Final Personal Development Plan PDF

Title Final Personal Development Plan
Course Bachelor of Business
Institution Swinburne University of Technology
Pages 14
File Size 278 KB
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PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Student Name: Course Module: 6 May, 2012 Table of Contents Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................... Vision..............................................................



Student Name: Course Module: 6 May, 2012

Table of Contents Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................2 Vision........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Objectives:................................................................................................................................................... 3 SWOT........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Development Areas:....................................................................................................................................7 Twelve Months Development Plan..............................................................................................................7 References.................................................................................................................................................10 Appendixes................................................................................................................................................11


Executive Summary Personal development plan is carried out by individual to think seriously about his or her own learning, performance and achievement and to plan for further development. This development can be related to personal, educational and career development. PDP is a structured process. In other words, personal development plan helps learners in evaluating what they have already learnt but it helps in planning for future learning and development. PDP is an excellent way to capture all the opportunities university life has to offer, but it is depend upon an individual how he or she can use the PDP, what they want to get out of it and to what extent individuals use and follow PDP to get the desired results. The success of any personal development plan depends upon how much in depth analysis of an individual’s has been done regarding the available opportunities, his or her strengths and weaknesses, skills available in an individual, his or her interest, short term and long term objectives, developments areas which need more concentration and finally a development plan to fill out the gaps to get desire results. PDP is actually works as awareness program about how you are progressing towards your objectives and desire achievements. In this report, I will first explain my vision and objectives and then I will perform my SWOT analysis which will helps me in analyzing myself deeply and thoroughly. On the basis of my SWOT, I will highlight development areas and gaps which require more attention and need to be filled out in order to achieve my objectives. Finally, I will make a 12 month development plan. This 12 month plan would be helpful in my life in accomplishing my overall objectives.


Vision “My vision is to have PhD Degree in Human Resource Management along with different specialized courses and memberships in HRM, so that I can work as HR Director in top class company after 15 to 20 years and can utilize my expertise and knowledge in HRM in versatile way like as a HR consultant and teacher”. There must be a strategic vision first; otherwise strategic planning is insignificant and useless (Business Link, n.d.). Vision gives us a broad picture of what we want to achieve in long term, so that in short term we make our objective and strategies align in such a way that in long term we can be able to achieve our vision (Mindtools, n.d.). My vision is first to get knowledge, expertise and experience in different areas of HRM and then to utilize my HR knowledge in flexible and versatile ways; without bounding myself only to one particular job, I would like to do teaching and providing consultancy also in different areas of HRM. This is my vision and after 15 to 20 years, I would like to see myself at that place.

Objectives: Objectives are significant because they set goals for which you strive and struggle to achieve. Objectives provide us a focus towards our vision and if we become able to meet our objectives then ultimately it improves our performance and productivity. Objectives act as motivational force and provide us focus to strive for (Planning Help, n.d.). Another important point about objectives is that, they should be SMART which means that they should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. As far as my objectives as concerned, I have some short term and long term objectives to achieve, which are mentioned below. All these objectives are aligned to attain my vision. 1. First objective is to get post graduate degree from Derby Business School with specialization in HRM. 2. To improve my interpersonal skills during my educational period. My special focus will towards improving the communicational and presentation skills. 3|Page

3. To build leadership qualities in myself and I want to avail all the possible opportunities of leading the team during my education. 4. To improve my management skills related to people management and time management. 5. To start my career in HRM from a leading organization. 6. Getting certifications in different areas of HRM from professional HR organizations. 7. To get the membership of various professional HR bodies like SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) and CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development). 8. To get involve in various activities along with job like teaching in some private institution or running consultancy firm of HR. These are some objectives related to my educational and career development. These objectives will help me in achieving my vision and by accomplishing all these objectives; I would be able to get expertise and knowledge in HRM which is my dream. In order to achieve these objectives, I have to do my SWOT analysis to see the gaps which need to be filled out and to see the available opportunities for me which can help me in achieving my objectives (Mindtools, n.d.).

SWOT Strengths:  I am student of post graduate and doing Master in Business Administration from University of Derby. Previously, I have done BA in business Management. This degree is one of my strengths as it gives me exposure of different management subjects like Organisational Behaviour, Marketing Fundamentals, Finance and Business Decisions, Business Improvement, Service Management and Operation and Career and Self Development. These subjects developed different kind of management skills in me like planning, time management, leadership, team building, people management, communication and negotiation skills and writing skills. 4|Page

 Another strength is my job in Valsamis USA which is a shipping company and I worked there as Human Resource Manager from July, 2009 to Sep, 2009. Main responsibilities handled by me during this job were administrative tasks, logistics, customer service and organisation of stuff. During my job, I got the practical working experience. During these three months of job, I learned professionalism and this opportunity has highlighted my both positive and negative aspects as employee and gives me chance to improve myself.  Motivational skills, communicational skills, listening skills, self-confidence, stress management, planning, organization, persuasion skills, mentoring skills, team oriented, leadership skills, multi-tasking and interpersonal skills are few skills which I have learned throughout my life and during my education and professional experience.  Thrust for learning and experiences new things and involving in different things is one of the strong points about my personality. Weaknesses:  Financial problem is the biggest obstacle in achieving my objectives. I want to get certificates and memberships in different areas of HRM, for which I need money, but financially I am not so strong to afford all it easily. Lack of financial support from family creates hurdles in attaining my goals.  At this stage, I have not any specialized certificate or degree in HRM.  As far as skills are concerned, I am weak in communicational and presentation skills. I lack self-confidence which I need to be developed throughout my educational period. Although, I have improved these skills, but still there is a big gap which is needed to be filled out. I get confuse and nervous, when I have to speak before a crowd and I get nervous with new situations and new people.  I lack personal networking and references in this field. In my family, there is no relative who is currently working in this field, who can guide me regarding this field.


Opportunities:  The field of HRM is a growing industry. As per survey conducted by Money Magazine and, the jobs of Human Resource Manager are ranked as number four on list of the Top Ten Best Jobs in America based on different factors like job growth in the next decade, earnings potential, creativity and flexibility. HRM is expanding very rapidly and interesting thing about this field is that it is a broad field having opportunities in compensation, benefits, training and development, staffing, strategic HR management and other functions.  There are also many technological advances in this field like SAP HR module in which whole functionality of HR is automated. Such advancements in HR open new doors of opportunities.  This field also opens the opportunity to provide consultancy in HRM practices. Many companies have outsourced their HM practices to specialized consultancy firms. After getting practical experience, I can also join or start my consultancy firm. Threats:  Financial problem is the main threat which can act as hurdle in achieving my objectives. Pressure from family to support them instead of spending money on courses is a big thread for me.  This job requires communicational and self confidence. There is also great threat to me, if I could not help myself in developing confidence, communicational and presentational skills in myself. If I could not be able to control my nervousness, then I could not be able to get desired level of jobs in this field.


Development Areas: The areas which I need to focus the most, in order to attain my objectives are; 1. My financial obstacles 2. Building confidence 3. Improving communicational and presentational skills 4. Network building and market know how 5. Collecting information regarding good companies and available opportunities in HR and the requirements of these companies. 6. Different available certifications in HRM My next 12 month development plan will focus on developing and improving these areas to build strong foundation which help me in achieving my vision after 15 to 20 years.

Twelve Months Development Plan 1. To find out ways to earn money on part time basis; this helps me in handling financial obstacles successfully and helps me to keep my focus towards my objectives. In next two months, I will first analyze different options to earn money on part time basis. First, option available is doing part time job as sale officer or in some restaurant. But I will not go for this option because this option bounds me and I have to follow timings and also bear transportation charges. I will go for option of doing online job because this is the most flexible opportunity available for students. It gives me handsome amount at the end of each month with the flexibility of timings. I can do this work any time which suits me; I do not need to go out and can do it at my home. I will take Google Adsense training online and purchase the kit of 50 dollars which helps me in learning how to use this online program to earn money. In first month I will totally focus towards Google Adsense and start earn money after getting full expertise in it. On average, I can earn up 7|Page

to 500-700 dollars in a month if I work on it daily for 4-5 hours. I will not wholly rely on this online program. I will go for Elance website which provide many different opportunities to do online work at flexible timings. In second month, along with Google Adsense, I will make account at Elance website and get full training about how to use this website for earning money. I will go for virtual assistance job through Elance. In this kind of job, I can earn about 500- 800 dollars on monthly basis. This is my plan for next two months to make sure my earning sources because it is the main obstacle in my objectives. The development will be traced on weekly basis to see how much I have learnt about these ways of online learning and which areas are required more knowledge. After two months, I should be able to get online work for wither source and throughout the year I will earn money from these sources. 2. The next focus of my development plan is to develop the skills which I lack in myself. I need to develop confidence and build communication and presentational skills in myself. I will work on improvement of these skills throughout the year and on semiannually basis I will analyze how much I have improved these skills. Here I would prefer to practically improve myself instead of taking online courses. I will take tips from online sources about how to improve communicational and presentational skills and how to build confidence. I will pick one tip for one week and on daily basis I will analyze how much I have followed that tip in whole week. On weekly basis, I will assign challenging task to me which I mostly hesitate due to lack of confidence. At the end of week I will analyze how much I have controlled myself in hesitating. I will talk to new people and go to new places to add variety of experiences. On weekly basis, I will add these things in my dairy and on semi annually I will analyze al my improvement in these areas. 3. In 8th month after saving money approximately 1,300 pounds, I will go for two HRM trainings from CIPD. One course is Effective HR Policies & Procedures which is a one day course with fee of 545 pounds. In 9 th month, I will go for another training which is Business Issues & Context of HR; it is 2 days training with fee of 750 pounds. At the end


of training I will highlight what I have learned from these courses and what are their implications. These courses will increase the value of my CV also. 4. The last part of my development plan is how to make professional networks which can help me in finding good jobs. During my academic period, I will start making relationships with my professors and seniors because they can be good source of reference. Meanwhile, I will get registered myself with different recruiting websites like, and in 10 th month. These websites let me know about the available jobs in HR. I will visit these websites on weekly basis to find out the updated status. I will start making list of good companies in 10th month and personally visited their offices and drop my CV. This thing will increase my confidence with the passage of time and also I would be able to know about job opportunities in HR field. Twelve Month Plan Start Date Development Plan To Find Out Ways To Earn Money On Part Time Basis

Months Jun

Ju l

Aug Sep

Oct Nov


Ja n


Ma r



Development of Skills Trainings From CIPD Building Professional Networks

The above Gantt chart shows that the work on first two activities will be performed throughout the year while 3rd activity will be started in 8th month and will be finished in 9th month while last activity will start from 10th month and carry forward for remaining year.



References, 2011. List Of 28 Soft Skilss – Business Professionals. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 3 May 2012]. Business Link, n.d. Create a Personal Development Plan.

[online] Available at: <> [Accessed 2 May 2012]. Business










<> [Accessed 3 May 2012]. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, n.d. The HR Profession. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 5 May 2012]. Mindtools, n.d. Mission Statements and Vision Statements.

[online] Available at: <> [Accessed 5 May 2012]. Mindtools, n.d. Personal SWOT Analysis- Making the Most of Your Talents and Opportunities. [online]




[Accessed 5 May 2012]. Planning Help, n.d. Step 3: Develop a Vision and Objectives. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 5 May 2012]. RapidBI, 2007. Personal Development Plans (PDPs) Professional Development Plans (PDPs) or Individual







<> [Accessed 4 May 2012]. Society For Human Resource Management, n.d. Careers in Human Resource Management. [online]



<> [Accessed 5 May 2012]. 10 | P a g e

Appendixes APPENDIX 1



 What are positive aspects of me?  What qualifications have I got?  What kind of work have I done, and for how long?  What skills do I possess?  What are the strong points of my character and personality?  Have I any other strength that I have not listed?

 What are the negative aspects of me and my present position?  What limits me?  Are there important gaps in my qualification, experience or knowledge?  Have I financial difficulties or pressures?  What are the weak points of my character and personality?  Have I any other limitations that I have not listed?

OPPRTUNITIES  What aspects of the present or foreseeable future situation could I use to my advantage?  Are there any suitable job vacancies available or coming up?  Are there any opportunities for consultancy?  Are there inventions or ideas or new ways of working I could put to use?

THREATS  What aspects of the present or foreseeable future may operate to my disadvantage?  Potential financial problems.  Changes in the marketplace for what I or my organisation offers.  Obsolescence of my skills, knowledge or products.  Unfavorable changes in national or local economic conditions.

11 | P a g e

APPENDIX 2 Personal Development Plan Name:



Success Criteria



What do I want to be able to do or do better?

How will I recognise success? How will I review and measure my improvement?

What methods will I use to achieve my learning objectives?

How will I practice and apply what I learn?

APPENDIX 3 12 | P a g e

Self Evaluation of Academic Skills

Thinking about yourself, read and mark each statement out of 5, with 5 being 'Totally Agree' and 1 being 'Totally Disagree'. If a statement doesn’t apply to you, leave it blank


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