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Digital binder of the Poem "I wandered Lonely as a Child". Notes and Analysis...



TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The Poet’s Life Biography Poem Setting The Poet’s Work The Poem Analysis Poem Structure The Legacy of Romanticism Conclusion


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In the late 1790s, William Wordsworth was thought to be a French spy and was surveilled by a government agent. Poet William Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England. Wordsworth’s mother died when he was 7, and he was an orphan at 13. Despite these losses, he did well at Hawkshead Grammar School—where he wrote his first poetry—and went on to study at Cambridge University. He did not excel there, but managed to graduate in 1791. In 1795, Wordsworth received an inheritance that allowed him to live with his younger sister, Dorothy. That same year, Wordsworth met Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The two became friends, and together worked on Lyrical Ballads (1798). The same year that Lyrical Ballads was published, Wordsworth began writing The Prelude, an epic autobiographical poem that he would revise throughout his life (it was published posthumously in 1850).

● The lyric poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud or Daffodils by William Wordsworth is considered to be one of his best poems in modern times. ● The poet narrates a small incident in which he got an opportunity to see a huge number of daffodils in a valley. ● The poem consists of four stanzas having six lines each. ● The rhyme scheme of the poem is ABABCC and the main theme is the beauty of nature.

Hyperbole ● Ten thousand saw I at a glance ● stretched in never-ending line Personification ■ a crowd, a host, of golden daffodils ■ dancing in the breeze. ■ Tossing their heads in sprightly dance ■ waves beside them danced ■ inward eye Simile ● lonely as a cloud ● as the stars that shine

The four six-line stanzas of this poem follow a quatrain-couplet rhyme scheme: ABABCC. Each line is metered in iambic tetrameter.


This poem is a short lyric, a relatively brief poem that describes the speaker’s emotions. Lyrics don’t so much tell a story as describe a subjective experience. Wordsworth chose this form not only to express his strong feelings about nature, but also because the lyric has a simplicity and directness that itself seems natural.

Rhyme Scheme Each stanza of “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” rhymes ABABCC. The last two lines of each stanza thus form a rhyming couplet, which provides a sense of closure after the previous flowing lines.

Literary devices Most of the metaphors involve an element of personification. Personification means that the poet attributes human qualities to nonhuman things. To Wordsworth, the daffodils look like a “crowd” or a “host” of people. They cheerfully toss their “heads” (12), know how to dance, and provide good “company” (16), which is more than can be said of some individuals.


Wordsworth wrote his poem in iambic tetrameter. An iamb (adjective: iambic) is a set of two syllables where the first syllable is unstressed (u) and the second stressed (/). The word meter describes the rhythm of the poem, and tetra- means four. Iambic tetrameter therefore refers to a rhythm that consists of four iambs (u / u / u / u/). Wordsworth chose this meter because this stress pattern sounds easy and natural. It fits his Romantic notion that poetic language should avoid artificiality. In addition, the lines are fairly short, which again makes the poem more direct and accessible.

REFERENCE LIST “A Close Reading of Wordsworth's ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.’” The Nature of Writing, Kettler, Sara. “William Wordsworth.”, A&E Networks Television, 11 July 2019, Malik. “I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud Summary & Analysis By William Wordsworth • Es.”

English Summary, English Summary, 16 Oct. 2019, Wordsworth, William. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth.” Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation, “Wordsworth's Poetry Summary.” SparkNotes, SparkNotes,




The poem showing aspects of happiness and loneliness is done by using metaphors, personification and symbolism demonstrates that the author is feeling these emotions personally. The aspects of Romanticism used in this poem that are still relevant today are the Awe of Nature, Importance of Imagination, and strong senses, emotions, and feelings. These aspects are relevant today because they shape the poem from the first stanza to the last and determine the theme.



The Poet’s life Major themes like loneliness and happiness incorporated in life as well as his work Orphaned at age 13 Did well in school Went to college Very close to sister Dorothy Was thought of a French Spy and surveilled Worked on lyrical Ballads with Coleridge


Wondered like a cloud poem analysis Relating to the poets personal life Used Personification and other literary devices. Metaphors as well Hyperbole simili Lyrical structure 4 stanzas Rhythm is ABABAA


The Poets Legacy Connected Poets themes to images Connected the poem to the poet’s other work (Lyrical Ballads) He had help by Samuel Taylor Coleridge which helped release a romantic book called “Lyrical Ballads”.This poem says that even when you are by yourself and lonely and missing your friends, you can use your imagination to find new friends in the world around you and it teaches you to love yourself.



The aspects of Romanticism used in this poem that are still relevant today are Awe of Nature, Importance of Imagination, and strong senses, emotions, and feelings. These aspects are relevant today because they the shape poem from the first stanza to the last. The poet’s life relates to his work His legacy still lives on Emphasize the power and beauty of nature and its ability to spark emotions Commonly use personification of nature. Employ the use of contrasts to create irony...

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