Disposition Essay PDF

Title Disposition Essay
Author Nikita Furrow
Course University of Success
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
File Size 127.1 KB
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Name: Nikita Furrow Course: UNV-108 Date: 01/12/2020 Instructor: Jillian Hartman The Disposition to Teach

There are many dispositions for learners when it comes to teaching, but today I will only be discussing a few of them, including why professional dispositions are important in an educational setting, what they mean, and how you can help uphold the standards of professional dispositions.

The Model Code of Ethics for Educators is a code put in place to provide professional conduct in the workplace. This helps assure that all students and faculty are treated with fairness, respect, upholds the students privacy as well as holds educators to standards of higher expectations, dedication, advocacy, while being able to show compassion at a professional level [ CITATION Mar17 \l 1033 ]. During my high school career, I found out I was expecting a child that summer, so I had to notify the school staff when I found out to assure my health and safety was met. One of my teachers reached out and asked if I needed help with preparing for the baby and let me know if I needed anything or someone to talk to that their classroom was always open. This showed that I was able to trust them and allowed me to have more respect for them as an educator.

2 According to the NASDTEC [ CITATION Nat17 \l 1033 ], the MCEE applies to all faculty in every school district, including substitute teachers. Substitute teachers can be fun, but what happens if your sub is a relative of some of the students? This is where the MCEE is important as the educator must be fair and treat all students the same, this includes grading. For example, one of the substitute teachers I had going to school had two grandchildren within the school district, the district knew of this and trusted the substitute to maintain all privacy, including withholding information from other family members, treating them with the same amount of fairness as other students (not playing favorites or changing the grades), but most importantly maintaining professional conduct.

My former teachers taught me a lot, not only did they show how to act professionally in a workplace, but they also taught me how to do so in a way where you can make learning fun while being able to show compassion, being fair, honest, and curious while displaying professional conduct as an educator, [CITATION McC15 \l 1033 ]. While there are many skills I display, reflection and fairness are the two dispositions I need to develop more before entering a classroom. Sometimes being fair can be difficult, especially if you are not looking to possibly offend anyone. As we all know it can be hard to reflect a student’s academic performance, especially if they struggle to understand the lesson but dislike asking for help. Recognizing when a student needs a little extra help is a skill I need to develop more before I head to the classroom as a firstyear teacher.

3 Today we have discussed a range of topics from including the importance of the Model Code of Ethics for Educators and how you can continue to uphold the code as an educator, discussing how to show compassion, respect, and maintain the privacy of students while keeping it at a professional level, reflecting on the skills and traits seen in former educators, and finally recognizing what dispositions and skills I display as well as knowing which ones need to develop before entering a classroom as a first year teacher.

References Martin, L. E., & Mulvihill, T. M. (2017). Voices in Education: Professional Dispositions in Teacher Education. Teacher Educator, 52(3), 173-181. Retrieved from https://doiorg.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/08878730.2017.1316603 McConnell, M. M. (2015). Reflections of the Impact of Individualized Instruction. National Teacher Education Journal, 8(1), 53-56. Retrieved from https://searchebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx? direct=true&db=ehh&AN=110268129&site=ehost-live&scope=site National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification. (2017). Model Code of Ethics for Educators. Retrieved from The purpose of the Model Code of Ethics for Educators: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/NELIS/REL/79th2017/ExhibitDocument/OpenExh ibitDocument?exhibitId=28806&fileDownloadName=MCEE_4Pager%20Final.pdf



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