Emily - Yasso Final Project PDF

Title Emily - Yasso Final Project
Course Advertising And Communications Strategy
Institution Pace University
Pages 13
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MAR 445 Corus Advertising and Communication Strategy Fall 2020...


Project Brief: PRODUCT: Yasso is a frozen Greek yogurt novelty bar available in 16 ice cream-centric flavors with bestsellers including Mint Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Fudge and Sea Salt Caramel. Check out yasso.com for more information on the product line. PRICE: Yasso is a premium price in the category. At $4.99 for four bars, they are more expensive than most other brands. Competitive set is divided between “diet” ice cream brands and the super-premium, not including store brand private labels and some regional players. Halo Top Arctic Zero Enlightened Skinny Cow Magnum Haagen Dazs Ben and Jerry’s PLACE: Yasso has a wide distribution in Walmart, Target, Ahold, Publix, Kroger, Whole Foods, Wegmans, Albertson’s, Meijer and is available in Club stores regionally including Sam’s. BJ’s and Costco. PROMOTION: Yasso launched its Boom Goes the Ice Cream campaign in 2017 with the tagline, “Less Cal, More Wow.” You can see some of these ads here: 15-sec spots can be found on our YouTube page 60-sec spot: https://we.tl/mHazZkD79M This ad ran in cinema. They also ran in radio, outdoor and digital channels with Buffalo and Hartford as test controlled media markets. Other national advertising vehicles this year included social advertising, display, Spotify and Buzzfeed with some geo-targeting driving to local retailers. TARGET AUDIENCE: The target audience is Millennials and Gen-Xers, the strivers. They’ve succeeded at achieving their goals; going to college, having a career and earning above-average incomes. They strive to live a healthy lifestyle which includes both healthy eating and staying active. They enjoy sports, both playing and watching and many of their physical activities are opportunities to socialize with friends and family. BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: Increase in-store sales by 30% MARKETING OBJECTIVE: Increase trial by 5MM and gain Share of Social (SOS) over Halo Top by increasing mentions. COMMUNICATIONS OBJECTIVE: Drive 50% aided awareness within the target. BUSINESS CHALLENGE: Yasso has low brand awareness in a crowded field where most competitors are making better-for-you health claims, plus the competition of legacy players in frozen with deep marketing budgets. Yasso needs to convince consumers that dessert isn’t about reaching the lowest calorie mark, but that taste matters first. Here is where Yasso beats the competition. With incredible flavors plus sensible nutrition – the best of both worlds.

Project Outline: items 1-7 due Thursday, April 2nd 1. Review the project brief to ensure that you are grounded in what your plan needs to accomplish.

This above Simmons run shows the relationship between millenials and the idea of being an “Extreme Ice Cream Lover.” We found that 12.2% of millenials identified as “Extreme Ice Cream Lovers.” As seen, there is only a small index, with millenials 10% more likely to be extreme ice cream lovers, however, 36.2% of “Extreme Ice Cream Lovers' ' were millennials proving that millennials were a good market to focus on when selling ice cream. However, to determine how to market specifically to this age group, we added in a further idea with the brand in mind.

Since, Yasso is considered a healthy option within the product category, we wanted to figure out how millennials felt when it came to being “Extreme Ice Cream Lovers” but also caring about their health choices. We compared their choices to the age cohorts

above and below them. That said, the second idea we looked at was whether or not individuals were actively seeking information about nutrition and healthy diet. In this study, we see that millenials’ index is 92%, close to average, when it comes to “actively seeking information about nutrition and healthy diet.” This combined with the age category’s likelihood of being “Extreme Ice Cream Lovers” leads us to believe a message about health would likely be perceived well by the target.


Create a target coding in Commspoint based on the target definition provided.

Audience description: (18-24) or (25-34) or (35-44) or (45-54) AND (Employed) or (Selfemployed) AND (Some college but no degree) or (Associate Degree) or (Bachelor’s Degree) or (Master’s Degree) or (Doctorate). Population size: 88,769,197. Percentage of total: 37.7%.

3. Based on the information provided in the demographic, media consumption and activity profiles, develop target insights, category insights and media insights. You may also decide to do some primary research

Media Insights As a media insight, we believe that the majority of our target audience’s media consumption is radio listening, online TV, and social media. This audience is spending about 2 to 4 hours with each medium on a typical weekday. However, social media usage within this category is high, with an index of 118, making millennials 18% more likely to use social media than the average.

Thus, social media is a strong medium to reach millennials. For example, the article, “ADVERTISING VALUE OF INSTAGRAM STORIES AND THE EFFECT ON MILLENNIALS ATTITUDE,” by Mahatmavidya Putu Arya and Yasa Ni Nyoman Kerti studied the idea of marketing to millennials using the Instagram stories tool. They found that advertisers could use the Instagram stories tool to connect to their target and further personalize the relationship between the consumer and the brand. Category Insight Our category insight is that ice cream is a timeless and convenient snack that people

have been enjoying for a long time. One may purchase ice cream out of habit, for a treat, or tradition. As seen in the following Simmons run, only 4.3% of millennials had eaten zero pints of ice cream within the last 30 days.

Target insight We believe the insight about our ice cream-loving target is that they want the satisfaction of eating their favorite frozen dessert without the consequence and guilt that comes from eating this typically unhealthy treat. 4. Map the consumer pathway and determine what points along the journey you need to impact to meet your challenge of convincing your target that Yasso is the best-frozen dessert on the market. The Consumer Pathway 1. Discover 2. Explore 3. Comparison 4. Evaluate 5. Purchase 6. Retention 7. Referrals If we need to convince our target that Yasso is the best-frozen dessert, we need to have an impact on the third step of the pathway: Comparison. During this step, the consumer is considering all brands of frozen yogurt, including Yasso and comparing each other. The comparison may include price, taste, ingredients, nutrient intake, availability. Our objective is to convince that Yasso is the best-frozen dessert among all the others, so we

need a clear and prominent message (low-calorie dessert and great taste) before this step occurs. Then, the consumer will consider this message during this step and will eliminate the other brands. If Yasso remains the only brand left at the end of this stage, we will meet our challenge of convincing our target that Yasso is the best-frozen dessert on the market and the consumer will buy Yasso. 5. Based on your decision regarding the consumer journey, determine the barriers and/or drivers that communications can address. Barriers are all of the reasons why consumers don’t buy your brand. ● They haven’t heard about it and they haven’t tasted it (lack of awareness/visibility). ● Price is higher than other brands (Premium pricing) Drivers make up all the reasons why consumers do engage with your brand. ● “Incredible flavors, sensible nutrition” ● “Decadent flavors made with the goodness of Greek yogurt” - We use rich and creamy Greek yogurt as the base for our products to deliver a deliciously satisfying and indulgent dessert that’s lower in calories (80-150 per serving) and packed with protein (5-7 grams per serving), made without highintensity sweeteners. ● ● ● Yasso as wide range of flavors to satisfy all tastes


Armed with this information, complete the brief section of Commspoint.

7. Determine your communications objective, messaging and strategy drivers. You have been given an awareness objective but based on your tactics and tasks, what other objectives have you set that should be measured? Our first communications objective for this campaign is to build awareness since Yasso is still unrecognized in the ice cream market. We have to reach consumers in the areas right where the product could be purchased so that we give our target the opportunity to consider our product. Our second objective is to provide information to demonstrate to our target that Yasso is the best-frozen dessert on the market. However, to complete the second task, we must exhibit effective reasoning as to why Yasso is the best. To do this, we can provide information about the ingredients or the technique we use to produce our dessert. This will help our target understand that our brand is health-conscious, good-tasting, naturally made, and readily available. Our message must be simple and highlight our three arguments. Our dessert is low in calories, has a great flavor, and made with natural ingredients. Our message must, therefore, be centered around these 3 points. Here is the idea of our message: "Yasso is the natural frozen dessert low in calories but rich in taste". Regarding the strategic drivers, Yasso can count on its branding, industry trends, and values. Yasso had built a successful brand image with a recognizable logo and a simplified packaging that everyone can see. In addition, industry trends have changed and are now more favorable for Yasso. In fact, consumers are now paying more attention to what is on their plates and are

starting to consume foods that are lower in calories and of natural origin. Yasso offers a product corresponding to these new eating habits. And finally, Yasso offers a community support program by funding sports initiatives so that more people get into sport and adopt a healthy lifestyle. The Yasso Game On foundation reinforces the image of food for athletes than in Yasso. In addition, the fact that the brand cares about communities gives it a better image on the part of consumers. 8. Select your media channels. Be inclusive but do not include channels you absolutely would not use.


Your total budget is $25MM for your national launch.

10. Once you have determined which channels you will use you will need to create an integrated paid, owned and earned strategy that will truly engage your target audience. Specifically outline at least three activation ideas. Paid media: any advertising space that you purchase and run your creative assets within. Owned media: any communications that are placed within channels that the brand owns. Earned media: any communication that is generated independently from the brand itself. Cost? Measure success? How does it incorporate into other ideas? Yasso retails for ~$4.50 -

Partner with Planet Fitness to give away free yasso bars to gym members at several of their gyms (product samples). How do we get member contact info for surveys/follow ups? - Partner with micro-influencers to sponsor a relay race/ice cream party ($75k) - Sponsor a sandcastle-building competition where people build sandcastles that incorporate Yasso ice cream bars in their design and the winner gets lifetime Yasso. ($10k) Lots of opportunity for content creation with these activations. This content can be used in tv ads, displayed in owned media. YouTube Advertising (Video pre-roll) - partner with Tongal to create a video ad ($5-10k) Ad is automatically played before other YouTube videos, which is best for driving traffic to an external website. Here we can reach people who intend to buy ice cream, activewear, sports equipment… ROI: Impressions, clicks, website views. TV advertising Family Guy - one of the most popular shows amongst M18-49, $132,467 for a 30-second spot as of 2016 (https://adage.com/article/news/tv-ad-pricing-chart/305899) Modern Family - 1.5 share in 19-49 demo, ~5M viewers, $224,571 for a 30-second spot as of 2016 (https://adage.com/article/news/tv-ad-pricing-chart/305899)

11. BE CREATIVE! How will you leverage each channel? How will each touchpoint work together to provide an integrated experience for the consumer? Make sure that the experience meets the strategic requirements you laid out above

ROI - survery, who is trying this, how many aware, brand lift,...

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