ECE 355 W1A Parenting Styles Huynh, S PDF

Title ECE 355 W1A Parenting Styles Huynh, S
Author Samantha Huynh
Course Understanding Behavior & Family Dynamics
Institution The University of Arizona Global Campus
Pages 8
File Size 108.7 KB
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The essay title is Parenting Styles. The essay follows the exact template the professor has supplied and meets all expectations in the grading rubric. ...




Parenting Styles Samantha E. Huynh ECE 355: Understanding Behavior and Family Dynamics Julia Black 03 October 2019



Parenting Styles Throughout the years, there has been a growing interest in child development; more specifically, how parenting styles influence and affect a child’s growth. It is uncertain just how much parenting shapes cognitive or behavioral development in children but, undeniably, some methods of parenting are not universal. While authoritative parenting can be difficult to implement, it is the most optimal choice of any parenting style because it gives children a chance to be independent thinkers, encourages children to talk about their perspective, and it instills trust and respect for both parent and child. The American Psychological Association defines parenting as “. . .ensuring children’s health and safety, preparing children for life as productive adults and transmitting cultural values” (2019). In this assignment, I will begin by comparing two out of four parenting styles, authoritarian and authoritative, explaining how these parenting methods affect a child’s behavior in a classroom setting, and how parents can adjust their approach to create a supportive environment for their children. Compare and Contrast By comparing parenting methods, we can determine which one is more preferred by scholars, teachers, and other professionals based on empirical evidence. Understanding what the definition of authoritative and authoritarian parenting is can help compare their characteristics and its effect on children. The authoritarian parenting style consists of strict rules where the children have no position to negotiate them and after misconduct, parents may physically punish the child (Wardle & Fitzpatrick, 2016). Being raised in an authoritarian environment, I experienced a rebellious period where I would criticize my parents and disobey them frequently. I also left home immediately after graduating community college. Children who were raised in



this style may show signs of obedience, internalized feelings, and often rebel later in life (Wardle & Fitzpatrick, 2016). This form of parenting is a bit similar to authoritative, but is more extreme in terms of punishment. Authoritative parents are able to negotiate with their children and set mutual rules and expectations while being nurturing (Wardle & Fitzpatrick, 2016). In my experience, the authoritarian method comes naturally to me as I am raising my son. I never liked corporal punishment as a child or now, as an adult, solely because I believe it makes a child feel inferior. Children deserve respect, options, and assurance from their parents or guardians. Although authoritative parenting is recommended, it doesn’t work for all children. Parenting styles differ between countries, for example, in Japan, the majority of families use authoritarian parenting (Watabe & Hibbard, 2014). A study of Japanese and American elementary students shows that academic outcomes differ when families use either authoritarian or authoritative parenting. Children were given questionnaires regarding how they perceived their parents’ style of parenting known as the Parenting Authority Questionnaire (PAQ). The PAQ was constructed by teachers who could create a questionnaire appropriately, based on the ages of the children. The findings resulted in American children having high academic achievement if their parents used the authoritative approach and Japanese children had high academic achievement if their parents used the authoritarian method (Watabe & Hibbard, 2014). When Watabe and Hibbard further analyzed the data, students from Japan felt less motivated with parents who used authoritative parenting and American students had a lack of motivation with families who used authoritarian. Between the two methods and this research, it is certain to say that parenting methods were culturally influenced.



Other comparisons of the two styles include behavioral outcomes in children and how they perceive self-concept. Parents who utilize authoritarian parenting may find their child obedient at a young age but once they become adolescents, they may act on rebellious actions (Wardle & Fitzpatrick, 2016). Later in life, that child may have behavioral problems towards authority figures, such as teachers or bosses. Contrarily, children whose parents use an authoritative parenting style will be well adjusted, successful, independent, and responsible (Wardle & Fitzpatrick, 2016). As an adult, these children will be less likely to have behavioral issues and self-conception concerns because they have a better understanding of social and moral skills. Parenting and Development In middle childhood, or ages from 6 to 12, constant cognitive development and experiences happening at this age can lead to independence and skill progress (Wardle & Fitzpatrick, 2016). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has considerable information about this developmental stage in children. Different types of parenting can change the way children behave in a classroom setting and at this age, having an open mind is needed because these children are developing many social skills. “Parents and caregivers are instrumental in helping children develop an accurate self-concept, high self-esteem, and self-efficacy” (Wardle & Fitzpatrick, 2016). Ways parents can do this includes teaching patience by letting others go first, setting achievable goals for their children, and encouraging them to join school groups or volunteer opportunities (CDC, 2019). As mentioned before, different types of parenting can have an impact on a child’s behavioral development. Conducted by psychologists, a study was performed to determine what



children say about their academic self-concept (ASC) on a questionnaire. The scale, which consists of 20 types of items, includes descriptions such as “I am good at doing my tests” or “I need lots of help with my work.” The students were also given a strengths and difficulties questionnaire to help determine what behavioral problems the children may portray. The findings of each questionnaire led the psychologists to believe that positive parenting styles promise favorable ASC in children. “These findings are in the direction as predicted—as the composite of positive parenting dimensions increases, ASC and prosocial behaviour levels also increase; conversely, the level of internalising and externalising problems declines” (Sangawi, Adams, & Reissland, 2018). This study also proves negative child-rearing processes adversely affects children’s ASC as they are internalizing problems and not expressing the need to ask for help. Children with poor ASC will have problems with self-esteem and social skills, which inhibits their need to learn at school. “These results suggest that parents and educators need to pay more attention to the importance and necessity to enhance the ASC when dealing with children’s internalising problems, particularly problems related to their emotional development and their social and peer relationships at school” (Sangawi, Adams, & Reissland, 2018). Professionals and educators also have an important role in children’s ASC by motivating them to take part with the classroom. If both the teachers and parents are equally promoting positive parenting styles, children will have a higher chance at benefiting in the classroom. Parenting Modifications To have a positive family environment, modifications can be made. These modifications are steps to guide parents towards a constructive home and range from attending parenting classes to reading articles from the CDC. Although parent education is mostly seen as



intervention, it is a great approach to learn more about what parenting really entails and how you can become informed about the best methods. The first and most important modification is communication because children need to be able to express their own feelings and experiences. By expressing their own concerns, they learn to become self-reliant and have better perception of others' emotions (CDC, 2019). Communication is especially important for children ages 3-17. Communication also helps children understand household rules by recognizing potential consequences for disobeying any rule. As their needs and desires change, children need a caretaker who is flexible and can accept these changes. Yet, it is also important to be consistent with children regarding rules, schedules, and discipline. The second modification parents can implement is consistency. Having consistency means that children will be able to predict and expect certain measures. For example, having a set schedule for a toddler is important as they know the routine and engage in the next activity without being told to do so. Without being consistent, a toddler may have trouble sleeping or transitioning to a new activity. Conclusion Parenting styles are one of the main contributors to a child’s development and, depending on what type it may be, outcomes can be negative or positive. According to previous studies, parents who use authoritative parenting methods are more likely to have children who have better self-confidence, academic achievement, and behavior. Parents who use authoritarian may find their children more reluctant to speak about issues they are having; in school and at home. It

PARENTING STYLES is important to apply many elements to your parenting toolbelt to prepare each child for success and modify ones that need updating. Parenting is not something that magically appears once you have children so take advantage of the many opportunities provided by your own community. As an educator, knowing what programs and information are available, you can help steer parents in the right direction to help their family achieve appropriate goals.




References Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2019). Positive Parenting Tips. Retrieved from h ttps:// Sangawi, H., Adams, J., & Reissland, N. (2018). The impact of parenting styles on child developmental outcome: The role of academic self-concept as a mediator. International Journal of Psychology, 53 ( 8), 379-387. doi 10.1002/ijop.12380 Wardle, F., Fitzpatrick, T. (2016). Children & Families: Understanding Behavior & Dynamics. Retrieved from  Watabe, A., & Hibbard, R. D. (2014). The Influence of Authoritarian and Authoritative Parenting on Children’s Academic Achievement Motivation: A Comparison between the United States and Japan. North American Journal of Psychology, 16 ( 2), 359-382. Retrieved from h ttps://

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