Email appunti di inglese PDF

Title Email appunti di inglese
Course Lingua inglese B
Institution Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Pages 3
File Size 136.4 KB
File Type PDF
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1. OPENING AND CLOSING Opening I am writing with regard to your recent email. We regret to inform you that there are no rooms available for the nights you require Thanks so much for the wonderful present. It’s exactly the book that I wanted – how did you know? I’m really looking forward to reading it. Patricia, I’ve just read your email. I’m so sorry to hear about what happened Sorry, I can’t make it to your birthday party at Fishers restaurant, as I’m away on that day I’m mailing this via the “Contact us” link on your website. I’d like to know a few more details about the anti-virus software that’s listed on the site I am writing to reference to our order number GH67. The goods arrived this morning, but you only sent 200 pieces instead of the 300 we ordered Yes! Great! I’d love to come to the party I’ve just heard from Antonio about the Paris contract. It’s a fantastic news – you worked really hard on this and you deserve the success

Closing Should you need further information about room availability, we will be happy to see how things are Thanks again for the gift and give my regards to your family. You know you can count on me if you need any support. I’ll call you at the weekend to see how things are. Anyway, sorry again that I can’t come, but have a great time. I hope we can meet up soon. What about going to see that new Speilberg film? I look forward to receiving this information as soon as possible Please deal with this matter urgently. I expect a reply from you by tomorrow morning at the latest Anyway, thanks again for inviting me and I’m really looking forward to it. Do you want me to bring anything? It really is a great news and I’m sure that it’s only the beginning of our work in the French market

2. COMP MPLET LET LETAMENTO AMENTO DI E EMAIL MAIL 1) I’ve just RECEIVED your advertisement in Business Weekly for the seminar in Toulouse on the ‘internet as a marketing tool’ PLEASE send me details. Also, COULD you send me a list of hotels? Thank you for your HELP and I look forward to HEARING from you soon. REGARDS, Naomi Chandler Thank you for your email received today REG REGARDING ARDING our seminar in Toulouse. You will find full details in the where you can also make an on-line booking. If you REQUIRE/WANT/NEED more information, please don’t HESITATE to contact me.

ATTACHED pdf document. Alternatively, you can visit our website at

2) Bob – the management committee are meeting on 14 Feb and they’re going to discuss last year’s figures. I’D LIKE YOU TO PREPARE A REPORT FOR THE MEETING . Could you do it by the end of next week? I know it’s short notice. And I NEED YOU TO BE THERE in case there’s any question I can’t answer. Thanks, Lara. I’ll start the report right away and I’LL SEND IT TO YYOU OU in a day or two. 3) Alan- I know you’re very busy at the moment, but I need some help. I have a group of visitors from Hungary coming on Wednesday afternoon after lunch. Unfortunately, I can’t be back in the office. CAN I ASK YOU TO LOOK AFTER THEM until I get back?

OF COURSE, I’D BE PLE PLEASED ASED TO HELP. SHALL I SHOW THEM AROUND the building? LET ME KNOW IF THERE’S ANYTHING ELSE I can do. 4) -Please FIND attached my report. HOPE it’s not too late. LET me know if you have any questions -I’m ATTACHING/SENDING various forms for you to complete. Please pay special ATTEN ATTENTION TION to the expense claim form. I need them back BY 16 Feb at the latest -A AS agreed, I’m sending the pre-meeting notes. Let me know if there’s anything ELSE/MORE we can do from this END before we meet -Sorry, I FORG FORGOT OT to the send the attachment. HER ERE E it is. Please get BACK to me if you can’t open it. -I WOULD be grateful if you COULD complete the attached form. Please NOTE that I have changed my email address 5) Gunter – We need to meet to discuss the budget for next year. Could we meet ON/NEXT Friday IN the morning? Let me know if that would be convenient for you. Give my REGARDS to Kristina and Alex. NSTEAD D? I Susanna I’m AFRAID I can’t MAKE it next Friday – I’m AW AWAY AY/BUSY all day. WHAT about Monday 12th INSTEA should be ABLE to make a morning meeting, otherwise after 4pm WOULD be fine.

Gunter, yes – Monday morning is good for me too. I look forward to SEEING you then. Give me a CALL if you have ANY problems 6) Charles ARE WE STILL OKAY FOR TUE UESDAY SDAY? Please get back to me this morning If possible AS I NEED TO FINALIZE ARRANGEMENTS TODAY

Natalia Natalia, I’m sorry to ask this as such short notice, but CAN WE RESCHEDULE NEXT W WEEK EEK? I do apologize, but SOMETHING URGENT HAS COME . I’LL CIRCULATE THE AGENDA. Please, LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO M MAKE AKE SOME CHANGES 7) Here are the directions for how to COME to my house – print out this email. It’s not difficult to FIND , as you’re coming BY train. Come out of the station and TURN right. Carry ON down the road until you come to a church called St. Paul’s. You can’t MISS it. Be careful – it’s a very small street and people often go BY without noticing it. You’ll se my house AT the end of the street – It’s got a red door. Try and get here IN time for lunch. You can GIVE me a call if you get LOST . After lunch there’s a couple of things we could DO. EITHER we can look around Brighton or we can take my car and go for a walk in the COUNT COUNTRY RY. We don’t need to decide YET- we’ll just see how we’re FEELING at the time. It’s great that you’re coming down to STAY for a few days. I’m really LOOKING forward to it. Give my best REGAR EGARDS DS to your family. 8) Dear Ms. Dupuis I would be grateful if you could give me the following information: WHAT ARE YOUR U USUAL SUAL CHARGES FOR THIS KIND OF WORK? Are you available in early September? Also, some of our older software needs upgrading or replacing before we have the training and the original supplier has gone out of business. HOW DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD DEAL WITH THIS?

Dear Karl, thank you for your email. I attached a file with our current rates and a list of recent clients. In relation to your final point, WHY DON’T YOU send someone to the Software and Service Exhibition in Lyon next month? Best wishes, Cristine Cristine, thanks for the quickly reply. MY MAIN CONCERN AT THIS STAGE is the cost DO YOU THINK YOU COULD send me more details of your course programme? Karl, I attach a typical course programme for you. WE WOULD BE PREPARED to give you a discount of 10% if you paid half the total amount in advance. I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’RE SAYING about value for money (rapporto qualità-prezzo) Cristine, ok, I’M HAPPY WITH THAT FOR NOW . I LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING with you 9) Thank you for sending your current catalogue and price LIST last week. We are interested in purchasing 5,000 UNITS of product XB. However, there are one or two things we would like to clarify before going ahead with a FIRM ORDER. 1. Do you give any DISCOUNT ISCOUNTSS on an order of this SIZE? PREPARED CREDIT? Our normal TERMS of payment are 60 days after 2. Would you be to let us have the goods on CREDIT delivery, and we can of course supply a bank GUAR GUARANTEE ANTEE . 3. We can find no mention of delivery times in your documentation. We need these items by the end of October at the LATEST. If we can REACH an agreement on these matters, we are sure we can do more business with you in the future. We are a WE WELL LL-KNOWN company that has been on the market for over twenty years 10) Dear Mr. Bean Thank you for your email received.. In RELATION to discounts, we will be happy to let you have a discount of 5% on an order of this size. With REFERENCE to your request of credit, unfortunately, we are not able to offer 60 days credit to FIRST-TIME customers. I am sure we can find an acceptable COMPROMISE. Our CONTROL department will agree on 30 days with no prepayment necessary. Our normal PROCEDURE is to check all bank guarantees so we will be requiring FU FURTH RTH RTHER ER details if you decide to go ahead with your order We can supply the items directly from STOC STOCK K and the goods will leave our warehouse within 3 working days of a firm order. 10) I’m writing ON BE BEHALF HALF of Promotional Products in relation to your recent complaint. I was very concerned to learn about the problems you experienced and the UNFORTU UNFORTUNATE NATE behavior of our sales staff. PLEASE ACCEP ACCEPT T everything that happened and thank you for bringing it to my attention. YOU HAVE MY ASSURANCE that I will RESOLVE THE MATTER . We WILL send replacement items immediately at our expense and I will personally make sure that the order is correct. TO COMPENSATE we will also send you a credit note to be used against any items in our catalogue. Once again, I hope you will accept my apologies for the inconvenience caused....

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