Personal Development Report Example PDF

Title Personal Development Report Example
Institution University of Surrey
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Personal Development Report Example...


Student Name Placement Start Date Placement End Date Placement Provider Name Placement Supervisor Name Visiting Tutor Name

Pre-PTY Please complete this section of the form for all of your 4 competencies BEFORE you start your placement and share with your Visiting Tutor and Workplace Supervisor Self Rating Key: A Needs improvement | B Meets expectations | C Exceeds Expectations Transferable Competencies (e.g. problem-solving, initiative, judgement, analysis, teamwork, communication) Self Rating: (B ) (Problem solving/initiative): I worked on a group project at University, for which we had to arrange regular meetings with 4 other classmates in order to first decide on the topic of the presentation, then divide up the work and finally to practise the delivery. One of the members of the group was not engaging with the rest of us, so I initiated a meeting with him in order to discuss consequences of his actions for the whole group in a friendly, but firm manner. As a result, he was able to share why he hadn’t been engaging and we resolved the issues he was facing together. I believe in this case I displayed a degree of initiative as well as problem solving. Application of academic learning (i.e. transfer of subject-specific and wider learning to workplace practice) Self Rating: (A ) (Research, time management and presentation skills) I used my research skills when preparing for placement interviews/assessment centres - evaluating and analysing the information I found about the organisation and projects they have been working on recently. I also had to deliver a presentation at the assessment centre and was able to use the skills I had developed when creating and delivering presentations for some of my modules. I work part-time in my Aunt’s business doing general administration duties and need to manage my time and organise my workload effectively, skills I have developed at university balancing my studies with all my other commitments. Professionalism (e.g. time management, resilience, positive attitude, adaptability, networking skills) Self Rating: (A ) (networking skills): Having attended the careers & placement fair, I followed up on two potential placement providers by emailing them to ask if they would consider taking a placement student this year. However, when one of them did not get back to me straight away I assumed that they were not interested, but now realise I sh ould have been more tenacious, following up with a phone call, just to make sure they had not missed the email. Organisational awareness (i.e. appreciation of organisational culture, policies and processes) Self Rating: ( A) I have only had a couple of part -time jobs and not had much opportunity to become familiar with organisational culture, although obviously there are policies and processes in all workplaces which I have had to follow. This is something I would like to focus on during my placement year.

1st Meeting Date of Meeting: (15/10/2017) Self Rating Key: A Needs improvement | B Meets expectations | C Exceeds Expectations Transferable Competencies (e.g. problem-solving, initiative, judgement, analysis, teamwork, communication) Self Rating: (A) (Initiative, judgement) I have worked in 2 different teams. Because I am new, I have listened more than spoken as I don’t feel I can contribute much. However, I am surprised to see that the same issues we have in groups at University can occur in teams in the workplace if members have different approaches and personalities. Although I don’t feel able to fully contribute, I am gradually contributing more ideas and opinions and observe closely what is said and how other team members interact so that I can learn from this. Application of academic learning (i.e. transfer of subject-specific and wider learning to workplace practice) Self Rating: (B ) (data collection and data analysis and report writing)I produce a weekly summary report of viewers’ habits and behaviours utilising my data collection, data analysis and report writing skills developed during my studies. So far I only do basic data analysis, but am planning to go on a course so that I am able to provide more in depth analysis for both teams I work for. I am amazed that even in the specific field in which I am working, there is so much more to understand. I am slightly overwhelmed by the jargon but also excited by the prospect of knowing more about this field. In discussions I sometimes find that I would like to contribute more but my lack of knowledge prevents this. Professionalism (e.g. time management, resilience, positive attitude, adaptability, networking skills) Self Rating: (B) (Relationship building, positive attitude) I find relationships with some clients a bit difficult – I think they are concerned about someone young and inexperienced looking after their particular accounts. However, I have not let this knock my confidence, and have worked hard to develop trust and think I have done so more or less successfully. I was arriving late for work once or twice a week in my first month (which didn’t look good and my manager commented on this), so I changed my travel arrangements and am now always punctual both in getting to work and attending meetings . Organisational awareness (i.e. appreciation of organisational culture, policies and processes) Self Rating: (A) Working in such a large organisation has been quite a shock to the system. There are so many different parts to it and it is really difficult trying to understand who does what. Therefore, I have focused just on my department and trying to understand all the rules and regulations as they do things very differently to the university and the other part-time jobs I have had. I had to read lots of information about this in my first week, which was a bit like studying for an exam! I couldn’t remember that much of it as I was also being introduced to lots of new people at the same time, but I have learned that I don’t have to memorise everything, as the important thing is to know where this information can be found when I need it or who to ask. Health & Safety is hugely important here and I’m learning in a way that wouldn’t have been possible at University. Workplace Supervisor Feedback X is working in what is a new area to her, so she has a lot to learn. She has settled in generally well and is developing her knowledge further every day. It is apparent that, although she has a basic overall knowledge from her studies, she doesn’t have the specific knowledge required for what we do. The specific terminology used and the software we use for data analysis, for example, are different to that used at the University. However, she has been given regular supervision and direction as well as additional training and support from myself and other colleagues. The growth in confidence she is starting to experience will help with her contribution in the weekly team meetings. She has taken time to learn about our various clients, what they expect from her in his position, and how to go about gaining their trust. It’s not easy as most of them are at least twice her age. Time keeping was an issue early on, but she has taken effective steps to address it. Visiting Tutor Feedback We discussed how X might be able to get more training, on data analysis in particular, that would be useful for her weekly report writing. We also discussed the necessity to be professional and arrive to work on time in order to develop the trust and respect of colleagues - but I understand this has already improved. Offered some advice on how X might relate better to experienced people whose work she is involved with. Encouraged her to ask for their advice and show some humility. We also discussed the importance of punctuality in more general terms (meetings, etc). 1st Meeting - Development Plan (To be completed Post-Meeting)  To book additional data analysis training.  To seek out more opportunities where I can speak out and to feel more confident to offer my opinion/input when working on a team project. A new team project will be starting next month, so will make sure I contribute more actively to the discussion.  To carve out a specific time within a working week for reading, to further familiarise myself with the technical language and concepts and to contribute to the discussion in the next staff meeting.  Make sure I maintain my improved time keeping and stick with current travelling arrangement to work. Go out of my way to show professional respect when communicating with clients.

2nd Meeting Date of Meeting: Self Rating Key: A Needs improvement | B Meets expectations | C Exceeds Expectations Transferable Competencies (e.g. problem-solving, initiative, judgement, analysis, teamwork, communication) Self Rating: (B) (Judgement, problem-solving, analysis) I am starting to feel much more confident contributing my own ideas and solutions following the data analysis training I have undertaken. The training has really boosted my confidence in both using the software effectively and in forming my own judgements based on the analysis I have done. As a result, colleagues are now beginning to ask for my input on discussions they are having and this, in turn, is increasing my confidence in my own judgement and analytical skills. Application of academic learning (i.e. transfer of subject-specific and wider learning to workplace practice) Self Rating: (B) (Research, report-writing, presenting) I have set myself a target of doing at least one piece of background reading every other day in addition to my workload. I found this hard at first, but easier once I became more familiar with the terminology used at work. This has helped me in my work as I feel that I can now contribute more to discussions. I have created a glossary of terms used to help in this process as it is almost like a new language. I have to do a lot of research, assimilating a variety of data, establishing what is relevant and then presenting this to colleagues and clients. I am more comfortable doing this in the form of written reports than delivering PowerPoint presentations, but am challenging myself to do more of the latter to help boost my confidence. Professionalism (e.g. time management, resilience, positive attitude, adaptability, networking skills) Self Rating: (A – but improving) (Flexibility, positive attitude) I was reluctant at first to help with tasks outside my job description (had too much to do), but have become more flexible now that I’m managing my time better and feel more confident in stepping out of my comfort zone. I felt I was getting some unjustified criticism from my supervisor, but after deciding to treat this as a learning opportunity, I asked for a meeting to discuss it with her and now understand it was well intentioned and I am learning a lot from it. Organisational awareness (i.e. appreciation of organisational culture, policies and processes) Self Rating: (B) Stepping out of my comfort zone and taking on tasks beyond my job description have helped me better understand how my role fits in to the wider organisation. I have noticed that the way people operate in different departments can be quite different and the manager in charge of each area, as well as the size of the department, seems to make a big difference. It is helping me understand the kind of environment that I am most comfortable working in and where I can flourish. Workplace Supervisor Feedback X has stepped up a gear and it is good to see that her objective of doing more background reading and undertaking training has helped greatly. This has improved her confidence at work and she is now starting to make suggestions as to where her work could go next. She has worked hard to step out of her comfort zone and has had a real impact on one of her projects by sharing her ideas. Other team members have fed back to me about the positive change they have noticed. She needs to build on this progress by taking a more active and proactive role, taking the lead on some of the tasks. She’s also learning not to get defensive when offered constructive feedback on performance, realising that I’m just trying to get the best out of her. I was impressed by her taking the initiative to set up a meeting with me to better understand my feedback. She has, however, made a few mistakes without accepting full responsibility for them, and we’ve talked about how to do better in this area. Visiting Tutor Feedback X is developing well in terms of increasing her understanding of the field. Clearly good progress has been made with understanding what she needs to do to grow further and she is starting to put this into practice. Discussed how she might build on this to further boost her proactivity and confidence. Have also suggested she spends more time getting to understand the wider organisation, what role different departments play and how her own role fits into this. 2nd Meeting - Development Plan (To be completed Post-Meeting)  I have managed to develop my confidence since the 1st tutor meeting and contribute more to the meeting/project discussion, but need to develop this further and take the lead on some of the tasks.  Ask to go on team work/leadership training.  To make note of what has been said to me when I receive any constructive criticism. In my diary reflect on what was said and come back to my workplace supervisor after I have had time to think it through and discuss it in a constructive and professional manner.  Talk to colleagues in different areas across the organisation to better understand how my role fits into the bigger picture. Shadow colleagues in roles that particularly interest me/have the greatest bearing on my own role.

3rd Meeting Date of Meeting: Self Rating Key: A Needs improvement | B Meets expectations | C Exceeds Expectations Transferable Competencies (e.g. problem-solving, initiative, judgement, analysis, teamwork, communication) Self Rating: (B) (Analysis, problem-solving, initiative) Since the last meeting and over the duration of the placement I have become a regular contributor in our weekly team meetings, often suggesting my own ideas and solutions that come out of the data analysis that I have been responsible for. The feedback and reactions from my colleagues has reassured me that my input is valued a nd, when appropriate, my ideas and suggestions are taken on board by other (often more senior) colleagues. I will feel a lot more confident entering another professional environment after graduation and intend to be a more active contributor in the final year’s class discussions. Application of academic learning (i.e. transfer of subject-specific and wider learning to workplace practice) Self Rating: (B ) (Analysis, presenting) I finally feel like I am getting to grips with the specific terminology used here and this is giving me greater credibility and confidence when talking to colleagues and clients. I have found more opportunities to apply the knowledge gained in my studies to my work and feel more confident in presenting my analysis and ideas to others. In a couple of cases, I have specifically been asked to take the lead on these presentations and have subsequently become the main contact for queries about the project. Professionalism (e.g. time management, resilience, positive attitude, adaptability, networking skills) Self Rating: (C) (Communication, organisational skills, proactivity) A few of my recent reports have gone to the client with very few alterations, showing I have become more professional in my written English (had to do multiple redrafts at the start of the placement). Have alerted my supervisor to projects that are falling behind schedule, as I’ve taken more ownership of my work. I was asked to give a lunchtime talk/demonstration on the project I’m working on and this led to a suggestion for a final year project (with company help) when I go back to University. I have been more proactive, not only contributing more in meetings, but taking the lead on a number of tasks which colleagues seem to have appreciated. Organisational awareness (i.e. appreciation of organisational culture, policies and processes) Self Rating: (C) Towards the end of my placement I finally started to figure out how different style of management affects peoples’ performance and motivation and what works for me. I work best under quite a structured management style as I feel more comfortable with some direction rather than total autonomy – although initially I thought the latter approach might be the most appealing. The working culture here suits me as it combines a friendly and quite casual approach with the right amount of professionalism and guidance – including regular constructive feedback. I am confident that I am better equipped to utilise the feedback I will be receiving from my lecturers in the final year. Workplace Supervisor Feedback Over the duration of her placement, X has grown in her confidence a great deal and become a fully functioning and valuable member of the team. She started to regularly and comfortably contribute her ideas and suggestions in our team meetings and the feedback from all colleagues is that her ideas are generally constructive and demonstrate good understanding and insight. Although she has come a long way with regards to being able and open to receive feedback, she needs to continue to work on her ability to reflect and utilise it constructively without taking it too personally. She went out of her way to learn about different management styles and different areas of the organisation and I believe that has been extremely valuable for her potential future career. We have discussed her staying in touch after the placement and keeping up to date with the potential graduate opportunities that might be available once she finishes her degree. Visiting Tutor Feedback We have reviewed a number of points from X’s reflective diary, mainly about the utilisation of feedback and making most of it in the future. We also discussed the transferability of this skill into the final year. It is clear that X not only learnt a lot about the role and the professional environment, but also about her own preferences and her working style. Her increased confidence to communicate her own ideas and put her suggestions forward in a professional environment is also something that has been really evident and something that will be extremely valuable in the small group discussion and group projects next year and beyond. 3rd Meeting - Development Plan (To be completed Post-Meeting)  To continue my reflective diary and utilise my newly developed reflective abilities in the final year  To stay in touch with my colleagues and line manager and link with them on LinkedIn – to make sure I am aware of any graduate opportunities arising.  To make sure I understand and make the most of the feedback I receive on my work in the final year and make an appointment with the relevant lecturer if I need any further clarification....

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