Dom Casmurro Book Review PDF

Title Dom Casmurro Book Review
Author Aimee Mora
Course Identity in the Americas
Institution California State University Dominguez Hills
Pages 3
File Size 66 KB
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Machado de Assis, Joaquim Maria. Dom Casmurro. Translated and with a Foreword by John Gledson. Oxford University Press, 1998 Edition. 288 pages. Paperback $10.95.

In his book, “Dom Casmurro,” author Joaquim Maria de Machado de Assis recounts the story in which Bento Santiago is set to become a priest by his mother’s promise to God but in the long run ends up marrying his only love Capitu Padua and his jealousy makes him suspect that she may have committed adultery with his best friend Ezequiel Escobar. The argument of the book is set in how the author wants to tie the two ends of his life together he wants to get some sort of relief of his thoughts in which he believes Bento was cheated on by Capitu thus making himself the victim to get sympathy from the reader. The text of this book is non traditional and is organized with 148 brief chapters which make it engaging and easy to read. The author proves supports his argument when Escobar dies and Bento notices the way Capitu stares into his dead corpse as if Escobar meant something to her but also the main suspicion is how Bento’s son looks remarkably similar to Escobar making him believe that it’s not his son. For the purpose of this book review the reader will take the argument that Capitu Padua did cheat on Bento Santiago with his best friend Ezequiel Escobar as it may be Capitu and Escobar developed a close relationship with each other, Bento’s son Ezequiel resembles Escobar, and Capitu at the end of story does not deny nor agree to Bento’s accusations of adultery. Perhaps the beginning of adultery between Capitu and Escobar all started as Escobar was too much involved in Bento’s and Capitu’s relationship which could have developed the start of something. First Escobar intervenes in their relationship by helping them exchange letters but also he becomes much closer to Capitu as he develops a relationship with Sanacha’s father. Escobar ends up marrying Sancha, Capitu’s best friend, which makes them closer to each other. The book talks about how Bento and Capitu were always hanging out with Sancha and Escobar and or how they were always coming over to visit. The reader believes that when you have a relationship it is good separating friends from the relationship. But there was no limit, Escobar and Sancha always visited and there were times were even Escobar visited Capitu and they were alone together. The reader suggests that Escobar’s frequent visits to see Capitu could have developed into a liking for each other. What confirms it more is when Escobar dies and Bento looks at Capitu’s reaction to Escobar’s dead corpse, “In the midst of it, Capitu looked for some moments at the body with such a fixed gaze, with such a passionately fixed gaze, that it’s small wonder that into her eyes there came a few silent tears” (p.211). The reader can see that Escobar’s death caused such a look or reaction in Capitu which only proves that Escobar’s death had an impact on Capitu. Capitu is a strong women she knows how to compose herself when she doesn’t want to be caught but when Escobar died she wasn’t even able to compose herself as tears flowed. It appears that Escobar must have meant something to her and that their relationship went further than just friends. The main proof to Capitu’s betrayal to Bento reveals itself as their son Ezequiel has a very similar resemblance to Escobar; Bento’s best friend. Bento explains the resemblance of his son to

Escobar, “Not only the eyes, but other features, the face, the body, the whole person, were gradually rounded with time”(p.221). This was not all in Bento’s head as Capitu has also said herself that Ezequiel had Escobar’s eyes. The reader believes that this is not peer coincidence, as a child usually always resembles either the dad or the mom. You always get either the features of your mom or your dad and as the reader I’ve never met my father but I got my dad’s wavy hair as my mother has told me. Ezequiel appearance reveals that he doesn’t even have his mother’s features nor his father Bento’s. The reader suggests that Capitu could have slept with Escobar as she has always wanted a baby but with many failed tries with Bento she wasn’t able to have one. Capitu even prayed many prayers begging for a son she was certainly determined to have one. The reader suggests that because Bento was unable to give her a baby, Capitu oh so determined to have one could have slept with Bento’s best friend Escobar. Capitu’s desire to have a baby could have pushed her to sleep with Escobar and thus explains the eye candy resemblance Ezequiel has to Escobar. Not only that but it is often said that as a person we often imitate either our dad or our mother, we are a copy of them. Ezequiel had a habit of imitating people but the young boy even imitated Escobar. Bento explains how Ezequiel likes imitating others, “Imitate their gestures, their habits, their attitudes, he imitates cousin Justina, José Diaz; I’ve even found something of Escobar about the way he moves his feet and eyes”(p.195). It is clear that not only did the young boy Ezequiel has a resemblance to Escobar in appearance but he also imitates him. Bento’s jealousy everytime he looks at his “son” is understandable as his son is the mere image of his best friend Escobar, it only reminds him of Capitu’s betrayal. The young boy Ezequiel is clearly the product of Capitu’s and Escobar’s relationship. At the end of the story Bento confronts Capitu about her betrayal but she neither denies it nor agrees to it. When Bento confronts Capitu about Ezequiel not being her son she only responds with, “Even the deceased! Not even the dead escape your jealousy”(p.231). The reader feels that if Capitu wasn’t guilty she would of have least explained herself or tried to defend herself from Bento’s accusation. But Capitu didn’t even try defending herself instead she blamed Bento’s accusations on his jealousy. Bento certainly was jealous man but he had reasons to be that way towards Capitu. For example the frequent visits of Escobar and how he sometimes was with Capitu alone, the eye candy resemblance of Ezequiel to Escobar, and Capitu’s answer to the accusation. Capit even at the end of the book states her reason for Bento’s accusation in which she says, “I know the reason for this; its the accident of the resemblance” (p.232). Capitu knows why Bento is accusing her and tries to comment that Ezequiel’s resemblance to Escobar is nothing but peer accident. Capitu tries to deny the fact that Ezequiel is Escobar’s son by blaming the resemblance on accident. The reader suggests that her lack of defending herself with the accusation and her vague answer in which she blames jealousy and accident resemblance makes her guilty of having an affair with Escobar. Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis has made an important contribution to the field of Latin American literature with his book, “Dom Casmurro.” The book is worth reading as what makes it interesting is that in the end it is not known if Capitu really cheated on Bento, the reader gets to input his/her own opinion on whether Capitu did or did not cheat. Whenever someone reads this

novel each person is going to interpret his or her opinion differently whether you think adultery was or was not committed. Some may suggest that Bento’s jealousy was all in his head and lead him to the end of his relationship with Capitu. Other’s may suggest that Capitu did cheat on Bento. It all has to do with the reader’s own experiences whether they’ve been through betrayal or not. Some of the strengths of the book is that it was certainly engaging. In the sense that the chapters were brief making it easy to read and not a bore. Machado also grabs the reader's attention by referring to us as “dear reader” it makes you feel as your part of the book. But it’s themes of jealousy, love, and betrayal also makes it a strength as it relates to the reader, making it fun to read. The novel also had its weak moments as the reader only gets to see Bento’s perspective of the story, we only know one side of the story. Capitu doesn’t get the chance to input her thoughts or views so we never really get to know how she felt. The book can be enhanced by adding some pictures although not a lot because then it will take away from the descriptions. But for example maybe if there was images of Bento, Capitu, Escobar and Ezequiel then maybe the reader can see what Bento see the resemblance of Escobar to Ezequiel it could be helpful. Other than that the book doesn’t need to be enhanced it is already interesting and engaging.

Aimee Mora California State University, Dominguez Hills September 13, 2018...

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