Deviancy Essay Outline PDF

Title Deviancy Essay Outline
Course Everyday Sociology
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Name: Course: UNV-104 Date: Instructor:

Expository Essay: Outline Directions: 1. Please review your Topic 3 readings and the “Planning and Getting Started” section of “The Writing Process” media piece. 2. Fill in the outline and references sections below. Use a minimum of three peer reviewed resources to support your subtopics (one resource per supporting paragraph). Make sure to use complete sentences when completing the outline.

Expository Essay Topic: Essay Title: Not so Hidden Dangers of TV I. Introduction: (Begin with a hook sentence to capture your audience’s attention, then provide a brief background of the topic and end with your thesis statement.) a. Hook: What does a Christian church do for people that aren't part of their congregation or even Christian? Ever wondered what are some of the dangers associated with Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) are that is not mentioned as side effects for the required medication a child or an adult might be taking? In sociology the term deviance is used to point out any violations of the norm (Henslin, 2017). Some forms of deviant acts could be talking to yourself in public and go all the way to something as heinous as murder.

b. Additional background information: The Christian church is normally very active in the community by hosting events that are safe for everyone to attend. Some churches like to give out food to those families in need or run a recovery program for people in the process of

recovering from addiction. Every church is not the same and there are many variations on the kinds of services each church can provide. There are always some side effects with any medication an individual might be taking. But what about the ones in small print that no one can ever see or the ones that are not even mentioned on the label at all. The small print talk will not happen often if at all and some doctors do not even think about mentioning it at times because they have a full schedule and already working to there max and the fine print slips their mind. Going to the doctor for a normal cold they will not even mention any side effects associated with the medicine at all. That information is usually stapled together with six or seven other pages of information that someone should read but most likely will not because they trust the doctors to tell them everything and they just simply want to move on. There are many side effects from the medicine taken as a child for ADHD that changes as they mature into adulthood and my personal opinion of the matter.

Some forms of deviant acts could be something as minute as talking to yourself in public and go all the way up to something as heinous as murder. An American tv show that showed all kinds of deviant acts is called The Jersey Shore. The Jersey shore is a reality show that was about Italian Americans who were popular for the deviant acts they carried out on the program. This show first aired on MTV in 2009 and ended in 2012 with a total of 73 episodes lasting 60 minutes each (Jersey Shore, 2019). The show is about four women and four guys and their age range was mid to late twenties at the time of the first airing. It contained scenes of random sexual encounters with strangers, black out drunk moments, lots of fist fights and arguments, and there were even a few episodes where they used racial slurs and other on each other. At this time reality tv shows were just getting started and Americans couldn't get enough of all the drama that was happening in this or any other "reality show" that was on at this time. Even with all these deviant acts many people enjoyed watching this show and even fell in love with some of the outrageous characters that were portrayed on this program but this will cover what was the deviant behavior, what was the demographic of this show in particular, and were there any attempts made to control this unpleasant behavior.

c. Mapped Thesis statement (review Topic 3DQ1 for feedback from instructor): There are many ways the Christian church can show that they support the surrounding community but here are a few things everyone will notice if they host family friendly events, food pantries, and Celebrate Recovery programs.



Supporting Point #1 (subtopic 1): What was the deviant behavior a. Topic sentence for this first sub-topic: One thing that will catch the community's eye and get them to notice the church is if it

hosts family friendly events. Most importantly though, are events geared toward the children. A lot of churches normally run events or programs like vacation Bible school, AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed), fourth of July parties and so on. ADHD and ADD is a mental disorder that affects children and there are some cases where it has been identified in adults as well. ADD and ADHD is often identified at a young age in children. According to the American Psychiatric Association it is estimated that 8.4% of children are diagnosed with this condition and adults are at 2.5% ("What is ADHD", 2017). ADHD has not always been recognized or diagnosed properly until now. Throughout history ADHD

has gone by many names such as brain-injured, clumsy child syndrome, organic brain disease, and nervous child, just to name off a few of the ADHDs predecessor's (Iannelli, 2019). The Jersey Shore depicts a lifestyle of partying hard every day, cheating on a significant other, binge drinking, excessive tanning, and the use of racial slurs are okay in the normal everyday lifestyle of regular people. In the show there has been more then one occasion where the police are called and someone in this group is going to jail for a period of time. The jail time would vary and come from them either drinking to much and being a nuisance to the people around them, getting into a fight, or sometimes a combination of both events. However, these deviant acts are not typical amongst people in America. This show had a way of glorifying these actions almost to the extent where people should worship these reality stars and make it seem like it is okay for people to act this way in the real world and they will receive this fame and fortune that these eight individuals got and that is not the case at all.

b. Two to three paraphrased supporting details from your research with in-text citations  Supporting paraphrase 1: All churches, no matter what the denomination, should create a place for children so they feel safe and loved no matter what turmoil is going on in their life ("The Ethical Review", 2018).

Supporting paraphrase 2: Protecting children from violence has always been one of the primary points of Christianity ("The Ethical review", 2018).

Supporting Point #2 (subtopic 2): What is the demographic of this show a. Topic sentence for this second sub-topic: The food pantry is one of those programs that is almost a requirement for any Christian

church. The church realizes that sometimes people just need a helping hand and it's comforting to know they are there in times of need. It's there to help a family meet their sustenance needs if the provider of the household falls short due to any unforeseen circumstances. As a child taking medication for something is not very thought provoking and as a child one would not tend to think that far in advance about what the future implications could possible be for the medicine, they are taking due to a condition. This will normally take place much later time in an individual's life. Medicine for ADHD has been in the works as early as 1937 and it was known as Benzedrine which is also an amphetamine (Iannelli, 2019). But when a person stops being a child and starts planning for their life, they start viewing the things they are currently doing and gauge it against their long-term plans. This might include viewing the medicine that was prescribed to them as a child and possibly making changes if they are not happy about the information that was found. Some of the side effects and minor risks accompanied with taking medication for ADHD include but are not limited to heart disease, high blood pressure, seizure, irregular heartbeats, skin discolorations, and of course abuse and addiction (Bhandari, 2019). In some extreme cases of heavy and prolonged Adderall abuse has been shown to weaken the muscles of the heart (Lautieri, 2019).

The Jersey Shore is a tv program that is being produced by Music Television which is better known as MTV. MTV started with music videos and the hosts for these music videos were known as veejays. After a while the network wanted to expand their boundaries and started to dabble in producing tv shows, and some movies. This particular channel has a strong appeal to young adults but a little more specific would be the age range of eighteen to thirty-four (Team, 2015). In 2009 a person could not get away from work or going out at night without hearing some kind talk about The Jersey Shore and the reality stars current events that were being steamed on the MTV news channel. With these flagrant acts it was clear to MTV and the rest of the country that people could not get enough of this stuff. Programs like this is how some people form their opinions of what a deviant act is or is not and networks will continue to push and blur the boundary till they are stopped and held accountable for their actions.

b. Two to three paraphrased supporting details from your research with in-text citations  Supporting paraphrase 1: Many households in the community rely on social services as well as churches to help provide food for their home (Sharpe, Liese, Bell, Wilcox, Hutto, & Stucker, 2018).

Supporting paraphrase 2: According to a study done in South Carolina in 2014 roughly 61% of households experienced a food shortage in their own homes (Sharpe et al., 2018).

Supporting Point #3 (subtopic 3): Attempts to control this type of behavior a. Topic sentence for this third sub-topic: Another important program that’s provided to the local community via the church is

addiction recovery. These programs are there to help the addict on the road to recovery and the Christian church knows in order to be successful in the recovery it requires help from the members and a little spiritual guidance through mentoring.

An adult suffering from ADHD might have difficulties functioning in everyday normal life. ADHD can affect an adult's income, job turnover, and possibly even their marriage. With the proper treatment plan in place, psychosocial treatment, and a good life coach in place I believe that any adult who suffers from ADHD could become a self functioning adult. By self functioning I mean an adult who can operate on their own and not have someone there to help them figure things out as you would a child or teenager. But sometimes medication is unavoidable and is even required in order for some adults to even function.

There was no real attempt made to stop the things that were going on in The Jersey Shore minus several articles just stating how bad the show is for people in general and how it was damaging to the state of New Jersey and its hard working law abiding citizens. In one such article Gov. Christie said the outrageous acts of the cast would give New Jersey a black eye to the rest of the nation. He went one to say that the majority of the cast isn't even from the area and from a different state entirely (Kuperinsky, 2019).

b. Two to three paraphrased supporting details from your research with in-text citations  Supporting paraphrase 1: Because change takes time people need more than just holy examples like Jesus. Jesus motivates people to higher standards in religion, love, and success. While that is very important, mentoring from regular people models behaviors and practices that are necessary for a fulfilling life (Williamson & Hood, 2015).


Supporting paraphrase 2: During this process mentees often ends up mirroring the mentor with this in mind; the relationship between the two is extremely powerful (Williamson & Hood, 2015).

Conclusion: (Paraphrase your thesis statement, summarize main points, and make final remarks.) a. Paraphrase thesis statement: Family friendly events, food pantries, and addiction recovery programs are just the beginning of

what the Christian church does in order to help out in their community. With all the deviant actions that took place on the television show, what kind of demography MTV had, and how some minor attempts were made in order to bring this show under control are great examples of how shows on tv have gotten out of control and have blurred the line between what is and is not acceptable. With this and similar tv programs something should be done in order to maintain control of the situation before it gets to far out of hand.

b. Summarize main points: Churches that are hosting events that the whole family can participate in, handing out food to the families in need, and offering help with addiction recovery are truly serving everyone in the community. We can clearly see that the Christian church is there for everyone, not just people that are Christians or people that are in their congregation.


Organize all references you will use in the essay and list them in the space below in alphabetical order based on author’s last name. Be sure the reference page is double-spaced and formatted to have hanging indents by ½ an inch, with the first line hanging and all others indented. See the GCU Style Guide for help with formatting references and citations. Within the essay, this reference page will be on its own page at the bottom of your essay.

Address by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the World Children's Day Event, Geneva, November 2018. (2019). The Ecumenical Review, 71(1-2), 228+. Retrieved from u=canyonuniv&sid=AONE&xid=7e7e37ad Sharpe, P. A., Liese, A. D., Bell, B. A., Wilcox, S., Hutto, B. E., & Stucker, J. (2018). Household food security and use of community food sources and food assistance programs among food shoppers in neighborhoods of low income and low food access. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 13(4), 482. Retrieved from direct=true&db=edb&AN=133102579&site=eds-live&scope=site Williamson, W. P., & Hood, R. W. (2015). The role of mentoring in spiritual transformation: a faith-based approach to recovery from substance abuse. Pastoral Psychology, 64(1), 135–152. Henslin, J. M. (2017). Essentials of sociology: a down-to-earth approach (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions. Jersey Shore. (2019). February 23, 2020, Retrieved from Kuperinsky, A. (2019, December 4). 'Jersey Shore' premiered 10 years ago on MTV. Here's why the global phenomenon could go on 'forever.'. February 23, 2020, Retrieved from

global-phenomenon-could-go-on-forever.html Team, T. (2015, March 9). What will drive the growth for viacom's mtv network? Retrieved from

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