DQ 1 Week 5 - Discussion PDF

Title DQ 1 Week 5 - Discussion
Author Vanessa Garza
Course Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Institution The University of Arizona Global Campus
Pages 1
File Size 18.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 7
Total Views 157




Hel l oCl as s mat es !Thi sweekIc hos et owr i t eaboutOpt i on#2 Iam notahugef anofr eal i t yTVbec aus eIt hi nki ti sal ls c r i pt edandpeopl ear eov er l y dr amat i c .I thasnoent er t ai nmentqual i t i esf ormyi nt er es t sandi fIwant edt owat c hat v s howl i k et hatorl i s t ent oany t hi ngl i k et hatIwoul dgot ot hel oc al wat er i nghol eor gr oc er ys t or et ogetmyfil lof“ r eal i t yt vorgoss i p”i t sal l t hesamei nas mal lt own, es pec i al l ywher eIgr ewup.Popul at i on932as mal lf ar mi ngc ommuni t ywher eev er y one k newev er y t hi ngbef or ey oudi di t . Af t erl i s t eni ngt ot heaudi obookorr ec or di ng,I tdi dnotc hangemymi ndaboutr eal i t yt v orr adi o.Tobecompl et el yhones t ,Idon’ tt hi nkany t hi ngwi l lc hangemymi ndabout r eal i t yent er t ai nmentbec aus enomat t erwhat ,i ti ss cr i pt edi ns omes or tofwa yand t hi ngsar epl annedt opanoutac er t ai nwa y . For ei gnpower swi l l al way sbet her ebutnowt hats oci almedi aandt el ev i s i oni ss ov as t ever y onewi l l ats omepoi nthav et hei rhandsi nt hec andyj ar .Idon’ tt hi nkany t hi ngwi l l c hanget hatandt hei nfl uenc eofs uc hi ss ogr eatI ts eemst obebey ondt hepoi ntofno r et ur n. Themai noneIc ant hi nkofi st hePr es i dent i al el ec t i ons ,gov er nments eemst os wa yt he v i ewer st oones i der at hert hant heot her .Thet hi ngswes eeonTVar eget t i ngoutof handandt hes l am c ampai gnst owar dseac hot heri sr i di c ul ous .Thegov er nmenti s get t i ngi t shandsi nt oomanypl ac esi ts houl dn’ tbei n. Thi sques t i oncoul dbeans wer edbot hway s ,t heper s onwi t ht hebi ggers t i c kal way s wi nswhi l emedi ac ont r ol st hepopul at i ons .It hi nkt heset woc oul dbeus edi nl i eut owi n f ut ur ec onfli ct s ,mor et hant heydonow.I ti sal l aboutt hegov er nmentandhowt heywant t ov i ewt hes i t uat i on....

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