dna extraction in cheek and plant cell (banana) cell PDF

Title dna extraction in cheek and plant cell (banana) cell
Course Physiotherapy
Institution Dogu Akdeniz Üniversitesi
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molecular biology and genetics...


TITLE DNA extraction in human (cheek) cell and plant (banana fruit) cell.

AIM Understanding DNA in cells of living organisms and how each constituent can help DNA extraction and making the DNA more visible.

INTRODUCTION Plant cells and cheek cells are both eukaryotic organisms, the human body is made up of cells. Cells perform special features which help our body to function properly. Eukaryotic cells have nucleus with special organelles that perform specific functions. They are eukaryotic cells, which have a true nucleus along with specialized structures called organelles that carry out different functions. Plant cells are differentiated from other living cells by the chloroplasts, cell wall and food vacuole. Plant cell is the fundamental unit of life in of every organism in the kingdom Plantae (1). Examples of

organelles which are found in the plant cell include: a chloroplast, cell wall, food vacuole, mitochondria and plastids. A chloroplast is a widen organelle which is coated with a phospholipid membrane. The chloroplast comprises of a circular shaped DNA. Every chloroplast contains a chlorophyll which is a pigment that is green colored used in the process of photosynthesis. A cell wall provide structure and form to the cell. It also protects the cell from mechanical stress. It helps filter out molecules which pass in and out of the cell. A mitochondria which is known as the power house of the cell. The plastids are responsible for the storage of plant products (2). Other cell types include: sclerenchyma cells, parenchyma cells, collenchyma cells, food conducting cells and water conducting cells. (3)

Figure 1.) Structure of plant cell. Image adapted from https://brainly.in/question/3282277

Cheek cells also known as epithelial cells, there is a tissue that arranges in a line inside the mouth known as the basal mucous also consisting of the squamous epithelial cells. The epithelial cells produce an essential substance called mucin, an element of the mucous. The mucin helps in maintaining a moist environment in the oral cavity. The maintenance of the moisture content has to be sustained in order to help enzymes softening, swallowing and also to start the process of digestion. The structures in cheek

cells divide almost every 24 hours divide approximately and are always out-built from the body. The cells of in the human cheek do not possess a cell wall just like every other animal cell. A cell membrane which is semi-permeable is around the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm in an animal cell is thicker and covers a larger space. The vacuole in an animal cell is usually smaller in size than that of a plant cell, or not present. The nucleus is situated in middle of the cytoplasm. The absence of a cell wall and a prominent vacuole are indicators that help identify animal cells, the absence of a cell wall and an insignificant vacuole are markers that help recognize animals cells such as in in the human cheek cell. (4)

Figure 2.) Structure of cheek cell. Image adapted from https://www.quora.com/search? q=cheek+cell

The Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule which is made up of two chains with various functions including encoding genetic information, replication of the DNA and also gene expression. DNA isolation which is also known as DNA extraction is the process of isolating the DNA by separating a cell from another cell sample to extract DNA either by chemical or physical methods. DNA are too little to even consider being

seen by unaided eye. Along this way, extraction of DNA was done to have the alternative to obtain DNA from human cells which were adequately tremendous to be seen as they are packed together. DNA extraction is a clear key development in DNA division which should be feasible for inherited testing, legitimate confirmation, body ID and various applications (5). The DNA is structured of molecules known as nucleotides. Each molecule of the DNA is a group of nucleotide monomers, are connected one after each other into a long chain. Every nucleotide is made of a phosphate group, a nitrogen base and sugar group. The DNA is made four letters adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C). All of the four nucleotides (A, T, G and C) are brought about by combining a phosphate group

nucleobase to a sugar. The sugar found in the four

nucleotides is known as the deoxyribose. It is cyclical shaped molecule and partially all the atoms are arranged in ring structure. The ring contains five elements one is an oxygen atom and then four carbons. The fifth carbon atom is fixed to the fourth carbon of the ring structure. The deoxyribose also has a hydroxyl group (OH-) fixed to the third carbon in the ring structure. The DNA nucleotides are connected by hydrogen bonds. The hydrogen bonds which join the DNA polymers occurs in between hydrogen atoms on one base and some oxygen or nitrogen atoms on the base covering it the Chromosomal DNA is made up of two DNA polymers that make a 3-dimensional (3D)structure called a double helix.(6)

Figure 3) image adapted from https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/2036-dnaextraction

METHODS In this extraction process for the plat cell, a banana was used for the experiment.it was put in a plastic bag, which was then mashed for a few minutes so as to extract the water content present and then was mashed again with salt water also present in the plastic bag used. The content in the plastic bag was then put in a sieve so as to filter it, after which the water content was transferred into the tube which the assistant identified to be the cells. The tube was filled up until 25ml with liquid detergent carefully so as to avoid shaking it, the detergent was added so as to remove all the cell membrane which was present in cell. Cold Ethanol was then added into the tube still without shaking it up until 35ml after which the DNA was seen at the top which was white. (7) ‘‘Lab BIOL 124(2019) assessed on 29th of April 2019.

Figure 4) image adapted from https://www.protocols.io/view/Extracting-DNA-frombananas-esvbee6

In the extraction method for the Cheek cell, add salt water into a tube. Gently chew the side of your mouth to release cheek(epithelial cells) cells, which is also buccal mucosa

for about a minute, then proceeding to spit out the saliva into a tube without shaking the tube, add detergent up until 25ml after which ethanol was added. The addition of detergent was added to split the cell and show DNA present in the nucleus, allow the mixture to stand for 2 minutes. 10ml of cold ethanol was added into the tube carefully to precipitate the DNA and then the DNA will be easily seen with the naked eye at the top of the tube floating from the bottom of the tube. (8) ‘Lab BIOL 124(2019) assessed on 29th of April 2019

RESULTS The figure inserted below shows that the result for the extraction of DNA from plant cell (banana) which shows that the white strand floating from the bottom of the tube contains the DNA within the solution contained in the tube.(9)

Figure 5) image adapted from https://twitter.com/msseaby/status/920520990156840960

DISCUSSION Regardless of the same methods and procedure applied to the cheek cell and the banana, the nucleic acid from the cheek cell demonstrated to be a lot harder to remove. This may be related to the distinction in test size of the cheek and the banana cell. All in all, the procedure of DNA extraction utilizing salt, dishwashing fluid, and ethanol demonstrated to work just on the banana cut and not the cheek cell. The result shows the DNA that has been extracted from the cheek cell of a person. The experiment can be improved by getting more advanced equipment to help out with the experiment. In other to make this experiment to be unaltered, the scientist are utilizing phenol/chloroform to expel proteins from DNA which is the initial part of precipitation. The phenol alters the proteins and dissolves altered proteins so the chloroform is known as a protein denaturant. Chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (CSI) helps in preventing the proteins and other contaminants from attacking the DNA results. (10) DICUSSION QUESTIONS 1) The Drosophila melanogaster fruitfly has been used in biomedical research for a very long time because of its resourceful nature. Many advantages have been discovered from depleting the Drosophila over vertebrate models e.g. their short life span, genetic modification can easily be done to them and in different ways, their nature makes it low-cost and easy for cultivation in the laboratory and externally laid embryos are yield in large quantity by them. Researches carried out with the use of Drosophila has enhanced our use of regressive biology and the use of regenerative medicine in the nearest future. (11) 2) Banding pattern is the pattern of dark and light crosswise bands on stained chromosomes as it is seen with the aid of microscope also describes the position of the genes. (12)

REFERENCES 1) Byjus(2019), plant cell retrieved from https://byjus.com/biology/plant-cell/

assessed on 10/05/2019 2) Byjus(2019), parts of plant cell and functions retrieved from

https://byjus.com/biology/plant-cell/ assessed on 10/05/2019

3) Byjus(2019), examples of conducting cells retrieved from

https://byjus.com/biology/plant-cell/ assessed on 10/05/2019 4) Academia(2019), cheek cell retrieved from

https://www.academia.edu/5881683/Dissucsion_AGR122_lab_3 assessed on 10,05/2019 5) Khan academy(2019), DNA retrieved from https://www.khanacademy.org/test-

prep/mcat/biomolecules/dna/a/dna-structure-and-function assessed on 10/05/2019 6) Khan academy(2019), structure of DNA retrieved from

https://www.academia.edu/5881683/Dissucsion_AGR122_lab_3 assessed on 11/05/2019 7) Method on DNA extraction on banana ‘Lab BIOL 124 (2019) assessed on 29 th of April 2019 8) Method on DNA extraction on cheek cell ‘Lab BIOL 124(2019) assessed on 29 th of April 2019 9) Twitter(2017), results retrieved from

https://twitter.com/msseaby/status/920520990156840960 10) Academia(2019), discussion retrieved from

https://www.academia.edu/5881683/Dissucsion_AGR122_lab_3 assessed on 10,05/2019 11) Elsevier(2019), why fruit fly is used in experiment, retrieved from

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369702111701134 assessed on 11/05/2019 12) Britannica(2019), definition of banding pattern, retrieved from

https://www.britannica.com/science/banding-pattern assessed on 11/05/2019

FIGURE REFERENCES 1) Figure 1, Structure of plant cell. Image adapted from https://brainly.in/question/3282277 assessed on 10/05/2019 2) Figure 2 Structure of cheek cell. Image adapted from https://www.quora.com/search? q=cheek+cell assessed on 10/05/2019

3) Figure 3, structure of DNA. Image adapted from https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/2036-dna-extraction assessed on

10/05/2019 4) Figure 4, results from banana cell. Image adapted from

https://www.protocols.io/view/Extracting-DNA-from-bananas-esvbee6 assessed on 10/05/2019 5) Figure 5, results from cheek cell. Image adapted

https://twitter.com/msseaby/status/920520990156840960 assessed on 10/05/2019...

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