Disha Kohli Assignment 02 PDF

Title Disha Kohli Assignment 02
Author Anonymous User
Course Strategic IS Planning Engr & Mgmt
Institution Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
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DI SHAKOHLI MGMTI SEM 51050 I D279361 Dat e:01/ 26/ 2020 Chapt er3Quest i ons: Q1.Defineval uecr eat i onf orcust omer sandt hecomponent st hatcanbeusedt odet er mi neval ue cr eat i onperuni t .How val uecr eat i oni sr el at edt ocompet i t i veadvant age? Whenacust omerbuysapr oduct ,i tcr eat esav al uef ort hatpr oductt hi sc anbet er medasVal ueCr eat i on. Thecomponent st hatcanbeusedt odet er mi nev al uec r eat i onaspert heuni tcoul dbet hepr oduct ’ s desi gnandper f or manceorqual i t y ,ort hes er v i cepr ov i dedaf t er s al esorev ent hecust omer sort he pr oduc ti t s el f .Ast hefir m gr owsi nt hemar k et pl ace,i tbecomesel i gi bl ef ormor eopt i onsi nt er msofpr i ce whi chcanl eadt oi ncr ementi nt hepr oduc tv al ue.TheVal ueCr eat i oni sdi r ect l yr el at edt ot hecompet i t i v e adv ant agebecausev al uecr eat i oncanbet er medast hedi ffer encebet weent hecos ti nv ol v edi n manuf ac t ur i ngt hepr oductv er sust hev al uet hatt hec us t omercangetf r om t hefi r mf ort hepr oduct . Q2.Whati saval uechai n?Whyi seffici encysoi mpor t anti nanor gani zat i ons'val uechai n act i vi t i es? Ev er yfir m oror gani z at i oncons i st sofdi ffer entdepar t ment sl i k eDesi gn,Resear c h&Dev el opment , I nf or mat i onTec hnol ogy ,HumanResour ces ,Suppl yChai n,I nv ent or yandsoon,andt heconc eptoft he s equenceofal l t hes eact i vi t i est oget heri nacompanyi st er medasVal ueChai nasi tc anal sot r ans f or m i deasi nt oout put st hati nc l udebot ht hepr i mar yands uppor tact i v i t i es .Effic i enc yi si mpor t anti nan or gani z at i onsVal ueChai n,becausei ti sav al uabl econcept ,att het i meofani nt er nalanal ys i si tcanhel p t hemanager soft hefi r mt of ol l owandunder s t andal lt hedi ffer entact i vi t i est hatar ei nv ol v edi nt hev al uec hai n,Al s o,hel pst hem t ounder s t andt her esul ti nt hecr eat i onoft hemos tv al uebyi dent i f yi ngwhat act i v i t yc ani mpr ov i set hec ompanyandwhatcanbei mpr ov edf ort hebet t er mentoft hec ompany .I n s hor t ,t heanal ys i sofVal ueChai nhel pst hemanager soft hecompanyt oi dent i f yt hefir m’ sSt r engt hsand Weaknes ses,wher easThr eat s,andOppor t uni t i esar et er medast heext er i orf act or s . Resear chandDevel opment :Resear c handDev el opment ,Desi gnandI mpl ement at i on,Suppl y Chai n Management ,Mar k et i ngandSal esandCus t omerSuppor tSer vi cesar ei ncl udedi nt hepr i mar yact i vi t i es oft heVal ueChai n.Resear c handDev el opmentdon’ tj us tr ef ert oi mpr ov i ngt hec omponent sand el ement sofapr oduct ,i tal s or ef er st ot heconfigur at i onoft hatpr oductwhi c hc anr es ul ti nani mpactof maj orqual i t yi nt hes hopper ’ sbr ai n. Desi gnDevel opmentandManuf act ur e:Ont heot herhand,t hedev el opmentoft hepr oductr ef er st ot he manuf ac t ur i ngdepar t ment .Theact i vi t i esper f or medi nt hemanuf act ur i ngdepar t mentl eadst oast eady pr oduc twi t hl owcostandmor epr ofit . Sal esandMar ket i ng:Ther emanyway st opr omot et hesal esandmar k et i ngoft hepr oductby s howcasi ngbet t erdeal st ogener at ev al ue.Thepr oductcanbepr omot edv i aadv er t i si ngandbyt he pr omot i onoft hebr ands .

Cust omerSer vi ce:Thes er vi cest hatar epr ov i dedt ot hecust omer scanber ef er r edt oascus t omer s er v i ce,es pec i al l yt hes er vi cesaf t ert hes al eoft hefi r m’ spr oduc t . Q3.Whatbui l di ngbl ocksi nval uecr eat i oncananor gani zat i onuset osust ai ncompet i t i ve advant age?How bestyoucansust ai ncompet i t i veadvant age? Thebui l di ngbl ockst hatanor gani z at i oncoul duset osust ai nc ompet i t i v eadv ant agear e-Super i or Effic i enc y ,Qual i t y ,I nnov at i on,andCust omerSat i sf act i on.Thes ef ourbui l di ngbl ock scanhel pt he or gani z at i ont omai nt ai ni t sbenefit sandgai nsagai ns ti t sr i v al s .Theor gani z at i onc ancat egor i z ei t s pr oduc t sbyappr ai si ngt hesef act or si nt hemar k etandcanr esul ti noffer i ngt hebes tc us t omerv al ueby decr easi ngt heov er al lc os t . Super i orEffici ency:Whent hefi r m’ si nput sar et r ans f or medi nt oout put st hatcanbet er medasa busi ness .I nput sc ani ncl udev ar i oust ypessuchasr eal es t at e,t echnol ogy ,l abor ,c api t al ,and management .Al lt hes et ypesofi nput sc anbet r ansf or medi nt oout put st hatar et er medaspr oduc t sand s er v i cesmeantt odr i v et hefir m’ sbusi ness .Thei nput st hatt hec ompanyut i l i z est opr oduceapr oductor r esul t s/ out putcanbev al uabl eandus ef ul t omeas ur eeffic i enc y .Whenanor gani zat i oni seffic i entenough t ouseasmal l ernumberofi nput st opr oducei t spr oductorout put s ,i tcanmak emor epr ofitbys el l i ngt he s amequal i t yofpr oduct satc heaperpr i c escompar edt oi t sr i v al si nt hemar k et pl ace. Qual i t y:" n"numberoft hi ngscancont r i but et ot hedev el opmentori nnov at i onoft hepr oductqual i t y . Qual i t yi nnov at i oni ncl udesi t sdesi gn,f eat ur es ,andr el i abi l i t y .Whenanycus t omerbuy sapr oductand s t at est hatt hef eat ur esav ai l abl ei naspeci fi cfir m’ spr oductar ewaymor ebet t ert hant heot herav ai l abl e pr oduct si nt hemar k et pl ac e,t hi sc anbet er medasSuper i orQual i t ypr oductandcanhol dt hemar k et pl acef orl ongt er m. I nnovat i on:Theabi l i t yt odev el opnewpr oduct sors er v i cesi st er medasI nnov at i on.I nnov at i oncanbe ei t herbr i ngi ngi nnov at i oni npr oduc t s / s er v i c esori nnov at i ngani deaorapr ocess . Cust omerSat i sf act i on:Cus t omersat i sf act i oncanbeeas i l yac hi ev edbypr oduc i ngagoodqual i t y pr oductandbydoi ngas uper i orj obbyf ul fil l i ngt hecust omer s ’demandsandmaki ngt hem happi er compar edt ot her i v al ’ spr oduct .Cus t omi z at i onoft hes er v i ces / pr oduc t spr oducedcanbet er medasone oft hemosti mpor t antf act or si nt er msofc us t omersat i sf act i onasi tcanf ul fi l l t heneedsoft hei ndi v i dual c us t omer sorev ent hemar k etgr oup. Whenal lt hef ourbl oc ksar emanagedeffici ent l yt hent hefir m cans us t ai nt hecompet i t i v eadv ant agei n t hemar k et pl ac e. Q4.Whatdoesi nt er nalanal ysi shel pacompanyt odet er mi ne?How doest hi spr ocesscont r i but e t ot heover al lheal t h( val uecr eat i on,compet i t i veadvant age,pr ofit abi l i t y)ofacompany? I nt er nal Anal ys i scoul dhel pt hecompanyt odet er mi nei t sst r engt hsandweak ness ,whi l ei t st hr eat sand oppor t uni t i esar emappedt ot heex t er nalf act or soft hecompany .I nt er nal Anal y si scanhel pt he or gani z at i ont ounder s t andt heov er vi ewofhowdeci s i onscanbemadet oi mpr ovi sei t sbusi ness s t r at egi es .I nt er nal Anal ys i scanal s odi r ec t l yhel pt heor gani z at i ont oconquert hecompet i t i v eadv ant age. Thepr ocesst hatenabl est hefir mt ogai nmor eandmor epr ofi t sandhel psac hi ev et hev al uet hatc r eat es bet t eropt i onsf ort hec ust omer ss houl dbet hemai nf ocusar eaf ort hemanager s .Al lt heor gani z at i ons needt ounder s t andt hev al ueofI nnov at i on,Qual i t yandCus t omerSer v i cet hathel psi npr oduci ngpr ofit

andv al uef orcust omer ’ ssat i sf act i on.I tal sohel psi ncont r i but i ngt ot heov er al l heal t h-v al uecr eat i on, compet i t i v eadv ant ageandpr ofit abi l i t yofacompanybyhel pi ngt hemanager soft hefir m’ st obe r espons i bl ef ort heper f or manceoft hei nt er nal t ohel pt hem under s t andt hefinanc i al per f or manceoft hei r fi r m,ack nowl edgi nghowt hebusi nessst r at egi escancont r i but et obenefi t .Anal y s i soft hefi r m’ s per f or manceshoul dbedoneeffect i v el ywhencompar edt ot her i v al sandal i gnedwi t ht hei rpas t per f or mancet or ecogni z et hefir m’ ss t r engt hsandweak nes s .Thi sc ani nawayal s ohel pt hemanager st o i dent i f yt hatt heanal ys i swoul dbepr ofit abl eornotandi t sex ecut i onwi l lbeenhanc i ngf ort hefi r m orwi l l l edt hefir mf al l apar twi t ht i meorwhet hert hepr ocedur esoft hefir m ar eenhanci ngt hev al uebei ngmade andwhet hert heass et sar eut i l i z edornott ot hebes tofi t si mpact . Q5.Whydocompani esf ai l ?How doescompet i t i veadvant ager el at et of ai l ur e?I fcompet i t i ve advant agei snotmai nt ai ned,whatwoul dbet heconsequencef oracompany? Compani esf ai li nt hemar k et pl acewhent heyar enotabl et ohol dupwi t ht hegr owi ngcompet i t i onamong t her i v alfi r msandt hi sr es ul t si nt hecompar at i v el yv er yl owadv ancementoft hefir m.Anyfi r m maynotf ai l wheni t seconomyi sr educ i ngorwheni t spr ofiti sr educi ng,i tmi ghtf ai li ft hi sphasecont i nuesf orl ong t i me.Whent hepr ofitandeconomyofanyfi r mf al l sbel owt heav er agepoi ntcompar edt oi t sr i v al s ,t heni t becomesat hr eatt ot hefi r mt hatt hi smi ghtr es ul ti nt hefir m’ sf ai l ur ei nt hemar k et pl ace,andt hi st henf ai l s t oat t r actt hefir m’ si nv est or ss i nc et heys t ar tt or es t r ai nf r om i nv est i ngmoneyi nacapi t al t hatr adi cal l y r educi ng. Fewr easonst hatcanl eadt ot hef ai l ur eoft hefir m1.PoorPl anni ngandLackOfResour ces-Lackofappr opr i at epl anni ngandi nadequat er esour cesc an l eadt of ai l ur eoft hebusi nessst r at egi esr i ghtf r om wher ei tst ar t ed.Leader smos t l yf ocust hei reffor t son get t i ngt hecont entt hati sdes i gnedi nst eadofput t i ngt hei rknowl edgei nmaki ngt heupf r ontpl anni ngof t her equi r edwor kbas edont heav ai l abl er esour ces . 2.Sl ow Deci si onMaki ngPr ocess:Mostoft het i mest hefi r msar enotabl et omodi f yi t sbusi ness s t r at egi essot hatt heycanhel pt hems el v esadj us ti nt hemar k et pl ace’ sc hangi ngenvi r onment swhen compar edwi t ht hei rr i v al s.Whent hepr oces sofDeci si onMaki ngi ss l owi tcanbeoneoft hepr i me r eas onst hatmi ghtl eadt ot hef ai l ur eoft hefir m andc anl eadt ot hecompet i t i v eadv ant agewhen compar edt ot her i v al fir msouti nt hemar k et pl ace.Powerdi v i si onbet weent hel eader sandmanager scan actasoneoft hek eyas pec t si nt hedec i si onmaki ngpr ocess . 3.KnownSt r at egi cLi abi l i t i es/ Commi t ment s:Manycommi t ment sar epr omi s edbyt hefir msal ongwi t h gr owi ngphaseoft hemar k et pl acedependi ngont hei rabi l i t yl i mi t st opar t i c i pat eal ongsi det hei rr i v al fir ms, butt hi sc ani nst eadr esul tasadi sadv ant agef ort hefi r m.I ti sr equi r edf ort hefi r mt obewel l mi ndf uloft he l ongt er m ev ol v i ngt ec hnol ogi esandt heys houl dal s onot et hatt heyar enev erov erc ommi t t edorel set he r esul t scanl eadt ot hef ai l ur e. 4.Ther ei saknownt er m cal l ed“ I car uxPar adox”aphenomenonofunex pec t edbusi nes sf ai l ur eaf t era phaseofnot i ceabl esuccess ,t hi sf ai l ur ei sgener al l ycar r i edbyt hev er yf act or st hatoncel edt ot hefir m’ s pr i mar ysuccess .Mos toft hefir mseasi l ygets oamaz edbyt hei ri ni t i alacc ompl i shment st hatt heyst ar t bel i evi ngt hatt hesameamountofeffor t sc anl eadt ot hef ut ur es uccessst or yaswel l .Thi scanr esul ti nt o l i mi t edands hor tvi s i ongr owt hoft hefir m ast heyt endt omi s soutont hemar k etmat t er st hatar er equi r ed t obes eent omanaget hemar k et ’ scompet i t i v eadv ant age. 5.AbsenceofCommuni cat i on:Communi cat i oni soneoft hek eyf ac t or st hatcanl edt ot hefi r m’ s

s uc ces s,l ackofcommuni cat i oncanr es ul ti nt ot hef ai l ur eoft hemanagementast heyf ai l t ounder s t and t hatwhatas pect sorchangesneedst obeaddr ess edaspr i or i t yt os ust ai ncompet i t i v eadv ant agei nt he mar k et pl ace.Mostoft hefi r msf ai lt ocommuni c at eonwhyt hec hangei sr equi r edandt hi sc anl eadt ot he fi r m’ sf ai l ur eov ert hephas eoft i me. Al l t heabov ef act or sar edi r ec t l yr el at edt ocompet i t i v eadv ant age,i fanyofaspect sar ei gnor edc anr esul t i nadv er secons equencesandcanaffectt heov er al l pr ocessoft hefi r m ul t i mat el yl eadi ngt ot hef ai l ur eof t hefir m.

Chapt er04Quest i ons: Q1.Whatar ef unct i onall evelst r at egi es?How t heyr el at et ocompet i t i veadvant ageofacompany? How canf unct i onall evelst r at egycont r i but et oeffici ency? Funct i onall ev elst r at egi eshel pt ot hefir m ex pandt heoper at i onalact i v i t i est oac hi ev et hebet t er I nnov at i on,maxi mum l ev el ofeffici enc y ,bet t erandi mpr ov edc ust omerf ul fi l l mentands uper i orqual i t y pr oduct s.Al l t heses peci al i z edabi l i t i esc anbeobt ai nedf r om t hef unct i onal l ev els t r at egi es,t hatany or gani z at i oncansear c hf or .Thei dent i fieddec i s i onscanactasass et sandsk i l l st hatcani mpr ovi s e or gani z at i onwi t hf unct i onal l ev els t r at egi escompet ences.Ont heot herhand,i ts houl dbenot edt hatt he qual i t yoft heor gani zat i on' sabi l i t yt oacqui r emai ns t r eam capabi l i t i es ,dev el opment ,andcust omer s at i sf act i onwi l lr ev eal whet heri ti ss epar at ef r om compet i t or s ' pr oduct sandwhet heri thast hel owestcos t oppor t uni t y .Funct i onalLev elSt r at egi esar edi r ec t l yr el at edt oCompet i t i v eadv ant ageofacompanyas whenacompanymanagest oachi ev ebet t erI nnov at i on,maxi mum l ev elofeffic i enc y ,bet t erandi mpr ov ed c us t omerf ul fi l l mentandsuper i orqual i t ypr oduc t si nt hemar k et pl acet heni tcaneas i l ys ust ai ni t sgr owt h compar edt oal l i t sr i v al s . Asweknowt hatt hebusi nessi swel ldr i v enandi mpr ov i s edwhent hefir m’ si nput sar esuc ces sf ul l y t r ansf or medi nt obet t erout put s / pr oduct s.Pr oduct i vi t yi smeasur edbasedont hei nput st hatwasneeded t opr oduc et hepr oduct sort her es ul t s .I nor dert obemor eeffic i ent ,anor gani z at i onneedsf ewer r esour cest opr oduceapr oduct ,what ev eri tmaybe,t ohel pt heor gani z at i onsel l i t spr oduct sata compar at i v el yc heaperpr i ce. Funct i onall ev elst r at egyc ancont r i but et oeffici enc yi nf ewway s: I tc anhel pt hefir m hav ei t sl ear ni ngeffect swhi c har enot hi ngbutt hemeanst hatcomef r om l ear ni ngf r om i t sownmi st ak es.I mpactonl ear ni ngs cal ei sani nv es t menti nr esour cesobt ai ned,cos t sgai ned,i nt he l ear ni ngpr ocess .Fori ns t anc e,r epeat i ngt hepr oces sesmul t i pl et i mess ot hatwear es uc cess f uli nfindi ng t hebestwayt oacc ompl i shanyt as k.Whenwor keffic i enc yi si ncr eas ed,t hent heuni tcost sar e decr easedbecausewi t ht hel ear ni ngeffect speopl et endt ot ak et hemosteffici entwayofper f or mi ngany t ask . I tc anhel pi ncr easet hes cal eofec onomybyi ncr eas i ngt hefi r m’ spr oduc ts al es -Cos tperpr oducti s r el at edt oi nc r easedpr oduct i on.Thi sc anal sobec ons i der edast hefir m’ sabi l i t yt oachi ev emor e not i ceabl edi v i si onsofs pec i al t ywi t hi nt heor gani z at i on.Speci al i z at i oni ssai dt ohav eaposi t i v eeffecton effici enc y ,basi cal l yf ort hef ol l owi ngt hef actt hati tal l owsr epr es ent at i v est obeex t r emel yt al ent edi neac h fi el dofs t udy .

i tcanal s ohel pi nc ur vi ngt heex per i encel ev eloft hefi r m byi nc r easi ngt hefir m’ sabi l i t yi ni mpr ovi s i ngt he dev el opmentofpr oduc torpr ov i di ngabet t ermanuf act ur i ngex per i ence.I nawayi thel pst hefi r mt o r educet hepr oductcost sdur i ngi t sl i f espan.Thi sc anal sor esul ti nt hepr oduct i oni nc r ementandbet t eror doubl est hecos toft hepr oduct i onuni t . Q2.Descr i beeconomi esofscal eandhow i tr el at est ocompet i t i veadvant age.Whatst r at egi c si gni ficancedoeseconomi esofscal ehavef oracompany?Whati tdoeswi t ht hecompet i t i ve advant ageofacompany?

Economi esofScal e:Economi esofScal ecanbeconsi der edasanoppor t uni t yf ort hefir mt o accompl i shamor epr omi nentdi vi si onofwor kandspeci al i z at i oni nl ar gev ol umesbecauset hecost pr i ceperpr oducti sassoci at edwi t hi ncr easednumberofout put s.Economi esofscal ehol dsast r ong r el at i onwi t hcompet i t i veadvant agebecausei tcanhel pt hefir mt of ocusont hefixedcostsuchas Mar ket i ng,Resear chandDevel opment ,Machi ner yBuyi ng,Manuf act ur i ngcost soft hepr oduct s acr ossal ldepar t ment sbasedont heenor mouspr oduct i onvol ume.Speci al i z at i onhol dsav er yposi t i v e i mpactoneffici enc y ,es peci al l ywhenwet hi nkofacaset hatenabl esagent st obeext r emel yt al ent edat pl ayi ngoutapar t i c ul arr ol e.Theabi l i t yoft hefi r mt hatcanpr oduc es i gni fic antquant i t i esandac hi ev e gr eat erspeci al i z at i onc anbeconsi der edasanot herbenefitorsour ce.Agood/ posi t i v ei nfluenceon pr oduct i vi t y ,basi c al l yanenvi r onmentt hatal l owswor k er st obemor ecompet enti nt hei rt as kscanbe t er medasspec i al i zat i on. Economi esofsc al ehel pst hefir mt oi nc r easei t spr oduct i onandgai nmor eandmor epr ofi tand Compet i t i v eAdv ant agei t s el fmeanst headv ant agest hatacompanycanr ecei v ebymaki ngmor eand mor epr ofit st hatcanbedonebymaxi mi zi ngt heshar ehol der ’ sv al ueandr educi ngt hecostoft he manuf ac t ur edpr oduct s.Thi sc anr es ul ti nt heenhancementoft hefi r mi nt hemar k et pl aceandcanhel p t hefir mt os t andoutamongstal li t sr i v al sbypr ov i di ngbet t eradv ant ageov erpr oduc t ’ ssal esand pr oduct i on. Q3.How doesi nnovat i onr el at et ocompet i t i veadvant age?Whatcanbedonet osust ai ni nnovat i on i nacompany? Oneoft hemai nr eas onwhyi nnov at i oni st er medast hemos ti mpor t antas pec tofcompet i t i v eadv ant age i sbecausei nnov at i onhasl edt ot heemer genc eofnewpr oduct s,t hankst oi mpr ov ement st hatcanmeet t hebet t erpr oductqual i t ycompar edt ot hepr oduc t sal r eadyav ai l abl ei nt hemar k et pl ace,t he under st andi ngoft hecust omerr equi r ement s ,andt heneedt or educet heuni tcos t sbydev el opi ngnew i nnov at i v ei deas .Wi t ht hehel pofi nnov at i on,t hefi r m canpr ovi dei nnov at i v esol ut i onsi nt er msoft he adv ancementori mpr ov ement sofi t spr oduc t ,t hi soffer sanadv ant ageov ert hefi r mr i v al si nt he mar k et pl ace.Thi sc anal sohel pt hefi r mt or at ehi ghpr i cesf orpr oduct spr oducedandi nasmar twayt o mak epr oduct sl essexpens i v et hant her i v al s .Al lt heor gani z at i ons houl dhel pt hems el v esandt r yt o i nnov at et hei rpr oduct sands er v i c esr egul ar l yasi tcanhel pt hem t omai nt ai nacompet i t i v eadv ant age ov err i v al s .I ti sr equi r edandnecess ar yf oranor gani zat i onorfi r mt or emai ni nnov at i v e,becausei tcan di r ect l yhel pt hem r educ et hef ai l ur er at et hatmayocc urdur i ngt hei nnov at i onpr ocess .Whenacust omer i sf ul l ysat i s fiedbyt hepr oductsayi nt hepastt heni tget sdi ffic ul tf ort hefi r mst ok nowt hear eaof oper at i onsort oj us t i f ypr oduct i ongoal saspert hemar k etdemand.Thefi r m’ sf ut ur ei nst abi l i t yc anbe r educedbyex t ens i v emar k etr es ear c h.Ther ei sal way sademandi nt hemar k etf ornewandl at est t ec hnol ogi esandi t ’ sdi fficul tt ocl os et hegapf ori nst ancet hei nt r oduct i onofanewpr oducti nt he

mar k et pl acei fnots uccess f ulc anl eadt oi neffici entandfir m’ sf ai l ur e.Thi scaneas i l yhappenwhen c us t omer st endt odev el opi nt er es ti not herpr oduc t sdev el opedbyt her i v al s ,becaus et hepr oduc t ’ s desi gncer t ai nl yc annotmeett heneedsoft heendus er .Thi si sar es ul tofcomponent swi t hpoordesi gn andpoorqual i t yandt her ef or e,anyfi r m musts us t ai ni nnov at i oni nt hepr oduct spr oduc ed.

Q4.How doescust omerr el at i onscont r i but et ocompet i t i veadvant age?Whati st heeffectof cust omerr el at i onsonval uecr eat i onandi t scomponent s?

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