Digital marketing final test PDF

Title Digital marketing final test
Course Digital Marketing 
Institution Georgian College
Pages 39
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Notes for the final test...


WEEK 1 Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium. Digital marketing channels are systems based on the Internet that can create, accelerate, and transmit product value from producer to the terminal consumer through digital networks. Examples of digital marketing channels Email marketing When business perform lead generation and other marketing strategies, they collect contact information like phone numbers and email addresses from potential customers, including permissions to send them updates and other information through email. Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) Paid advertising channels like Pay-Per-Click advertising deliver highly targeted traffic of potential customers within a very short period of time. This method however is driven by home much you are willing to invest in bidding and placing ad placements, as well as how much you are willing to pay for acquiring one customer. Search engine optimization (SEO) Up to 93% of online experiences happening to these people usually begin by using a search engine. People use search engines to look for information about a brand, product or services, and up to 59% of search engine users each month find a local business to satisfy a particular need. Display advertising Many people visit blogs, forums, and other websites that are interesting or useful to them. Digital marketers can reach out to these potential customers by placing relevant display ads on these third party sites. These include banners, boxes, interactive ads, video ads, interstitial ads, overlays and other similar ads that are linked to a landing page or website. Content marketing Content is at the heart of every digital marketing campaign and is the one major element that will remain constant despite the many changes that occur in the marketplace. With good, high-quality and very relevant content, your website and other Internet marketing real estate will generate considerable inbound traffic from highly targeted audiences – all of which can be potential customers. Affiliate marketing The process of earning a commission by promoting other people's (or company's) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make. Online public relations Online PR can be considered a part of Content Marketing in general for the main principle is to create promotional content that will be used for generating branding and creating traffic through exposure in online PR networks.

Social media marketing (SMM) Social media is one of the most phenomenal things to happen in the digital arena that business owners and digital marketers can leverage on to create brand awareness for their products and services. Through Social Media Marketing (SMM), digital marketers can reach out to highly targeted potential customers through direct and person-to-person engagement. Digital trends for 2020 Social and augmented reality commerce • Easier, out of the box integrations with third party apps and ecommerce marketing tech. • Interactive ads would minimize bounce rate and reduce the sales funnel as customers are provided with a seamless online shopping experience. Increased investment in digital spend Voice search and the connected home • Brands can leverage these devices to provide voice-service for their customers that leads to a quick and simple customer experience. • According to ComScore, over 50% of the searches in 2020 will be from voice search. Next generation SEO • Google is striving to make its search engine smarter and improve its ability to understand the complex nuances of language and the searcher’s intent. • If your website is poorly written and lacks clarity, you may see a decrease in traffic. • Remember that your website is for people, not just algorithms. Digital marketing channels • Social media marketing (SMM) platforms The 4 Ps of digital marketing Product Can be actual product or service or service proposition If there is no demand for a product, it WILL NOT sell profitably What does this mean for digital marketing? Can/will your product sell online? Consider what channels are open for your product or service Are there features of the product that can be added or excluded? Price What are your customers willing to pay Because of the ease of comparison, discounts and offers should be considered What does this mean for digital marketing? Customers expect discounts because there are no overhead expenses It is considered by many that selling online should be cheaper than a retail outlet Affiliate marketing is significant online Promotion

Any activity that advertises your company, your product or the brand What does this mean for digital marketing? Web2.0 means promotion is active and based on dialogue Digital campaigns mean the company has a shorter period of time to get the consumer’s attention Place It is all about where your business is - whether it is a brick and mortar location, kiosk or online What does this mean for digital marketing? Where are you located online? Are you being found? (SEO, paid search) Is your online presence easy to use and navigate? If you aren’t found online, you are not in business Above the line – Below the line

Porter’s five forces This is used to analyze the level of competition within an industry by utilizing industrial organizational economics. Assists in determining profitability of an industry

Customer segmentation

Personas Personas are developed by drawing the segments together to target specific customers Too few personas of typical customers means the results are too generic Too many tends to overcomplicate the targeting approach

The full digital ecosystem

The effect of CSAT (customer satisfaction) on brand equity (капитал) •

Who controls your brand? (Is it your customer, you or your suppliers?)

What contributes to CSAT?


Customer experience





Content is king •

Content drives Web2.0 as it helps Google determine the relevance to the site, advertisement, and social media content

All of what we do should be content- driven

Paid and organic search interaction Paid search result - type of digital marketing where search engines allow advertisers to show their ads on SERPS (Search Engine Results Page). Works typically on a PPC (pay per click) model. Paid search is the equalizer and has been adopted by most organizations as it is both

controllable and focused on a target market.

Why do we need PPC? •

Your company appears at the top of the SERP

Very important on mobile devices where screens are smaller which means the real estate is all the more valuable

Surveys indicate most searchers (51%) cannot tell the difference between a paid ad and an organic result

What is organic search interaction? • Also known as natural search • Refers to unpaid search results • Based on relevance to the user’s query, links and domain authority • Most difficult to master

Why do companies go with organic search interaction? •

Cost effective and long term benefit

Advertising dollars can be spent elsewhere

Some consumers feel the unpaid results are more valuable

Why is Google so important? •

It owns the Internet in terms of market share (88.47% market share)

In most cases Google can make or break an organization

If you aren’t found on Google you may as well not be in business

The Google algorithm •

Crawls a site looking for high quality and highly relevant information

There are several determining factors of being ranked which include:


Cross linkage;




Mobile friendly;


Load speed;


Unique content


Page level link features.

Using PPC data to shape SEO strategy •

When building a PPC campaign it is essential to consider the keywords

The keywords should reflect the nature of the business and the message of the ad to drive traffic to the site

Often people leave out a call to action

Halo effect •

The effect that is used when a company experiences an uplift from above the line advertising

If a company launches a multi-million campaign the brand will experience a benefit

An increase in PPC and SEO will assist in higher conversion rates

WEEK 2 Digital consumer behavior is influenced by: •


Ease of customer journey;

Speed of service;

Responsiveness to concerns.

Who are bigger consumers of online material parents or non-parents? Parents Who spend more time online? Men or women? Men (28% more) Rural citizens or urban? Urban despite being nearer the stores

Digital disruption is the change that occurs when new digital technologies and business models affect the value proposition of existing goods and services. Why would companies not embrace new technology? • Lack of skills • Lack of understanding • Unwillingness to pay for it • Not enough resources available

Companies need/want immediate returns for investments Challenges exist with a slow adaption: • New competition • Regulation slows the process • Economy slumps • New upper management WEEK 3 Goals • High-level statements about what you need to achieve in order to deliver against your vision • They need to be structured to meet a set of criteria • Must be relevant (fit the vision), resonating (fit business values and goals), responsive (adaptable and flexible), and recognizable (easily understood) Objectives and strategies • This is where you start to build specific plans that create the journey for the overall strategy • Once in place, action plans can be developed • SMART: - Specific (details exactly what needs to be done) - Measurable (Achievement or progress can easily be measured) - Attainable (Objective is accepted by those responsible for achieving it) - Realistic (Objective is possible to obtain (important for motivational effect) - Time-bound (Time period for achievement is clearly stated) The phased approach – Calendar-based phasing • You plan your phase according to the calendar • Start the project in January and have phase one complete by February • This is common when there is no specific delivery date in mind • Deadlines are still important but more flexible with setting the deadlines The phased approach – Theme-based phasing • Theme driven such as customer service initiatives would be logical to deliver together • New training tool and chat tool • Aids to more complimentary marketing channel strategies that would be more powerful released simultaneously The phased approach – Business-based phasing • Aligned with business goals • Company’s strategic plan is likely to be made of key strategic pillars which may be less formalized in smaller business The planning flow of an organization

Goal – objective – strategy – action plan Ten steps to an effective action plan: Know your strategy, Understand the bigger picture, Be specific, Create a written plan, Create deadlines and milestones, Ensure it is measurable, Don’t compromise, Build in known factors, Be clear, Be thorough The planning process

Real-time •

casual version of the vision-based model

lacks structure and oddly enough, lacks a model

offers the ability to quickly change directions and strategies

keeps the planning process alive

Advantage •

Keeps your strategy relevant and can change quickly to meet changing needs of the industry

Disadvantage •

No formalized documentation on the process

No map no direction on getting there

Difficult to articulate your vision in a moving environment

Investors don’t see the path since there is no external document

STAGES 1. Establish the opportunity Vision-based/ Real-time: research consumers and market, internal audit and resource commitment 2. Begin to develop the strategy Vision-based: prepare the formal document with structure and strategy Real-time: begin test and learn Difference: Vision-based spends months developing the strategy and articulating it seeking approval of the stakeholders including forecasting. Real-time creates a loose plan and begins to test the assumptions. 3. Finalize the strategy Vision-based: commit budget and finalize a five year plan Real-time: plan for one to three years Difference: Vision-based has the commitment of senior management and becomes a part of the business strategy. Real-time still requires the management approval but tends to be more open on the time commitment. 4. Delivery Vision-based: work within plan and little deviation Real-time: continue to evolve Difference: Vision-based has a clear path to follow. Milestones must all be met. Real-time has a clear beginning but not such a definitive middle or end. 5. Result Vision-based: delivered per plan but now possible out of date or irrelevant Real-time: delivered in an evolved state which can continue with little work and greater cost

Difference: Vision-based either accomplishes its end goal or it has failed. If the environment changes the success may still be limited. Real-time should conclude with a more contemporary result but the path may have been expensive and resource intensive

WEEK 4 Lead is a qualified potential customer (ie. An individual who has expressed specific interest in discussing a commercial opportunity with your business) Lead generation is the process of finding these individuals or encouraging them to find you and gaining enquiry from them in order to convert them into customers. The most widely recognized lead generation is cold calling (a shotgun approach that relies on volume to ensure success) Lead generation is making prospecting: Cheaper, More targeted, Specific, Beneficial

Push vs pull the changing landscape •

In shotgun marketing companies purchase the consumers data and push their message to the consumer base

Lead scoring is defined as giving the leads a score based on key factors to determine the value and likely conversion of those leads. Factors that can contribute to a lead score: •

The stage of the buying cycle (browsing, researching, buying)

The relationship to the company (existing customer, known prospect, unknown prospect)

Their interactions (email open, event visit, form completion)

Their profile with regard to your targeting (exact target, close fit, not fit)

Is this a good lead? •

Individual who is sent an email and opens it and clicks through to the website;

The individual joins two mailing lists about the products;

Regularly engages in social activity;

He or she fits your target demographic.

Lead grading helps us understand who the individual is in more detail Shows us perceived intent from the individual in more detail (factors like geography, job title, company sector) Different models may be required based on the product options (a lead scoring model for a pick-up will be different than one of a compact car)

Lead generation across the digital channels Content •

Snippets of a report but need to provide full contact information to review the entire report;

Delivering deep content strategy with an option to sign-up to a newsletter to receive more;

Delivering training courses with the first stages free but sign-up is required for further information

Product demo sign-ups provide opportunity to open conversation

Website •

The website must be optimized to manage the lead generation effectively

Site must be fast, easy to understand, well signposted and focused on conversion


Paid search •

Paid search will supplement the SEO strategy to drive lead generation campaigns

defined as the process of bidding for potential clicks on an advertisement so that it is displayed on SERPs

Paid search is the equalizer and has been adopted by most organizations as it is both controllable and focused on a target market

Be sure to communicate the benefit and ensure highly targeted relevance

What is a channel in paid search? (A channel is the mechanism in which your ad is delivered) • PPC • Affiliate advertising • Display advertising

Advanced paid search

Click to call – telephone option where customers can click a phone number to call your order desk

Location extensions – helps Google provide “hypelocal” results due to the explosion of mobile advertising


Allows ad to have address, location etc. on their ad


Excellent for mobile users

E-mail marketing •

Utilize an email program that effectively utilizes your organic list

Helps to deliver targeted material to targeted recipients (Constant Contact, Marketo, Mail Chimp)

Social media •

This is about relationship marketing

Lead gen forms are being created to allow snippets of information to be used but to view the entire article the reader must register

This directs the reader right to the website

Referrals •

Referrals are important in marketing as the referring party has basically signed their name to the company

Keeping the lead alive •

This is accomplished through CRM (customer relationship management) and loyalty applications

This is because just getting your foot in the door is meaningless unless there is a conversion

According to a survey, 63% of buyers will not purchase within three months


How do you stay relevant to the buyer during this period


Keeping the customer engaged through product updates, communication, offers, demonstrations

Measurement Key metrics include •

Lead quality (Was the lead aligned with the target market?)

Lead timeliness (Was the lead at the right point of the buying cycle when it was generated)

Lead costs:


Cost per lead


Cost per converted lead


What content is delivering the leads


What are the times and days delivering the leads

WEEK 5 What contributes to user experience? -





Overall speed


Appearance (No more than five colours per site, No more than three fonts, Imagery must support the page)




Clear call to action


Easy to navigate

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