Di SC Profile Assignment (html) - TECH-6022-081 (Comm Conflict Res Tech Env - 94283) PDF

Title Di SC Profile Assignment (html) - TECH-6022-081 (Comm Conflict Res Tech Env - 94283)
Course Communication and Conflict Resolution
Institution Memorial University of Newfoundland
Pages 2
File Size 74.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 46
Total Views 143


Personal Profile...



Unit 1a: Conflict

DiSC Profile Assignment Please review the assignment rubric before beginning your DiSC profile assignment and analysis.

Learning Objectives: The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on how your personal communication style impacts your working relationships with others. This assignment provides an opportunity for self-awareness, learning about different communication styles, and includes insight and strategies on how to communicate effectively with people to enhance workplace relationships.

How to Proceed: You will be required to complete an online Everything DiSC Workplace profile and discuss what you have learned about your own style and the styles of others. The profile asks a combination of multiple-choice questions and should take no longer than 1-15 minutes to complete. 1. Everything DiSC Workplace Profile to be purchased online through DiSC Profile Canada via http://www.discprofilecanada.com/shop/everything-disc-workplace-profile/ 2. This assessment is purchased and completed online with your customized report emailed to you directly. 3. IMPORTANT NOTE: The assessment to purchase is titled Everything DiSC Workplace Profile under the Everything DiSC Workplace Category 4. Upon completion of your DiSC assessment, read through your customized report. 5. Report Analysis: a. Consider a recent conflict in which you are or were involved. Examine your perspective on the conflict with respect your role and the roles of others in the conflict. Include in your reflections the following questions: i. Did you feel as if you were being misunderstood or done wrong by? ii. When might the other person(s) have felt misunderstood or done wrong by? iii. What was it about that other person’s behavior made the situation difficult for you? iv. Now, tell the story from the other person’s perspective. What was it about your behavior that made the situation difficult for them? 6. Upon review of your DiSC learnings, what is your overall takeaway upon reflecting on both sides? Include in your reflections the following: i. Reflect up and include a written description of how you would re-do the situation if you were able to do so. ii. Include 2-3 areas of personal practice with respects to your interpersonal communication style will begin to focus on when communicating with others over the next couple of weeks. 7. Upload a copy of your DiSC profile report (pdf) and your 5 page assignment analysis (word doc) in the corresponding assignment dropbox. Your ability to understand and apply the course material as well as learnings from your DiSC report is paramount and key to achieving a good mark. https://online.mun.ca/d2l/le/content/414489/viewContent/3780640/View



Unit 1a: Conflict

Assignment Due Date DiSC Profile assignment must be uploaded to dropbox no later than the final day of Week 3, 11:59 pm NST. File submission Format DiSC Profile Report: PDF as per report email from DiSC Profile Canada Assignment Analysis: MS Word

Rubric / Marking Criteria The rubric which outlines the marking criteria can be found in the DiSC rubric

Specifications of the DiSC Assignment Analysis You will need to follow APA formatting. The full content length of the interview analysis should not exceed 5 pages 2 line spacing. The 5 pages do not include title pages, table of contents, graphs, and appendices. Remember it is the quality of your analysis NOT quantity. You are expected to follow standard APA referencing protocols along with proper grammar, spelling, and clarity for your case study submission. Resources are available to you to assist in ensuring that your case is well written. For more information on these resources visit Writing Centre

Plagiarism It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the Marine Institute and University's academic standards as they relate to academic offences and penalties associated with breaches of professional and academic standards. Dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated and will be addressed appropriately should they occur. When in doubt, ASK for guidance.

MMM, MTM, MMS, Programs MSTM 6022 Communication and Conflict Management © Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland



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