study Presented to the College of Engineering and Industrial Technology Rizal Technological University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

By: Almero, Jhen Kervy C. Fabella, Jessica F. Lizardo, Karisse Ann B. Posadas, Monica M. Roa, Kenny R.



College of Engineering and Industrial Technology

CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND This chapter presents an overview of the project study conducted by the proponents, the problems defined and determined, the objectives of the study, the significance of the study, the scope and delimitation, and the definition of terms used.

Introduction Rizal Technological University has been providing the youth, not only of Mandaluyong but of other cities as well, fine education for the past 45 years. The university never fails to produce highly-skilled and job-prepared graduates to be of use to the industry of various fields, such as engineering, nursing, education, the arts and science, and business. It always aims that its students must be equipped with high levels of expertise to be prepared before taking the road to success. The University longs for nothing but the betterment of its students and in order to secure their future, RTU must also promote their safety within the university premises. With the students’ welfare in mind and to


sure the parents of the students of their safety, the proponents introduce Automated Student Entrance and Exit Monitoring System (Auto-SEEMS) using



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RFID for RTU Laboratory High School. This will be installed at the Laboratory High School students’ gateway to record the time of entrance and exit of students and to inform parents of such events. The current

university IDs

which utilized RF technology will be used to serve as a unique identification for students entering and leaving the university premises. The time of entrance and exit of the student will not only be recorded but will also be sent to the student’s parents/guardians via text messages. The load for the text messages will be financed by the university. Providing the university with such system will ensure a better level of security for its student.

Background of the Study Rizal Technological University does not only serve as the nest of future professionals but also nurtures young minds from the secondary levels. RTU aids and guides its Laboratory High School students by equipping them with knowledge, and background for tertiary education, by immersing them in various activities that give them insight and understanding of the application of the theoretical knowledge given to them, by their teachers, by training them to exhibit proper deportment and pleasing character, by rendering them job-ready, and by helping them choose the appropriate career to focus evaluating their own personality.



College of Engineering and Industrial Technology

Along with the other important things, safety of the students must also be in the list of the university’s priority. The university uses manual system when it comes to monitoring students’ who enter and leave the premises. Security guards manually check students‘ identification card


they can enter the university. Based from studies and observations, manual-based system may result to some problems. There might be instances of inconsistency in checking students’ ID since it will be too time-consuming to check them one-by-one. In connection to this, it will also be possible that students can enter the premises and attend classes without IDs, which is clearly a violation to the rule “NO ID, NO ENTRY”.

Statement of the Problem This project study was conducted to design an automated student entrance and exit monitoring system for Rizal Technological University Laboratory High School. The following are the specific problems that the proponents have to address: 1. How can the Laboratory High School ensure the legitimacy of the high school students who enter the university premises and monitor if they follow the school policy regarding IDs?


College of Engineering and Industrial Technology

2. How can the Laboratory High School monitor those students who enter and leave the university premises, especially those who stay beyond school hours? 3. How can the Laboratory High School assure the parents/guardians that their children are in school?

Objectives of the Study The main objective of this project study is to be able to create a computerized database information system that can enhance the RTU gateway system for high school students. This project can be an effective tool for monitoring and recording high school students’ time of entrance and exit in the university and informing parents/guardians about such events. The following are the specific objectives of this project study: 1. To enforce the strict implementation of the “NO ID, NO ENTRY” policy by means of a system that uses an RFID reader and checker. 2. To design a database system that records the time of entrance and exit of all LHS students. 3. To develop a system that utilizes text messaging to inform the parents and guardians about the time when their children enter and leave the university premises.



College of Engineering and Industrial Technology

Significance of the Study For the parents, the study will greatly assure them that their children are within the school premise during a specific time sent via text message. For the security personnel, the study will make the ID inspection easier. For the Laboratory High School, the study will aid them in monitoring students’ attendance and compliance with school policies. The administration can also track students who are frequently absent and tardy, and even those who stay within the school premises beyond school hours. For the university, the study will further improve a sense of security within its premises. Also, the violation of the school policies, such as “NO ID, NO ENTRY”, will be significantly lessened. For the future researchers, this study will aid them in other studies with regards to such monitoring systems and other projects utilizing Radio Frequency (RF) Technology. Other proponents can use this study as the base for their design projects.

Scope and Delimitations The study will focus on the design, development, and implementation of the student entrance and exit monitoring system for Rizal Technological



College of Engineering and Industrial Technology

University Laboratory High School, and will include the implementation of an automated gateway that will utilize Radio Frequency (RF) Technology. This technology will serve as an interfacing device in this project. The current student IDs in the university are using the said technology. Installation of a RFID reader at the gateway will also be implemented. A student need to bring his/her ID close to the reader (about 10 cm from the reader) for verification. The ID will be read by the RFID reader and the system will display the information of the student on a screen. His/her ID photo will be displayed also on the screen at the guard house so that the security personnel can verify the student’s information and exact time of arrival/exit. The student’s time of arrival/exit will be sent to their respective parent/ guardian. In case the ID is lost, students are advised to report immediately for reprocessing. The proposed system‘s scope consists of the following: 1. LOG IN allows administrator, and security personnel to access the system. 2. VIEW consists of all enrolled students and their information. 3. MONITOR consists of the entrance and exit modules which record the time and date of entrance and exit of every student and send text message to his/her parent/guardian.



College of Engineering and Industrial Technology

4. REPORT provides the reports on the list of students enrolled, list of student’s time of entrance and exit to school premises, etc. 5. REGISTER is where an admin adds or edits student information, adds or edits user account, and verifies student information. 6. HELP provides information of how the system works.

The proposed system’s delimitation consists of the following: 1. It is not responsible for the security of the students once they exit the school premises. 2. For freshmen students, the system will be effective once the MIC issued their IDs. 3. It is used solely for the purpose of monitoring the students who enter and leave the school premises; thus it cannot be utilized as student’s attendance for every subject.

Definition of Terms Administrator (or Admin) - an official and current employee of RTU who manages and maintains the Auto-SEEMS and has full access to all of its



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functions. Client (Computer) - the computer that is located at the guard house where the RFID reader and GSM modem is connected. Gateway - entrance and exit passage for LHS students and is separate from the Main Gate for other University students. RFID or RF tags- Radio Frequency Identification Card; the interfacing device between student information and the system. RFID reader - the device installed on the guard house which detects the RFID. RTU-LHS Auto-SEEMS -

Rizal Technological University - Laboratory High

School Automated Student Entrance and Exit Monitoring System System - the RTU–LHS Auto-SEEMS; manages RTU-LHS Student Information and the records of their entrance and exit from the university premises. Valid ID - RTU-LHS Identification Card issued by MIC.



College of Engineering and Industrial Technology

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This review of related literature has direct relation to the present study. The coverage of this chapter were researching and reading different review of literature and studies with regards to the system, analyzing each document and relating them to the system. It includes benchmarking and synthesis.

Radio Frequency Identification Radio frequency identification, or RFID, is a generic term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. There are several methods of identification, but the most common is to store a serial number that identifies a person or object, and perhaps other information, on a microchip that is attached to an antenna (the chip and the antenna together are called an RFID transponder or an RFID tag). The antenna enables the chip to transmit the identification information to a reader. The reader converts the radio waves reflected back from the RFID tag into digital information that can then be passed on to computers that can make use of it. (Violino, 2005) According to Packaging Digest (2014), Radio frequency identification



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(RFID) is part of the family of Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) technologies that includes 1D and 2D bar codes. RFID uses an electronic chip, usually applied to a substrate to form a label, that's affixed to a product, case, pallet or other package. The information it contains may be read, rewritten and/or recorded. An RFID system consists of a tag, which is made up of a microchip with an antenna, and an interrogator or reader with an antenna. The reader sends out electromagnetic waves. The tag antenna is tuned to receive these waves. A passive RFID tag draws power from field created by the reader and uses it to power the microchip’s circuits. The chip then modulates the waves that the tag sends back to the reader and the reader converts the new waves into digital data. Like other wireless devices, RFID tags broadcast over a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The exact frequency is variable and can be chosen to avoid interference with other electronics or among RFID tags and readers in the form of tag interference or reader interference. There are three types of RFID; active, passive and semi-passive RFID tag. Active and semi-passive RFID tags use internal batteries to power their circuits. An active tag also uses its battery to broadcast radio waves to a reader, whereas a semi-passive tag relies on the reader to supply its pow-



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er for broadcasting. Because these tags contain more hardware than passive RFID tags, they are more expensive. Active and semi-passive tags are reserved for costly items that are read over greater distances -- they broadcast high frequencies from 850 to 950 MHz that can be read 100 feet (30.5 meters) or more away. If it is necessary to read the tags from even farther away, additional batteries can boost a tag's range to over 300 feet (100 meters). Passive RFID tags rely entirely on the reader as their power source. These tags are read up to 20 feet (six meters) away, and they have lower production costs, meaning that they can be applied to less expensive merchandise. These tags are manufactured to be disposable, along with the disposable consumer goods on which they are placed. Whereas a railway car would have an active RFID tag, a bottle of shampoo would have a passive tag. (Violino, 2005) Most RFID systems use the so-called unlicensed spectrum, which is a specific part of the spectrum set aside for use without a radio license. Popular band are the low-frequency (LF) band at 125–134.2KHz, the highfrequency band at 13.56MHz, the ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) band at 915MHz (in North America; varies in other regions), and the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band at 2.4GHz. (Garfinkel & Holtzman, 2005)



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There are a total of four a different RFID frequency band or RFID frequencies that are used around the globe. These are placed widely different areas within the radio frequency spectrum and this enables RFID to choose frequencies that will enable the right system parameters to be obtained. Table 2.1 summarizes the RFID Frequency band together with their respective applications. Table 2.1 RFID Frequency Band/Spectrum Allocations RFID FREQUENCY BAND




125-134.2 kHz and 140-148.5 kHz

Low frequency

Up to ~ 1/2 meter

Access control, animal tracking, vehicle immobilizers and POS applications.

13.553 13.567 MHz

High Frequency HF Often called 13.56 MHz

Up to ~ 1 meter

These RFID frequencies are typically used for electronic ticketing, contactless payment, access control, garment tracking, smart cards, etc.

858 - 930 MHz

Ultra High Frequency UHF

1 to 10 meters

These RFID frequencies cannot be accessed globally and there are significant restrictions on their use. When they are used, it is often used for asset management, container tracking, baggage tracking, work in progress tracking, etc. and often in conjunction with Wi-Fi systems.

2.446 2.454GHz

SHF / Microwave

3 meters upwards

These RFID frequencies are used for long range tracking and with active tags, RFID and AVI (Automatic Vehicle Identification).



College of Engineering and Industrial Technology

Short Messaging Service (SMS) Short Message Service messages, also known as text messages, are the most basic of all message types supported by mobile phones. SMS message technology laid the groundwork for the advancement of other types of messages supported by most phones on the market at the time of publication, including multimedia and instant messages. Using a wireless network, such as the 2G or 3G networks, the SMS protocol facilitates the sending and receiving of SMS messages. Limited to 160 characters in length, SMS messages can be sent to any 10-digit wireless phone number or email address. Depending on your service plan, SMS messages may be billed on a per-message basis. Most carriers offer unlimited SMS messaging for a more economical charge. (Martin, 2014) SMS has several advantages. It is more discreet than a phone conversation, making it the ideal form for communicating when you don't want to be overheard. It is often less time-consuming to send a text message than to make a phone call or send an e-mail. SMS doesn't require you to be at your computer like e-mail and instant messaging (IM) do although some phones are equipped for mobile e-mail and IM services. SMS is also a convenient way for deaf and hearing-impaired people to communicate.



College of Engineering and Industrial Technology

SMS is a store-and-forward service, meaning that when you send a text message to a friend, the message does not go directly to your friend's cell phone. The advantage of this method is that your friend's cell phone doesn't have to be active or in range for you to send a message. The message is stored in the SMSC (for days if necessary) until your friend turns his cell phone on or moves into range, at which point the message is delivered. The message will remain stored on your friend's SIM card until he deletes it. (Hord, “How SMS Works”)

Monitoring Attendance School through SMS (2005) A study conducted by Hasnieza BT. Mokhtar of Universiti Teknikal Kebangsaan in Malaysia. The attendance system is fully computerized and also applies SMS technology. Visual Basic and SQL server are used for the interfaces and database respectively. After the teacher records the attendance, all the data will be saved in a specific database. When the system detects an empty attendance, it will automatically generates a text message that will be sent to the parents cell phones. Parents can also get a record of attendance of their child.




College of Engineering and Industrial Technology

Automated Entrance and Exit Monitoring Systems The US developed a full entrance/exit system called US Visitor and Immigrant Status Indication Technology (US-VISIT) system. US-VISIT creates an electronic check-in/check-out system for foreign visitors, including students, tourists, and business travellers, and will require the use of at least two biometric identifiers, such as photo identification and fingerprint records, when entering and leaving the country. The program was

introduced at

seaports, international airports, and land border crossings. This system is for Canada and United States to record the traveller’s entry and exit at the common land border, the traveller’s entry record into one country can be the traveller’s exit from the other country. Canada and the United States exchange biographic entry data that will allow both countries to have information and to assi...

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