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Chapter 6 Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. _____ is defined as the art and science of fitting the product or service to one or more segments of the broad market in such a way as to set it meaningfully apart from competition. A. Target marketing B. Undifferentiated marketing C. Demographic segmentation D. Positionin g 2. Brand position indicates its: A. relative market share B. location on store shelves C. imag e D. distribution intensity 3. The key factor in communicating information about the brand and differentiating it from competitors is: A. its perceived price differential B. its integrated promotional strategy C. the market positioning strategy assigned it by its manufacturer D. the benefits the brand offers

4. A _____ strategy relates to the intended image of the product or brand relative to a competing brand. A. concentrati on B. differentiati on C. brand positioning D. market positioning 5. According to the chapter's opening vignette, Tassimo's ads were deemed ineffective because: A. the components of the promotional strategy were not integrated. B. they failed to identify the unique characteristics of the barcode. C. the key message was so different than that of its competitors. D. consumers don't like to use single-serve coffee makers in the home. 6. The chapter's opening vignette reveals that Tassimo's new brand positioning strategy: A. built demand for the category of single-serve brewing systems. B. failed to identify the unique characteristics of the barcode. C. intended to convince consumers to ask for "the one with the barcode". D. focused on estate-grown coffee beans used in their T-Discs.

7. According to the chapter's opening vignette, Tassimo's new ads featured a "live" barcode of people dressed in black and white to represent the barcode on their distinctive T-Discs. This is an example of Tassimo's new: A. technological advances. B. attempts to offer a healthy coffee alternative. C. sales strategy. D. brand positioning strategy. 8. Beliefs concerning specific attributes or benefits that are activated and form the basis of an attitude are referred to as ___. A. salient beliefs B. salient attitudes C. salient attributes D. salient benefits 9. A market positioning statement: A. reflects the firm's market share in relation to the competition. B. provides direction for each of the marketing mix decision areas. C. concerns both the business and consumer markets. D. divides potential segments into viable targets. 10. While developing its market positioning strategy: A. the firm generally chooses the market with the fewest competitors. B. the marketer will choose a single category in which to compete. C. the marketer will emphasize the improvement of product appearance. D. the firm considers as many feasible options as possible in order not to miss a market opportunity.

11. The market position of a firm represents: A. the intended or unintended consumer belief in the organization's marketing efforts. B. the way that the company has responded to the competition. C. the firm's position in the global economy. D. an expansion of the consumer's past impressions of the firm's marketing efforts. 12. The market position diagram is also called a(n) ______________ A. research plot. B. perception indicator. C. perceptual map. D. opportunity diagram. 13. Which of the following illustrates how the use of positioning in a marketing communication context is distinct from positioning in a marketing strategy context? A. There is no distinction. B. A marketer will use the same message and set of IMC tools with every target segment in order to ensure integrated communication. C. A marketer will use IMC tools that speak to a very specific target audience with a particular competitive reference point. D. Only the communication positioning is relevant to the target market. 14. Prior to deciding on the most effective selling message, the marketer can use positioning to determine: A. what competitive space the brand is competing in, as illustrated in a perceptual map. B. whether specific brand characteristics are as relevant to consumers as price. C. the most inexpensive media buy, and then develop messages accordingly. D. their relative market share in comparison to the competition.

15. What is the distinction between the brand's positioning strategy and its actual brand image? A. Brand image is determined by actual sales figures. B. Actual brand image is the target audience's overall assessment of the brand versus what brand management had intended them to feel and think about the brand. C. A well-conceived brand positioning strategy will guarantee a strong brand image in the hearts and minds of consumers. D. Competitive activity will impact on brand positioning strategy but not actual brand image. 16. Which of the following is NOT a good example of a specific competitive space within a broader product category? A. Chocolate bars within the chocolate category. B. Anti-dandruff shampoos within the shampoo category. C. Sport coupés within the camping category. D. Windows Surface vs. iPads within the personal computer category. 17. Brand position diagrams should show a comparison of competing brands on the basis of ________ A. consumers' salient beliefs. B. consumers' aspirations. C. previous response to advertising. D. salient attributes.

18. When preparing perceptual maps, marketers will name the vertical and horizontal axes based on _____________. A. salient attributes B. consumers' salient beliefs C. previous response to advertising D. quality and price only 19. In addition to salient attributes, brand position diagrams should also compare brands on the basis of __________, such as overall satisfaction or social fulfillment. A. communication effectiveness B. salient benefits to the consumer C. previous purchase decisions D. personal needs assessment 20. All of the following are steps in the development of a brand positioning strategy decision process EXCEPT: A. develop a market partition. B. assess consumer income levels. C. access brand position. D. determine brand positioning strategy. 21. The first step in the development of a brand positioning strategy is: A. develop a market partition B. access competitors' position C. access brand position D. determine brand positioning strategy

22. The headline on the ad for Broilmaster Grill read, "The Most Durable Grill Known to Man." Broilmaster is using a positioning strategy based on: A. product class B. end benefit C. brand name D. competit or 23. Apple Computers positioned itself as user friendly and thus gained an advantage over IBM. Apple used positioning by: A. end benefit B. cultural symbols C. brand name D. product user 24. Wal-Mart has been very effective in positioning itself as a store that offers quality products at a very good price. Their strategy reflects positioning based on: A. demographic segmentation B. psychographic segmentation C. brand name D. product category

25. The Florida Orange Juice Commission's advertising campaign based around the slogan, "It's not just for breakfast anymore," reflects positioning by: A. product user B. usage situation C. product category D. cultural symbol 26. New Balance, which advertises that their shoes are best used for the court, for running, or for walking, is using positioning based on: A. brand name B. product category C. usage situation D. product user 27. With end benefit positioning, marketers make a direct link between a particular brand attribute and the consumer's: A. brand preference B. product awareness C. usage situation D. derived benefit

28. With its go anywhere for $69 ad campaign, Greyhound shows how inexpensively one can travel especially when compared to the cost of flying. Greyhound is using positioning by: A. product category B. brand name C. product attributes D. cultural symbols 29. Which of the following is NOT an example of a base for implementing a positioning strategy? A. Distribution intensity B. Brand name C. Usage situation D. Product category 30. Black & Decker introduced its Snakelight as an innovative solution to the problem of trying to hold a flashlight while working. This is an example of positioning by: A. end benefit B. brand name C. usage situation D. product category

31. Via Rail is in competition with the airlines and uses positioning by: A. brand name B. usage situation C. product category D. distribution intensity 32. A _____ positioning strategy is possible when the brand can claim and deliver on the most salient benefits. A. end benefit B. central brand C. brand name D. product category 33. A(n) _____ positioning strategy occurs where the individual is motivated for social or individual reasons, and the ads emphasize how good the consumer feels while using the brand. A. end benefit B. central brand C. use r D. product category

34. DC shoes emphasized the fact that their skateboard shoes minimize heel bruising when doing tricks, which is important to hardcore skaters. DC were using a _____ positioning strategy. A. product category B. central brand C. brand name D. use r 35. Gatorade's new G Series moved the brand from a hydration platform to a sports nutrition brand for serious athletes. This repositioning essentially expanded on their current brand benefit positioning into a _____ positioning strategy. A. product category B. brand attitude C. brand name D. use r 36. Multiattribute models are used to guage consumer attitudes towards a brand and the importance of the brand's _______________ to the consumer's purchase decision. A. nam e B. benefi ts C. sale s D. promise s

37. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that marketers use the multiattribute model to persuade attitudes of target audiences regarding brand characteristics? A. Influence attribute beliefs B. Influence attribute importance C. Influence attribute belief of a competitive brand D. Influence brand functionality 38. When consumers do not strongly believe that the brand possesses a particular important attribute, the market will attempt to: A. influence attribute beliefs B. influence attribute importance C. add a new attribute belief D. influence brand functionality 39. Hellmann's "Real Food Movement" emphasized the fact that the mayonnaise was made from only pure ingredients, unlike other sandwich spreads. Prior to this, consumers had chosen spreads based mainly on taste. This focus on the health benefits of "real" food was an attempt to: A. influence attribute beliefs B. influence attribute importance C. influence negative beliefs D. influence brand recognition

40. Marketers will sometimes focus on additional brand benefits that have not been communicated previously. This multiattribute strategy is called: A. add attribute beliefs B. influence attribute importance C. add new attribute belief D. influence brand functionality 41. Comparative advertising based on specific product attributes is an attempt to: A. influence attribute beliefs B. influence attribute importance C. influence attribute belief of a competitive brand D. add new attribute benefits 42. Consumers looking for a shampoo to help with their dandruff problems are exhibiting: A. sensory gratification motives B. social approval motives C. normal depletion motives D. problem removal motives 43. Informational motives are: A. based on the consumer's neutral state B. based on the consumer's negative state C. based on the consumer's normal state D. based on non-users' states

44. All of the following are informational motives EXCEPT: A. incomplete satisfaction B. problem removal C. social approval D. normal depletion 45. All of the following are transformational motives EXCEPT: A. incomplete satisfaction B. intellectual stimulation or mastery C. social approval D. sensory gratification 46. ________ motives occur when consumers anticipate a problem if they do not take preemptive action through the purchase of a product. A. Incomplete satisfaction B. Problem removal C. Problem avoidance D. Sensory gratification 47. ________ motives are active for consumers in purchase situations where they enjoy some elements of a product but dislike other parts and are seeking alternative solutions. A. Problem removal B. Problem avoidance C. Incomplete situation D. Mixed approachavoidance

48. Ads for gardening products in the spring and school supplies in the fall are examples of messages focusing on ________ motives. A. mixed approachavoidance B. problem avoidance C. social approval D. normal depletion 49. ________ motives are based on the product providing a positive experience via one of the five senses. A. Incomplete satisfaction B. Sensory gratification C. Social approval D. Normal depletion 50. Ingrained brand attitudes and consumer familiarity with the market structure makes ________ difficult to achieve. A. brand repositioning B. sensory gratification C. perception monitoring D. response evaluation

51. The need to reposition a brand comes from the analysis of each of the following EXCEPT: A. demographic changes B. competitive dynamics C. management structure D. stage in the product's life cycle 52. Each of the following scenarios is an example of repositioning EXCEPT: A. Tetley tea began associating its flavours to different moods a consumer might have prior to consumption. B. Molson re-introduced its Canadian Light brand as Canadian 67, to focus on the caloric content of the beer. C. Subaru Outback reversed sales declines by suggesting that consumers deserved to be outdoors more. D. Mercedes-Benz capitalizes on precision German engineering. 53. Markets are partitioned by each of the following EXCEPT: A. end benefit B. competitive dynamics C. brand name D. usage situation 54. Hellmann's used the healthy positioning of its "Real Food Movement" campaign to partition the market according to: A. end benefit B. product category C. brand name D. usage situation

55. When Philadelphia cream cheese educated consumers on how to cook with the product, it partitioned the market according to: A. end benefit B. product category C. brand name D. usage situation 56. In light of consumers' beliefs that all banks were pretty much the same, Scotiabank repositioned itself on the basis of enhanced financial services. After building loyalty among its own customers, it used the phrase "You're richer than you think" to differentiate itself from other banks and connect with: A. lobby groups B. category nonusers C. new home buyers D. other brand loyals 57. McDonald's has historically employed __________ with communication directed to children featuring Ronald McDonald, while parents received messages of the special time they could enjoy with their family. A. repositioni ng B. positioni ng C. multiple target audiences D. single target audiences

58. Consumers who visit websites to gather information while searching for a replacement computer might be considered to be: A. brand switchers. B. inquisitiv e. C. loyal customers. D. non-category users. 59. Which of the following is NOT a critical question in designing a brand positioning in the context of advertising? A. Where the brand is competing? B. With whom the brand is competing? C. How the brand is competing? D. Why competitors will offer similar brands?

Chapter 6 Key 1.

_____ is defined as the art and science of fitting the product or service to one or more segments of the broad market in such a way as to set it meaningfully apart from competition. A. Target marketing B. Undifferentiated marketing C. Demographic segmentation D. Positionin g Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Belch - Chapter 06 #1 Blooms: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 06-01 Identify the concepts of market positioning strategy and market position.


Brand position indicates its: A. relative market share B. location on store shelves C. imag e D. distribution intensity Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Belch - Chapter 06 #2 Blooms: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 06-01 Identify the concepts of market positioning strategy and market position.


The key factor in communicating information about the brand and differentiating it from competitors is: A. its perceived price differential B. its integrated promotional strategy C. the market positioning strategy assigned it by its manufacturer D. the benefits the brand offers Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Belch - Chapter 06 #3 Blooms: Remember Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 06-01 Identify the concepts of market positioning strategy and market position.


A _____ strategy relates to the intended image of the product or brand relative to a competing brand. A. concentrati on B. differentiati on C. brand positioning D. market positioning Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Belch - Chapter 06 #4 Blooms: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 06-01 Identify the concepts of market positioning strategy and market position.


According to the chapter's opening vignette, Tassimo's ads were deemed ineffective because: A. the components of the promotional strategy were not integrated. B. they failed to identify the unique characteristics of the barcode. C. the key message was so different than that of its competitors. D. consumers don't like to use single-serve coffee makers in the home. Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Belch - Chapter 06 #5 Blooms: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 06-01 Identify the concepts of market positioning strategy and market position.


The chapter's opening vignette reveals that Tassimo's new brand positioning strategy: A. built demand for the category of single-serve brewing systems. B. failed to identify the unique characteristics of the barcode. C. intended to convince consumers to ask for "the one with the barcode". D. focused on estate-grown coffee beans used in their T-Discs. Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Belch - Chapter 06 #6 Blooms: Remember Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 06-01 Identify the concepts of market positioning strategy and market position.


According to the chapter's opening vignette, Tassimo's new ads featured a "live" barcode of people dressed in black and white to represent the barcode on their distinctive T-Discs. This is an example of Tassimo's new: A. technological advances. B. attempts to offer a healthy coffee alternative. C. sales strategy. D. brand positioning strategy. Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Belch - Chapter 06 #7 Blooms: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 06-01 Identify the concepts of market positioning strategy and market position.


Beliefs concerning specific attributes or benefits that are activated and form the basis of an attitude are referred to as ___. A. salient beliefs B. salient attitudes C. salient attributes D. salient benefits Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Belch - Chapter 06 #8 Blooms: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 06-03 Illustrate how to formulate brand positioning strategy decisions.


A market positioning statement: A. reflects the firm's market share in relation to the competition. B. provides direction for each of the marketing mix decision areas. C. concerns both the business and consumer markets. D. divides potential segments into viable targets. Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Belch - Chapter 06 #9 Blooms: Remember Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 06-01 Identify the concepts of market positioning strategy and market position.


While developing its market positioning strategy: A. the firm generally chooses the market with the fewest competitors. B. the marketer will choose a single category in which to compete. C. the marketer will emphasize the improvement of product appearance. D. the firm considers as many feasible options as possible in order not to miss a market opportunity. Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Belch - Chapter 06 #10 Blooms: Understand Difficulty: Moderate Learning Objective: 06-01 Identify the concepts of market positi...

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