DLP in Science III BEED 4A Elvira Cuesta PDF

Title DLP in Science III BEED 4A Elvira Cuesta
Author Elvira Cuesta
Course Bachelor of Secondary Education
Institution President Ramon Magsaysay State University
Pages 9
File Size 249 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 116
Total Views 141


Republic of the Philippines President Ramon Magsaysay State University (Formerly Ramon Magsaysay Technological University) Iba, Zambales, Philippines 2201 Telfax: 047-811-1683 / Email: prmsu.eduCOLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATIONDetailed Lesson Plan in Science III I. Objectives At the end of the lesson the...


Republic of the Philippines President Ramon Magsaysay State University (Formerly Ramon Magsaysay Technological University) Iba, Zambales, Philippines 2201 Telfax: 047-811-1683 / Email: www.prmsu.edu.ph

COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Detailed Lesson Plan in Science III I. Objectives At the end of the lesson the students should be able to; a. Identify the importance and uses of soil. b. Describe the composition of soil particles; sand, clay, silt and loam c. Appreciate the importance of the soil. II. Subject Matter A. Topic: Composition of Soil B.References: Science for Active Learning 3, pp. 211-220 C. Materials: 4 jars filled with loam, sand, silt and clay, activity sheets, cartolina D. Science Processes: Observing, describing and Identifying E. Science Concept; *Soil- the loose materials found on the surface of the earth. *Sand- made of fine particles of rocks. *Silt- made of fine particles that usually carried by rainwater into a river or sea. *Clay- made up of very fine particles of rocks. *Humus- comes from decayed plants and animals. F. Values Integration: being thrifty, creativity, environmental sanitation III. Procedures Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity A. Preliminary Activity 1. Prayer “Please stand up and let us pray.” Jonalyn, Can you please lead the prayer? "Yes Teacher"

“Angel of God My guardian dear to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.”

“Angel of God My guardian dear to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.”

2. Greetings “Goodmorning Class!”

“Goodmorning Teacher!”

“Goodmorning classmates!” 3. Classroom Inspection “Kindly check if there are pieces of paper or plastic under your chairs, pick it up and arrange your respective chairs properly.” “You may now take your seat”

“Thank you Teacher”

4. Checking of Attendance “Is there any absent for today, Miss

“No Teacher”

Secretary?” “Okay, thank you Lyn for the report of attendance today.”

“You’re welcome Teacher”

5. Review of the Past Lesson “Alright, before we move on to our next topic, let’s have a recap on what we’ve been discussed last meeting.” “What it is all about?”

“Okay, Anne what it is all about?”

“Teacher, it is all about uses of water from the different sources”

“Very good!” “Who can give the 3 main sources of water?”

" Fresh water teacher"

" Ground water teacher" "Very good! What else?

"Excellent! So what is the last one main sources of water?

Can you give me what are the uses of water class?

" Sea water teacher"


-Bathing -Washing clothes - Preparing foods -Watering plants - Given to animals to drink You were all great! Give yourself a round of applause"

Very good children!

B. Motivation " How's your day class?" We are all good teacher" "Okay class,do you want to sing a song ?" "Okay, let us now sing a song, “Are you ready class?”

"Yes teacher, we love to sing a song " "Yes teacher!"

Soil, soil, they are different types Soil, soil, they are different types Soil, soil, they are different types Soil on the earth Clay, clay, it has small particles Clay, clay, it holds lots of water Clay, clay is sticky and smooth Clay is a type of soil

Sand, sand, has the largest particles Sand, sand, can be many colors Sand, sand, water passes through Sand is a type of soil Silt, silt, has medium-sized particles Silt, silt can kind of hold water Silt, silt slippery and smooth Silt is a type of soil Loam, loam, it's clay, silt and sand Loam, loam perfect for a plant

Soil, soil, they are different types Soil, soil, they are different types Soil, soil, they are different types Soil on the earth Clay, clay, it has small particles Clay, clay, it holds lots of water Clay, clay is sticky and smooth Clay is a type of soil

Sand, sand, has the largest particles Sand, sand, can be many colors Sand, sand, water passes through Sand is a type of soil Silt, silt, has medium-sized particles Silt, silt can kind of hold water Silt, silt slippery and smooth Silt is a type of soil

Loam, loam humus, water and air Loam is a type of soil

Loam, loam, it's clay, silt and sand Loam, loam perfect for a plant Loam, loam humus, water and air Loam is a type of soil

“Based on the song we sang, do you have any idea what is our topic for today?” “Okay Mina can you share your idea?” “Very good Mina!”

"Soil teacher"

“What else?” “Okay Mary, what is your idea about our topic for today?” “Very good!”

"Types of soil teacher"

“Who else have any idea about our topic for today?”

" Clay, Loam, Silt and sand teacher"

"Composition of soil teacher"

“Very good class!” “Our topic for today is all about the Composition of Soil” C. Discussion “Class listen carefully, keep quiet when I’m talking, and raise your hand if you have some questions. Understand?” " Soil has different kinds, namely ✓ Sand ✓Clay ✓Sit ✓ Loam Who among you live near the sea? We noticed that the soil on the beach is sandy. Sometimes you play with the soil on the beach. You make sand castles or cover your body with the sand.

" Yes teacher"

Sand is made up of fine particles of rocks. What is the sand made up? " The sand is made up of fine particles of rocks" Very Good! There are places in the Philippines where the sand is white, like the sand in Boracay or Rizal beach in Sorsogon The sand in some Beaches in Batangas is blick or dark. Sandy soil of whatever cobr is not good for growing plants because sandy soil cannot hold water well Water easily passes through the soil particles. Did you understand Class? Have you ever watched on television how ceramic articles like plates, jars, vases, tiles and pots are made?

“Yes Teacher” " Yes/ No Teacher"

Ceramic articles are made of clay. Clay is made up of very fine particles of rocks. The characteristic that makes chy best in ceramic making is its stickiness, which makes it easy to mold. Dry clay is hand but sticky when wet. Clay is not a good soil for plants. It tends to pack together, leaving no room for air or water. What is the characteristic of clay? "very good" " The characteristic of clay is sticky," Have you ever experienced flood in your placed?

When the water recedes after a flood, the soil that setties or deposits on the ground is sit. Silt is made up of fine particles that are usually carried away by rainwater into a river or sea. Sit particles are smaller than sand but bigger than clay.

" Yes/No Teacher.

"Who among you have a garden in the house? What have you seen in the flower pot?" "Very good class" We use loam soil. Loam soil is a mixture of silt, clay, sand and humus. Humus comes from decayed plants and animals. It is the part of the soil that makes it fertile. Fertile soil mukes plants grow healthy. Humus makes the soil dark. Sometimes the color of loam is brown or orange brown Loam can best absorb the minerak and nutrients that plants need. Loam also holds just the right amount of water that plants need.

" We have teacher" " A loam soil teacher"

Did you understand grade three?

"Yes teacher"

“Now let us have a group activity” D.Application " I will divide you into four groups and Iwill give you 15 minutes to answer the activity".

Group I- Create a poem about the kinds of soil Group II- Sing a song about the kinds of soil Group III- Make an essay about kinds of soil Group IV- Make a list on the importance of soil " But before we start, what are the rules to follow in group activity?

" Okay teacher"

1. Listen attentively to the instructions.

2. Follow the time allotment for the activity. 3. Be cooperative in one's group work. 4. Enjoy and doing one's work. 5. Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the room. "Okay class you may now start your activity"

“I will post the criteria for grading on your group work”

CRITERIA Explanation Creativity Cooperation

20% 20% 10%



" Okay teacher"

“Please keep silent on doing your work, understand?”

“Okay class, your time is up. Arrange your chair properly. Let’s start the presentation of group 1, followed by group 2, group 3, and last the group 4, is that clear?”

“Yes Teacher!”

“Very good pupils! You are so awesome!” “Give your self a round of applause for your goodwork” “Okay, Teacher!”

E. Generalization “Okay class, now that you are done with your group activity, let’s have recap.” “Again what is our topic for today?” "What is soil made up of?"

"What are the different kinds of soil?" " Composition of Soil teacher" "The soil is made up of clay, sand, broken pieces of rocks and decayed plants and animal."

"What are the characteristic of sand? Silt? Clay? And loam?"

"The different kinds of soil are sand, silt, clay and loam"

"Very good!"

"What is the best kind of soil for plant?" "Nice, excellent!"

Sand-white, black or dark, rough Silt-smaller than sand but bigger than clay Claysticky Loam- brown or red

"Class what will happen if we do not have soil on earth" " Loam is the best soil for plant "

Great job! “Very good pupils!”

" If soil would not be there on earth then we will not be able to grow plants and if we don't plant

“Now we will proceed to your short quiz”

trees then we will not get essential products and we will not be able to survive"

IV. Evaluation A. Identify the words or phrase described by each sentence. ________1. It consists of the loose materials found on the outer portion of the earth. ________2. Contains humus and is the best kind of soil for plant to grow. ________3. Made up of fine particles of rocks and is usually found near the sea. ________4. Soil that are usually carry by rainwater and deposited along the way. ________5. Consist of sticky particles smaller than sand. 6. What are the best kind of soil for plants?

V. Assignment In your notebook, list five (5) information about soil on how does it helps you....

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