Deviance and Society Online Assignments PDF

Title Deviance and Society Online Assignments
Course Deviance And Society
Institution University of the Cumberlands
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MARCH 16TH DISCUSSION POST Please watch the above video and discuss the concepts discussed by Ed Stevenson. What is the importance of hope, meaning, and purpose to an addict? Also discuss the many ways our society is failing addicts and how we should begin to remedy this problem. Please post your initial response by tonight at midnight and two replies to other student's post by Wednesday at midnight. Typically, when we think of addicts, we think of people who are homeless, always on some type of drug, disheveled and worse. If you google the word addict, the photos that come up are incredibly depressing. It includes pictures of people alone, baggy eyes, and even people who look sick. There has always been a bag stigma involving addicts. Many people in today's world do not trust addicts with anything. Many of these addicts cannot help the situation that they are in. A lot of these people are incredibly vulnerable. Many of them have numerous fines and fees that they must pay as a result of their addiction, but they have no jobs or money to support themselves. This leaves these people homeless and, on the streets, often making the stigmas about these people accurate. According to the TED Talk, around 89% of addicts do not get help, and only 11% do. Out of the 11% that manage to get help, they often struggle with relapse shortly after they do receive support. The importance of hope, meaning, and purpose is the entire world to an addict. Addicts often have a rough life already and having a purpose in their current situation can help them immensely. If someone who is recovering from an addiction does not have a purpose in life, it would be effortless for them to give up and relapse again. I feel that hope is one of the most positive things that an addict needs to focus on during their tough times. I think that if the addict is hopeful for the future, and hopefully about getting help, then they are more likely to get what they need to recover. Overall, addicts need to focus their attention on themselves during these tough times. They need to make sure that they are focusing on their mental health and making sure they find ways to make their life meaningful even when they are struggling. Society today is failing our addicts in many ways. According to the video, Ed Stevenson believes that society must stop treating addicts like their addiction is their fault and instead help them get the assistance they need. Society needs to change our outlook on addiction collectively, and instead of viewing it is a negative thing, see addiction in a new light. This can include looking deeper into the causes of addiction and going from there when trying to help those affected. Society should focus on getting addicts the long-term help that will benefit them in the future. These short-term rehab places may be useful for some people but often are much too short of causing any real change for addicts' lives. Overall, as a society, we need to stop spending money on short term programs, prisons, and other things that addicts are involved in and instead use the funds to provide these people with the long-term help that they need to recover and prosper in life.

March 23rd Discussion Post

What are your thoughts on the content of this video? What do you think about our society's insensitivity to suicidal statements and expressions? Should we assume that as long as someone is talking about pain casually or in the context of humor there is nothing to worry about? Please adhere to the Discussion Forum instructions provided last week. Please submit your initial post by Monday at midnight and replies to two other students by Wednesday at midnight. Sarah Liberti -

The joke in the beginning was uncomfortable, but she proved her point Almost all these jokes that she was reading from social media, I have seen before She makes a lot of good points, we don't know how to react when someone says that they want to die People do not realize how good it does feel to get help People that we trust with what happens, usually don't know how to react even if they are our best friends Even if someone jokes about it, you should never joke back because it could really bother them, just like she speaks about her friend If you don't know how to respond, just show your support. Never try to make jokes about self harm or suicide, because you never actually know what happens when they are alone. One of the best feelings is having someone support you going to therapy. It makes it seem like you are worth it If you feel your friends are uncomfortable, talk to them and help them to understand if they are willing to listen We should stop oversharing over the internet, but some people cannot do that because it is their way they cope Always ask someone if they are okay, it really goes a long way

The topic of mental health is something that hits close to my heart. When watching this video, I heard a lot of things that I have experienced personally. I felt that the content of this video was beneficial for all different crowds to see. I think that this TED Talk was about to show some insight on the different sides to mental health and, more specifically, suicide. The joke that Sarah Liberti made, in the beginning, was one that could easily make a crowd uncomfortable. This is the same as the social media posts that she shared. I have seen almost every single one of the jokes that she listed on my own social media pages. I thought this was interesting that we are in two different places, but I have also seen the same jokes. This goes to show that these types of things spread around the internet with no problem at all. Overall, I felt as if the content of the video she shared was beneficial to those who are viewing it.

I feel that society is incredibly insensitive to the word suicide, especially on the internet. It is effortless for people to hide behind a screen and make jokes about other people's situations, or even their own when it comes to suicide. I think that a lot of people use social media as an outlet to talk about their feelings. I know this because I do this myself. I often use social media to talk about things that I am too scared to say in front of anyone face to face. Because many people find comfort behind a screen, we often don't know how to react when someone comes to us in person about these types of issues. I think that society is so uncomfortable when it comes to these issues that they find comfort in making jokes about it. I believe that this leads to more problems when others make jokes around those people who are struggling. I find that those people who are always making jokes about wanting to die, or any other issues that are very serious are the ones who need the most help. Many people find comfort in humor, which is why they choose to joke about these serious topics. I think that this situation is two-sided. Those people who are struggling with mental health issues can make these jokes about themselves without feeling attacked. However, if someone else who does not have a mental illness were to make jokes about it, it would escalate the situation and make matters worse. No matter the case, if someone makes a joke about suicide, there is something behind it that led them to make that joke. Since you never know what is happening in someone else's life, you should always show your support after noticing something is up with them. Like Sarah Liberti said in the video… If you feel uncomfortable or don't know how to respond, just show your support toward that person.

References Sarah Liberti. (2017, May 5). Casually Suicidal. YouTube h?v=S8bJ3YlgL1Q

MARCH 30TH Discussion Extent of Human Trafficking It is hard to imagine that women, children, and men are trafficked into the United States in massive numbers. Visit the National of Institute of Justice for facts regarding the nature and extent of human trafficking. Learn the statistics of women, children, and men who are trafficked into the United States and read about recent cases. Discuss your findings and your opinions as to whether the U.S. is doing enough to enforce the laws against human trafficking.

A lot of people have heard about human trafficking but never know exactly what it means. “Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons by improper means or for improper purpose including forced labor or sexual exploitation (NIJ, 2019).” I think that this definition is very well worded because it shows that human trafficking is not just as simple as sex trafficking, and it contains more than that. I think that often when people hear human trafficking that they focus on the sexual part of it, when it can include a lot more than forced sexual acts. I found that sex trafficking is its own world, which is when a sexual act is induced by force, fraud or coercion. Human trafficking includes sex trafficking and includes when a person is forced to do any sort of service or labor while under the use of force. Usually, when we think of human trafficking, we don’t think that these people are doing it voluntarily. Human trafficking is considered a modern-day slave trade and is very dangerous to those who get caught up in it or involved in other ways. Some people may get involved because of promises for money, others get taken and forced into this world without a choice. I think that our law enforcement officers today do an okay job of working those human trafficking cases. These types of cases are ones that cannot be solved in a single day, or even a week. These cases are ones that build up over time, so those officers who investigate them must be patient. I think that officers can always do more to stop more crime, and in this case, they can collect as much evidence as possible. I found that a lot of big cities have taskforces to battle these types of crime, but a lot of other areas do not have enough manpower to fight these issues. I think there needs to be more taskforces out there that are focused entirely on human trafficking. Law enforcement can always be more proactive when it comes to these cases. There is always going to be something that can be done to help those involved so they just need to work to do so. They can always get stuff out to the media to prevent this. Those involved in the departments need to narrow their focus to completely understand different scenarios (Nietzel, 2020). Overall, I feel that the number of people that are impacted by human trafficking is way too large, and law enforcement needs to go out of their way to make changes in how they treat these cases.

References Nietzel, T. (2020, March 27). Collaboration Is Key in Human Trafficking Investigations. Retrieved from

Overview of Human Trafficking and NIJ's Role. (2019, February 25). Retrieved from

APRIL 6th DISCUSSION Define the following terms: stigma, impairment, disability, and handicap. Describe how individuals with impairment, disability, or a handicap are stigmatized in society.

According to the text, “stigmatization is the process by which an individual becomes recognized, not as a total individual, but specifically as a person with a particular socially undesirable characteristic” (2016). There are many things that can be stigmatized, impairments, disabilities, handicaps and more. An impairment is the state of being impaired by something in a specific way, such as those who are hearing or visually impaired. Individuals with specific types of impairments can be stigmatized in society as not being as good at a certain talk because of their impairment. For example, someone who is visually impaired may not be picked to do a task because society does not think they can do it due to their impairment. There are millions of people in the US that have some type of impairment, and many of these people live in low-income areas. This is unfortunate because the individual must deal with the struggles of having an impairment as well as living in this area. A disability can be a physical or mental condition that limits an individual’s senses, motion, actives, or more. People that have disabilities are often denied access to normal activities that take place with other people. A lot of people focus on what the person with the disability cannot do, rather than what they can do. This results in a lot of stigma on those who do have a disability, since many people are focused on the things they cannot do. Disabilities can affect the way that these people can form relationships, because they are so caught up in the stigmas that they cannot escape them. Those with disabilities may also experience wage difference and other things in society that puts them at a disadvantage.

Handicap is a situation that can make a persons success in a specific area difficult to succeed. People can have a physical handicap, and this can make it hard for them do to everyday tasks. Some of these people are denied access to public transportation or educational facilities. Handicap can also refer to people who have a criminal record. This is because the person with a record is stuck with it for life, and this will make it difficult for them to succeed in life. References Clinard, M., & Meier, R. (2016). Sociology of Deviant Behavior (15th ). Cengage . APRIL 7TH DISUCSSION

Please watch the above clip and read about prisons releasing inmates due to COVID. What are your thoughts on this? The requirements for this forum and less than your regular weekly discussion forums. Your initial post should be a minimum of 150 words and your replies to other students should be a minimum of 75 words. Please post your intial post by Tuesday 4/7 at midnight and your replies by Thursday 4/9 at midnight.

When I first heard that prisons had considered releasing inmates due to COVID, I thought it was a crazy idea. I think that after watching this video I can see all sides to this issue. I feel that releasing inmates that have already been exposed to COVID would cause more problems, simply because they’ve been exposed. They mention that those inmates that are 55 years of age and older have a lower recidivism rate, so it would not be a bad idea to let them out but isolate them in their homes. I feel that we could let out those people who are more at risk of catching COVID and put them under arrest in their own homes so that they are safer. I also think that by releasing these older inmates it will save us a lot of money, so we can put it to use elsewhere. Overall, I think there are a lot of aspects you must look at when dealing with COVID in the prison systems. This whole situation is something that many people have never experienced so we just have to work through it day by day.

April 14, 2020 DISCUSSION Please watch the above TedX videos. Does the stigma associated with a mental disorder stop individuals with mental conditions from seeking help? How is stigma associated with mental disorder? Why do individuals refrain from getting help for their illnesses? What types are initiatives are being put in place to combat the stigma that is associated with mental disorders? Please submit your initial post by Tuesday at midnight and two replies to other students by Thursday at midnight.

Mental illness is a topic that I love to research and study. This is because it hits very close to home for me. Numerous people in my family have been diagnosed with a mental illness, including myself. The topic of mental illness does not nearly get as much attention as it should. As mentioned in the TED Talk, there is not as much funding for mental illnesses as there is for cancer. I feel that this is one of the main issues in our society today. Everyone tends to focus on the illnesses that you can see on the outside, while mental illness is just as important. I think that the stigma that stands behind mental illness stops many that have one from seeking help. In the video they mention that many people label those with mental illnesses as weak, and those with other health issues such as cancer as strong. I feel that anyone with any sort of health issue should be labeled as strong. There is so much bad stigma around those who have a mental illness that it easily can prevent them from seeking help because they fear what they will be labeled when asking for help. I think that stigma is one of the main things that is associated with mental illness. There are so many people in the world that don’t understand how dangerous and painful it truly is to have a mental illness. As I said, this is something that I deal with personally, so it is easy for me to relate to this. There have been times in my life where I have been scared to seek help because I was scared that people would not look at me the same. Most times, when people see someone with a mental illness, they don’t look at them the same, and tend to look down on them. This was my biggest fear before coming out to get help. I feel that many people can relate to the feelings that I had when I knew I needed to get help. It is a scary thing to know that you need help but can’t make the choice to get it because other people are holding you back. I don’t feel that there are a whole lot of initiatives being put into place to try and combat the stigma of mental illness. However, I have seen a lot of changes since I first started dealing with these issues. I was 13 when it all started, and now I am almost 20 years old and I have noticed a big change. I think the biggest change is that my generation now understands how important mental illness is, and they are doing a good job of not stigmatizing it. I feel that as we progress with research on mental illness, there are going to be more changes that apply for all generations. Overall, mental illness is an extremely important issue in our world today that not many people take the time to understand and I feel this needs to change soon in order to save lives.

DISCUSSION APRIL 20TH List at least 10 questions and/or observations you made while watching the VA Tech Massacre documentary last week? (You might need to review it again and you are welcome to list more than 10 if you want) Please submit your initial post by midnight on 4/21 and replies to 2 other students by Thursday 4/23 at midnight. 1. I always think that it is amazing how some of these shooters are able to keep a calm and straight face while doing what they are doing. They know it is bad so I find it weird that they can be so calm

2. I feel that being a cop during this type of situation would be one of the hardest things to do. You don’t really know what you are walking in to so personally I would find it terrifying. 3. I have always wondered what is going through these shooters minds when they are in the act… It’s hard to imagine what they are thinking. 4. How do they still not know why he did it? They dive so deep into these shooters lives they should have some reasoning behind it. 5. I found it interesting how he went to therapy for 4 years, and still committed such a horrible act. 6. It’s scary that he had a fascination with Columbine, but it makes sense. I feel that they should have acted sooner at his school when they realized his fascination with other shooters. 7. Why is selective mutism not talked about more? They mention how important it is do deal with it and yet, I have never heard anything about it. 8. Did he have a multiple personality disorder? They mention him having different personalities but I wasn’t sure that it was an official diagnosis. 9. His family in Korea said that they didn’t know he was abnormal, and just thought he was docile. How did they not realize that something was off about him compared to other kids? 10. Why didn’t his parents or him disclose to the school about his disabilities? I feel that they could have helped him, but he didn’t allow the chance...

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