ELM-200 Personal and Social Development Scenarios PDF

Title ELM-200 Personal and Social Development Scenarios
Author Jessica Najar
Course Child and Early Adolescent Development and Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
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Five Personal and Social Development Scenarios...


Professor Sell ELM 200 09/12/2021

Personal and Social Development Scenarios Scenario 1 In an upcoming lesson in third grade, you will be addressing state standards related to listening and speaking (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). How would you encourage parents/guardians to support this standard outside of the classroom? When is time to have group discussion/circle time, the method I would use Instructional in my classroom is to utilize a magic object such as a stuffed animal in Strategies for the Classroom order for students to know who is allowed to speak when holding the magic stuffed animal. This concept helps students identify they must have the stuffed animal in order to speak while others have their listening ears on. By using this method, I'll be able to teach students to remain quiet and listen while their peers speak. For children to continue to use this method outside the classroom I want Collaboration parents/guardians to be involved to help encourage parents to support this Strategies lesson. When the family is together and having a conversation, parents need to make sure the student is not interrupting anyone else in addition to inform the student as soon as a family member is done talking, they may speak. This will teach the student how to wait and listen until is their turn to speak. The method of communication I would use is sending home a letter stating Method of the goals I would like to work in and outside the classroom. Communicatio n Rationale for the Method of Communicatio n (Research support is required.)

Often parents get home exhausted from work and do not check their emails having a letter explaining “informal notes acknowledging significant accomplishments, teacher-constructed checklists that describe academic progress, and general newsletters describing ongoing classroom activities” (Ormond & Jones, 2018) gives the opportunity to incorporate these activities at home as they can place the letter on the fridge or table which is

easy to access. Scenario 2 James, an African American student, is very successful in your class and has been on the honor roll for the past three quarters. His family is concerned with his abilities to socialize with peers of various cultural backgrounds. How can you support the families in your classroom in embracing cultural identity’s role in a student’s personal and social development? To make sure James feels included and socializes with classmates I can Instructional teach a lesson based on various cultures in addition have small groups each Strategies for the Classroom student giving a small presentation on their own culture. This promotes cultural identity and social development. Collaboration Strategies

Method of Communicatio n Rationale for the Method of Communicatio n (Research support is required.)

To help James and all other students’ parents/guardians can encourage their children to make new friends by reaching out to classmates when projects or exams are assigned. Parents can also discuss the value of associating with individuals from different cultural backgrounds and how respect that individual regardless of where they came from or what they believe. The method I would use is having a parent conference to discuss are goals for the classroom and how they can encourage these goals in their household. By having a parent-teacher conferences it allows teachers to meet with concern parents in person which she/he are able give them a tour of the classroom and activities students are currently accomplishing. According to Ormond & Jones (2018), teachers sometimes include students in conferences they also inviting other family members such as grandparents to involved as much help in students’ academic progress.

Scenario 3 Recently, a concerned parent brings to your attention that a poll was taken on social media, and students in your class nominated Jenna as the “biggest loser.” How can you best communicate your school’s policy on cyberbullying, your plan to address the concern at school, and how parents can address it in the home? After discussing the situation with Jenna’s parent, I would talk to the class Instructional about what was brought to my attention in addition to speaking with the Strategies for individuals who were involved. I would have a lesson based on the Classroom cyberbullying and how it can affect the victim. After communicating with all parents, I would encourage two strategies. Collaboration Strategies One further discussing the consequences and harm bullying can do to a person. The second strategy is advising parents to monitor what their child is doing on the internet. Method of Communicatio

The method I would use is a schedule phone call for the parents of the students who were involved in the bullying including Jenna’s parents. The

n Rationale for the Method of Communicatio n (Research support is required.)

rest of the parents would receive an email explaining the situation and how they can help at home. A teacher would like respect the privacy of all students therefore telephone calls are helpful to maintain privacy from other parents however American Federation of Teachers (2007) explain before making a call, write down the reasons for the call in order to address the issue better without forgetting important information.

Scenario 4 For the past few weeks, you have noticed that several cliques have developed in your classroom and there are many students being left out of social activities in and out of the classroom. There are beginning to be tensions rising between two of the cliques. How can you encourage inclusion, and explain to parents how they can support you from home? After noticing this I can divide those cliques into other groups to ensure Instructional that each student interacts with others outside from their cliques. This Strategies for strategy will create teamwork and for them to get to know each other the Classroom during indoor and outdoor activities. For further assistance with this strategy parents can by taking their children Collaboration to parks, events, pools and/or museums in result of building new Strategies friendships. Parents can also encourage children to join a sport or club to interact with other peers. Method of Communicatio n

The method of communication I would use is by sending an email with the strategies I would like for parents to incorporate at home.

Rationale for the Method of Communicatio n (Research

Communicating through email gives proof of both parents and teachers that they spoke about the issue. Ormond & Jones (2018) explain e-mail is appropriate when parents are able to access this communication form.

support is required.)

Scenario 5 At the beginning of the school year, you notice that several of your sixth graders are wearing the same brand of Nike shoes. A few days later, you overhear a few of these students mocking another student for not having these same shoes. The next week, the student being teased comes to school in the Nike shoes. How can you address peer pressure within your classroom and encourage parents to support the concept from home? The strategy I would use is having a presentation about peer pressure and Instructional Strategies for how many families may not have the same resources as others while emphasizing bullying is not tolerated in the classroom. the Classroom Parents can help apply similar strategies at home by talking and teaching Collaboration Strategies their children that not everyone can afford designer shoes or other items.

Method of Communicatio n

Rationale for the Method of Communicatio n (Research support is required.)

Encouraging students to donate or volunteer to give to those who are unfortunate can make children realize to not mock others for their appearance. The method I would use is scheduling a phone call to the parents of those who are mocking the student. I would ask them to talk to their children in regards to bullying and how sometimes not everyone can afford brand name items. In this scenario it states a child is being mocked for not having the same Nike shoes. We do not know the economic situation of the family a phone call would suit this scenario best. According to Ormond & Jones (2018), telephone calls are useful when issues require immediate attention in this case bullying/mocking are not tolerated and need to be address immediately.


American Federation of Teachers, (2007). Building Parent-Teacher Relationships. Washington, D.C.: American Federation of Teachers. https://www.readingrockets.org/article/buildingparent-teacher-relationships Ormrod, J. E., & Jones, B. D. (2018). Expanding the sense of community beyond the classroom. Essentials of educational psychology: Big ideas to guide effective teaching (5th ed.). ISBN-13: 9780134523330. https://viewer.gcu.edu/HqjecT...

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