EDN114 Assessment 1 PDF

Title EDN114 Assessment 1
Course Thinking Mathematically
Institution Murdoch University
Pages 7
File Size 260 KB
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Assignment 1 - Essay...


Australian Mathematics Curriculum Digital technology is useful in helping both teachers and students in expanding their learning opportunities through the Australian Curriculum. Students use ICT to create, communicate and access ideas and information, work independently and with other students and solve problems in all school subjects and in their life outside of school. In mathematics ICT has been an important aspect for many years, as things such as calculators are used regularly by students. ICT is able to be incorporated in the Australian Mathematics Curriculum to assist students and expand and further enhance their learning through a wide variety of different ICT resources. The following content descriptions expand learning opportunities and incorporate ICT through the Australian Mathematics Curriculum; Year 3 

Model and represent unit fractions including 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5 and their multiples to a complete whole (ACMNA058) . -

Partitioning areas, lengths and collections to create halves, thirds, quarters and fifths.


Recognising that in English the term ‘one third’ is used (order: numerator, denominator).

Year 4 

Count by quarters halves and thirds, including with mixed numerals. Locate and represent these fractions on a number line (ACMNA078) . -

Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa.

Year 5 

Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator (ACMNA103) . -

Modelling and solving addition and subtraction problems involving fractions by using jumps on a number line, or making diagrams of fractions as parts of shapes.

Examples of Expanding Learning Opportunities Fractions are something that are throughout the whole of the Australian Mathematics Curriculum, so it is important for students to first understand the basics of fractions. The

fractions app can be a good tool to teach the fraction concepts and can help students understand the basis of this type of mathematics through the visual representation. This app also makes it easier for students to understand what the fractions are as the app as a feature that attaches what the fraction value is to the shape.

One example is from the year 3 section of the Australian Mathematics Curriculum, fractions and decimals. Model and represent unit fractions including 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5 and their multiples to a complete whole. (ACARA, 2014). Through this content descriptor, the fractions application can be used by teachers to teach their students by getting them to create then label the fractions themselves. It is a lot easier for students to do this through the application over the original paper and pen method as its quicker for the students to use and if they make any mistakes, they can easily remove it using the tools provided in the app. The students will also find more enjoyment in the fraction’s app because of the different features it provides. The app allows its user to choose one of two shapes, a circle or a rectangle, the colour the diagram will be, the colour of their pen and how many parts they want added to their fraction. This aspect of the app allows students to be more immersed in their learning and adds to their motivation. The visual example for this is contained in image 1. That shows how the fraction app can be used to teach the content descriptor.

A second example from the Australian Mathematics Curriculum is from the year 4 fractions and decimals section. Count by quarters halves and thirds, including with mixed numerals. Locate and represent these fractions on a number line (ACMNA078). Through this content descriptor the use of the fractions application helps students with learning about different types of fractions, specifically improper fractions in this case. Through the use of the app the students will be dealing with improper fractions and counting with halves, thirds and quarters. Learning about the fractions this way makes it more understandable because the students will have a visual representative to go off. Using the tools provided through the app the students will be able to write the equations in the space provided. Image 2 is a visual example for how this app can be used in accordance to the content descriptor described.

A third example is from the year 5 section of the Australian Mathematics Curriculum fractions and decimals section. Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction

of fractions with the same denominator (ACARA, 2014). This fractions application makes it easy for students to use for addition and subtraction fraction equations. This application is motivational for students because it is interactive, colourful and engaging. Because the fraction is mostly student led learning, the teacher is able to change the individualize each students learning based upon their own educational needs. Some students need their education at a higher level because they are at a more advanced level while some others, that either need more assistance or have either special needs or a learning disability benefit by this factor. Because it is an application used through technology, it is a lot more efficient to use this resource over pen and paper which reduces cost and wastage. This fractions application is also an easy and simple way for students so visually show the fractions which makes it easier for teacher to make sure their students have an understanding of the mathematics subject. The students are able to make use of the whole space without having to worry about making mistakes which intern encourages and motivates the students to learn. The visual example for this is in image 3.

Competency of Technology The fractions app is an incredibly useful tool in helping students to learn fractions. The students are able to learn through manipulating the different types of fractions. It makes it easier for the students to learn because they can visually see the coloured in sections of the shapes that represent the parts of the fraction. This website can be used in a variety of different ways to help students. This includes the subtraction and addition of fractions, representing fractions visually and comparing the different fractions. Image 1

This image is an example of how this fractions website can be used to model and represent fractions. It also shows how students can choose between two different shapes to represent the different parts of their fractions, the different colours they can choose and how they can label the fractions and write on the app. This example represents the Year 3 Fractions and decimals requirements according to ACARA curriculum (ACMNA058) .

Image 2

Image 2 shows how the students will work with different types of fractions. They will be dealing with improper fractions and counting with halves, thirds and quarters. Using the fractions app they will be able to see a visual representative of the fractions to make working out the equation easier. This example represents the Year 4 Fractions and decimals requirements according to ACARA curriculum(ACMNA078) .

Image 3

Image 3 shows how the students add and subtract these fractions with the same denominator using this fraction app so the they can visually work out the equations. Through working out the equations on this app, the students are given enough room to work out the answers to the questions. This example represents the Year 5 Fractions and decimals requirements according to ACARA curriculum (ACMNA103).

Discussion and Conclusion Personal Stance I personally believe that using ICT to teach mathematics is a fantastic way to help students with their learning. Through using technology students are able to visually see the equations and work them out using the visual representations which is incredibly beneficial to the students. Students are also now able to learn more at home due to these technological advances which is expanding their learning. ICT encourages students to learn both individually and with others through different technological tools which benefits them in multiple ways including enhancing the students involvement in their mathematics work. It teaches students to think critically and develop their problem-solving skills and inspires them to use their creativity. Due to technology being very adaptable, it is a good tool for

students that need different difficulties including any students that have some type of learning disability or any students with special needs.

Despite all of the good that technology brings to the Australian Mathematics Curriculum, there are also downsides and issues that technology could cause. One of the biggest issues that schools, teachers and parents all face is the cost of these resources. Not a lot of schools can afford the high technological systems that are out there which puts them at a disadvantage compared to the other schools. Parents also face the same issue. Some schools require the parents to purchase the technology that their child takes to class but as they cant afford it their child has to go without and is put in a disadvantaged position compared to the other students in the class. The student will also feel left out which can hinder their learning. Another issue is that the students can be distracted by the other things on their electronical device and misuse the device. Issues can also occur with technology which can stop the students from progressing in their learning.

Summary of Main Ideas Digital technology is an incredibly important part of the Australian Mathematics Curriculum now days and plays a big role in how the teachers teach and how the students learn. The application can be used across different year groups and can also be adjusted to suit each students different educational need. This fractions app is one way that can help enable students in learning their fractions.

References 

Australian Curriculum, Assessment Reporting Authority. (ACARA). (2014). Australian curriculum: Mathematics. Retrieved from https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/mathematics/? year=11751&year=11752&year=11753&year=11754&year=11755&year=11756&yea r=11757&year=11758&year=11759&year=11760&year=11761&year=11762&strand= Number+and+Algebra&strand=Measurement+and+Geometry&strand=Statistics+and

+Probability&capability=ignore&capability=Literacy&capability=Numeracy&capability =Information+and+Communication+Technology+%28ICT %29+Capability&capability=Critical+and+Creative+Thinking&capability=Personal+and +Social+Capability&capability=Ethical+Understanding&capability=Intercultural+Unde rstanding&priority=ignore&priority=Aboriginal+and+Torres+Strait+Islander+Histories +and+Cultures&priority=Asia+and+Australia’s+Engagement+with+Asia&priority=Sust ainability&elaborations=true&elaborations=false&scotterms=false&isFirstPageLoad=f alse 

The Math Learning Center. (2017). Fractions. (Version 1.1.8). [Mobile application software].





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