Course International Relations
Institution Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
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Operation Rhyme is the code name for the investigation of Dhyren Barot and its group, which planned to carry out a series of terrorist attacks at the end of 2004 in UK. In this case it is important to analyze not only the plot, but also the symbolical relevance of Barot in relation to Al-Qaeda and its evolution.

DHIREN BAROT (Al- Hindi; Esa Al Britani ‘EaB’) - Indian born, emigrated to UK. Converts to Islam and travels to Pakistan for paramilitary and terrorist training. - Transitional figure between the pre-9/11 centralized AQ and the post-9/11and more diffuse AQ - 1996/1999: Connections with

Protégé of KSM: Actions in Pakistan and Kashmir. Surveillance of possible USA targets (9/11?) Hambali, JI (1998-1999): Coordinate terrorism in SE Asia acting in concert with AQ Al- Jamaah Al-Islamiyah (Egyptians) 1999: training camp in Philippines. Contacts with KSM nephew, Musaad Aruchi.

- Thus, AQ is instrumental in developing Barot into a competent and trusted terrorist-planner, which was able to act competently once the pre-9/11 structure falls, and turn into a high qualified intermediary able to leader a jihadist cell in UK, at the same time it remains linked to the new AQ disperse structure and keeps planning to act under its approval and concert + with its support.

OPERATION RHYME A) Context: - Pre-1990: increase in UK citizen involvement in violent jihad; travel abroad to carry it out. UK not targeted. - 1990’s: trend maintained, but start focusing on Pakistan to receive military training from AQ or other terrorist groups. UK still not a target. 2000: Two men linked with AQ arrested

- 2000’s UK potential target for violent jihadism. 2002: Operation Springbourne

Higher involvement individuals/groups from Pakistan or descendants. AQ hand behind.

2004: Operation Crevice

B) Aims: - Barot had trained under AQ and carried out surveillance for them  Natural next step: prepare and attack on his own applying all his experience. AQ is dispersed after 9/11, so he has freedom to organize a cell in UK. - AQ movement towards “the far enemy” UK allied of USA, perfect target for jihad.  Encouraged in Pakistan go back and act in UK. C) Means & Targets: Rough Presentation for Limos Project. (+link) - Detailed document elaborated by Barot explaining workable methodology for internationally applicable terrorist attacks using vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices. It is a part of plan for action aimed to simultaneous multiple mass-casualty attacks, not only specific for UK. Contemplates the option of a dirty bomb. Mostly directed to soft targets, though not explicitly specific. - Proves the existence of a higher authority (AQ) that would grant approval and finance to carry out the project and to get away [not a suicide planning!]. Possibly presented in February 2004 in his trip to Pakistan. D) Events unfold (chronologically ordered): - M. Aruchi (nephew of KSM) arrested in Pakistan: Quick to cooperate, reveals the name of : Barot: put under vigilance in UK (15 June 2004)  Mohameed Noor Khan (AQ technological expert): arrested on July 13, cooperates to help

capture other AQ members. Two types of documents found in his laptop, signed by ‘E a B’(Barot): 1.POTENTIAL TARGETS IN USA (Date:2000): Information to assist in the selection of a target (vital, geographic and architectural features + surveillance and reconnaissance carried out. 2. POTENCIAL ATTACK METHODS AGAINST UK TARGETS: Rough Presentation for Gas Limos Project+ Further document on radioactivity and its potential use in a radiological disperse device (RDD).

- Ahmed Khalfan Ghalani arrested (July 24) thanks to Noor Khan. Same files are found. - Dhiren Barot disappears from vigilance (July 28). UK authorities determine his immediate arrest once he reappears. - Tom Ridge, US director of Homeland Security, leaks information on the detentions and the documents as a political maneuver to justify the Homeland Security Threat level to orange. - August 3, Barot and his group arrested by UK authorities. No profs at that moment, so under the Terrorist Act 2000, they had 14 days to charge or release Rhyme conspirators. Finally condemned between 2006 and 2007 by the Central Criminal Court....

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