ELC650 - Workplace Simulation Notes PDF

Title ELC650 - Workplace Simulation Notes
Author Intan Nadhirah
Course English for Professional Interaction
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 7
File Size 226.8 KB
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Small Talk (1 min)CHARACTERS /VENUEEmployer - Employee /Employee - EmployerBetween Colleagues Employee -New EmployeeWorkplace I: ​Hi, good morning.You’re Dewi right?Wow, what a beautifuldress you’re wearingthere!D: ​ Hi good morning,Miss Intan! Yes, I’mDewi from theMarketing Department.Naw, thank yo...


Small Talk (1 min) CHARACTERS / VENUE

Employer - Employee / Employee - Employer

Between Colleagues

Employee New Employee


I: Hi, good morning. You’re Dewi right? Wow, what a beautiful dress you’re wearing there! D: Hi good morning, Miss Intan! Yes, I’m Dewi from the Marketing Department. Naw, thank you Miss Intan. This is my favourite colour. My mum gave me this dress for my birthday last month! I: I see, hey did you see the weather forecast today? It seems like it’s going to be sunny all day! D: No, I did not. Oh really? Wow that’s nice! I can go for a walk in the park later in the evening after work! I: Haha yes. By the way, I actually have something to talk about with you.

I: Hi, Dewi! Good morning. Beautiful day, isn’t it? D: Hi, Intan. Good morning! Yes, indeed. I watched the weather forecast today that it is going to be sunny all day. By the way, how are you? I: That’s nice! I can go for a walk in the park later in the evening after work. Oh, I’m good. Always in the pink of health. How about you? D: I’m good too. Just a little busy with work lately. I: I see. Actually, I have something to talk about with you. (enter topic)

I: Hi, there! Um, I don’t think I have seen you around here before. Are you new? D: Ah hi, yes I am. I have only been here two weeks. I work in the Marketing Department. I: I see. That explains why I have never seen you around here before. My name is Intan, I work in the Sales Department! What is your name? D: Hi, Intan. I’m Dewi. I: Hi Dewi, it’s great having you here. So are you enjoying here so far? D: (enter topic)


I: Good afternoon Miss Dewi, how are you? You look good today, I really like your shoes/blouse.

I: Hi, Dewi! Good morning. Um, is this seat taken? May I join you? D: Hi, Intan. Good D: Hello, good afternoon morning. No, it’s not. Intan! I’m fine thank you Sure, please have a for asking. Oh really, seat! thank you, this is my I: Thanks! Wow that mom’s blouse, she gave looks good, what are it to me. Have you had you having there? your lunch? D: Oh, I’m having nasi lemak and a cup of

I: Hi, sorry. Is this seat taken? May I sit here? D: Hi. Oh, no it’s not. Sure, please have a seat. I: Thanks! I don’t think I have seen you around here before. Are you new? D: Yes I am. I have only been here two weeks. I work in the Marketing Department. I: I see. That explains why I have never seen you around

I: Oh, I’m actually on my way to the cafeteria, care to join me? D: Yes, sure. I haven't had anything because I was in a rush to send my kids to school this morning. Let’s go. We could talk more while we’re on our way there.

coffee. I bought this from the stall over there. How about you, what are you having there? I: I see. Oh, I’m just having a cup of tea, I already had my breakfast at my house earlier. By the way, (enter topic)

here before. My name is Intan, I work in the Sales Department! What is your name? D: Hi, Intan. I’m Dewi. I: Ah beautiful name! So Dewi, are you enjoying here so far? D: Naw, thank you. (enter topic)

I: Have you tried the spaghetti from the new stall? I heard it’s really good. D:

Point on General Topic Conversation (7 min) Any product launch: Beauty product. Task: Financial report / speech for TIME MANAGEMENT 1. -

Have a planner. Having a planner is always a time saver. If you have a planner, you'll never have to wonder what to do next. It lets you see and monitor your progress even if you're surrounded by distractions because having a planner will always keep you on the right track and helps you to stay focused. Make sure to start every day with a clear idea of what you need to do and what needs to get done that day.


2. 2. -

Prioritize things wisely. Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. Look at your daily tasks and determine which are more important and urgent. If that thing is important and urgent,


Have a to-do list Have a plan to follow by writing the tasks you want to perform each day. The list will help you in two major ways. No task will skip your mind and it also registers some kind of urgency in your mind by making you realize that you still have plenty of things to do. Ensure your to-do list is very practical. Don’t overload the list with tasks that you know you can’t do.

Begin with the hard tasks Start with the tasks that appear most difficult. You should make it a habit to arrange your tasks in the order in which you want to perform them. A lot of


Let in the Light Exposure to bright lights in general but particularly to natural sunlight keeps our minds and bodies more alert and active, which can increase productivity and focus in the workplace.


Hang Large Works of Art hanging art can make your workspace look a lot more interesting, thoughtful & spacious. Keep it simple with black and white wall hangings or go bold with vibrant, eye-catching works that brighten your day every time you walk past them.


3. -

Have a Healthy Snack on Display When your workers go to the break room, they should be able to actually

then do it right away. If it’s not urgent, then you can do it later. 3. -

4. -

Focus on one task at a time. If you have chosen to do a task, always see it through to the end and finish it. Avoid doing half work. For example, half-work is when you are writing a report and then suddenly you check your email for no reason and write a reply. That's bad for your concentration and you'll lose your momentum. Take a break between tasks. It can become really heavy and overwhelming at times when you do a lot of tasks without a break. It can make you harder to stay focused and motivated. Therefore, allow yourself to take a short break between tasks. For example, consider grabbing a short nap, or going for a short walk, or meditating. By doing this, it can help you to clear your head and refuel your energy for your next task.

people make mistakes by beginning with the simple task. When you start with the difficult ones, you will feel so relieved after completing it and hence, it makes you even more productive. 3.

Take away all distracting items


Some objects will only slow you down by distracting you. Such objects include; mobile phones, entertainment magazines and many others. When you have your phone around you while engaged in serious work, you may be tempted to check your mails, view some posts on social media or reply to a friend’s message. All these will slow you down.


Focus your energy on one task


Don’t be switching from task to task. Multitasking will slow you down while giving you the impression that you are moving fast, not until you carefully analyze it. You can even get lost and have to start the task all over again. Instead of doing each work half way, try devoting your time to one task and do it well.

5. -

Make a Cup of Coffee We all know the most obvious effect of coffee is that it acts as a stimulant which can make it hard for you to fall asleep. A study that I read also found that caffeine can delay the timing of your body clock. These effects can

take a break and unwind. Give your break room all the essentials such as a fridge or mini pantry. Put a fruit bowl, snack bars and bottled water for everyone to grab when they’re in need of some brain fuel. 4. -


Add a Bookshelf We can place a bookshelf or simply stack some books on a coffee table that relate to our company’s purpose. This can expose the employees with the culture of reading more books and eventually can encourage creative thinking among the employees.

help you to prevent you from being sleepy during work. So yeah, you can try drinking a cup of black coffee or double espresso.



Assign an Escort


You can assign the secretary as the escort. But if that secretary hasn’t received media training and isn’t familiar with your company’s main talking points, you might consider assigning an experienced representative from your communications department instead.


Notify Your Staff


One week before the reporter visits and again on the day of the visit, send an email to staff alerting them to the impending visit and reminding them of your media policy.


It’s better to allow your staff to answer basic questions about their work and your organization.





However, it is also important to instruct unauthorized employees who are approached by the person to say that they’re not the best person to answer their questions and offer to connect them with another member from the department.

Intan disagrees (2), Dewi agrees (2) 1. -


2. 2. -



Make a penalty. This can be done by imposing a fine to those who violated the no smoking policy at our workplace. It could range from RM10 to RM50 and from here, for sure the smokers will be burdened by this action and will not smoke at the workplace again. We can also use that money for our department funding to improve our recreational room.

WORK ATTIRE (exchanging opinion)


3. -

Display more ‘No Smoking’ signs. Sometimes, maybe the smokers forgot about the no smoking policy at our workplace. Therefore, we can keep on reminding them by displaying more "No Smoking" signs at our workplace. These signs are available in plastic and we can purchase them to stick it to walls or windows. These signs are important to allow us or even our clients to breathe freely without the risks of second-hand smoke. Make a campaign. We can call a health expert like a doctor or






Move freely, increase productivity With comfortable clothes, we are able to walk freely around the office without feeling restricted to tight blouses and blazers. It helps in increasing productivity because we won’t feel stuffy in our clothes and feel comfortable to get more work done. It does not represent the formality of the company When we wear casual clothes, it does not showcase our uniformity and formality of our company. Officials/superiors can come anytime to visit us Formal attire will also look neat and cohesive on workdays. Train ourselves to be more disciplined to wake up early A way to train ourselves to wake up extra early in the morning to iron clothes. Starting our day early is a good thing as we can get a lot of work done earlier than normal


Inform the person about the speech


Ask the secretary to prepare the speech about the products and email to the person a week before the visit so he has time to prepare.

4. -


Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony At the end of the event, inform and brief the person about the ribbon-cutting ceremony We’re going to invite the official to cut off the ribbon as a symbol of celebration for all the hardworks we put in the process of launching this new product. It surely would be something that we can reminisce about later in the future.


4. -




health officer to give a talk at our office. Through the campaign, we can educate the employees about the harmful effects of smoking, especially the risks of second-hand smoking. Having a campaign can raise awareness to the employees and eventually it will prevent them from smoking at the workplace.




Hassle in the morning to pick out clothes that need ironing We have to iron a lot of pieces. Blouse, pants, blazer and scarf Moms don’t have the time in the world to do all of that as they need to rush to send their kids to school.

Design a specific room for smoking. I believe that a no smoking policy aims to protect all staff from the harmful effects of second-hand tobacco smoke However, we also have to make provision for those unable or unwilling to give up. We can suggest to our superior to design a specific room for smoking. Make sure the room is well-ventilated with open windows so that the smoke will not be trapped in the room.





In my opinion / view….


Look, it’s like this:


I (quite) agree.


If you ask me…


What I mean is…


I agree completely / entirely.


As far as I can see / I’m


The reason for this is…


I couldn’t agree (with you)



The main problem is….



It seems to me that….


I have the / a feeling that ….


I think / feel / reckon /


That’s true / right



You’ve got a good point


Well, I’d say…


I entirely/completely agree with you on that.



If you want my opinion….


Yes, of course / definitely / absolutely marvelous.


That’s exactly what I mean / say.


That’s exactly how I see it.


That’s what I think


Yes, indeed.


I’m all in favor of what you’ve been saying




Yes, perhaps, but…


I don’t quite agree there.


Yes, possibly, although….


I’m not so certain / at all


Yes, but on the other hand….


Yes, up to a point.


I’m sorry I can’t agree.


I agree up to a certain point,


I’m not convinced that …



Well, that’s one way of

sure if that’s true / correct


Yes, in a way.

looking at it, (but) Well, I


Maybe, I suppose so.

have my doubts about that


Well, it depends.

Closing 1. “Nice talking to you but we’ve only got a few minutes left to punch our cards” 2. “It sounds like we’ve covered everything we needed to, so I’ll let you go. Thank you for such a productive/fruitful meeting/conversation!” 3. “Can’t believe it’s already [time of day]. I’m sure you’ve got lots of things to do, so I’ll let you get to them. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you.” 4. “I’ve got to head back to my desk and work on [X project]. Let’s catch up over lunch!” 5. “I know you’ve got a crazy schedule, so I’ll let you get back to it.”...

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