Electron Flood theory discussed PDF

Title Electron Flood theory discussed
Author Roger Spurr
Pages 2
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Electron flood theory 12-03-2015 Introduction... The Earth is RADIATED by light 24/7 by the Sun (somewhere it is lit up). Light is energy and the Earth absorbs and emits energy. The Earth is far to cool to emit equal to what is absorbed as heat etc. I think the absorption from the Sun will likely EX...


Electron flood theory 12-03-2015 Introduction... The Earth is RADIATED by light 24/7 by the Sun (somewhere it is lit up). Light is energy and the Earth absorbs and emits energy. The Earth is far to cool to emit equal to what is absorbed as heat etc. I think the absorption from the Sun will likely EXCEED the radiation of the Earth substantially.....(this is speculation but my feelings). We are not “Black body” as advertised by main stream academics, it seems to me. [1] If this is true then The Earth is expanding. Is there any evidence to support this? Consider this...radiation from the sun has energy and energy is directly proportional to mass. [e=mc2]. This equation states the obvious...if there is ENERGY there is MASS and vice versa. c2 is a simple multiplier...... Now if Vortex theory is correct...we are adding ELECTRONS but not protons or neutrons as Vortex particles are electrons....that is why they generate “ELECTRON-ICITY” when sunlight hits solar panels. These particles (electrons) have mass and that is why they drive a Crookes radiometer. [2] Does this theory restrict the speed of light? Maybe not completely....With Vortex theory [3] it appears Radiation Can exceed 186,000mi/sec? “Light photons” may have actually been captured in a picture but again needs scrutiny? [4] Is this a new theory? As far as I can tell it is certainly not accepted. However...Here is my theory and evidence. A spinning electron moving forward at 186,000mi/sec at ANY FREQ.... is a wave and a particle. [3] The tighter the spin the shorter the wavelength and the more mass on the electron due to angular momentum. This may have been captured as well as possible Cerenkov radiation from accelerated light through a slit designed as a rounded venturi. The venturi appears to have caused the red laser light to “Crush” together DEMANDING acceleration. It crashed back to normal speed in the normal atmosphere which is less “crowded”. That needs testing. Does this solve duality ...REALLY? Wave Particle duality appears resolved as well with Vortex Particle theory. [3] All slit experiments as well photographed and observed atmosphere particle interactions with vapors in air seem correct (by Rodney Warren). Vortex Particle Theory Observation looks good but pure speculation. Vortex particles appear to be ELECTRONS that are not attached to nuclear particles. Therefore we are swimming in Electrons on planet Earth. As with all theories it needs scrutiny....(it really needs testing and peer review). Conclusion... I believe Solar radiation (photons) is electrons...we do not get bombarded by protons and neutrons like photons. Electrons are 1800 times smaller than nuclear particles but trillions/sec/square inch. Solar radiation contains particles which have mass. See a Crookes Radiometer it spins when bombarded. Particle Vortex theory solves most unresolved issues in quantum physics at the simple particle level. I think we may be missing some increases in Mass possibly?

What am I asking for? I would like an “expert' with equipment that will create facts to assist please. (I sent to all the Professors at MIT involved in this work long ago it is likely they are not interested) As yet MIT has not responded. I am simply asking for an examination of this work. Who what where? Research done by Roger Spurr Middletown Ct USA 1... http://eesc.columbia.edu/courses/ees/climate/lectures/radiation/ 2... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crookes_radiometer 3... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBWWIWMlE1Y 4... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zfr27T9ljg...

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