A7 Personal Development Plan PDF

Title A7 Personal Development Plan
Author eivind Kristensen
Course Organisasjon og ledelse
Institution Universitetet i Oslo
Pages 12
File Size 346.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Views 58


Personal Development Plan“You cannot dream yourself into a character; you musthammer and forge yourself one.”Henry David ThoreauName: Eivind T. KristensenProgram: Master of International BusinessTable of ContentHult DNA – Competencies & Skills........................................................


Personal Development Plan “You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.” Henry David Thoreau

Name: Program:

Eivind T. Kristensen Master of International Business

Table of Content Hult DNA – Competencies & Skills................................................................................................3 Alignment.........................................................................................................................................4 Priorities, Goals, and Vision..........................................................................................................5 Goals.................................................................................................................................................5 Action Plan...................................................................................................................................6 Priority Actions.................................................................................................................................7 Benefits.............................................................................................................................................8 Evidence............................................................................................................................................9 Accountability..............................................................................................................................9 Follow-up questions.......................................................................................................................10

Hult DNA – Competencies & Skills Our team has been working on different assignments together over the last weeks. Below are the insights I got from my team-members on the peer-assessment and in general.

Behavioural Practice

My Interpretation of the Messages From My Peers


My fellow team-members have given med feedback that I am productive and demonstrates adaptive thinking. I am open to other ideas and I don’t have a fixed mindset when it comes to how to approach task and handle challenges. I know that my way of doing things are not always the best and encourage my teammates to come up with other perspectives. They also expressed appreciation of my creativity and that I do my work


thoroughly. My interpretation of the peer assessment ratings is that my teammembers like my honesty and that my communication is clear and relevant. When we are discussing in our team how to approach a task, I give my perspective and try to explain why I see it as I do. In terms of honesty, I try to always say my opinion, whether I think something is good or bad. I think being straight forward is very important for the effectiveness and for the group dynamic, however, always in a polite and kind way to make sure no one is being offended. I have been told

Team Building

that I receive feedback well and react constructively. According to the rating that I was given in the Hult DNA Peer Assessment, I believe my team considers me a good team-player. It is important for me to make everyone feel that they are a valuable resource, and that they feel comfortable around me. I think they see me as a nice person doing my best to contribute for the team and that I accept every one of them for who they are. When energy is low, I try to inspire and encourage my team by showing commitment.


According to the feedback provided from my team-members, they think I am a good resource to the team and contributes well. I really enjoy working in teams, and the positive feedback I received from my team gives me the confidence that I work well in a team and makes the team perform.

Alignment Below is the evolution of the alignment between how I see myself and how others see me. What was I already aware of?

What surprised me?

As my undergraduate studies also consisted of There is not always alignment between how a lot of group-work, I was already aware that I you perceive yourself and how others function well in a team and that I am a team-

perceive you. Even though I think of myself as

player. I also knew that I am a good good team-player taking care of my teamcommunicator,





been members, it surprised me a little that the

important to me to communicate in a clear

ratings were as good as they were. Also, it

and relevant way. Also, I was aware that I am surprised me a little that I was complimented respectful and nice to other people.

on my creativity, as I don’t consider myself to a particularly creative person and has not been told this before.

Note: Even if the ratings and feedback were very positive, I have to keep in mind that my team members perhaps may not have been as critical as they should have been. There can be different possible reasons for this. It could be that they were afraid of being confronted, or that they simply wanted to give every team member positive feedback to maintain a good mood in the group.

Priorities, Goals, and Vision Below are the three most important Hult DNA skills that are my most important development priorities. Development Priority #1

Embrace change

Development Priority #2

Resolve conflict constructively

Development Priority #3

Influence confidently

Goals Each development priority is specifically described . Goal for Development Priority #1 Embrace change

Goal: to not see change as an adversity but rather an opportunity to challenge myself.

I am very attached to my own patterns and I am a habitual person. Changes can make me insecure. This can be a good thing, because I know how I like things to be done and I am familiar with my ways of approaching things. However, this can also lead me to not challenge myself enough to grow, and rather continue doing things the familiar and safe way. Ideal timeframe by which I will achieve it: Before graduating from HULT and starting my career. Goal for Development Priority #2 Resolve conflict constructively

Goal: Be less passive and conflict-averse

I do not like conflicts, and I am very conflict averse. I know that conflicts can occur, and I have been part of

some in the past. Usually, I become very passive in conflicts. In order not to create further conflict, I back out instead of expressing my real emotions and opinions. This is not a constructive way of resolving Goal for Development Priority #3 Inspire productivity

conflicts. Goal: spend less time chatting to peers about I want to challenge my need to control everything and trust my team members more when it comes to them completing their tasks without me micromanaging them.

Action Plan The following table identifies three potential barriers I might face when seeking to achieve my goals. These barriers reflect how the development process can become difficult for me. Barrier for goal #1: Inspires Productivity

I am super outgoing and small talk is a natural part of my being. Thus, I sometimes find it hard to stay focused on professional themes.

Barrier for goal #2: Dynamic Thinking

I often want to finish my assignments as soon as possible, so I have time to enjoy my spare time outside of school. This affects my stamina related to completing my assignments and challenge my possibility of improvement.

Barrier for goal #3: Shows Self Awareness

As embarrassing as it is, I must admit that I often feel my own ideas are really good. I have a hard time trusting that my team members contributions are as good as mine. I encourage and appreciate everyone’s contribution orally, but in my own thinking and feeling, that is not always aligned.

Priority Actions Underneath, I have listed two to three meaningful actions I can commit to in order to achieve my goals for each development priority. Furthermore, considered the actions I can practice each week.

Actions for Priority #1: Inspires Productivity

1. Stay focused on professional themes by allowing the group 10 minutes of small talk about how everyone is doing and what is happening in their lives. 2. Write a small personal reflection after each group meeting on how I did. What did I think, what did I do, and how did it affect the group?

Actions for Priority #2: Demonstrates Dynamic Thinking

1. Allow others to read my assignments to give me feedback. 2. Take pauses, go for a walk and then reconsider my work.

Actions for Priority #3: Shows Self Awareness

1. Allow my group colleagues to complete their task without me micromanaging Question myself if my thinking and behaviour is aligned. 2. Ask three openended questions before judging or rewriting others work. E.g.: When writing this paragraph, what was important for you to express? Can you elaborate on what your thoughts were when writing this? 3. Be curious and try to understand what the person is actually trying to express.

Benefits Following, I will describe how my team and I will benefit when I achieve my goals and make my visions a reality. Benefits of Making My Vision a Reality Goal #1: More focus on school work. What I will benefit from achieving goal number 1: When I decrease my small talks during groupwork, I will potentially acquire more spare time and be more effective. What my group will benefit from achieving goal number 1: We will have more time for small talks after finishing the group assignment. Not everyone enjoys small talks, and sometimes it can create tension between group members, when we wander off in small talks. This could potentially create less tension in our group. Goal #2: Be more critical about my assignments. What I will benefit from achieving goal number 2: I will probably learn more and improve my grades. Additionally, I would show more trust in my group members when sharing my work with them and show that their feedback is valuable to me. What my group will benefit from achieving goal number 2: When trust is mutual, it goes both ways. When I trust them more, they will probably trust me more. More trust inspires better work, more learning and maybe higher grades. This would be good both for the group and me. Goal #3: Less micromanagement. What I will benefit from achieving goal number 3: I will learn how to be non-judgmental and be curious to understand how and what they are thinking. Furthermore, expose my assumptions about other people to understand other people’s perspectives. Maybe they are thinking about things that I am not? This will increase my learning development. What my group will benefit from achieving goal number 3: My group will benefit from more in depths relationships and increased learning.

Evidence The table below identifies the evidence that could be offered from reaching my development goals. This will help me realise when I have been successful and reached my desired goals. Priority Inspires Productivity

Evidence Shorter meetings with my group. Deliver assignments at an earlier stage.

Demonstrates Dynamic Thinking

Two other people have read my assignments before handing it in. I have gone for two short walks every when writing assignments.

Shows Self Awareness

Write reflections in my personal reflection book after each group meeting. Ask three open-ended questions before judging my team members work.

Accountability I have chosen to create a vision board to make a visual presentation that represents the goals I have made for myself. This helps me envision my thoughts and dreams into something real and tangible. The vision board below motivates and inspire me to pursue my goals Thus, I have chosen to print it and have it at my office desk at home.

Follow-up questions In order to be successful with my future development, I have asked two of the team members I have worked closely with during this semester to hold me accountable for my action plan. For me to improve, I have told them to ask me the two questions listed below every week. We have agreed upon this, so they can help me get on track if I lose focus and awareness regarding my Personal Development Plan and the goals, I have set for myself.

The people that will hold me accountable for my actions are: Maria Ludovica Li Gobbi & Ebba Hagman Question 1 What questions have you asked your team members before judging or rewriting their work, and has it helped?

Question 2 What kind of feedback have you received from the people that have read your assignments and has it been beneficial?...

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