Electron Flood Theory (update 1 PDF

Title Electron Flood Theory (update 1
Author Roger Spurr
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Electron Flood Theory (update 1) 3-1-2019 The claims I will make seem far fetched coming from an unlettered average person however you will see they are not without unimpeachable supporting evidence. I claim the very foundations of Physics are wrong and this video attached is proof of my arrogant cl...


Electron Flood Theory (update 1)


The claims I will make seem far fetched coming from an unlettered average person however you will see they are not without unimpeachable supporting evidence. I claim the very foundations of Physics are wrong and this video attached is proof of my arrogant claims. There is only one Basic Particle from which everything is constructed from. It spans from heat and light to Plutonium and everything else. I show pictures of these particles. What is the source of the pictures and evidence presented? Pictures are experimental Acceleration are created using a laser shot thru a simple single slit Venturi that crushes the particles and accelerates them. This creates Plasma at the crushing site….then white Cherenkov radiation spews out into the air….and creates interference patterns as the tiny Negative particles (light) repels each other into these diminishing bars called interference patterns. The Particle venturi creates plasma ...then Bosons... then Higgs fields that are well seen. Side note **IThis might work for heavy particles and fusion plasma for free as this Venturi requires no added energy. It is a completely passive forced crusher. If it worked fusion might be quite simple and compact. It appears to me that the Venturi accomplishes the identical smashing of particles together with identical results to CERN but on a scale 8000 times less mass. However the exact same Higgs are shown which supports my one particle theory. My claim is this...Light is a dipole particle that can be accelerated and that type of particle is the only material that exists. That means All other matter is made of up and down light particles...nothing else exists. Ok take a couple Valium and open your mind (tehe). We have heard about the double slit light experiment 'PROVING" waves of light ...sorry that is wrong...light is a spinning particle and I prove it in this vid. BTW the interference happens in single slit also if you want to check. How about ….We know "EVERYTHING" about light and energy since Einstein and e=mc2....about Energy and light and the nature of matter…..wrong again...I prove it in this vid. We heard from Bohr on how the atom was constructed and Rutherford and Planck and Hubble and all the other "Theories" (none proven)….all wrong. These guesses were so wrong that the things in the Universe and planets exceed the light speed limit that Physics and everything that followed is based on. What about Space is void of matter and nothing really is out there….sunlight has no mass as Einstein would claim or it would be aether particles and solve everything…... (it is they missed it). What if I said there is only one basic stable particle and it is a light particle? And this basic particle of light is back to back bar magnets which creates 2 dipoles side by side? A “Dipole set” with 4 dipole moment regions...2 up and 2 down (spin). What if I said that one single “Dipole set” was the only thing that exists? It is light and light always wants to attach to whatever it hits as heat. Therefore light is only stable until it collides with matter. What if I said another exact same dipole set would snap together to form a cube and that cube would be neutral to outside magnetic influence. What if I said that was the smallest stable particle? And this is the source of Photons. Could these particles simply glue together until resonance and atoms appear? The basic design would demand more and more Dipoles would attach with up or down polarities. I can tell you this….CERN says they can only see muon and heavier particles as neutrinos are simply to light and impossible to see. CERN claims they cannot see electron neutrinos (which are crashing high speed light particles)...I show them clearly in this vid and I work only with light so they are light particles not heavy bits. Not a Physicist on the Globe can explain Hydrogen and I explain it clearly with electron flood and all the particle weights and voltages and interactions in this vid. Not a Physicist or Planetary expert can explain why the Suns Corona is millions of degrees and the surface only 6000 degrees but its explained and obvious in this vid. We scrub thru Aether which is light particles free in space and is dark matter and energy. Scientists dont understand the 4 daily changes in our barometric pressure at the equator at 10am and 10pm and 4am and 4pm ...they are explained in this vid….it is simple crushing into oncoming aether. Global Warming is a big topic but not understood...Our magnetosphere in the outer atmosphere is 56,000 degrees and Earth 75 degrees. Heat radiates down…...Why is this not considered? It is explained clearly in this vid.

The house of Physics is now on Quicksand. When you start with a false foundation as physics has....and then create insane spooky black entangled gluon charm love quark lepton barionic muon neutrino solutions to support that crumbling house it starts to get comical.....it is fun to watch but dangerous to stay in a crumbling house. I found a strong house with a very strong foundation. Electron flooding covers 100% of material interactions inc gravity and chemistry and space. I now think that there is only one STABLE primary particle. That particle exists in up spin and down spin (plus and neg) but is the identical particle except for spin. That particle is all there is in the Universe. These tiny dipoles magnetically attach into blocks that appear to become resonance stable at certain intervals and that interval is a proton. There are no Neutrons but the neutron mass is exactly the same as a proton but has one additional dipole. NOTE*** all particles are ½ positive and ½ negative but there are ALWAYS extra negatives in the core which creates a net Negative push to hold electrons in orbit at bay in quantum states. This mass of magnetically bound particles is very strong and it will be a net negative mass and form a flooded nuclear core. Electron flood terms……… The smallest stable mass is .00054833amu and is an electron or positron. Now referred to here as Particle Mass PM. Electrons are all the same and .00054833 amu and have a net negative 1 electron volt charge. Currently Electrons are considered .00054858 with a neg 1 charge. SMALLEST…. Electron and Positrons are the most basic primary particles and appear to be identical but for the spin polarity. They are deflected by pos or neg potentials so are highly magnetic. The construction of these electrons/positrons is like 2 bar magnets side by side with 2 neg and 2 pos poles. This arrangement creates a 2D box flat electron. If joined by another exactly the same it becomes a 3D cube and that cube is now neutral to field influences necause it is balanced. NEXT SMALLEST... Photons have varying sizes minimum is .00109666 amu and are electrons attached to positrons and net neutral if in balanced blocks but can be polar I think if unbalanced number of Electrons vs positrons. ATOMIC BUILDING BLOCKS... Each Proton increment is another element. Protons are simply a multiple of electrons and positrons. They appear to be stable at 1836 particles of which 918 are + and 918 are -. At 1836 particle masses they are a unit called a proton and become resonance stable it seems. (why I do not know) Protons are 1836 PM and have a net zero charge. The protons add one by one and those become the cores of atoms we call Nucleus. There are no Neutrons. HOWEVER to convert to electron flood the Atomic formula for particle mass is this. Hydrogen is 919 electrons and 918 positrons (no neutrons) and one electron on orbit. (unique) Each proton = 918- and 918+ Each neutron = 919- and 918+ The mass of a neutron is now a proton plus one extra neg electron particle and that creates the Net Negative charge. It is 1837 particle masses with a net 1 electron volt charge. The smallest of all particles are electrons which are light and heat and electricity and static and aether and all free or attached electrons in orbits etc. and are all dipoles that weigh .0005433amu and have 1 electron volt charge that is + or - (spin)....2 of the particles glue back to back and are highly magnetically reactive as they crash but present as a "neutral" particle not influenced by fields and currently called a photon. It is a minimum of 2 primary particles and ..0010966amu is its mass. I claim Electron Flood is Unity in elegant simplicity. I also “suggest” the plasma created by the venturi using these light particles may work with CERNS particles and Fusion would be the result. However this venturi consumes nothing. It is a purely passive crusher...much less expensive ...way under a billion. There are 1836 bits in each Proton. There are 1837 in each Neutron. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=8ZU6EW942eg&t=84s NOTE*** It seems the electron is the smallest stable particle at .00054833amu and 1 electron volt. (however I have pics of this particle splitting). Atomic Theory Research by Roger H. Spurr

Most Photos and Venturi by Rodney Warren...

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