Electron Flood Theory Replaces Neutrons PDF

Title Electron Flood Theory Replaces Neutrons
Author Roger Spurr
Pages 3
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Electron Flood Theory Replaces Neutrons 4-30-2018 BEWARE…..I contest the existence of neutral particles. I also claim that all atomic interactions are explained if the mass of a neutron is replaced with an equal mass of electrons. Until basic matter is understood ….nothing at all will be correct and...


Electron Flood Theory Replaces Neutrons


BEWARE…..I contest the existence of neutral particles. I also claim that all atomic interactions are explained if the mass of a neutron is replaced with an equal mass of electrons. Until basic matter is understood ….nothing at all will be correct and that is the current state of affairs. This is BROAD theory at this point...the details need much research but this is quite well supported. The “Neutron Replacement” also explains nuclear explosions. No neutrons... electrons are 1800 times more energetic than protons it seems by mass. NOTE….. if energy is mass then particle sizes must be re-examined. (size is in question now) This theory embraces quantum but is almost 100% non atomic model….. Let me explain what the Universe and particles and interactions are in a non neutral Universe.. ------------------------------1.. Electrons are Negative particles and are light...heat...electricity...fields and more. 2.. Neutrons do not exist. There are no neutral particles at all. 3.. Neutrons are actually masses of electrons that flood the nuclear core consisting of positive of Protons. 4.. Once the core is stabilized with an equal mass of electrons vs protons the orbitals form. 5.. The Protons In the cores positive mass continues to attract more electrons even after the core is full. 6.. The excess electrons are now repelled but still attracted and form patterns as orbitals. 7.. The patterns only continue until the atom fills the required shells to equal the cores’ pull. 8.. The electrons are held at their quantum distance by an exact magnetic containment field. 9.. The exact field structures are due to attraction..repulsion..distance..mass..and charge. !0.. The core Protons Attraction Pulls electrons tight until the masses equal out in charge value. 11.. Once the core is full it repels additional electrons with repulsion to a quantum distance. 12.. The quantum distance of electrons is exact for each exact number of protons in the core. 13.. There will never be less electron mass than proton mass (it seems). 14.. There will be more electron mass to Proton mass as fields become complex and larger. 15.. The magnetic field is generated by charged particles pushing resting negative electrons. 16.. Earth is continuously bombarded by electrons which is sunlight. 17.. Because these particles are free electrons there is always an excess of electrons available. 18.. Free non bonded extra electrons are what is known as aether and the Ionosphere. 19.. The ethereal resting electrons float in air and attach to moisture and other things. 20.. The aether might also be inside matter as conductors available to flow as current. 21.. When magnetic forces are applied they affect the negative electrons in the aether. 22.. Light particles can be accelerated in a venturi slit by compression and photoed. 23.. As the electrons crush into the venturi they display an obvious speed up. 24.. The fast electrons hitting unrestricted space creates White Electron Cerenkov glow. 25.. Light is a spinning particle that acts like a liquid. 24.. As the light particles exit the venturi they are in chaos and are in an atomized plasma. 25.. The atomized particles violate each others magnetic regions and become energetic. 26.. The white energetic particles step down quickly into spinning fields around the particles. 27.. These fields have the polarized magnetic field pattern of current passing thru a wire. 28.. These fields are photoed in air in great detail with all characteristics clearly displayed. 29.. The fields are separated from each other unless one particle is faster than others. 30.. A very fast particle in the atomized output can impact another field violently. 31.. Two fields of light particles impacting can give off a mini light particle and mini field was photoed.

32.. The field of polarized aether surrounds a light ray which is a negative electron charged particle. 33.. The charged particle carries the field with it like a sonic boom but it is a disc of aether dots. 34.. The field that surrounds the charge particle might be the Higgs Field. (looks exact) 35.. The charged particle field carrier might be the Boson part of Higgs Boson. (looks exact) 36.. The fields photoed are from light that appeared accelerated in Cerenkov radiation as expected. (looks exact) 37.. The light aether dotted discs field separations compacted after accelerated as expected. (looks exact) 38.. The light particle spins to the right indicated by a drift to the left as it travels forward. (looks exact) 39.. All matter and light and energy contains electrons which are pulled to all protons. 40.. Gravity is this Positive pull to all matter by all matter including light. 41.. Light in the vacumm of space does not hit complete matter because that matter has gathered. 42.. The light is electrons thrown from violent masses like Sun and Stars. 43.. As light particles spin thru space they stay away from each other as they are all negatives. 44.. These particles become visible upon collision with complete matter that has positive protons. 45.. As the electrons collide they are reduced to vibration (heat) and re-radiated electrons (light). 46.. Until they reach matter with nucleus core the electrons are dark but still have mass and energy. 47.. Light is Dark energy and Dark matter as it travels in the non nucleated space “vacuum”. 48.. Space is filled with these electrons we call Sunlight and starlight and is the aether of old. 49.. Nuclear bombs compress and expel negatives as brilliant light. 50.. The nuclear core becomes a positive mass repelled from Earth which is anti gravity. (clearly seen) 51.. As nuclear mass rises it draws electrons back in to become complete matter again. 52.. Sonoluminesence is electrons flooding a tear in the space inside complete matter. 53.. The sono void is flooded instantly with raw electrons as seen in water explosions and other experiments with frequency manipulation. 54.. Static electricity is these free aether electrons that attach to moisture in air and other gases. 55.. Earth is a soup of extra electrons that flow as light ..heat and cold..all exactly the same. CONCLUSION and Final Statements…. What I have just described is the Universal Theory…. long thought to be a must but impossible to achieve with the incorrect standard atomic and molecular models. Therefore if this “Electron Flood” theory is correct...nothing can be understood in physics until Electron Flood and no Neutrons is addressed. Physicists are simply making up extremely complex convoluted fantasies to avoid the truth that the constructs of the past physicists are completely wrong at the core. I present evidence to support every statement and allegation and until this is challenged by the ones we now TRUST to look for truth instead of ignore truth…. I will not respect anything from Science “EXPERTS”….”Academics”… or any “Teacher”….. If a PROFESSOR professes wisdom that Professor must address what NEGATES that Professors Authority to profess….until then ignoring this challenge Negates “Professor” Status.

Incredible Nuclear Force Measured 1st Time https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=tEDYs_TNo6Y&t=208s Higgs Field Seen Dividing and Caught on Tape https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=FnNVIlNK5MA&t=6s

Research and theory by Roger Spurr of Mudfossil University “Final Citadel of Truth”. Pictures by Rod Warren...

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