Electron flood by Aether replaces Neutrons PDF

Title Electron flood by Aether replaces Neutrons
Author Roger Spurr
Pages 3
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Electron flood by Aether replaces Neutrons 8-05-2018 The standard Atomic model and Einstein speed of light and duality are OUT...it is not reality. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8v44qrU_Fdd7UN_XlUMpew/videos The claim I make is that neutrons do not exist and Aether does Exist. With these minor a...


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Electron flood by Aether replaces Neutrons Roger Spurr

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Electron flood by Aether replaces Neutrons


The standard Atomic model and Einstein speed of light and duality are OUT...it is not reality. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8v44qrU_Fdd7UN_XlUMpew/videos The claim I make is that neutrons do not exist and Aether does Exist. With these minor and in my opinion obvious corrections “Unified Field” is achieved 100%. These minor simple changes leave Not a single Atomic interaction that is unexplained from Earths pulsating daily barometric pressure to Venus extreme 900f at the equator to over negative 200f at the poles. Gravity becomes obvious and the Dark matter is found. It even explains why an atomic bomb creates anti gravity as it shoots straight up into the atmosphere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt-19R2_A58&t=39s In Regards to electrons….. The mass of neutrons is replaced by a similar mass of electrons. (no neutrons at all) Electrons are negative particles not waves with a mass of .00055 AMU approx. Electrons all carry an the same exact negative charge of -1 but mass relates to spin. Electrons spin using right hand rules and freq can very greatly. The freq and the matter impacted determines mass of the electron. Electrons can be free as static and electricity and lightning and light itself. Light is electrons throw out of orbitals by excitation and spin thru space until they collide with matter. Matter is atoms and molecules that have nuclei and a Protonic mass. The Protons attract anything that has electrons which is everything in the Universe (gravity) In Regards to Light…. …...Light originates as Free electrons thrown from Excited Luminous masses like our Sun. …...Light in transit is negative electrons that stay apart in the vacuum of space and are unseen. …...Light electron PARTICLES impact and create vibration and heat and re-radiate as lesser light. …...Light is the Ocean our system and all others swim thru. ……The more dense the the matter that the Electron collides with the more energetic. Light in transit is Dark matter (.00055amu/electron) and Dark Energy (TBD on impact). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNShElQ5APA&t=900s

In regards to the Atomic Nuclear core….. There are no neutrons in the Universe, NOTHING is neutral. Protons are not 1 AMU they are ½ AMU and always attached to electrons. Hydrogen 1 is ½ positive and ½ negative with a single orbiting electron. The core is ALWAYS flooded by a slightly excessive negative mass. (formerly neutron mass) Protons weak positive attraction is felt at great distances and accumulates with mass. As the core becomes slightly negative the positive pull extends beyond the neutral barrier. According to Proton mass, additional electrons are attracted but repelled by the excess negative core. The cores excess electron mass keeps additional electrons in orbitals at exact distances.

In Regards to Gravity….. All complete matter (atoms and molecules) attract everything there is in the Universe it seems. Here is why… All electrons are attracted to all protons therefore anything with electrons will be attracted to anything

that contains nuclei (matter) because the nuclei have protons and are positive. Light is electrons and completely negative so they are attracted to any complete matter. In regards to light and interactions... All complete matter is coated 100% with electrons on the surface. Light is negative electrons crashing into the surface electrons creating energy as heat or light. The crashing particle is eventually de-energized and absorbed so our Earth is growing. In regards to Celestial Bodies and the Aether…. Galaxies swirl and we are on an arm of a swirling Milky Way being dragged thru aether. The aether particles are negative rubbing against our negative surface causing magnetic push back. The scrubbing thru aether heats us up and creates Solar wind particles rubbed from the Suns surface. All other planets are dragged thru this Solar BLIZZARD of particles and it is getting dense. The aether can change to a dense state and as we crash thru we will be more heated. Venus spins in reverse to the right hand rule which has strange affects like 200days to spin once. Venus also has 900f at the equator and minus 200f at the pole. Venus reverse spin means NO magnetic field but auroras are still seen at the poles and getting brighter. Venus has heated up 2500% in recent years and is the Canary in a Coal mine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km3uhv6oVWg&t=394s Conclusion is that aether solves every missing piece of the puzzle and was understood long ago until we became enlightened. Research by Roger Spurr...

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