Personal Development Plan PDF

Title Personal Development Plan
Course understanding and managing financial roles
Institution Sheffield Hallam University
Pages 6
File Size 214 KB
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Personal Development Plan....


Skills Gap 4.35%


13.04% 8.70%

8.70% 13.04%





Personal Motivation Commercial Awareness Critical Thinking Teamwork Adaptability Self-Discipline Written Communication Computer/Technical Literacy Networking Translating

Personal Development Plan SMART Objectives Objective Personal Motivation

(S)pecific Why is this goal important? Motivation is the most crucial influences in determining the level of success I want to attain throughout my experience in university. Personal motivation is what drives me to develop my objectives and fulfil the quality of my life and inspires me to take responsibility, and continue to resolve complications promptly. This goal advantages me to carry out self-assessments regularly, and doing so I can clarify my strengths and weaknesses by which I can strive for overcoming weaknesses. My main factor why personal motivation plays a crucial role in my life is because I am able to be independent and, therefore, it doesn’t allow me to be dependent on others. My independence benefits me to explore new ideas and gaining innovative knowledge. I am involved to achieve this goal according

(M)easurable How much time? Measuring personal motivation is a lifelongact where I must learn to exercise my mind into believing personal motivation is the key to success in my life. The actions that will take to achieve this goal are read motivation books currently I am reading the famous book called ‘The Power of Positive Thinking for Young People’ written by Norman Vincent Peale. This book influences me to achieve permanent constructive and an optimistic attitude. Alongside this I also listen to motivational speakers such as Eric Thomas speaking on how to succeed in one’s academic life. How long will I know when my personal motivation is accomplished? I will know when I have

(A)chievable How can I achieve this goal? To achieve this goal I will remind myself on a daily basis of my objective and what I want to achieve today. I will dedicate a dairy with my goals and objectives for the day because this shows where my strengths and weaknesses lie. This act enables me to reflect on my strengths and weaknesses therefore allowing me to work on weaknesses till they become my strengths. In order to achieve personal motivation I will track my progress by keeping a tally for future projects as well as sharing my thoughts with friends to motivate them keeping myself motivated at the same time. Seeing others succeed with my help will motivate me to do the same.

(R)ealistic Does this seem worthwhile? This is more than worthwhile as it is my starting point for a successful future. It will not hinder me any way rather motivates me to do well in university. Is this the right time? This is the right time for this objective as I am in the starting point of wanting to become a governmental accountant as stated on my skills audit. If I don’t start now I will fall into daily habits of pushing work aside for another day which will hinder my progress and motivation. Am I the right person to reach this goal? Anyone can reach this goal as it is so easily accessible, and there are hundreds of free resources like YouTube, and books. I believe I can reach this goal as I have set myself clear targets of where I want to be in the future.

(T)imely When? This is a forever developing goal and will continue to progress as I progress throughout life. I cannot put a time scale on it as life doesn’t stop and my goals will continue to progress as each one is achieved. What can I do six months from now? I will use this PDP from six months now, and take responsibility for my personal motivation. I will join motivation classes if I ever feel like I am struggling with not just motivation but progressing onwards. What can I do today? The action that I will take today is write my goals for tomorrow for example; finish this PDP completely, another example is; reading one chapter a day from various motivation books.

to my skills gap and this is located in the positive energy and my mind-set.

Commercial Awareness

Why is this goal important? Commercial awareness is incredibly important to me because it is a key employability skill. I must show that I have good knowledge of the world’s current market place which businesses operate in, and a thorough understating of what factors make a business prosperous is a key obligation for most employers, and current roles as a governmental accountant. My skills gap identified a small gap however nonetheless it is a gap which I must improve on. This objective is incredibly important when applying for placements as stated in my skills audit since I must show a thorough understanding in order to stand out from my competitors. Who is involved? In order to meet this object I wouldn’t say anybody is necessarily involved except me, and the resources which I may use are volunteering in public

more success stories and little disappointment within, because it is a lifelong commitment the deadline is therefore never ending. How much time? I will measure my commercial awareness on a monthly basis by keeping tabs of what articles I have read and what I have actually learnt. I will sign up to a monthly subscription of the Financial Times doing so I am able to stay up to date with what is occurring in the commercial world. For example; the effects of Donald Trump’s decision on the American economy and how that affects trading in the UK. How long will it be till I know my objective of commercial awareness is accomplished? There is no specific time-stamp as when I will know when my objective is complete as the world is forever progressing, however I will know when I am comfortable of the information I know and have researched.

How can I Achieve this goal? In order to achieve my objective I must be aware generally of the occurrences in the market place. I will read the business page of newspapers such as The guardian, The Independent and The Times as they are all reliable resources. I will also utilise online resources such as FTSE 100 finding details of a company’s recent activities in order to portray commercial awareness in interviews. As well as, often check the BBC Business and Money section. I will track my progress by asking questions and discussing issues, and by formulating opinions I can reflect on my thoughts. However, limitations which could stop me from achieving are there is no change in the commercial world, reading wrong articles and dedicating

Does this seem worthwhile? Understanding why a business operate the way it does, and how the economy is behaving is always worthwhile and it makes me more employable as an individual. According to my skills gap I must improve on knowledge and show others how I can use this information. Being able to do it in an interview scenario is what will make me a competitor for my employer. Is this the right time? It is the right time as the more aware I am the more confident I can go into a placement interview without worry. Am I the right person to reach this goal? I believe I am the right person to reach this goal as I am motivated and will use my PDP to understand where I am lacking progress, and alter for it.

When? Commercial awareness is something one cannot put a deadline to as businesses are changing everyday however, I can set myself individual deadlines for example; every 6 months I will evaluate what I have learnt collectively, and understand how each one has affected the economy and business. I will attempt to form my own opinions on the situations and reflect on why certain businesses have taken the actions they have for instance their hedging techniques. What can I do six weeks from now? Six weeks from now I imagine I have a part-time job which will improve my employability skills as I will have commercial awareness of other businesses such as their competitors and the issues they face. What can I do today? Today, I will start amending my CV for what employers seek making


sector services, keeping informed by reading reliable newspapers and researching on weekly basis. Though the limitation to this is the commercial world isn’t changing on a weekly basis and I must adjust to this. What do I want to accomplish? According to my skills audit teamwork is one which I have performed bad in. I want to accomplish this goal because it supports a more empowered way of working and helps me interact with people as I am at times too independent. I need to learn to interact in a group environment. The specific step I must take is perhaps to join extracurricular activities such as societies where I will interact with people on a regular basis. As this is a skill which employers want? Why is this goal important to me and the steps I will take? This goal is important to me as communication is the key to success in many projects which I will take part in the future. So I will engage in activities that will improve my teamwork skills, such as meetings with members to

free time to not following the news.

How will I measure teamwork? Coming towards my group projects in university I will measure my teamwork progress by how I trust each member on a fundamental level. I want to measure my teamwork by my faith in members and how much I rely on them to do their part and whether they are reliable in my opinion such as them following commitments. Being able to measure my objective of teamwork through this way shows how much faith I have in members and myself to participate. Also, I will measure my success by defining a strategic vision collectively with my team mates understanding what we want to achieve, and how we will do this. Collectively being able to do this shows that I can work part of a team and

How can I achieve this goal? To achieve this goal I will give regular feedback to my team members and on our individual performance, and continue assessments internally and help everyone stay on course therefore integrating myself more into the team. I will also address team issues in a meeting setting and collectively try figure out a plan as a team. I will also try encouraging an open discussion to improve my teamwork skills which will provide helpful ideas, and keep conflict at a minimum by addressing issues straight away. The resources which I will use to achieve my teamwork objective are ‘Herrmann International’ which advises me of solutions for better teamwork. Though the limitations to

me more employable.

Is this goal realistic? This goal is a realistic goal as I will be in certain situations in the future where I can implement this skill in order to improve it, and is definitely worthwhile because, I will improve my creativity and learning skills within a group setting, blend strengths with others as working with other people allows me to add onto my skills such as enhancing my verbal communication. Hence why it is realistic as it is easily achievable with little commitment even if turn up to meetings I have contributed to the team. It is also realistic as wanting to become a governmental accountant I require this skill. I need to be able to improve my teamwork skill to improve my employability as well. If I lack the ability to work in

When? I can start improving this skill when I am put into my group projects in FAR and MAA. This is in the time period of two weeks. I want to give myself a deadline of two weeks in order to improve some aspects of my teams work skills such as verbal communication and body language. What can I do six month from now? Six months from now I want to be able to confidently work in a group environment at my own accord. I also want to join societies and continue to build my confidence. However, from today I can start searching key skills online of what is required of a good team player, and research societies that I am interested in joining.


Written Communication

share ideas which will also improve my verbal and written skills. Doing this frequently will develop both my individual skills and working within a team. Why do I want to accomplish this goal? According to my skills audit this is the skill which I lack the most in, and is something which I need to try improve. In order to improve my adaptability skills I will try to maximise every opportunity I am given as well as put myself in situations where I have never been in at my own accord. I want to be able to Adapt easily to altering situations, keep calm in problematic circumstances, think critically by adapting to my surroundings, take on new challenges at short notice, respond effectively to changes and respond to changing workloads in the future.

be a team player. I will also use resources like Gibbs Reflective Cycle to reflect on my team efforts.

this is members may be irresponsive which will hinder my ability to achieve my goal.

a team I will be letting my potential colleagues down.

How will I assess my progress? To measure my progress of reaching this target I will first reflect upon the knowledge I already have, and then self-review how far I have come as well as review my strengths and weaknesses which I possess. I will try to improve my weaknesses for example; my current weakness is I am afraid to be put into new environments, because I have no experience in this situation. In order to improve this I could use resources such as spontaneously joining workshops meeting new people. Though in a group environment I will ask someone who already knows me to assess how well/bad I have adapted. However, a limitation of this is if nobody knows me they cannot tell how well or bad I have done.

How can I achieve this goal? In order to achieve adaptability I must step outside the box and attend networking fairs to adapt to my surroundings. I will also try to attend networking shops numerous times a week each time a different one so I can easily adapt to my surroundings and improve my target. However, the limitation to this is I cannot always spare time to attend workshops especially in exam season hence why I intend to improve my skills by them. Also to achieve my target I will accept roles within group settings I have never taken the responsibility for, and portray calm and collectiveness.

Is this goal realistic? I would say this goal is realistic as I haven’t always been so scared to adapt. I was once a very confident person who did enjoy activities outside the ordinary. Therefore if I can become that person again who enjoys adapting to new environments I will achieve my target. Is this the right time? It is the perfect time for me as I am starting to apply for placements I need to improve my skills of adaption as I will be leaving university and moving into a work environment. Am I the right person to reach this goal? I sometimes think I am, and other times I don’t however if I follow my PDP I think I will be able to reach my target of adaptability with the effort I am willing to put in.

When? I can start improving this skill straight away I have joined up for workshops putting myself in environments I have never been in. I think since the beginning of university my confidence has grown a lot as I can adapt to my surroundings. In 6 months after attending more workshops I want to be able to adapt to situations with ease and even enjoy change. Where I see myself in 6 month? With the help of selfmotivations and resources like the workshops I want to be a person who is easily adaptable to situations as that is as skill which employers want making me more employable. What can I do today? Now, I can research skills of adaption and what other people similar in my situation have done.

My objective is to write in a

In order to measure this I

This is achievable

This is a realistic target as

I have 5 months till my

format which is universally understandable, and doesn’t cause people confusion. I also want to be able to adapt to different writing styles with great ease.

will ask peers to assess my work and I will also use self-assessment forms from online which will give me a clear insight in what I need to improve on.

referring to my skills audit as I was only 2 scores from achieving 5 which I do think I can achieve given the time limit I have set myself of May ready for my exams.

Computer/Technical Literacy

To enhance this skill I will continue to use resources such as G-Metrix software along with various online resources like YouTube in order to gain a more developed understanding of what strategies I should take to gain the G-Metrix Certificate.

I don’t think this is achievable as the software isn’t configured with Macs, and also the software used in the exam is the older version of Microsoft Excel which causes me difficulties.


To be open to new ideas, and communicate with people to combine ideas to benefit myself in the future. As well as for future job prospects.

I will subscribe to various channels to aid myself in achieving the certificate which will show me in how to get the certificate. Alongside this I will also use the software and carryout the activities and keep practicing them. This enables me to prepare for the exam. In order to measure this I will tally the amount of times I attended networking fair and the amount of CV I have given for a placement opportunity. I will utilise resources of the university like SHU’s Employability emails.

This is only achievable if I attend these networking fairs in my spare time, and try to communicate with employers. The limitation on this is however networking fairs are very rare as employers are incredibly busy to come out to university, and it is only seasonal particularly in exam seasons. I can also email local placement recruiters as I have done so.

after I have received my feedback on coursework I then review the written piece myself, along with peers and tutors which is three opinions. I use all the information collectively to improve my written communication. I will continue to use my free time and weekends practicing on the software, and tally my scores as I go along to see my strengths and weaknesses and respond accordingly.

This is unrealistic for me as the time frames are too tight, and in the exam season I find it difficult to spare time.

exams which is enough time to reach my target as I will self-assess every coursework I have handed in, and pick out the strengths and weaknesses.

I do think I can achieve this certificate if I start practicing on 09/01/2017 practicing every weekend and in my free time doing so I will be ready for the exam.

I can start looking for networking fairs outside of university as university fair time frames are tights. In the next 6 months I intend to attend at least 3 networking fairs, and email at least 5 different recruiters with my CV. However today I can start adjusting my CV to the company’s needs....

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