Election Project PDF

Title Election Project
Course State & Local Politics
Institution Emory University
Pages 25
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Big project for the class on the happenings of a local election ...


Election Project I. Bill Rekus has been a resident of Mundelein since 1991, approximately 25 years in the village. During this time he has raised four children who went to Santa Maria del Popolo School and the Mundelein High School (Bill Rekus - About Bill). He said that the reason that he moved to Mundelein was not because of what it was when he moved, but because of what he saw it could become. He has been actively volunteering in village politics for over 13 years (Bill Rekus - Home). Some of the positions he has had include: thirteen years on the Mundelein Days Commission, eight years on the Planning and Zoning Commission, and membership in the committee that developed the Mundelein Comprehensive Plan (Bill Rekus - About Bill). Professionally, Rekus first worked with Doyle Signs in business development, then he moved on to be the co-owner of Time of Your Life, and lastly he has worked with the Arrow White Way Sign Company as plant manager (Bill Rekus - About Bill). While Rekus’s website does not mention his political affiliation, it is safe to suggest that he is most likely conservative. Since he would fit a characterization of those typically conservative, it is likely that he is as well.

Dakotah Norton is the youngest of the candidates to be running for a position as trustee. He has lived his whole life in Mundelein and is a actually a graduate of Mundelein High School. He runs the Dakotah’s Indoor Farmers Market that is a result of his own genius (Sheryl Devore Mundelein Opens Weekly Indoor Farmers Market) . He is also the Director of Operations at Holcomb Hollow (Dakotah Norton - Dakotah Taylor Norton) and has had previous business experience. His goals for the community if elected as a trustee include: supporting small businesses, fixing roads, and expanding the community ((Dakotah Norton - Dakotah for

Mundelein Trustee) . Once again, the political position of Norton is suspect. More likely than not is that he is liberal as many young people are. But once again, these generalizations are not to be taken as absolute. However, given his signs posted throughout the town which consist of the phrases, ¨new perspective¨ and ¨new energy,¨ it is likely that he is liberal more or less. As a younger trustee he would offer a ¨newer¨ perspective, one that would likely appeal to people in his generation, and would offer something that the other three do not have to offer.

Kerston Russell is another candidate vying for a position as a trustee. He is currently a managing partner at ProSell LLC, but has also had significant other business experience. Prior experience includes being the managing director at the Advantage Associates Inc. which he did for five and a half years, as well as being the president and founder of EcoStar Inc (Kerston Russell - Kerston Russell: Candidate Profile). To improve the downtown and attract more visitors from neighboring communities, Russell has suggested that we seek to implement a theater, which he believes will be of great benefit for Mundelein. Since Russell has no website where his views on the different issues are documented, it is best to non dogmatically state that he is most likely conservative. Given his age, gender, and race it is more likely than not that he is conservative along with Rekus. Paul Roscoe is the final trustee candidate running in the election. He is an electrician by trade who also works as a firefighter. He has had significant community service and involvement especially as a firefighter. Like all the other candidates, he has had significant business experience which makes equal the work experience of all the candidates (Paul Roscoe: Candidate Profile). He also has a son who is currently at Mundelein Highs School. Like Russell and Rekus, it is likely that Roscoe is also more conservative than liberal. It will be interesting to

see if the three more elderly candidates will win. Or, if one of the elderly is not chosen, which one will be replaced by Norton.

II. http://www.electbillrekus.com/ In Rekus’s website there is a window that changes every few seconds but opens with a picture of Rekus that explains what you are getting if you vote for him. It effectively proves this, because every few seconds the window changes content to produce a quote from other esteemed people that testifies to Rekus’s ability, drive, and experience. The home page contains some brief greetings from Rekus as well. There is also a menu bar that gives the following options: Home,

About Bill, On the Issues, News, Events, Photo Gallery, and Contact. On the side, there is also buttons to volunteer or contribute. Interestingly, the main colors are blue and red, which are the colors of the Democratic and Republican parties respectively. A significant technique that his website uses for his cause is testimonies. By including testimonies to Rekus’s experience and worthiness, he strengthens his credibility as a candidate by showing that he has experience and has demonstrated that he is capable of such a job. The testimonies as well as all his previous community involvement will appeal to the voters, especially to the more elderly voters who will consider his experience as greatly important qualifications for a trustee.

In Dakotah Norton’s sign to propagate his campaign, he uses a sort of separation technique. This is evident since it says ¨new perspective¨ and ¨new energy.¨ In saying these things, Norton is effectually saying that he is distinct from the other candidates, and that voting him in will give a much needed perspective and energy that the other candidates do not possess. The green color on his sign also reminds one of freshness and health. Perhaps the green color helps to remind voters that he is young and will give a fresh perspective on issues that need a new one. This ad really will appeal either to younger voters or to those who have grown frustrated with issues that have been dealt with in the same way many times and yet have not changed. Or, in other words, people who like change.

Similarly to Norton, Russell’s signs also have green on them. And similarly to Norton’s, the signs also have two short phrases at the bottom. However, unlike Norton’s phrases that suggested a difference between himself and the other candidates, Russell’s two phrases give voters what they can expect from him if he gets elected. By emphasizing his commitment to business and his dedication to progress, Russell helps his cause by immediately giving them notice of what to expect from him. His advertisement reaches out to any who agree with him in business being a priority to this community, which could be a significant concern to any of all age groups.

This advertisement has one noticeable similarity with Norton’s in that both have a star on them. However, unlike the signs of Russell and Norton, this sign does not really give much information other than the candidates name and what he is running for. The sign does not give any additional information about the candidate or what his convictions for the community are. It seems that this sign is mostly about promoting Roscoe’s name recognition throughout the community and is not really concerned about what his convictions are. Since this is such a general ad, it could appeal to any group since no other information is given other than the candidates name.

Of the ads that were here considered, the most effective is Rekus and then Norton, Russel, and Roscoe. Rekus’s is particularly effective because it establishes his credibility from quotes of high esteem from other village politicians. It tells the voter that not only does Rekus have experience, but also that he is competent and has proved it in the past. Norton’s is effective because it helps

give a reason why he should be chosen which is because he is different than the others. Russell’s and Roscoe’s signs are both ineffectual. Russell’s is slightly better because of the addition of his plans and convictions at the bottom. However, one couldn’t help feeling that the additions were quite unnecessary. Being committed to business is not unique to Russell and all of the candidates expressed concern for the business situation. Roscoe’s was ineffective because all it gave was his name. While the sign shouldn’t give away everything, it requires more work for constituents since they know nothing about him other than his name and therefore have to research him themselves. But since most people aren’t willing to do that, it would have helped to have put a conviction like Russell, so that people in line with that conviction will vote for it because that conviction lies within their own interests.

III. There are a handful of significant individuals who have voiced their support for Bill Rekus. These include other trustees and even a former mayor. Some of these include Wally Frasier a former police chief of Mundelein who also ran for mayor, John Schockmel, and Kenneth Kessler the former mayor. Also voicing their support include three former/other trustees including Ed Sullivan Sr, Ray Semple, and Terri Voss. While each individual has different reasons for supporting Rekus, the three main reasons are: that he has proven himself committed to Mundelein and competent in his work, that he truly has the best interest of the town in mind, and that he has the drive, hard work, and the vision to make things happen. Interestingly, is that three former/other trustees have voiced their support for Rekus which is interesting because as former trustees, surely they must know what is required to be a good trustee. All of them know Bill, and they all seem to unwaveringly believe that he is the candidate to do what needs to be done. Many base their support of him from their awareness of his previous record as well as from their own experience working with him. One, former mayor Kenneth Kessler, goes so far to state his belief in Rekus as ¨without reservation.¨ As to whether any of these supporters are active in Rekus’s campaign is not said. However, we can be certain that Rekus will be their first choice trustee when they go to vote.

IV. One issue discussed in the discussion between the candidates was the Ray Ladewig issue. Ladewig found himself in hot water after he ¨publicly criticized Mundelein’s economic development staff¨ (Rick Kambic - Mundelein May Remove Appointee Who Criticized Village Employees). When asked if they agreed with the decision made which removed Ladewig from his position, Roscoe, who was the first to answer, talked about his business experience and expressed his sympathy with the decision of the mayor. He believed that criticism can have negative effects on a business’s ¨reputation and productivity,¨ (Rick Kambic - Mundelein High School Students Drill Trustee Candidates) and that being critical is sufficient reason to be removed since it will hinder productivity within the community. Rekus on the other hand expressed his support for Ladewig and mentioned how he agrees with what Ladewig said. Him and Norton believed that his criticisms were protected by free speech. Russell said that things were complicated and didn’t have a strong opinion either way. I think that Rekus and Norton will appeal to voters on this issue. Since, according to Rekus, much of Ladewig’s criticisms were already ¨common belief¨ (Rick Kambic - Mundelein May Remove Appointee Who Criticized Village Employees) in Mundelein, it is unlikely that if much of Mundelein agrees with Ladewig’s criticisms that they will believe that he should not have had the freedom to express it. Another issue brought up concerned the Hispanic population of Mundelein. Because Mundelein contains a significant Hispanic population, the candidates were asked if they reached out to this group in particular, and whether this group has been represented within village politics. Roscoe said that identification of people by race is not something that he likes, and he believes that we have done what we can to give them opportunity and have given them the same options as any other group. On the other hand, the other three were more concerned for this

group. Both Russell and Rekus stressed the importance of getting a Hispanic member on the village board, (Rick Kambic - Mundelein High School Students Drill Trustee Candidates) while Norton mentioned his plans to expand the Farmer’s Market to bring a greater diversity of food, cultures, and people together. (Rick Kambic - Mundelein High School Students Drill Trustee Candidates) Once again I think the majority will side with Russell, Rekus, and Norton since their views will probably work very favorably toward them especially among the Hispanic community. I am not necessarily in favor of Rekus’s and Russell’s idea because I don’t think that we should try to force a Hispanic into the village board where the opportunity or competency does not exist. I think that Norton’s idea is the best one, and that many people will also be favorable to his idea to bring people in the community together.

V. http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/mundelein/news/ct-mun-candidate-forum-tl-040914-p120150401-story.html#page=1 This news story describes the forum hosted by Mr. Kuhn’s AP Government class in which the four candidates were asked difficult questions by the students, giving the audience another opportunity to inspect the quality of each candidate. The most difficult question was asked by student Alex Guiritan who asked for the candidates opinion on the removal of Ray Ladewig. All four candidates, according to the article, were caught by surprise, and they definitely had different views on this controversial question. Surprisingly, Mr. Ladewig actually happened to be at the forum that evening, and said later that night that he did not expect there to be a question concerning his situation. Overall, the forum was successful and the students of Mr. Kuhn’s class did a wonderful job at granting us a chance to hear the trustees. Except for a couple of issues and questions, there was significant agreement on the importance of many things among the candidates. From the forum, it is fairly easy to decide which candidates inspire more confidence into their constituents. Paul Roscoe, though he did a good job, did not inspire confidence when he said that change would not come immediately since he would first like to get his ¨feet wet.¨ While that is true, it seems to be a sign of lack of ambition and drive, and it did not build confidence in people to hear that he seems to not be concerned with immediately getting to work for the sake of his constituents. While I agree with what he said, it is much more inspiring to know that your constituents are working for the changes t and that they have promised to fulfill. After seeing this forum, I think that the Herald was right in not endorsing Paul Roscoe..

http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20150215/discuss/150219259/ This newspaper article mentions how it endorses Kerston Russell, Dakotah Norton, and William Rekus, hoping that they will win the three village board trustee seats on April 7. The one they leave out happens to be Paul Roscoe, a part time village firefighter. All four of the potential candidates share similar views on important issues. One of these includes the use of incentives to encourage business developments that might be able to fill the empty stores in Mundelein’s community. Perhaps the most interesting candidate is Dakotah Norton, given that he is twentyfive years old, and is much younger than the other three candidates. I was hoping that instead of endorsing Mr. Russell, that the newspaper would instead endorse Mr. Roscoe for the position. I found him a better candidate for the position based on what I saw as both spoke to our class. I think that as a firefighter, Mr. Roscoe knows what to do in regards to helping the community. Besides, the article mentions how Roscoe has some unique ideas for developing the downtown of the city. I don’t think that because he was a village employee that we should rule him out quite so quickly. But, I am glad that the newspaper wants Mr. Norton to obtain the position. While Mr. Roscoe said that Norton lacks experience since he is so young, Norton will bring a different perspective to the board that perhaps the older trustees will not bring. And besides, how will Mr. Norton ever gain any experience if we always dismiss him for not having any previous experience? The only way for him to gain experience is to be given that opportunity. While Mr. Roscoe’s analysis on Norton might very possibly be true, it should not lead us to dismiss Norton quite so quickly.

http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20150405/discuss/150409385/ This resident of Mundelein is concerned with the lack of store and restaurant availability in a particular section of the town. Furthermore, she is also concerned with the increased vacancy of many storefronts. Interestingly, she addresses all the trustee candidates, not emphasizing nor excluding any one particular trustee. Her attitude is one of frustration given her opening words and the manner in which she asks the rhetorical question is one obviously coming from a resident fed up with the lack of service in her area. The writer of this letter has a point. While focusing on the downtown is very important, to neglect a certain part of the town is not acceptable. To have stores and restaurants mostly within a certain part of town would be frustrating. However, the fact that there are not as many businesses in a specific part of town might be the doorway to introducing more businesses into the village. Since there are many vacant stores in that area, to introduce new businesses in the Ivanhoe area would be something that the trustees should consider working towards. While in my opinion, the downtown and establishing the go to ¨place¨ in Mundelein is the most important issue, neglecting other important issues such as the one raised in this letter is not a good thing. Such issues like this need to be addressed and the problems fixed so that the satisfaction and concerns of people will be solved.

VI. I attended the forum meeting at Mundelein High School

VII. Following the Village Board election was a positive experience that expanded my understanding of the political process. This was the first time that I had ever spent any time caring about an election other than the presidential election. Two things that I really learned about the political process, which also happened to be what we learned in class, is the importance of name recognition for the candidates, and the importance of the candidates being proactive to encourage more people to vote. Name recognition is the most important thing for a candidate, and it is the reason for all the signs that they establish throughout the town. Having the candidate’s name circulated throughout the town, is the first and most important step for a successful political campaign. Another thing that I learned is the importance of the proactivity of the candidates. On Dakotah Norton’s facebook page, he mentioned how 90 percent of people in Mundelein do not even vote, which is why he had people going to houses encouraging them to vote for him. For him, putting up signs was not enough, and more would need to be done to get supporters than to just expect it all to come from them seeing his signs throughout the town. Overall, the election also affected my view on the members running for the positions. On many of the issues discussed at the forum, there was much agreement expressed by the candidates on the importance of business, fixing of roads, and improving the downtown. However, despite the agreement there was also significant nuances between the visions of the candidates and their priorities. For instance, Bill Rekus, above all, has stressed the importance of the revitalization of the downtown while Norton stressed the fixing of roads. And although the candidates agreed on the importance of a particular thing and the necessity of it’s improvement, there were times when they did not agree on how it should be improved. Through listening to the candidates interact with each other, I realized the importance of carefully considering the positi...

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